Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 40: Human heart is hard to predict

Primo only nodded slightly when he heard his subordinate's report, without saying anything.

His eyes looked at the man playfully, until he was stared at by Primo and felt panicked.

"Prime Minister Primo, Senator Anrique asked me to come and report important information to you." After swallowing and calming down a little, the man spoke slowly.

"Oh? What important information is this?" How could these guys hide their thoughts from Primo? There must be someone with ulterior motives within the Basque rebels who wants to clear up the relationship before the Basque rebels are wiped out. .

"Senator Enrique apologizes for the Basque situation. But please believe that Senator Anrique has absolutely no intention of betraying Spain.

It was the leader of the rebels, Matisse Anhatol, who used force to threaten the MPs to support him, which created the Basque rebellion.

But Senator Anrique has always been loyal to His Majesty and Spain. He is willing to provide you, the Prime Minister, with information on all the Basque troops, and is waiting for the arrival of the government's counterinsurgency troops.

This is a letter handwritten by Mr. Congressman. Please read it. "

Primo looked at the man with a smile, then took the letter and glanced at it roughly.

"Oh, Senator Anric is really loyal to the kingdom!" Prime Minister Primo chuckled, seeming to have forgiven the traitor who betrayed the country: "

You go back and tell Senator Anrique that His Majesty had already ordered before I came to leave the ordinary people in the Basque and Catalan rebellions alone.

If Senator Anrique can take the initiative to report the enemy's situation, His Majesty will definitely not pursue him. "

Carlo did say something about pardoning Basque and Catalan civilians in the rebellion, most of whom were brainwashed and forced into the rebels.

And Primo was right. What does Carlo's pardon have to do with Primo?

Although Primo is also a Catalan, what Primo wants is the strength of Spain as a whole.

For the rebels like Enrique who harmed the unity of Spain, the best way is to send them to see God.

Primo, who is a soldier, will not show any mercy. Since the traitors have the courage to launch a rebellion, they must be prepared for the liquidation after the rebellion.

"Thank God, Prime Minister, I will convey your words to the Congressman, and wish you an early resolution of the rebellion in Catalonia." After receiving the reply from Primo that he was willing to pardon, Congressman Anrique's subordinates were obviously relieved. Take a breath.

He looked at Primo with fear and gratitude in his eyes, as if he was celebrating that he could continue to show off his power with the distinguished councilor.

After sending away the troublesome guy, a smile appeared on Primo's face again, he called a few generals, and said in a good mood: "Let's go, generals.

The Basques are divided and it's time to send all these rebels to God. "

Enrique's letter to Primo not only contains the specific location and size of the Vitoria-Gasteis rebels, but also a seemingly detailed list of the top rebels.

In order to clear himself from suspicion, Enrique took great pains.

Of course, this list is not that pure.

There are indeed many high-ranking rebels inside, but there are also Enrique's rivals for the Basque Country Senate and some people who don't like him.

Enrique's plan is also very simple, that is, to provide this list to get rid of his charges, and to take the opportunity to eliminate dissidents.

A list that is 80% true and 20% false cannot be judged at all, unless Primo interrogates everyone on the list and compiles all the intelligence.

But as Prime Minister of Spain, does Primo really have time to screen the list?

Even if Primo finally discovered something was wrong with the list, Enrique would have enough reasons to excuse himself.

After all, he was forced to join the Basque rebels. The rebels were somewhat wary of him, so it was reasonable to deliberately make him think that more people were among the rebels, right?

Unfortunately, Enric would never have imagined that Primo never chose to forgive him from the beginning. For an officer-turned-politician, he has already managed to remain cold-blooded towards everyone.

Primo breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the population of the Basque Country is small, the importance of the two cities in the north and south of the Basque Country is still high.

Victoria in the south is the core of the Basque region. If a large number of Basque casualties are caused during the attack, it will undoubtedly accelerate the separation between the Basques and Spain.

Bilbao in the north is one of the few industrial cities in Spain and has a very important steel industry.

Destroying Bilbao's factories would be catastrophic for Spain's already fragile industry.

Now with the information on the deployment and size of the Basque rebels proactively provided by Anrique, Primo can also calmly deal with the remaining Basque rebels and protect the civilians in Victoria and Bilbao as much as possible. The impact of this war.

As for whether the situation of the Basque rebels provided by Enrique was true, Primo was still willing to believe it.

After all, Enrique really needs a letter of surrender at this time to prove his guilt. If even the situation of the Basque rebels is false, wouldn't this mean that Enrique has directly become a two-way situation?

The leader of the Basque rebels, Matisse Anhator, did not know at this time that after experiencing the betrayal of the Catalans, he had also experienced the betrayal of Enrique.

After all, the two of them planned the rebellion together. Matisse Anhatoor felt that he and Senator Enrique were in a state of prosperity and decline.

If the rebellion failed, the fate of both of them would not be good, and Enrique should not have any reason to betray him.

It can only be said that Matisse Anhatoor underestimated human nature, and even more underestimated the bottom line of Senators like Enrique when facing their own life safety and interests.

Within a few days, the Spanish army arrived at the small mountain range south of Victoria in a mighty manner.

It is not far from Victoria, so it is just right to take a short rest and prepare for the construction of artillery positions.

Primo's plan is to create chaos in Victoria before the Basques react, and then the army will force its way into Victoria to control the situation.

Because the specific location of the rebels is already clear, as long as the Spanish army successfully enters the city of Victoria, these rebels will have nowhere to escape.

Things will be simple from now on. Military control of Victoria City, then a large-scale arrest of the rebels' top leaders, and announce the pardon of all Basque civilians.

As long as we ensure that the Basque civilians will not start riots again, those rebel leaders who have been on the big list will not be able to cause any trouble.

First update, please support!

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