Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,440 Kasimislaw Bogoswicz

【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

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In the end, Bogslaw was drunk, and he was unconscious, still slurping the wine in his mouth.

The cask of wine that had been awarded to him was put together with the glass, and he and himself were handed over to the waiting followers, especially his son.

Kasimisław Bogosvich, his son, was startled to see Rurik himself standing in front of him. Then I was shocked and found that my father was drunk and mumbling inexplicably.

Rurik looked at the young man and saw that he was a little thinner and had the same curly hair as his father. Maybe he could become a little hero if given some opportunities.

Rurik had a plan in mind.

Kasimislaw took over his confused father and was told: "Your father has decided to give us another 40,000 Roman pounds of oats in exchange for one hundred reindeer. Your father is drunk, and you will It’s up to you to help your father handle these things.”

The young man thought his father had been poisoned and was shocked when he received the gift. He regarded the heavy glassware as a crystal product. He smelled the fruity wine smell on his father's body and was surprised that there was a barrel of wine in the reward.

Bogsław covered himself with a woolen blanket and lay on the cart, and was taken back to the village by his people.

"One hundred deer were exchanged for 40,000 pounds of wheat. You let him make a profit." Leaning on her man, Bejahir was still brooding over what happened at the meeting.

"not feeling well?"

"You are too generous."

"It doesn't matter, this is all to win over him. And you, we will go to their big village tomorrow, and you will go too."

"Me?" Beyah Hill was a little surprised: "Am I going to be your bodyguard?"

"Yes, she is my wife." Rurik sighed softly: "And Wei

Lika and the girl from Frank. "

"Blackbird? She's going too?"

"She is my adopted daughter after all."

"In this case..." Bayahir always felt that there was a risk, "If they suddenly rebel, wouldn't we be in danger?"

"That's why I have to organize the elite to go there. Unless their militia is organized, it will be in disarray. I will let the cavalry dismount and enter wearing armor. I think at that time they are more worried about us launching an attack."

"Whatever you want." She didn't say anything more, lay down on Rurik's chest and closed her eyes...

The dark clouds directly above the Ross camp were illuminated again, like a bright light that the residents of Gdańsk could not ignore.

This scene is still like the thunder god coming to the world, but it is indeed the army of the north.

The Ross camp was quiet. The horses that had eaten the night grass were lying on their knees and sleeping in a group. The reindeer herds under the woods were lying apart and lying down everywhere due to their body temperature.

The body of the male deer is changing naturally. They are about to enter the one-month breeding period. When their temperament starts to become irritable, deer farmers need to train them more, and the deer hair also begins to become thicker. This is preparation for winter.

Rurik demolished Vahavanin and selected a hundred strong and unruly deer from the herd.

Giving them strong deer in exchange for a batch of wheat that may not be of good quality is giving them a profit, but for long-term considerations Rurik does not need to care about this gift. It is these strong deer that are the most difficult to manage after entering the breeding season. Throwing them away will also reduce some trouble for the army in the future.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

General Fisk and Young General Brody, the six hundred brothers under the two generals were the elite of this expedition. The dismounted cavalryman transformed into an infantry warrior. He

They were ordered to proceed to Gdańsk as infantry.

Before falling asleep, Rurik was ready to go to the big village tomorrow morning to do a big deal. After he issued a series of orders, his men unloaded a batch of quick-loading trolleys from the big ship.

The shaft is inserted into the roller bearing of the trolley, the wheels are installed on the shaft, and the bayonet is inserted. It was originally a transportation vehicle. During the war, it was equipped with a torsion slingshot as a mobile heavy weapon. After the war, it was a flexible vehicle for transporting trophies.

They will bring back four hundred sacks of wheat, and now they have to transport some miscellaneous and limited quantities of ironware to Gdańsk to sell.

Among the many iron tools, many were seized from the Prussians of the Sambia Peninsula. Although they are things that seem more suitable for recycling, throwing them to the residents of Gdansk should be able to exchange for more agricultural products.

A new day comes in peace...

The bonfire in the cool early morning and the rooster's crow in the distance are incredibly penetrating.

The air was filled with a faint burnt smell of firewood, and it became increasingly dense. It was the soldiers who got up early adding new firewood to the campfire, and the soldiers guarding the camp were already preparing breakfast.

The sentries who had been on duty all night completed their tasks and found nothing unusual. They yawned and took over with their companions, then fled to the shack and fell asleep.

For most people, they will just rest outside Gdańsk today, and they will only rest for the whole day as planned. Considering that the long march will resume tomorrow, although today is a rest day, it is not easy for many people.

They still have to be vigilant! Because everyone has learned that today the king will visit with some brothers


Maybe those people really surrendered. What if?

The soldiers must be on alert. If the king and his brothers who enter the city encounter trouble there, the entire army will immediately launch an offensive.

Ross Military Camp occupies the local small port, and the windbreak is full of tents. Their presence makes it temporarily impossible for locals to fish. The camp also seems like a wall blocking the north and east of Gdańsk. Viewed from multiple angles The Russian army's offensive posture can not be relaxed at all.

The sound of stubby leather drums prompted the two cavalry regiments ordered to move.

They left their horses temporarily and rallied quickly after the meal as pure infantry.

They had made sufficient preparations. They had put on their plate armor vests and skirts, and hung their calf greaves and shoulder armors.

The warrior's iron helmet is decorated with beautiful feathers, he carries a round shield on his back, and he carries a sword and hand ax around his waist.

The two teams totaled 600 people. In Rurik's opinion, this kind of armed force alone was enough to defeat the Gdansk militia.

While he is confident enough, he does not forget that he also presents himself as a warrior.

He is not afraid that he will become the target of public criticism for dressing too gorgeously. This time he will put on a white bear robe, top it with a gold-plated iron helmet, and display his sword full of gems and gold patterns.

Although there were no horses, the other two teams of cavalry were on standby in the camp.

Early in the morning, a thin morning mist hid the Russian army. Due to the king's surveillance, their deafening shouts in the mist gave people inexplicable fear.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

While many people are still worried that the people of Gdansk will rebel, in fact the other party is already frightened.

The big leader Bogslaw, who returned in a daze last night, was still in this bad state all night long.

I had a conversation with the village leaders who were eagerly anticipating the results. His son Kasimisław represented his father and relayed the Russians' requests carefully.

In a daze, Bogslaw ordered his son to pry open the barrel filled with wine. The young man clumsily completed his father's task, and then shared the barrel of wine with all the village chiefs.

As the big leader, he really did share the good things with everyone, and the result was that everyone got drunk.

Drinking ale is the happiest thing in their lives, and the sweeter and more intoxicating wine of this river is multiple happiness.

These powerful people were all won over by Rurik's gift of wine, but this was unexpected by Rurik.

They slept soundly all night, and most of them were awake the next day.

But what Bogslaw regrets is that, most likely out of fear, a group of villagers in Gdansk spontaneously fled to the western forests to hide. They were afraid that King Rus would cause chaos after entering the village, and the powerful people would Since there is no longer an order to resist, as ordinary people, before they really get the benefits promised by the Russians, it is better to take care of their families and families to avoid their sharp edges.

There are many fewer people in the large settlement, which is also a good thing in Bogslaw's opinion: "In this way, if the Rus' hands are unclean, at least they will not hurt you."

Beautiful girls in each village were especially hidden, and then women and children rushed to flee. In each small village, the structure of each family still existed, and the parents and young men of the family stayed behind. They rationally decided to follow the leaders. I bet on my footsteps. I bet that King Rus will act peacefully.

Enter the city.

Just outside the city, the Ross army, which was eager to enter the city, had already lined up.

Rurik stood in front of the team, holding the hilt of his sword: "Everyone! Turn left! Let's go!"

He took the lead, and Fisk and Brody each threw their men forward in a long and thin column.

Their blue and white robes stood out under the gray sky, and the flags they held high sounded in the north wind.

Next to Rurik were Verika and Blackbird who were wearing priest robes. For safety reasons, the two women also had to wear a somewhat heavy plate armor vest to protect their key torso. The safety of the two girls is now the responsibility of Beyah Hill.

Behind the long and narrow queue were more than fifty pushcarts. The pushcarts were all accompanying craftsmen. They were nominally non-combatants. However, with their sinewy body made of forged iron and shockingly powerful arms, it was difficult to decide. Convincing them not to engage in combat.

They boldly left the camp and entered the unharvested wheat fields of the locals.

Rurik looked around with his chin raised, and said silently in his mind: "You are not working, but you seem to be worried about us. I'm really sorry for delaying your farming season."

He raised his right fist again to signal and shouted: "Stay in good formation and don't trample on their wheat. When we get to their village, stay calm and let them see our style."

Everyone responded to their king with a collective war cry.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

An army marched toward Gdansk, which was completely undefended, and soon Rurik entered a loose and large city - more appropriately called a "village union".

The presence of the Russian army cannot be ignored. When they began to approach, Bogslaw, who was basically sober, was already leading a large army.

Some of the leaders of the small villages put together an reception group and summoned some men to put on the most gorgeous robes to show off.

Now, compared to what we saw yesterday, today's Rus' army is smaller but more gorgeous. Isn't the man wearing the golden crown the King of Rus himself?

On one side are tall armored warriors uniformly dressed, and on the other side are shorter local men wearing "Kashuben robes". It is self-evident which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

Rurik glanced at Gdansk with great interest. He had no extravagant expectations for this city. Now that he was in it, he felt as if he was in a trance, as if he had seen the White Tree Manor for the first time. Because White Tree Manor is also a small village geometry, it is precisely because of this that it has the population and urban construction foundation to develop into Novgorod.

"It seems that you are awake." Rurik held his sword hilt proudly and said in greeting.

"Wake up. Thank you...King Ross for the wine."

Bogslaw's words came from the bottom of his heart, and the leaders of the small village standing next to him also looked like they were nodding and bowing.

"Very good." Rurik looked at the solemn-faced men again and casually ordered: "Let your militiamen retreat. Now is the time for us to have a good chat. By the way." Rurik asked again: " My Duke, these old men around you...are they all your little leaders?"

"The king is wise."

"Excellent, I don't have to ask you to summon them again. Where is your residence?"

"It's right there." By now Bogslaw knew that he could no longer hide anything, and he pointed to the largest building complex in the city.

"Let's go talk now. This area is temporarily taken over by my people! Don't worry, let's hurry up

After discussing everything and getting what I need, we will return to the port. "

Rurik's words really gave them reassurance.

For Bogslaw and his family, they are like a little wolf lying on the ground, facing the wolf king with its belly to show complete surrender.

The entire family mansion was controlled by the majestic Ross army. Fisk and Brody's people just completely surrounded it, and the miscellaneous people were moved to a few rooms to wait for everything to end. Although this was Rurik's move to avoid complications, if he was really cruel, the soldiers could wipe out the supreme ruler of Gdańsk in an instant with the move of a finger.

In the meeting room of Bogslaw's house, it was surrounded by elite soldiers.

Bogslaw and his son who were sitting among them were in a very calm mood because they had received the hospitality from King Rus last night, while the others were trembling.

Rurik, as the king, sat in the most distinguished position, his two daughters sat on the right, and Beyathil sat on the left.

The whole scene was very subtle, and he livened up the awkward atmosphere by introducing his family.

"It's really unexpected. Your Majesty's expedition also brought... your daughter... your wife." Bogslaw wanted to continue to flatter him. After he finished, he noticed that the so-called Countess Demyansk was extremely young. Such a woman It was impossible to think that her daughter, who was obviously very old, could still be left. He didn't talk too much.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

"Because my daughter is also a priest. I heard that you prohibit us northerners from worshiping the northern gods here. Is this true? Tell the truth."

"This...is indeed true."


That's it. "Rurik said harshly: "You are already my vassal, and you can no longer act as you did in the past. In the future, more northerners will visit you in Gdansk, and they will definitely make sacrifices here. listen! Odin, the Great God of the North, gave me his blessing, so I have such a large army. You can believe in your own gods, but you can't interfere with us. Gdańsk must be free. "

The whole clan is under the thumb of King Rus, so naturally whatever he says will be taken care of.

Bogslaw felt a hint of danger and immediately smiled bitterly: "I will veto this order immediately and will urge all villagers to be tolerant on this issue."

"This is just one of them. Your son!" Rurik specifically mentioned Kasimislaw, who was sitting here as if he were small and transparent, staring at him with sharp eyes.

"Me?" The young man was shocked and hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look directly into the king's eyes.

Rurik immediately scolded: "Look at me directly. I remember your name is Kasimislaw, and you will be the next generation of dukes. But no matter how you look at it, you are as ordinary as a farmer."

Rurik knew that this man was two years younger than him, so he was considered the same age, and he had two different mental concepts.

"Now I'm giving you a mission, and I'm also giving you a mission in Gdansk. I want you to organize a very small army to go with me to the Franks to fight. Casimir!" Rurik directly called this kid by his real name: "You There is no glory in the first place, just because your blood can inherit the name of your father Slaw, you are really a man. Why don't you follow me! I will take you to challenge the strong men in this world. When we triumph, you will be real public

Sir. "

If this kid was a coward, he wouldn't have acted calmly last night. If his father could implement this small meeting stably today, there must be this kid's help behind him.

Most men of his age did not want to live as weak men living under the glory of their fathers, so Rurik prodded him again: "Boy, what do you think of our Russian clothes? Answer truthfully."

"Beautiful! Very beautiful."

"anything else?"

"Very powerful."

Rurik shrugged: "There are many people among my warriors who can speak your language, because they are also Slavs. Your relatives in the east have become strong by joining Rus, and your Kashuben clan will be equally strong by joining us. Kashuban Simiř! Only by winning powerful military honors can you become the real ruler of the Kashuben clan, instead of continuing to stay in this little Gdansk. Only I can make you famous."

As the son of a duke, Casimir had to organize a small Allied Army of the Principality of Gdańsk to join the expedition, with its size limited to fifty men.

What Rurik wanted was not the results that this army could achieve, but the real certificate of surrender of the Gdansk people.

The shortcut to establishing mutual trust between the two parties is to do something together, such as organizing a coalition to fight.

"Can you ride a horse?" Rurik asked again.

"What if...the king thinks highly of our pony?"

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

"If you can ride it, it means you can ride a horse." Rurik turned to Bogslaw who was in confusion and asked: "I will temporarily take away your son and the fifty of you who can ride a horse. Man. My armies will be under my command, I will give them good clothes and weapons, and your son will be able to

You can gain military exploits and bring you a lot of loot afterwards. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for looking after me. But... I only have this one son." This is what Bogslaw is worried about.

"Really? I am the only son of my father who is still alive, but my old father will not refuse my expedition because of this. Your son needs experience to become a real warrior, otherwise he will only be called Cassie MiRi.”

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