Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1365: Funeral friend

The other creators also bleed with their eyes, and when they heard that they closed their eyes quickly.

This kind of artistic conception is mysterious, but it can be done to the extent of Zhong Yue and Mu Xiantian. Their supernatural power and artistic conception are too high, and the great emperors and emperors can obliterate the supernatural power formed by the artistic conception. .

The emperor's body was erratic, and she ordered her goddess Kun to stop seeing the battlefield. She couldn't help jumping. Zhong Yue and Mu Xiantian used more power than her in the first battle. Let her Can not help but worry, Zhong Yue is not keeping his promise.

"Chaos contract, should he not violate it? Unless he wants to be assimilated into chaos ..."

Suddenly, the mother emperor settled into the seventh area of ​​reincarnation, and saw a raging fire. A woman was standing in the middle of the fire and was examining the battle.

"My life, are you worried?" The mother emperor suddenly closed her body and turned into a daughter standing next to her, both of whom were like sisters.

The commander shook his head, and seriously said, "It's mine to die."

The mother emperor said, "Is it clear that I have half of it? And I am not here to ask you for birth, I just came to ask your opinion!"

"I won't give it to you, please," said Shi Ming calmly.

The mother emperor was angry and angrily said: "Little unconscience! I am still your grandparents anyway, actually treat me like this!"

Suddenly she looked away and saw the ancient tree of life floating. A **** king stood under the towering tree and watched Zhong Yue and Mu Xiantian fight through the seventh district.

"Origin, Motoya guys. Alas, some raw faces ..."

The mother emperor shook her heart, and saw more strange **** kings under the tree. Some had eight heads and eight arms, holding different congenital soldiers. Some had a fiery red sun floating behind their heads. Tuo Baoshu, some have a starry sky behind them, vast expanse like Yu controls the infinite space, and some body surrounds Zhouguang, vast and magnificent like a river of light at the same time.

The mother emperor suddenly came to her senses and was creepy.

"Did the grandfather raise the **** of the dark ages?"

She fought several cold wars and hurriedly looked around, but did not see the trace of Da Shiming. She couldn't help but mumbled and said, "Is Da Shiming not watching the war?"

"The boss is here."

The commander calmly said, "This battle is crucial. Can he not come? The **** kings are standing on his palm."

The mother emperor hurriedly looked at it, her mind was blank, and she saw the hand of Da Shiming, but it was too big for her to think about it.

Then she saw the body of Da Shiming, like the vast sky and sky, covering her vision, and looking up, she faintly saw the front of Da Shiming, but the road was dazzling, not clear.

"It's too rude, isn't it?"

The mother emperor's heart was shocked and unsettled, and to what extent the grandfather's destiny had reached today, she could not even tell!

"He's just afraid now ... I'm afraid he's stronger than the Heidi!"

The mother emperor fought a cold war and did not dare to look at it again. She said, "Is Dao Zun's heyday so strong? Should it be ..."

"Big fatalism, the innate soul is too arrogant, right?"

Under the ancient tree of life, the King of Origins suddenly said: "The three thousand emperor corpses, I am afraid that Fuxi Taoist left to deal with you!"

The voice of the grand priest passed down: "It seems like death, not death, life, or life. It is indeed not restrained by my avenue of life, but Fuxi Taoism will not foresee my resurrection. Those emperor corpses are not used to deal with me. , The origin need not be too associative. "

"You can't help it."

The God of Origins said: "Fu Xi may not have dealt with the big destiny, but this Fu Xi may not have it. After all, he is an acquired soul and has more ambitions."

"I know."

Da Shiming continued to look at Zhong Yue's battle with Mu Xiantian, and suddenly said, "You meet another Fengshi, and when you retreat, don't conflict with him directly."


The King of Origins and others suddenly hesitated, and suddenly realized: "Dai Mingming said another battle?"

Da Shiming is positive from any angle. He is not like a creature in this universe, and he can see everything from front to back and up and down.

At this moment there is another battle in the seventh cycle of reincarnation, which is also extremely bright and shocking.

It was the battle between Feng Xiaozhong and the ancient emperors. Since the two sides fought hard to this end, they have reached the end of the crossbow and cannot continue, but they are still wonderful.

At this stage of the battle, Feng Xiaozhong and the eighty-two emperors were struggling to support. The previous supernatural powers were no longer useful to them. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and improve a stronger solution to the problem while fighting.

Now, it depends on who is more intelligent, who is more exquisite, and who can win the final victory.

"Cut road, can you cut it?"

Mu Xiantian's three voices overlapped, rumbling, retreating the innate God Sword, six hands flipped, and the three oldest avenues of Yuan Mo Yuan Shen Shen to Xie emerged in the palm, forming Tai Chi in the palm and heading to Zhong Yueyin.

Taiji works, it is very mysterious, and it coincides with the oldest avenue of the ancient universe. Three things work, all kinds of magical powers are sent out with intentions, and the changes are uncertain.

"How can we not cut it?"

Zhong Yue's sword was cut off, and Mu Xiantian's six palms were cut off together, but the broken palm sank into the **** and demon tai chi map under her feet, and then self-degraded, then the demon, god, and evil way in the demon Tai chi picture Swelled and climbed onto her body, allowing her to grow six more palms.

Her demon Taiji map is like a congenital Xuanzang holy land, which allows her to constantly recover her physical body without having to worry about being beheaded by Zhong Yue.


Suddenly she tapped with six hands, but when she saw a black drum flying out of the demon Taiji map, a bang was heard!

"The heavens are wicked? The black emperor is willing to teach you this magical power?"

Zhong Yue's face changed slightly, her body quickly retreated, but she was already shocked by the sound of the drum, and she could not help humming, only to feel that the avenue in her body was suppressed by death.

Mu Xianfei came forward, the drums kept shaking, and rushed to Zhong Yue, while his six arms were flying over Zhong Yue's chest one after another!

Zhong Yuezhang backed down, and suddenly the sword swept across. He pushed Mu Xiantian back down and looked down at his chest. When he saw six blood holes in his chest, his complexion sank: "Congenital, I regard you as a Taoist. But you use this super power to plot me? "

Mu stepped instinctively, killing again, Mu Guwei could bloom again, and the trick was re-applied.

Her three voices overlapped, and she laughed in unison: "I, I was proficient in betrayal, my ancestor betrayed my grandfather, my mentor betrayed my ancestor, betrayed me, and I betrayed lord. Then I betrayed my mentor. , There's nothing wrong with that! "

The moment her palms were printed on Zhongyue's chest, suddenly a loud noise came from Zhongyue's chest, and Mu congeniously snorted, only to realize that her innate aisle, a priori demon, and innate evil were all silent, and she had supernatural power in her palm. Suddenly.

Behind Zhong Yue's cloak hunting, under the boundless darkness, the heavens are more powerful in his hands than Mu Xiannian, and the palm of his hand is like driving Mu Xiannian into the bottomless abyss!

Mu Xian looked up, and saw that Zhong Yue's body became more and more powerful and colder and colder in the darkness, and it seemed to have become a very evil being!

"The black emperor's accomplishments in the heavens are not as good as mine!"

Daoguang cut through the darkness, slashed his head, and beheaded Mu Xiantian.


The demon Taiji Tuwei burst out, driving the darkness back, Mu Xiantian's head grew again, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.


The heavens broke out, the drums rang again, and the sword fell again. Mu Xiantian's head was beheaded here!

Zhong Yue continued to cut more than a dozen times, and Mu Xiantian grew a head and was cut off by him, but Mu Xiantian's demon Taiji diagram was also extremely amazing, so endless that she kept growing new heads. Can't cut it all.

"The world is here!"

Suddenly, the extremely horrific mighty power erupted from Mu Xiantian's body, and the terrible mighty power rushed up and overwhelmed the Zhongyue's heavens. The mighty mighty power seemed to mobilize the power of the Six Realms, even the Tao Realms The purest avenues have also been mobilized, crushing and smashing the space of the heavens and roads to shield the avenues of heaven and earth!

Zhong Yue snorted, and the horizontal knife was blocked. The unimaginable power was crushed from Mu Xiantian's palm and passed to the blade of the congenital magic knife, which passed to Zhong Yue through the blade.

There was a crackling sound in Zhong Yue's body. Pieces of bone were shattered, and his body bounced backwards. He passed through the barriers of the ancient universe and fell into the seventh cycle of reincarnation!

Yun Juanshu's face changed drastically, and he shouted, "The whole army has entered the seventh area of ​​reincarnation, and blocked the world!"

At the foot of Mu Xiantian, the figure of the demon Taiji rotated, broke through the blockade, and suddenly settled into the seventh cycle of the reincarnation. He looked up, but saw Zhong Yue's figure stabilized, standing with a knife, and the innate God knife suddenly clicked lightly, brightly. A crack appeared on the knife.


Zhongyue stood up, looked so calm, and said, "Is the supernatural power of the Six Realms unified? This supernatural power was created by you?"

Mu Xian nodded and proudly said, "I have been planning this attack for a long time, but I have not been able to kill you. For two hundred years after you disappeared, I also delved into the mystery of the seventh area of ​​reincarnation, and developed the Taoist magical powers that are best for me. I It is innate and sacred, and it bears heaven and earth. This magical power is best for me! "

"The world is unified, and the road is unified. It is a supernatural power."

The breath of Zhong Yue calmed down slowly, the dark cloak behind him slowly disappeared, and the anger on his face gradually dissipated. He said sincerely: "It's a supernatural power. The innate devil is standing still, few of them can break through their limitations. They are parasitic in the day after tomorrow. The parasites on the living beings will only **** blood. Among all the innate gods and deities, except you, it is you. I have only seen in you the breakthrough of your own limitations. Innate friends, this is the real you. "

"Unfortunately I couldn't kill you."

Mu Xiantian's eyes flickered and he said, "You opened up the seventh area of ​​reincarnation, and you should also have a lot of your own feelings. I don't know if you can realize the great unified magic power?"


Zhong Yue sighed, looked sorrowful, and gently stroked the blade. The scar on the blade was slowly fading away, and a little sadly said: "I call it the funeral. This is my great unified power, but I can't bear to show it. Today For Taoists, I am willing to present you the funeral perfectly. "

As soon as Mu Xiantian's eyes lighted, he moved his heart of seeking and smiled: "If I die in your hands, it's no regret. Please."

Zhong Yue Qingdao, the whole body innate gossip rotation, sixty-four gossips flying, stepping on the gods and deities Tai Chi, wearing the innate four-phase, the breath suddenly became extremely violent and overbearing, with a calm look.

Mu Xiantian urged the inborn evil way of God and Demon Avenue, and the figure of Taiji at his feet rotated endlessly, and a mysterious gate appeared behind him!

The two figures exploded at the same time, suppressing eternity, suppressing the outbreak of terror power of the Six Realms, Tianhe fell, Xinghe collapsed, and time and space broke!

The funeral path, the Taoism of the world, the two great unity supernatural powers collide, intersect, and dazzling light reflects everything, illuminating the long branches and leaves of the seventh cycle of reincarnation and the hells, and the mother emperor, the commander, and a corpse Illuminating, pulling the shadow of the ancient tree of life for a long time, the shadow of a **** king under the tree was stretched by the light to cover the magnificent worlds.

"Miaoyu." Dai Siming admired, the ancient tree in his hands could not help shaking.

"Miaoyu." Three thousand Emperor Qi claimed to praise.

Zhong Yue's body was stupid, and she stood with a knife, her mouth bleeding.

"Your knife is really fast."

Behind him, Mu Xiantian knelt down, the demon Taiji figure below was disintegrating, the avenue collapsed and turned into powder, and her body was also turned into powder. Her avenue of incarnation was buried, dead and destroyed.

"Dao Zhongyou, see you in the future."

Mu Xiantian's body continued to dissipate and slip like sand, and he turned back and smiled sweetly: "This time, I was defeated, but I can see your funeral, I am convinced that I will take it orally ..."

She cracked and broke.

"Ah ah ah--"

Zhong Yue burst into tears, suddenly drew her sword, cut it with one stroke to the starry sky, that sword tearing the seventh cycle of samsara ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, split into the ancient universe, and flew away in the infinite starry sky.

The congenital Xuanzang Holy Land, the vast a priori Shinto, the congenital magic path slowly swirled around the gate of Xuanzang, and Mu's congenital consciousness returned, giving birth to rebirth in the gate of Xuanzhang.


The stunning blade of light fell from the sky, cut through layers of void, and chopped on the gate of Xuanzang. The Xuanzhang gate shook violently and separated slowly to both sides.

"Good knife ..."

In the gate of Xuanzang, Mu Xiantian's consciousness is disintegrating and dying. The road of Xuanzang Holy Land is also decomposing and dying.

"I really didn't feel the pain, but why? My Taoist ..."

Her consciousness slowly dissipated, and the congenital Xuanzang Holy Land was also collapsing, collapsing and about to be completely destroyed.

In the seventh area of ​​reincarnation, Zhong Yue held the knife handle firmly, and seemed to have no strength. He slowly closed his eyes, two lines of tears falling, floating in the air.

He has nostalgia for his old friend and nostalgia for the past. This thought has been lingering on him, even after a thousand years, making him involuntarily think of this deceased person.

There was one less friend who was able to accompany him to fight, pray together, laugh and scold.

Mu congenital, went.

Although he didn't want to cry, he couldn't help but feel sad for the passing of his old friend.

"I won't leave you to the Black Emperor, I can only do this ... Congenital Daoyou, go all the way, go well--"

Zhong Yuebi stood up and stared at the magic knife in her hand: "I will show you Master and Patriarch to see you, to accompany you, you first ...

——Four thousand words, it's a big chapter, Mu Xiantian, hey, let's go ...

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