Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 39 Everyone flees when disaster strikes

While the Carlist rebels were being baptized by artillery fire, Primo was already cleaning up the Basque rebels in the La Rioja area.

As one of the administrative divisions of Spain, La Rioja has the lowest population in Spain.

However, La Rioja is still relatively famous throughout Spain because this area is rich in wine and is a famous wine-producing area in Spain.

Carlo's wine company currently has a total of five large-scale grape production vineyards, two of which are located in La Rioja, which shows how famous this area is in wine.

Thanks to the sparse population, it is very easy to eliminate the Basque rebels in La Rioja.

There are only a few population centers in the entire La Rioja region, and the Basque rebels' whereabouts in this area are quite conspicuous.

In just a few days, all the Basque rebels in La Rioja were wiped out.

At this time, Primo also received a report from the Zaragoza army.

After hearing the news that the branch troops encountered Catalan rebels in Zaragoza, Primo did not intend to change his battle plan and ordered the army to continue north to the Basque Country and Navarre.

Zaragoza's defenders numbered about 10,000 people, and with advanced artillery as fire support, it was no problem to stop the Carlos rebels.

Primo's mission was to quickly eliminate the Basque and Navarre rebels, and then go directly from the north of Zaragoza to Catalonia.

After the rebellion in Catalonia was suppressed, the Carlist rebels staying in Zaragoza naturally posed no threat.

A few dozen kilometers northwest of Logroño, the capital of La Rioja region, is Vitoria-Gastez, an important town in the south of the Basque region.

This is not only the base camp of the Basques, but also where the main force of the Basque rebels is located.

Primo still attached great importance to the attack on Vitoria-Gasteiz, and specifically ordered the army to rest for a day in Logroño before marching north to the Basque Country.

At this time, in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the Basque rebels were already panicking.

What all the rebel leaders did not expect was that the government troops did not hesitate to go north to the Basque Country instead of pacifying Catalonia first.

The idea of ​​the Basques is to threaten the government and fight for autonomy and more local power for the Basques when the Carlist rebels and government forces are fighting.

But now the government troops are clearly heading towards the Basques, which is not at all expected by the Basques.

"Enrique, is this what you said we can take the opportunity to fight for the autonomy of the Basque Country?" Matisse Anhatol, the main leader of the Basque rebels, looked angry at the moment and stared at the Basque Country. District Senator Enrique.

"It's not my fault, Mattis." Senator Enrique spread his hands and said with a hint of helplessness: "Who would have thought that Primo would come directly to us?

Logically speaking, shouldn't he go to the Catalan army, which has a larger army? "

Although Matisse Anhator also understood that all this was because of Primo's unreasonable behavior, the loss of the Basque army still made him very painful.

You know, there are only so many Basques.

Every loss of a Basque soldier is a heavy blow to the Basques, whose current total number is only a few hundred thousand.

"Is there any good way to end this war? Damn it, when did the government forces become so powerful? When did they buy so many artillery pieces?" Matisse Anhatol at this time My head was full of question marks, and I couldn't figure out why the Spanish army became so powerful in such a short period of time.

"There are two ways to end this war." Senator Anric thought for a moment, and then slowly said: "The first way is to surrender directly to Primo."

"What? Surrender?" Matisse Anhator looked at Enrique in disbelief and asked: "Do you think Primo will let us go? He has long wanted to eradicate us and the Catalans. , He will never let this opportunity go, absolutely not."

"Then what else can we do? General," Enric asked calmly.

"Tell me about your other plan." Matisse Anhatol was silent for a moment, and in the end he could only remain silent.

The strength gap between the Basque rebels and the Spanish government forces is like a falling sky. It is completely impossible to defeat the Spanish government forces alone. There is no hope.

"Another way is to wait for the Catalans to go around from Valencia to Madrid." Enrique said: "As long as Madrid can be breached, the Spanish army we are facing will have nothing to fear.

But it is very difficult to go around from Valencia to Madrid, and I don’t think this Catalan army can do it now, unless God is willing to help them. "

"Where are the Catalan troops now? Are they still in Zaragoza?" Matisse Anhator did not have any trust in his partners. They were blocked by a small force of government troops in Zaragoza. Zaragoza, this is a big joke!

"That seems to be the case, General." Enric shrugged and said helplessly.

"Damn it, these Catalans don't want to cooperate with us at all. In other words, they are simply not strong enough to threaten the government forces.

God bless, let these damned Catalans go to hell, they deceived the Basques, they are using us! "The seemingly reliable Catalans are actually not reliable at all, and Carlos VII's wisdom and bravery seem more like self-entertainment.

"General, I suggest waiting for another three days. If the Catalans cannot break through Zaragoza within three days, we will have to surrender to Primo." Senator Enrique made his proposal.

"It seems that this is the only way now. Senator Enrique, the news from Catalonia depends on you. If there are any changes, please tell me in time. "Mattis Anhartoer nodded and could only make a helpless choice.

"Yes, General. "Senator Enrique nodded, looking like he was devoted to the Basques.

Later, in the Spanish army.

"Marshal, the cavalry caught this guy while patrolling outside. He claimed to be a subordinate of Senator Enrique of the Basque Region and had something to say to you.

I have checked and found that this guy did not hide any weapons except a letter. "The commander of the cavalry division under Primo brought a Basque dressed as a civilian and walked up to Primo.

Second update, please support!

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