Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 94 Talks (Subscribe please!)

"What are the plans for the future development of the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry?" Echegaray did not rush to answer Carlo's question. Instead, he thought carefully in his mind and organized his words before answering: "Your Majesty's purpose in establishing the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry should be based on Spain's thirst for physical and chemical talents.

The physics and chemistry majors in Spanish universities are not highly valued, which has also led to a lack of outstanding graduates in physics and chemistry in Spain.

I have three considerations for the future development plan of the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry.

First, we should hire as many outstanding professors and experts in physics and chemistry as possible from all over Europe, and use their professional knowledge to train more outstanding graduates for us.

Second, the educational situation in Spain is destined to limit the future source of students for our school. I think the scale of the college should not be large, at least until the educational situation in Spain improves.

I suggest that the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry be increased every year. The enrollment quota is limited to about 400 people. Although 400 places are not many, if we focus on training these 400 people, perhaps the level of graduates of the Royal Institute of Physics and Chemistry will be higher than that of ordinary universities.

After the education situation in Spain improves, it will not be too late to increase the number of annual enrollments in stages so that Spain has more talents.

The third point is to provide certain subsidies and attention to the students of the college.

In fact, it is not just Spain. In many countries and universities, students cannot afford tuition and are forced to drop out.

Once this happens, we are likely to miss a potential physical and chemical scientist. It is better to directly subsidize students in the college and reduce their tuition fees to ensure that talented students can be better trained. "

After listening to Echegaray's opinions, Carlo was more satisfied with his appointment as the dean of the Royal Institute of Physics and Chemistry.

Today's universities are not like the universities of the future. They cover a terrifyingly large area and graduate countless graduates every year.

Today's universities tend to be small-scale. The average number of students enrolled in Spanish universities is about 200-500 per year. There are even few universities in the world with an annual enrollment of more than 1,000.

Why is Carlo so eager and looking forward to training college students? Because a university diploma in this era is almost the top degree.

Let alone a university diploma, a primary school diploma is considered an educated cultural person in Spain, and a secondary school diploma is a group that some factories and companies give priority to recruiting.

As for university graduates, they generally have no worries about finding a job. Including Echegaray himself, current college students can choose to stay in school as professors after graduating from college, continue to engage in research related to their majors, or find a higher-paying job. It is still easy to become a member of the middle class.

As for the reason why there are so few college students, for countries with a relatively high level of education, the high tuition fees of universities are the main reason.

For countries with a relatively low level of education such as Spain, in addition to the high tuition fees of universities, there is another reason that most people are illiterate or have a primary school diploma. Do you expect these illiterate people with primary school diplomas to apply for university?

The fact that the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry will initially limit the number of students to 400 is actually not much different from the 500 that Carlo is considering, which is also what Carlo is quite satisfied with.

If Echegaray boasted that the number of students would be thousands, Carlo would be suspicious and questioning.

It is the best choice for the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry to limit the number of students to less than 500. For a university that is still under construction, too many students are an additional burden.

Carlo wants talents in physical chemistry who have graduated from university with rich knowledge reserves and certain hands-on skills, rather than college students with only academic qualifications.

Having rich knowledge reserves and hands-on skills is the most important thing. As for the academic qualifications of college students, they are just an add-on to studying at university.

"Very good." Carlo nodded with satisfaction, and said to Echegaray with a smile: "From now on, you are the dean of the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry. I hope that under your leadership, this school can become the highest institution of physics and chemistry in Spain and a holy place for physics and chemistry talents in the whole of Europe.

In the construction of the school, if there are any funding-related issues, you can apply for higher funds with Butler Loren. I look forward to the results of the school's construction, and I also look forward to the heights that the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry can reach under your leadership."

"It's my honor, Your Majesty." Echegaray stood up and said with honor and excitement: "I will never let you down. The Royal School of Physics and Chemistry will become the cradle of Spanish scientists and provide you with a steady stream of scientific talents."

A pleasant meeting ended just like that. After enjoying a not luxurious but very rich breakfast in Carlo's private restaurant, Echegaray said goodbye to Carlo and went back to prepare for the construction of the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry.

After all, it is a brand new university, and it is more difficult to be the dean of the Royal School of Physics and Chemistry than the president of other universities.

But there are many benefits. If the task is completed well and Carlo's trust is gained, there will be more rewards for Echegaray.

Not long after Echegaray left, Prime Minister Primo came to see Carlo to report on the construction of the South Morocco colony.

After the signing of the peace treaty, the Spanish army began to take over all the land south of the line from Agadir to Tata.

With the British government as a witness, the Moroccan government was still very sensible. Although it was painful, it obediently withdrew from these areas and handed over control to the Spanish army and government.

Now that the Spanish army has successfully taken over this area, it is time to discuss the establishment of the South Morocco colony and the selection of the governor of the colony.

Prime Minister Primo still remembers that Carlo had intended to let Primo recommend the governor of the colony himself.

This time, coming to report on the work also meant to test Carlo's intention to see what Carlo's purpose was so as to decide his next move.

Carlo is also looking forward to the establishment of the South Morocco colony. The history of the Spanish Empire is long gone. At present, Spain has only Cuba and the Philippines, two relatively large colonies, and the remaining colonies are all small-scale territories.

After the establishment of the South Morocco Colony, it means that Carlo not only did not let the Spanish government lose a colony, but also gained a colony very close to home.

Although Agadir in this colony is still of a certain scale, other lands are basically uninhabited, but at least it is a colony.

More importantly, the establishment of the South Morocco Colony also means that during Carlo's reign, the focus of Spanish colonial development has officially come to Africa.

Once the situation is stable in the future and there is a suitable opportunity, Carlo will consider selling Cuba and the Philippines to other countries in exchange for other benefits.

In fact, according to the current situation in Spain, the Spanish-American War is still nearly 30 years away, and Spain has a chance to develop into a country at the level of a great power before the Spanish-American War.

As long as Spain has the strength of a great power, the United States in 1898 would not have the courage to go to war with Spain.

But if it is just Cuba, is it necessary to waste time with the United States?

This is a question worth considering.

Cuba can indeed bring positive benefits to the Spanish government, but the problem is that Cubans are restless. Although Cuba has a small population, its desire for independence is not much different from that of Catalonia and the Basque region.

Moreover, it is separated from Spain by the Atlantic Ocean, but only a few dozen kilometers from the mainland of the United States.

Rather than having some conflicts with the Americans over Cuba, it is better to sell Cuba earlier in exchange for some colonies that can also generate benefits, and at the same time, it can also provoke relations between other countries and the United States.

Whether it is sold to the United States or other countries, in theory, it is not a big loss. After all, it is difficult to localize the land of Cuba. Spain can defend it for a day, but not necessarily for a lifetime.

Carlo remembered that in history, before the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, the United States had proposed to the Spanish government to buy the Cuban colony for $100 million.

But how could the arrogant Spanish government agree to the US request? In the eyes of Europeans, the United States is just a nouveau riche. Its status as a great power is entirely based on economy and industry, and it is a poor military.

But the Spaniards did not expect that after the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, not only the Cuban colony worth 100 million was lost, but also another larger colony, the Philippines.

Spain's glory has completely become a thing of the past. After this war, Spain has completely become a second-rate country in Europe and no longer has the qualifications to become a great power.

Although the Spain of this world is not afraid of the threat of the United States, it is not cost-effective to continue to fight with the United States.

If the costs of fighting with the United States are invested in the plunder of African colonies, it may not be impossible to take some colonies that are more cost-effective than Congo.

Morocco dare not provoke in the short term, but Guinea and Congo can still be planned.

Carlo has even made a decision for the future development of Spain. Through the large amount of resources in the colonies to build Spain's industry and economy, the industrial products produced can be shipped to Central and South America for sale.

Although most of Spain's colonies in the Americas have been lost, a large number of countries in Central and South America, including Mexico, still have a large number of Spanish mixed-race populations, and they also speak Spanish.

A considerable number of these people remain close to Spain. If economic actions are taken, some countries should be able to form a customs union to dump Spanish industrial products.

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