Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1441 The Great Tetrarch and Count Wladyslaw of Gdynia

If the Russian army had not entered Gdańsk, Bogosław's son Casimir might have been just a Kalami in this tiny place. Because Kashubian is a larger popular group, and although Gdansk is its largest part, the leader here may not necessarily be recognized by people in other regions. Bogslaw himself has gained a lot of power in the local area. It is not known whether his son can successfully inherit the family business and hold on to it. If this boy fails, adding the "Sław" suffix to his name will become a scandal. This is what Bogslaw has always been worried about - he is the only son who is still alive. The meeting continued, and Rurik asked the young man again: "Are you married? Do you have children? Answer truthfully." "Yes. I have a son." Casimir replied. Although such an honest answer might have prompted the Russians to ask for "hostages," Casimir knew he had no choice, and Bogslaw even more so, even if the Russians did ask for his grandson as a hostage. Liuli Pants nodded and looked at Bogslaw again: "My Duke, you are really lucky to have a grandson at such a young age. Fortunately, my old father is equally lucky. So, what do you think of me? How many children should I have?" It sounded like King Rus was trying to get closer. "I don't know. You are a young hero, so... there are many?" "Yes, there are many." Rurik shrugged. Now he looked at everyone present, deliberately expanded the pattern, and asked again: "You guys What do you think of Frank? Especially you, my lord the Duke?" "I have heard their names and learned about their strong strength." After all, Bogslaw only knew Frank through hearsay. He and his Friends had never really seen him, so they repeated what they had heard, thus describing Frank as an unshakable behemoth. "You are ridiculous. They are clay-footed giants." Rurik waved his hand and said: "I got married very early. When I awakened as a real man, my woman soon gave birth to children for me. I love me children, so I realized that protecting sons and daughters in the palm of my hand was actually harming them. A boy needs strength to become a real man! Therefore, I had already sent my first son to the distant Frankish expedition, followed by My nephew, and many of my kinsmen. I have fought against the Frankish army many times and achieved success. This time I will definitely achieve greater success! I will also see my son and nephew who were sent in advance in Frank. They They must come to me with their military exploits. If they are all in Frank and have accomplished nothing, I will whip them." Smart people can understand the profound meaning of Rurik's words. He was addressing all the local nobles present, and even His own daughter and adopted daughter, and even Beyah Hill, who is a female general. Originally, Casimir felt that Rosrao's visit had nothing to do with his future. When they left tomorrow, Gdańsk would return to its original state and his life as a young master would continue. "Casimir, I know you must be eager for honor. You see, I am only a few years older than you and I am already the king of the powerful Rus. I have won this honor with my own hands! As long as you follow me, you are destined to inherit Gdansk can share the honor of Russia's victory with me. As long as you bring your people to join my army, I can treat you as my brother." At this point, the weight of the words was a bit too heavy. Casimir didn't know How could King Rus think so highly of himself? King Rus has already given you a huge favor, and you would be stupid not to accept it. Casimir was not moved to tears, at least now as an outsider, the King of Rus, standing here, he did not have any resentment, and became more and more admired - this is what a man should do. Rurik paid so much attention to Casimir, who was relying on his father's glory and had no glorious achievements, which shocked all the village leaders present. Gdańsk is a large village conglomeration, often with more than a dozen large families put together to form a village. Among them, the head of the family with the best personnel serves as the village leader in a tacit understanding of everyone. The times have reached a subtle juncture, and the peaceful days of Gdansk people have come to an end. Rurik noticed the faces of these men who were gradually eager to try, and felt that the time was right and announced: "You old people are all local nobles. I will make your leader a duke, and Ross will not ignore you!" Because " Behind the title "Duke of Gdansk", this nobleman can truly unify the entire Kashubian ethnic group. For a moment, Rurik felt that the title given to Bogslaw was too big, even if this guy's power was indeed beyond the title of "Count". "Oops, the title given to him is too high. If Casimir follows me and really launches some attacks in Frank, his family will grow stronger in the future, and his dominance has nothing to do with me. It's just that he is too powerful for me to reap the benefits." Rurik thought for a moment and decided to just make a big enfeoffment. He counted and found that there were as many as fifteen village leaders sitting here, so he came up with a plan: "The king has decided that all of you will be named earls! You all have the title." What is an earl? ? In the northern world represented by Ross, earl means war chief. But in order to let these village leaders truly understand the meaning of this word, Rurik decisively gave an example to compare. "In this way, the fifteen of you are of the same rank as the nobleman who has been stationed at the port for the past six months. You are of the same rank as Count Swinder of Bornholm, but your strength is not the same. But I still recognize that you are all counts.

" Regarding the hierarchy of Rus, Rurik took the opportunity to do some popular science with them. The highest title is the king, and the next highest rank is the duke, and the next highest rank is the earl and governor. The governor directly takes orders from the king, while the earl While the territory is highly autonomous and does not even need to pay tribute to the king, the earl has almost only one obligation to the king: to organize an army to perform necessary services for the king. The lowest level is the baron or boyar, because they are the most powerful A boyar title is enough, but a count title is too much. Such a title system is basically comparable to that of Frank, and it also has the characteristics of Ross. Rurik knows very well that the current Ross has spent twenty years expanding. What kind of monster has she become: She is a military empire with centralized power in the core area and extensive enfeoffment in the peripheral areas. Military expansion is the destiny of Rose. Once she stops expanding, the accumulated evils within Rose will come back to bite her huge body, and that will take a long time. That’s what happened in the future. In order to face his fate in the next few decades, Rurik felt that what he had to do was to continue to expand, enfeoff a large number of nobles in the newly conquered areas, and add another group of nobles to the already unified area, and create a new world. The original political ecology of the local area was disrupted, but under the "impact of fate" a few decades later, the local nobles were numerous and scattered. By then, nothing could be done to destroy the core of Ross, and it became easier for the core to annex local places. Such a feudal pairing This was shocking to all the leaders. Some villages had only a few hundred people, nearly half of whom were children. With the sanitary conditions in Gdansk at that time, it was difficult for a large number of boys and girls to survive to their traditional twelve-year-old age. As adults, people's attitude towards death is therefore very subtle. They have to counteract the high mortality rate of their children by having a large number of children, so Gdańsk covers a large area without a large population. Each village is so large. Having the title of earl is really high in the eyes of the King of Rus, and this honor also comes with a price. Continuing the previous topic, Rurik mentioned that Bogslaw organized a team composed of local people and numbered at least fifty people. A militia team that can ride horses, Rurik suddenly said again: "I suggest that each of your villages send their nephews to join the army and give your children the best equipment. I don't ask you to give them horses, Ross will rent them war horses. Each of your villages must piece together fifty riders who can ride horses. Three from each village are enough. You must gather here before the end of the day. "The incident happened suddenly, and everyone who was in the mood readily agreed. There is a village leader here who is still unknown in this era, or it is time to call him "Count Gdynia". Large-scale enfeoffment is really hard to do. Kettween, the highest leader is a duke, and the village leader is a count. Those settlement leaders of the Kashuben clan who will not participate in this coastal regional meeting due to their geographical distance have no title. Gdansk has already had an internal situation. It has become a spectacular image of tall mountains, and when they merge together, they suppress the status of the people of the tribe. The Kashuben tribe, represented by Gdansk, has become hostile to the Prussians, their neighbors to the east, and Liuti, their neighbors to the west. The Qi people and their southern neighbors, the Poles, have a mental advantage.…

End of this chapter

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