Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 93: Principal Selection (Please subscribe!)

Butler Loren also saw Carlo's expectations and urgency for the construction of the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry.

After receiving the order from Carlo, Butler Loren immediately began to plan the site selection of the school and carried out some preliminary preparations.

The Royal School of Physics and Chemistry must be built around Madrid, and the site selection was naturally set on the outskirts of Madrid.

The good news is that there was a place on the outskirts of Madrid where a private university was once built, but it eventually closed down. The buildings here can still be used after repairs, and only some more laboratories need to be built to basically meet the initial use of a university.

Although Carlo has high expectations for the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry, he did not expect it to become a world-renowned science university in the first few years of the school's construction.

Carlo's expectation is that within five years, the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry can stably train more than 500 physics and chemistry-related talents every year.

With the accumulation of small amounts, Spain can still make up for a large gap in talent reserves, at least some research is not as short of people as it is now.

After handing over the construction of the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry to Butler Loren, Carlo focused on how to select a suitable dean for the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry.

Although it is a school of physics and chemistry, it does not mean that the dean of the school must be proficient in physics and chemistry.

After all, teaching knowledge is what university teachers and professors should do. The president of the university should take into account the development of the school and think about how to cultivate more talents for Carlo and Spain.

Considering that Butler Loren is busy, Carlo handed the task of selecting a suitable candidate for the dean of the school in Spain to Cardil.

Cardil did not live up to Carlo's trust. After a week of investigation, he submitted a specific list of candidates to Carlo.

"Jose Echegaray?" Carlo looked at the name on the list and seemed to have some impression, but he seemed to be unable to remember it.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Mr. Echegaray was born in Madrid and has Basque ancestry. He currently works at the Madrid Academy of Precision Sciences and has published "The Theory of the Physical Unification of Current Material Forces" and "Analytical Geometry Problems". His teaching ability is outstanding in Spain." Cardil explained.

Carlo nodded and looked at the detailed information about Echegaray.

From the current investigation results, although Echegaray is of Basque descent, he was born in Madrid and is more supportive of the rule of the Spanish royal government.

From this point of view alone, Echegaray already has certain advantages. Appointing him as the dean of the college can also make the Basques understand that Carlo himself has the same attitude towards the Spanish and the Basques, and the Spanish will not reject the existence of the Basques.

Looking at it, Carlo finally remembered who Echegaray is. Echegaray is still quite famous in Spain. He is one of the few Nobel Prize winners in Spain and the first person to win the Nobel Prize in Spain.

But the problem is that in Carlo's memory, all the Nobel Prize winners in Spain have nothing to do with physics and chemistry. Echegaray seems to have won the award in literature.

Isn't it a bit strange for a literary talent to serve as the dean of the School of Physics and Chemistry?

"Jose Echegaray?" Carlo asked in surprise, "If I remember correctly, he seemed to be the director of public works during the interim government period, right?

Are you sure he is more suitable to be the dean of the Royal Institute of Physics and Chemistry?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Kadir explained quickly, "Although Echegaray often writes for The Economist, La Verdad, and even our El Sol de España, his major in university is indeed mathematics.

I can only say that Mr. Echegaray's interest in literature is no less than his achievements in mathematics, but he is indeed more famous for mathematics and municipal engineering so far."

Carlo nodded, which was considered to dispel his surprise.

If Echegaray is a mathematics major, then it is not surprising that he is the dean of the School of Physics and Chemistry. After all, subjects such as mathematics are closely related to physics and chemistry, and mathematics, physics and chemistry are inseparable to a certain extent.

After dispelling his surprise, Carlo couldn't help but admire Echegaray. Being able to achieve great success in mathematics, public works and literature at the same time, in the future, at least he is at the level of being good at both arts and science.

Although he did not win any important awards in mathematics, his mathematics teaching career is also well-known in Spain.

And his interest in literature has won him the Nobel Prize in Literature, which is one of the highest awards in the field of later studies.

It is not an exaggeration to praise him for being good at both arts and science. Considering that he has served as Minister of Trade, Minister of Finance and Minister of Public Education in history, Echegaray is one of the few all-round talents in Spain.

Looking at Echegaray and then looking at the other candidates on the list, the gap can already be seen.

Spain does not have any top talents in physics and chemistry now, and there are even fewer people who are suitable to be the dean of the School of Physics and Chemistry.

Among the many candidates, Echegaray is indeed a more suitable candidate in terms of resume and personal ability.

Rubbing his brows, Carlo finally made a decision: "The candidate for the dean of the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry is tentatively decided to be Echegaray. Let him come to see me tomorrow.

The construction of the college will be completed as early as next year, and I hope that the establishment of the college can also be carried out earlier. It is related to the key talent training work in Spain, and the sooner the college is established, the better. "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Kadir nodded and went to inform Echegaray.

Speaking of which, Echegaray's life has also changed a little because of Carlo's interference.

Historically, Echegaray should have served as a minister of the Spanish government during this period, but now because Prime Minister Primo has not been assassinated, the Spanish government has not changed much compared to before. Echegaray has not been involved in officialdom much except for serving as the director of public works during the interim government.

Although the dean of the Royal Academy of Physics and Chemistry to be established has no administrative level, it does not mean that the influence is not high.

If you can gain Carlo's trust and complete your term as dean of the college, you will certainly have the opportunity to enter the political arena.

And the talents trained by the Royal Academy of Physics and Chemistry are more likely to enter the Royal Academy of Sciences, and even be awarded a title through their own scientific research.

If that day really comes, the Royal Academy of Physics and Chemistry will be established. The influence of the dean of the School of Chemistry will increase, and it will be easier to enter the political arena.

Early the next morning, Echegaray came to the palace and asked to see Carlo.

Carlo had just gotten up and washed up with the help of the maid when he heard the guards report that Echegaray had been waiting for a long time.

Carlo was a little amused by Echegaray's early arrival, so he decided to invite Echegaray to have breakfast together and discuss the future development of the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry.

When he was led by the guards to Carlo's favorite small restaurant, Echegaray felt a little uneasy.

Although he was born in Madrid and has made considerable achievements in his teaching career, it was the first time he was invited by the king to have breakfast.

Not to mention having breakfast together, it was even the first time he met the king in private. Although he is quite supportive of the Spanish government, Queen Isabel is not interested in an academic.

"Your Majesty! "The moment he saw Carlo, Echegaray performed a standard Spanish etiquette to Carlo and greeted him nervously.

"Good morning, Mr. Echegaray." Carlo nodded and motioned Echegaray to sit down and talk.

As a supporter of the Spanish government, Echegaray was nervous and expectant to meet the king. After feeling Carlo's kindness and close attitude, Echegaray couldn't help but relax a little, and the whole person was not so nervous.

"Mr. Echegaray, has Kadir told you my decision?" Carlo asked with a smile.

Faced with talents who can be used by him, Carlo is still quite willing to respond with a kind attitude.

For Carlo, the identity of the king is the best trump card for him to attract talents. A king shows a kind and close attitude, not to mention those talents who were born in a monarchy, even those who have been bathed in the concept of the republic since childhood, it is impossible not to be moved.

"Mr. Kadir has already said it, Your Majesty. It is my honor to serve as the president of the Royal Academy of Physics and Chemistry. I will do my best to build the Royal Academy of Physics and Chemistry and live up to your Majesty's trust. "Echegaray nodded, very grateful and honored.

Ordinary physics and chemistry colleges are not so attractive to Echegaray. But if the word "royal" is added, the attraction to Echegaray will rise sharply.

Serving as the president of the Royal Academy of Physics and Chemistry is not only a resume, but also allows Echegaray to enter Carlo's sight.

If the president of the college does a good job, there may be further possibilities in the future. Although the Spanish cabinet is appointed by the prime minister, and the prime minister is elected from the House of Representatives.

But for Carlo, the king of Spain, if he wants to promote someone, it is not difficult to let him enter politics.

"Mr. Echegaray, do you have any plans for the construction of the Royal Academy of Physics and Chemistry? "Carlo nodded and smiled as he gave his own test.

Although being the dean of the Royal Institute of Physical Chemistry does not require too much top-notch knowledge, he must at least be proficient in the operation of an institute and know what Carlo's purpose is.

Comparing the Institute of Physical Chemistry to a company, the dean, as the manager of the company, must have a reasonable development plan for the entire company and satisfy the shareholders behind the company, Carlo's plan for the company's development.

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