Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,427 The Heroic Blue Prussians and the Honor of the 10th Flag Troop of the Russian Citizen

The blood of the slain splashed the round shield into scarlet, and a layer of the dead gradually gathered under the shield. The Prussian warriors with blue stripes used various weapons to smash and poke at the circular shield formation of the Russian army, shouting obscenities, but they could not complete the task except smashing the big round shield and sending sawdust covered with blood flying everywhere. breakthrough. It was clear that these Prussian warriors had the advantage of a surprise attack, but they were thwarted by a truly solid defense line. "As hard as a rock, am I really at war with Danish pirates?" Although the blue high priest took the lead, he was not pushed and pushed to the first line by his excited men. Otherwise, he would not be able to break through the shield wall and would be beaten by others. Stab to kill. He was surprised. Even in his panic, he knew that if the battle continued, even if his side had the advantage, the advantage would soon be reversed. Just because he suddenly realized that the enemies who landed on the dock and intended to occupy Pusketis were not just a bunch of enemies. "Hurry up and resolve the battle. Break through the Danish shield wall for me!" "Stop attacking each other through the shield. A few brave men will pounce in like leopards." The high priest tried to encourage some blank-minded warriors. He made a bold move, and his call was quite effective. Finally, a soldier bit his ax and made a bold leap among his companions. Like a leopard swooping down, this brave man leaped over the heads of the Russian soldiers, rolled and rushed into the circular defense line of the Russian army. The act of courage instantly turned into a reckless act. The centurion and several of his cronies, as the command center of the centurion, stayed in the center of the circular defense line. They were all very good warriors. Then they held the sword and attacked the "blue" flying to the ground. Leopard” all jab. "Damn it, you still want to open a gap from the inside? Do you think we don't know how to fight?" He spat at one of the killed people, and the centurion had to strengthen his air defense. Because more Prussian warriors stepped on the heads of their companions and flew into the shield wall to do damage, trying to cut and smash the knees of the Russian warriors with daggers and hand axes, forcing the door of the shield wall to open, causing all the brothers to rush forward and crush it. As long as the Prussians break down the shield wall, they will definitely win with sufficient strength in this local battlefield. But... the blue high priest's movements were too slow, and he didn't even know that he had misjudged the situation - this was not a Danish pirate, but the main force of the Ross expeditionary force. The Ross army that landed later was only a little late. They were busy looking at the large settlements ahead, looking forward to getting valuable loot from here. Anyway, some brothers probably entered easily, so the subsequent soldiers relaxed their vigilance and began to conduct a second round of searches on the recently arrived houses and sheds. Until the soldiers noticed the commotion ahead and took a closer look, a group of blue things appeared there. what is that? ! It's the enemy! What is the enemy doing? He was actually fighting tooth and nail against the Pioneer Centurion! "Damn it, aren't the people being besieged my people?" Trygwe, captain of the Tenth Banner Corps of the Citizen Soldiers, waited until his men took the lead and rushed forward very quickly. He encountered a crazy attack by local armed forces, which he did not expect. "Brothers! Come with me and rescue our brothers!" At the critical moment, the flag captain could no longer care too much. He did not want his subordinates who had the merit to get there first to be besieged and destroyed by the enemy with superior strength, or even the centurions. The loss was too great, and it would be hard for me to explain to the king. I’m afraid many brothers have been killed now! They deserved to die in the battle of the Frankish army. It was an honor to die fighting the most powerful enemy in the Western world, but it was really humiliating to capsize in the battle with an unknown enemy on this remote coast. The flag captain continued to shout: "The whole team is following me and pressing forward! Charge with the team flag." He mobilized his troops in a surprise move and arranged the soldiers holding crossbows in front as quickly as possible. The other soldiers all started in the posture of sword and shield bearers. run. A large number of Ross warriors no longer went deep into the intricate alleyways, but instead headed straight to the melee scene along the dirt road flattened by pairs of feet. The crossbowmen immediately retreated to the second line after completing a round of flat shots, and then the soldiers with short wooden bows in the flag team fired another round. In just two rounds of arrow strikes, the blue Prussian warriors in the melee were deeply stabbed in the back. More than fifty people were killed or injured. When these warriors reacted slightly, the new shield wall formed by the Russian warriors wearing iron helmets with feathers on the top of their helmets had already pressed up. The Ross warriors shouted in unison as if they were advancing in unison. If they had to consider avoiding accidental damage to friendly troops, the Ross crossbowmen would continue to launch missiles into the air to coordinate with the advancement of the infantry brothers. The three centurions of the Tenth Flag Corps pressed forward bravely under the personal command of flag captain Trygway. Without any delay, they built shield walls in three directions and resolutely counter-encircled the enemy in chaos. So, the Centurion, which was in the center of chaos, finally waited for the moment when the center blossomed. The centurion was overjoyed when he heard this: "Brothers! We are waiting for reinforcements! Kill them all!" The soldiers who had been "beating" became more and more courageous as they fought. Now the blue high priest and all the Prussian soldiers Who is surrounded by who is burdened? "Oops, how many pirates are there? Are they going to completely annihilate me?!" In a daze, the high priest thought of retreating. However, once he retreats, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of the entire army, and his escape will inevitably lead to pursuit and killing, and he will also hand over the entire altar to the pirates. This is the only thing in his memory. Unless he is killed due to defeat, the entire Samba tribe will not blame the heroes who died fighting to protect the altar, and all the hatred will fall entirely on the Danish pirates. The blue high priest has the consciousness to fight to the death, but his subordinates have already gone blank.

The beast-killing instinct acts on the body. In this state, the soldier feels no pain. Even if several spearheads are inserted into the body, he can still swing the ax and fight. No one escaped. When they were forced to fight fiercely with the enemy coming from behind, they thought of fighting hard to kill the new enemy. At this moment, horns and war drums sounded loudly, and more soldiers who landed noticed that the Tenth Banner Corps was actually fighting an unnamed enemy. The other junior officers of the Three Banners Group decisively gathered their own troops, and one hundred troops followed. Join the melee behind the Tenth Flag Troop. Two thousand people versus four hundred, the advantage lies with Ross. At first, the fast-layer encirclement completed by the Tenth Flag Team was still loose. As more soldiers joined, the encirclement became airtight. The "ring" in the center remained motionless under the command of the centurion, and only the enemy's blood made the ground underfoot smelly and muddy. The outer "ring" is like a huge meat grinder, which is constantly shrinking with the stabbing of the steel sword and the pecking of the halberd. The heroic deeds of the Prussian warriors guarding the altar of Pusketis are worthy of praise and praise, but they are just the pieces of meat sandwiched between four sides, being minced into mince by the Ross meat grinder... There is no language barrier and no reason for communication. Fighting to the death with an enemy whose members were all wearing blue tattoos but no armor, the Ross soldiers had no expectation of this and simply strangled them all. It is precisely in this kind of melee environment that the Prussian soldiers have no chance to beg for mercy. However, they have honor and can be afraid but never beg for mercy. Many people had difficulty wielding axes and swords due to being squeezed. When their bodies were riddled with holes and their blood flowed to death from the Ross steel swords, they died because of their fighting strength, which is not heroic. The blue high priest was caught in the crowd. A large number of armed priests had been killed, and fewer and fewer militiamen were still alive. The soldiers were wiped out like peeling onions. The "Danish Pirates" in front of them were stepping on the bodies of the dead and continuing to compress the encirclement. The dying squirmers were not only trampled, they were stabbed and stabbed. The Ross warriors ensured that these blue braves would die, which was considered to give them a dignity - to truly die on the battlefield. …

End of this chapter

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