Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,426 Pusketis Ambush

Remember [new] in one second! "Oh! What a big village! What is that? There is a mound and a lot of wooden pillars. Is that an altar?"

"It must be an altar! If there is an altar, there will be gems and silver coins."

"This place reminds me of Gniezdovo, where we made a fortune."

The first centurion to land happened to have participated in the fierce defensive counterattack against Smolensk more than half a year ago. They ransacked the Gniezdovo Altar. The soldiers who entered the battlefield for the first time successively completed their first kills. This truly became After losing their blood to the warriors, their character gradually changed - they became murderous.

The altar equals wealth, people firmly believe this, and the young Rus warrior is fearless.

Only their centurions were experienced veterans drawn from the old army.

"Don't be too optimistic! Each team should adjust their weapons and check whether their brothers are in place! Bring their shields. Listen to my orders! Let me direct the advance!"

The first centurion to land decided to act as a physical reconnaissance under the command of its centurion. It was clear that the Ross army had completed a perfect sneak attack. The enemies running around in panic did not exist at all. On the contrary, there were no traces of local people at all, but it was the beach. There are a lot of footprints left by bare feet.

The old soldier felt a hint of ominousness and saw more ships waiting to land behind him. The small dock that was soon occupied would be overcrowded.

The rear team forced the front team to make a decision, so the centurions carefully lined up in an arc-shaped shield wall, with the three thirty-man teams in front, and the centurion's central army in the middle and behind. Carrying stringed wooden arm crossbows and nocked short bows, the whole team cautiously walked toward the unnamed large settlement.

"Stare your eyes wide

Eyes, don't be fooled by calmness. "

"Be careful of those thatched huts, beware of enemies coming out to attack!"

The centurion continued to use words to persuade, trying to control the restless hearts of the soldiers.

Overall, this hundred-man team maintained a relatively regular formation, and they gradually passed those coastal buildings. According to reports from the soldiers who broke into the houses, there are various signs that these simple houses were occupied just now. Even the charcoal fires in the shacks were burning and the fish cooked in the pottery urns were still tumbling.

"Did they really just leave? How many people are there in this big village?!" The centurion looked at the mound in front again and buried his words in his heart without hesitation.

While the whole team continued to advance deeper, the follow-up troops saw that the predecessors were advancing in battle formation, so they broke up and followed them.

The centurion in the vanguard noticed the actions of his brothers in the rear, and he became extremely bold, and all worries were swept away.

There were more and more buildings, and the soldiers began to enter narrow and intricate streets, all of which led them to think of the outer buildings of Fort New Rose. Except for a dirt road that leads directly to the small dock, the rest of the place is covered by messy shacks.

Some large single-story buildings appeared here. After inspection by the brave, it was determined that they were some semi-crypt style longhouses with haystack roofs. The furnishings inside were not simple, and there were all pots and pans available. It felt like everything. There is a strong flavor of life.

It is natural to plunder this place, and the whole army can stay here for the night. It is hundreds of times better than setting up tents in the open air. All the furnishings in the entire large settlement are there, but there is no trace of the enemy. The army who disembarked can just carry their bags in.


That is... the brothers prepared themselves for a bloody battle with the locals, but the enemy abandoned their homes and fled without a fight.

"Brother, it looks like the locals have escaped?" the deputy asked eagerly about the centurion, unable to hide his intention to plunder freely.

At this moment, the centurion still maintained his final caution.

"It's a bit strange to be quiet! This is obviously a very large settlement, and their reaction speed was too fast. We had to find an empty city just after we landed. They are so well-trained in escaping, it's so strange."

"They must be afraid of the strength of our Ross. Hehe, they escaped in such a hurry that we didn't have time to search and hunt them down. All the property left behind is our centurion's priority to plunder. Brother, we can't live up to the expectations of our brothers."

The deputy's words spoke to the centurion's heart.

Since this operation is defined as a "raid war", based on the first-come-first-served principle, unless a huge money room is found here and valuables must be handed over to the king and the king decides, who will grab the other property? It’s up to whoever.

Because of discipline, each team of 30 men did not dare to dismantle their shield walls without authorization and dispersed to plunder freely.

The centurion stared at him anxiously, waiting for orders.

The centurion looked left and right again, then closed his eyes and felt his surroundings, "Okay! The whole team is disbanded, you are free to grab it! Guards, you guys follow me."

The tensed nerves suddenly relaxed. The warriors put their shields on their backs one after another, carrying swords and singing songs. They rushed to various houses in groups. They found a lot of loot while laughing wildly.

The floral cloth with complex patterns is a good seizure, as well as some dried fish and coarse salt.


Some soldiers were surprised to find the lambs and chickens kept in the pens. Compared with other trophies, such live animal seizures had more practical significance-it meant that they could have a barbecue dinner tonight.

After all, the Samba tribe is not special among the Prussian tribes. It is not rich, or the wealth of the entire Prussian tribe alliance is far less than that of the Kingdom of Rus. Since the young warriors were born, their fathers have built a good foundation in Rus. They have seen many wonderful things, and they will never be confused by the agricultural products of small tribes in remote areas.

The soldiers did not find a large amount of property, but the centurion and his cronies rushed into the largest building near the mound and successfully found the local "treasury".

That is actually the residence of the high priest. The raw amber stones excavated locally are finally collected into the hands of the priests, and then the rough stones are processed into finished products under the command of the high priest.

Although the stone cannot be used as food, it is ground to a crystal clear state. In addition to tattooing complex indigo blue patterns on the body, people also decorate themselves with amber jewelry. When it was recognized by the people as "something that must be worn during sacrificial activities", it became a hard currency and was circulated among the various tribes in Prussia.

Raw amber stones must be excavated in the coastal area, and this is precisely the reason why their ancestors built the altar on the seashore, that is, it is convenient to dig out the stones and process them.

It is this convenience that is coveted by people across the sea.

It was not only Danish pirates who attacked Pusketis, but also Slavic pirates.

On the western coast of the Sambia Peninsula, the Pomeranian tribes were not weak. They came to have fierce exchanges with the Danes, and the war intensified until three

Ten years ago, the Danish leader Godfrey raised his troops and sacked Relic, the largest city of Pomeranians.

The Pomeranian tribes that suffered huge losses were squeezed by the Poles again. The defeated people sought money and made the idea to attack the Prussians.

After the amber raw stones and processed products in the wooden box fell into the hands of the centurion, he immediately announced to his left and right: "I saw your greedy eyes! For the benefit of the whole team, none of us will give up a piece." Take it. All these ambers belong to the king, and the king can reward you with everything."

Such a decision is anti-human, but for the long-term interests of everyone in the team, a few people have no choice but to sacrifice immediate interests.

The centurion doesn't care about the brothers who are freely looting. He is busy instructing his cronies to collect and record the valuable weapons that have been found. He also decided to occupy this large building and strictly prohibit other teams from entering. He will wait for the flag captain to arrive and immediately sleep with him. power, and then wait for an opportunity to make a report to the king himself.

Because the captain of each thirty-man team has the right to report directly to Rurik, Rurik can understand and make decisions about any strange problems encountered by each team.

Perhaps this kind of cross-level reporting is inappropriate, but the overall scale of the Russian army is limited. There are only 16 "thirty-man commanders" in a flag team. The infantry flag teams participating in the war only have more than 60 junior officers. Just people. The centurion usually also serves as a "chief of thirty", and the general work of the team is performed by his deputy.

Unless it is an important matter, the average thirty-man commander would not have the courage to face the king in person. However, all the centurions have been personally educated by Rurik, and some important military meetings have been held.

, all Centurions must attend.

A hundred-man squadron of the Russian army is already a unit with considerable combat effectiveness. However, when the soldiers become more and more scattered due to plundering, can the strong combat effectiveness formed by fighting in formations really be maintained?

With a pair of eyes hidden in the fallen leaves of the forest, the high priest with blue stripes on his face serves as the battle leader and hero unit. His duty is to protect the high altar with arms and lead the charge in the battle.

Death in battle was honorable, and if the high priest showed cowardice, the priesthood would elect a new one to be the leader of all.

Although the high priest noticed that something was wrong with the situation, in addition to the "Danish pirates" in front of him who had entered the residential area and even broke into the altar area, there was also a group of pirates behind them who were ready to move.

No matter what, it seems that these foreigners have come well prepared, and I am afraid that we are going to have a brutal and bloody battle with the invaders.

As the strongest fighting force in the local area, the lower-level priests were gearing up to see the pirates openly insulting the altar. They really needed the blood of these villains to worship the Earth Goddess.

"It's time to take action! The pirates in strange clothes have become sacrifices. Let's rush forward and kill them."

His subordinates kept urging, and the high priest finally made up his mind.

"Stay still for now. Blow the trumpet! Tell everyone to kill all pirates. Let's go!"

Suddenly, a large number of blue warriors appeared out of nowhere!

They emerged from their hiding places in the forest, emerging from the fallen leaves like marmots.

Almost none of them wore armor, not even civilian clothes. The male warriors showed blue patterns on their chests, while the female warriors wore a pair of tube tops.

Most of them hold dexterous small wooden shields in their left hands, and iron swords and hand axes in their right hands.

Everyone will have loose hair

Tie it up and wrap a piece of cloth around the forehead. This kind of wiping is just to prevent sweat from stinging the eyes during fierce battles.

Most of the soldiers simply acted barefoot, and all their actions were distinguished by their swiftness.

This is like an ambush tiger that attacks its prey. A surprise attack must be fatal.

The young Russian warriors who were busy searching for trophies and happily holding their poultry suddenly heard the sound of strange horns in their ears.

The trumpet sound was clearer, but the connotation of the trumpet sound was elusive.

At the beginning of the period, one of the soldiers was a trumpeter in the flag team who was mentally ill and blew the trumpet blindly, until they saw a group of Smurfs running towards them with their weapons raised and howling.

The battle happened suddenly...

The shocked Ross soldiers were basically alone. Even though they were holding steel swords, many of them simply ran away shamefully in a situation where they were unable to defeat them with three punches and four hands.

There were also soldiers who were forced into a corner and decisively fought with the enemy with their swords.

The plate armor on the torso and the iron skirt give the warrior good defense, and the helmet is more resistant to general hacking and scratching.

But when a group of "Smurfs" swarmed over, the soldier was beaten to death by iron axes.

The first centurion that broke into the large settlement had just begun to get their spoils when it encountered a determined counterattack by the local armed forces.

The blue high priest is really a very conspicuous presence. On the battlefield, the Russian army all wore a white-backed blue-patterned robe. The two warring parties could easily distinguish each other. The high priest and his elite warriors had already killed him. Many Russian soldiers found the golden hair after taking off the deceased's head, and they immediately responded to his judgment.


However, another Danish chief came to us with his men to rob us. "

"Sir, let's continue killing them. You see, these pirate weapons are really good."

After being reminded by his subordinates, the blue high priest picked up the steel sword of the slain man and waved it casually. He found that the sword not only had a beautiful bright white color, it could actually rebound slightly. Looking at himself because of the crazy slashing and poking he had just done, The high priest decisively abandoned the old sword and continued fighting with his new love.

"Kill the pirates, kill their leader, and we will become stronger!"

The blue high priest's eyes became firmer with joy. He was sure that his ambush would be successful again. The victory must be extraordinary. He captured a batch of impossibly perfect swords and armor from the unknown Danish pirates. Puss The city of Katis will gain face and honor, and will be more noble.

Because this blue high priest also hopes to be the leader of the Samba tribe, he really needs enough military exploits to convince the public.

It was suddenly extremely noisy outdoors. The centurion clearly heard the strange sound of the trumpet, and subconsciously felt that it was the trumpeter in the flag team who was blowing the trumpet randomly because of excitement.

"Really, it seems that the large forces have entered."

"Hey, everyone is looting freely, isn't it chaotic..."

People in the big house were laughing and joking about carrying the amber, when suddenly the guard on duty at the door rushed into the room with a pale face, his eyes widened as if they were about to explode.

"Boss, it's an enemy attack! An enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!?" As if being electrocuted, the centurion dropped the wooden box decisively. "what's the situation."

"The fight has started! Boss, this place is full of dangers, go and organize

Brothers, fight back! "

"Could the noise be an enemy attack?!" Without any further hesitation, the centurion immediately drew his sword, and the others' faces darkened. They hurried away, leaving only the lingering sound of the sword wind.

When the centurion walked out of the house holding his shield, what he saw was a scene of corruption.

Each team of thirty men tried their best to gather their men. The brothers dropped everything they captured and were fighting desperately against the blue warriors pouring out from all directions.

He was shocked when he saw a warrior knocked down and his vitals pierced by multiple short spears.

Next, there was a whooshing sound, and a stray arrow hit his helmet. The arrow cluster made of bone was meaningless against the armored man, but it would be different if the arrow cluster was stained with some feces.

The arrow cluster rubbed his helmet, and the centurion's mind was buzzing.

He decisively came to his senses and held his breath as if he wanted to bite the enemy.

The deputy who was surprised by the strange sight sighed deeply: "Are they monsters coming out of the ground? Blue goblins? The legend is actually true?!"

"Bah! What Goblins? They are humans! They are locals. Let's go and kill them!" The centurion immediately entered the battle. With the intervention of the centurion himself, the chaotic situation finally began to become orderly.

The large settlement fell into chaos. The centurions that broke into it suffered heavy losses from a sneak attack from the very beginning. After a melee, the injured and intact people gathered around their centurion.

At this moment, the archers became redundant. All the archers drew their swords and joined the battle. They maintained a circular defense line. The soldiers protected themselves with large shields and nested with each other to form a tight shield array. The steel swords continued to thrust forward through the gaps.

And their enemies number in the hundreds.

A Prussian Samba warrior wearing blue stripes.

Plate armor and bucklers ensured a strong defense line. Although the soldiers were generally young and physically strong, they had witnessed the murder of some of their friends who had been with them day and night. The rage in their hearts had overtaken their fear, and the desire for revenge filled their once-empty minds.

The centurion and his men did not retreat, but maintained the ring of defense and continued to fight.

Everyone stood in the open space outside the big altar mound, and everyone firmly believed that subsequent friendly forces would soon join the battle.

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