Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 92: The Vision of University (Please subscribe!)

Looking at the demonstration device of the generator and motor made by himself, Gram couldn't help but shed tears.

As an explorer in the power industry, Gram devoted his life to the experiment of electricity, and he always thought that his power research could be fruitful.

The results are already there, but they were born because of Carlo's words, which also made Gram feel a lot.

"Your Majesty, you are a real hero in the power industry. If electricity is fortunate enough to be adopted by countries all over the world, you will play a vital role in the progress of mankind and the development of the world." Gram said to Carlo with some emotion.

"No, this is not my credit." Carlo shook his head and gave the credit to Gram and a group of power researchers: "This is the result of your hard work. I just provided an idea.

If you hadn't studied the power industry for a long time and made a generator that can be used for experiments, my idea would be just an idea after all.

Mr. Gram, all the researchers who participated in this experiment, you are the heroes of human progress.

In order to celebrate the new results of the power experiment, I will prepare a celebration banquet for you, and each of you will get a check from the Royal Bank.

Gentlemen, please keep working hard. I will not treat your credit unfairly, and Spain will not forget your contribution!"

Carlo's speech won the favor of everyone in the laboratory. Apart from anything else, the numbers on the check represent real money, and even these experimenters whose salaries have been greatly increased are reluctant to refuse.

What's more, they have no reason to refuse. Carlo has already put all the credit on their heads, and they have also become heroes of Spain.

For these experimenters, Carlo still took the method of winning people's hearts.

After all, they came all the way from France to Spain, and Carlo would not treat these researchers who were willing to join Spanish nationality unfairly.

After encouraging the researchers in the power laboratory again, Carlo walked out of the power laboratory with great satisfaction and went to the engine research room next door to see the progress.

Anyway, since he had already come to the experimental area for inspection, he might as well take a look at both laboratories, and just in time to see the progress of Benz's experiments on the engine.

The engine laboratory was much quieter than the power laboratory. After all, all the employees added up were less than one-sixth of the employees there.

However, Benz, Daimler and Maybach, who worked in the engine laboratory, were all well-known figures in the future, and Carlo's expectations for the engine laboratory were not much less than those for the power laboratory.

After all, the use of engines is also quite extensive. In addition to more common means of transportation such as airplanes and cars, they can also be used in agricultural machinery such as tractors and military weapons such as fighter jets and tanks.

If the engine is well studied, it will be of great help to both civilian and military fields in the future. Although Carlo did not expect Benz and his team to develop any particularly powerful engines, as long as they could maintain a certain lead in the current engine research field of various countries in the world, or remain in the top three, Carlo's expectations would be met.

Anyway, there will be more talents in the engine field in the future, and it will not be too late to win them over one by one.

The current engine is just in its infancy, just like electricity. Even famous engine developers like Diesel are only in their teens.

Going straight to the engine laboratory, Benz and his team quickly noticed Carlo.

"Your Majesty!" Several people saluted one after another, and the surprise on their faces could not be hidden.

"The power laboratory has achieved results, I will take a look at your research by the way." Carlo said with a smile.

Hearing Carlo say this, Benz and others immediately felt a sense of urgency. The power laboratory and the engine laboratory were built at the same time, and they and Gram and others came to Spain only a few days apart.

But in these few days, the power laboratory has achieved results, and it is still enough to alarm Carlo.

And their engine laboratory is still in the intense research and design, and it is obviously far behind the power laboratory.

"Your Majesty, our four-stroke engine is already in the process of design and experimentation. It is expected that relevant finished products will enter the experiment within two years, and relatively complete four-stroke engines will begin testing within five years." Benz hurriedly reported the progress of the engine laboratory.

"Four-stroke engine?" Carlo asked.

"Yes, the four-stroke engine will consist of four piston strokes, namely the intake stroke, compression stroke, power stroke and exhaust stroke.

In our imagination, if such a four-stroke engine can be realized, the thermal efficiency will increase from 11% of the atmospheric pressure engine to more than 13%, and it can effectively reduce the mass and volume of the engine.

If such an engine can be realized, perhaps we can explore related vehicle improvements based on such an engine." Daimler continued to introduce.

Speaking of four-stroke engines, this is a research that Daimler and Maybach have already started in Germany.

The so-called thermal efficiency is also easy to understand. It can be regarded as the ratio of the power output of the engine to the fuel input.

The thermal efficiency of the common atmospheric pressure engine is only 11%, which means that about 89% of the fuel will be wasted, which is quite exaggerated.

Another problem is that the size of the atmospheric pressure engine is not suitable for installation on a carriage for vehicle modification.

If an atmospheric pressure engine is used, the size of the manufactured vehicle is too large. Because of the large size, the vehicle not only looks bulky, but also moves very bulky.

Such a bulky vehicle is not as good as a carriage, which is why a large number of factories are exploring engine improvements.

The engine is the heart of a vehicle, and its level of advancement is also related to the level of advancement of the vehicle. If there is any problem with the engine, it is like a heart disease, which is fatal to the vehicle.

Carlo nodded, but was somewhat dissatisfied with the progress of the engine research room.

It took two years for the finished product to enter the experiment, and five years for the perfect experimental product to be tested. Doesn't this mean that it will take at least five years for the four-stroke engine to be perfected and put into use?

"Isn't this time too long? Can we compress the time a little bit and see the finished product of the four-stroke engine earlier?" Carlo frowned and asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Your Majesty, it's not that we don't want to compress the time. It's just that the laboratory is seriously short of manpower. Most of the design and testing need to be done by us, and at least half of the entire R\u0026D cycle is wasted.

If there are enough manpower available, I am confident that within three years, Your Majesty can see the finished product of the four-stroke engine, and it is a product that has been tested, stable and applicable." Daimler said helplessly.

If it was in the previous German company, although they were also responsible for specific R\u0026D, at least there were enough available manpower.

Unlike now in Spain, although the specific treatment is indeed nothing to say, there are too few people available.

The dozen or twenty people that Carlo tried his best to put together really know too little about engines, and they still need some time to learn and grow.

During this period, the research on four-stroke engines was almost all done by Benz and the other three people.

It is very difficult for three people to develop a perfect four-stroke engine, not to mention compressing the time cost, which is even more difficult.

Carlo nodded, and he also knew the problem of insufficient manpower in the engine laboratory.

"As for manpower, I will find a way to solve it. At least within two years, the number of people in the engine laboratory will be increased to more than 100. I will also invite technical experts in the field of engines from all over Europe to strive for our four-stroke engine to be available earlier." Carlo comforted.

Although the engine field is still in its infancy, it does not mean that there will be fewer talents related to engines around the world.

Apart from anything else, hundreds of related talents can still be attracted through quite generous immigration conditions, but the quality is definitely not as high as that of Benz and the other three.

However, the current engine laboratory does not really need high ability. It is enough to have an upper-middle level to help.

Benz and the other three have been tested in history. They are not top talents in the field of automobiles and engines, but they are definitely excellent talents.

Moreover, the four-stroke engine was originally studied by them, but it was only at Otto. Now that they have come to Spain, with Carlo's stronger support, I believe they will develop a four-stroke engine earlier than the original world, and manufacture experimental vehicles based on the developed engine.

Benz and others were relieved when they heard Carlo promised to increase the number of researchers in the engine laboratory to more than 100 within two years.

Some experiments cannot be done with just such a small number of people. With brainstorming, the feasibility of the experiment will be greatly increased.

Thinking of this, Carlo couldn't help but have a headache.

Now it seems that there is a big gap between Spain and Italy.

Although Italy's overall level is not very good, the industry and economy of northern Italy are relatively good, and the Kingdom of Sardinia originally attached great importance to the cultivation of talents.

Although Italy does not have as rich talent reserves as Britain, France and Germany, it has enough talents of middle and upper levels.

Spain has fallen far behind in this regard. Spain is not only short of top talents, but also the backbone talents in the laboratory are very scarce.

There are not many physics and chemistry majors in Spanish universities, and most of them are just for show. It is difficult to cultivate good enough physics and chemistry talents.

After leaving the experimental area, Carlo went straight to the palace.

In order to improve the situation of lack of talents in Spain, Carlo decided to build a university dedicated to cultivating physics and chemistry talents.

Carlo has already thought of the name of the university, which is the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry. Just by listening to the name, you can tell what the focus of the university is.

In order to express his importance to this university specializing in physics and chemistry, Carlo decided that all the outstanding physics and chemistry talents absorbed by Spain in the future will teach at this university, and strive to cultivate more potential new stars in physics and chemistry for Spain.

After telling Butler Loren about this idea, Butler Loren also agreed and gave his own reasons: "I think it is necessary to build such a university, Your Majesty.

With the word "Royal", it can also let the outstanding graduates trained by this university understand who they should work for and serve."

"Do we have enough funds? If we want to build such a university, when can we start recruiting students at the earliest?" Carlo nodded, and became more determined in his idea of ​​building a university.

However, it still takes a long time for a university to grow from scratch. Whether it is school facilities, especially the construction of laboratories for experiments or the purchase of teaching materials, the introduction of some well-known university teachers and professors is very important.

Without good teachers, it would be difficult for such a university to produce outstanding graduates. If you want to attract sufficiently good physicists and chemists from all over the world, funds are indispensable, and you even have to promise some additional conditions.

"It should be no problem." Butler Luo Lun nodded. He still knew how much money the royal family currently has: "If you want to build a university from scratch, it is estimated that it will take at least three years to open enrollment.

However, if we renovate a more suitable building and only build relevant laboratories, we should be able to shorten a certain amount of time and cost.

But if you want to build a university that can continuously cultivate talents, it is essential to devote a certain amount of time.

I estimate that the construction of the university will take at least 2 to 3 years, and the total funds we need to pay will start at least 10 million pesetas. "Butler Lauren replied.

Carlo nodded, not surprised by the huge amount of money.

In fact, building a university itself does not cost much. The biggest costs are building laboratories and purchasing teaching materials and experimental equipment.

The biggest expense is to bring in university teachers and professors so that they can willingly train enough outstanding talents for Spain.

However, as long as the college develops and gains a certain reputation internationally, more people will be attracted to apply for the college.

Even if it cannot maintain a balance of payments, it is still very important to have such a university that can continuously cultivate outstanding talents.

It's not that Carlo doesn't trust those universities in Spain, the problem is that their own majors don't have much effect on Spain.

Several universities are famous for literature and art. Why does Spain need so many people engaged in literature and art now?

In current universities, physics and chemistry are the top priorities, and medical aspects are also very important. The next step is to engage in education, which can train more excellent teachers, and in turn train more students to apply for universities in Spain.

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