Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1366: Emperor Emperor

"Won ..."

Jin Yunjuanshu, Mo Yin, and Tiansi Niangniang suddenly felt a sense of weakness, such as relief, victory, and finally victory, so that the big rock in their hearts fell to the ground, no longer need to worry about Zhong Yue Anwei.


Suddenly, the shouts of gods and monsters came, and then the cheer spread like a plague. The indomitable seven rounds of reincarnation automatically disintegrated. Numerous gods and monsters ran and cheered, excited, and threw the soldiers in the air, even the body The armor was taken off and thrown all over the sky.

"We have won--"

Cheers, like a torrent, swept the seventh circle of reincarnation and rushed to the ancient universe!

"Array! Array!"

An Moyin was anxious and shouted in a loud voice: "The formation can't be chaotic! Stand up, pick up the weapons and wear the armor! This is the battlefield, this is the battlefield!"

His voice was insignificant in the flood of billions of shouts. No one listened to him at all. Mo Yin was furious. He took out the totem gods who contacted the leaders and generals of the army. Holding his hand, he shook his head and laughed, "Brother Mo, let them happily. They have been waiting for this victory for a long time."

"Warrior, how can you drop the sword and armor?"

Mo Yin shook his head and said, "Now it's just a dead Mu congenital. The rest of the universe is still unrested. For the ancient universe alone, there are countless Protoss and Demons who have not surrendered and surrendered, let alone Ziwei, and the Six Realms. There are also the Void Realm, Dao Realm, and the Seventh Zone of Reincarnation? And, those ancient **** kings, congenital sacred gods have just died, their holy places have not been destroyed! These places have not yet been leveled, and the soldiers put down their hands. The weapons untie the armor. I'm afraid they can no longer put them on when they take off and put on them. With a war-weariness! As a sergeant, you must be aware of it and be defenseless! "

Jin Yunjuan laughed and said, "Brother Mo's words are extremely true, but after the current war, the soldiers were exhausted, the army suffered countless deaths and injuries, and it took a vent. Teachers, let them spread their joy."

Mo Moyin nodded and said, "But it can't be too long. It's a war exhaustion."

These demons and soldiers have been suppressed for too long, countless comrades-in-arms died beside them, and a lot of battles have destroyed their Taoism, and this great victory does require a vent.

Cheers roared around and lasted a long time.

Suddenly, the cheering gradually stopped, and countless gods and demon looked up, watching Zhong Yue passing by them, and the cheering sound was gradually calming where Zhong Yue passed.

He walked across the battlefield, past the warriors and soldiers, watching their blood-stained faces.

"We are victorious." He raised his hand and said calmly.


Countless gods shook their arms and cheered, and the deafening shout sounded again, and Tensi's mother couldn't help crying and choking.

"We win, why cry?" Yun Juan smiled.

Wu Tiansi's mother put in his arms and cried, "Because we won, we finally won ..."

Jin Yunjuan's heart was filled with emotions, remembering the history of human races and thorns, and the struggle and death of countless people with lofty ideals, and now the road has finally been opened up.

Now, finally, there will be a Emperor of the Fuxi Family, leading the human race and the Fuxi Protoss, and heading forward to the front desk!

"The peasant emperor, Yan emperor, Feng Changyang, Fuxi, these names will be remembered in the future ..." he said silently.

Looking at the figure of Zhong Yue, Jun Sixie suddenly thought of the old man Fengshang, and the bitterness in his heart glowed with warmth: "Old master, can you imagine this day? Uncle Feng Shouzhu, you enter the devil restricted area At that time, are you looking forward to this day ... "

The fire that burned the flames of his life was shaking endlessly. Obviously, his mind was a little difficult to be self-sustaining, and he whispered, "This day is finally here.

In the Nether Realm, an emperor awakened, and his mighty shore emerged from the sky, watching this scene in the seventh area of ​​reincarnation.

The aunt mother Emperor also shivered with excitement: "Half the universe! The spring of my Kun people is finally here!"

下 Under the ancient tree of life in the distance, the king of origin, the great king of the sun, the eight kings of the wild god, and others saw this scene, and could not help but change his face, and looked up at the grand master.

The countless situations of demon cheering made them feel the strength of the innate soul. After so many years of death, the innate soul has developed to such a degree, which is really beyond their expectations.

The spirit of the hundreds of millions of gods made them feel horrified and fear!

Especially these gods are in the hands of leaders like Zhong Yue, they even make them feel scared.

Zhong Zhongyue's funeral, Mu Xiantian ’s doctrine of the world, the two supernatural powers collided, the shocking power, the desperate energy burst, let them see the despair of the innate gods.

"Big fat ..."

King Zhouguang's voice was hoarse, and his consciousness fluctuated. It turned into a voice and heard it in the ears of the grand priest: "Let the acquired souls sit to this extent, is it against our previous cognition?"

The grandfather refused to answer.

Qi Zhongyue raised his palm, and the cheering ceased.

"My generals, my comrades! The battle is not over yet!"

His voice was loud and loud, like the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu, and it came to everyone's ears: "I need you to pick up the swordsmen, put on armor, and conquer the universe and conquer the famine! Wherever our vision is, it will be Our territory! Where our horseshoes set foot is our territory! "

Numerous magic soldiers and demon soldiers flew up, forming a turbulent torrent in the air, and flew to their masters, and a pair of armors still flying around also automatically flew back and wore on the master's body.

The ancestral demon army of Wu Zuting was silent. There was only the clamor of armor collision. Hundreds of millions of genie and demon lined up automatically and neatly, as if waiting for review. In the silence, there was the spirit of killing and fighting!

Qi Moyin was relieved and whispered: "The lord is in charge of the soldiers. He does have a hand, and it is more useful than the war spirit. Now the army is stable, no need to worry."

A huge emperor's corpse came, and the fortune-making emperor and others led him, looking at Zhong Yue one after another.

"Fu Xi, fulfill your promise!"

The voice of an ancient emperor blasted and trembled back and forth: "Release us, let our soul be one, our soul return to the void, and relieve our 100,000 years of suffering!"

Zhongyue hesitated. The face of an ancient emperor's corpse changed greatly, and the great emperor Shen said: "You want to break your vow, let us continue to work for you and guard your country? Don't forget the chaos contract!"

The corpse of three thousand emperors, three thousand and six realms, the power is really powerful. To be honest, Zhong Yue did move against the vow. If you can restrain these three thousand emperor corpses, he is definitely the strongest guardian of his country!

The three thousand emperors do not live or die. They can exist forever. With such a guardian, even if the heavens come back in the future, the innate **** king will come back, they can be suppressed, they can resist!

"朕 ..."

Zhong Zhongyue settled down, Xu Xu said: "Keep your promises and release you! From today, you are ..."

Say him word by word: "Freedom!"

The expression of liberation appeared on the face of Zun Yizun's corpse, only to feel that the pain coming from his soul disappeared in an instant, the briskness brought by the great liberation came, and his body and mind was relaxed.

The Six Realms behind them suddenly flew out to the original site of the Six Realms, a Emperor's corpse withered and his body died.


A sip of the dark emperor coffin flew in, and the great emperors lay in the coffin one after another, looking calm.

"Finally released ..."

They breathed out their last breath, the Yuanshen flew out of the coffin, and the soul of the three thousand emperors flew to the void.

"We are finally free!"

The Netherworld opened, bringing the soul of their souls into them, and their laughter came faintly.

Zhong Zhongyue sighed, and Yun Juanshu immediately ordered that the three thousand emperor's coffin be buried in the three thousand six kingdoms and hung above the heaven of the three thousand six kingdoms.

Xuan Tianting hangs his coffin and guards the three thousand and six roads.

"Sangong, don't you bury them?" Tensi's mother whispered.

Yun Juan Shu shook his head: "It is not possible to bury them. The bodies of these three thousand emperors are also a kind of deterrence. If they are buried, the protagonist's rivers and mountains may not be stable. Moreover, the 36th Doctrine was originally these ancient times. The emperor's mysterious realm, who buried their bodies in the mysterious realm, also died well. "

Wu Tiansi's mother nodded silently and suddenly said, "Don't you think we have won? Why should you be so careful?"

Yun Juanshu looked to the seventh deepest reincarnation area, looked at the ancient trees of life in the distance, and shook his head: "The black emperor is not dead, the sky is still there, those innate sacred who are killed will be resurrected, and Lord Leizer will kill them. Gods on all sides do not know the outcome. This battle has just begun. The way forward ... "

He paused: "I'm afraid it's harder! The protagonist is standing in the bright place, and the dark arrows are hard to prevent ..."

The army rectified, set aside, left the seventh cycle of reincarnation, and drove towards the ancestral court. Another army along the way led the generals to other protoss and demons in the ancient universe, subduing all races, suppressing rebellion, creating a star-gate teleportation array, establishing Mingwang access to all parts of the universe, and unifying the ancient universe.

Jin Yunjuan sat in the ancestral home of the town, while Mo Yin personally led the army of gods and demons, along with the emperor Jinwu, Yanghou, Tianyao, and Xun, rushed to the Ziwei Starfield, preparing to calm Lagerstroemia indica.

This battle of unifying the three realms, UU reading www. uukanshu.com doesn't want to stop for a century.

In the seventh round of reincarnation, Zhong Yue did not immediately return to the ancestral court, and Da Siming was still waiting for him.

Ji Zhongyue smiled, and met with the boss, and bowed his head in return, Xu Xu said: "Taoist, now the covenant between you and me has officially entered into force."

Zhong Zhongyue was surprised and laughed: "Don't the boss think that we have the strength to compete with the enemy until now?"

The chief commander nodded slowly: "Although we are still relatively weak, we already have the ability to compete. The one who betrayed me is extremely terrible. I don't know where it came from. Black and White emperors should not be underestimated, and there is chaos. The four-faced gods, and the Taoism of the Tao world. The future is really difficult. You open up the seventh district, I am afraid they are also looking forward to it. "

Zhong Zhongyue thoughtfully and got up and said, "I will become the landlord of heaven and earth, call him the emperor, and ask the chief to come to watch the ceremony."

Grandpa nodded and said, "Good."

Zhong Zhongyue looked at Feng Xiaozhong and Mingyi and other emperors, but saw that they disappeared without a trace. I didn't know where they were. He shook his head and turned away.

"Fu Xi stay away!"

Suddenly, a thick voice came from the ancient tree of life. Zhong Yue stopped, looked back, and saw that there was a Taigu **** king under the ancient tree. A big day behind his head, the golden light of the fierce sun, it was the big Sun God King.

The Emperor Tairi Sun laughed and said, "Fu Xi, the hibiscus tree in Tangu is my treasure. Please return Fu Xi to me." (To be continued.)

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