Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,442 The Three Swordsmen of Gdynia

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The two sides finally established real preliminary mutual trust due to large-scale transactions, so those people hiding in the forest began to come out one after another.

Even five- and six-year-old children were part of the labor force. The women carefully returned to the village with their children, and they immediately received the news: "Even if you transport freshly cut wheat to the Russians, you can buy a good axe."

Each family owns this large piece of land. They grow wheat and vegetables here, and the entire family works together to cultivate the autumn harvest, and the profits are shared by the whole family.

Parents know how much food is needed to maintain a large family.

Seeing that many people who did not hide began to enjoy the fruits of the transaction, they were afraid that all the good things would be bought by their own people. They took action, carrying scythes and flatbed carts, and went straight to their wheat fields to continue the unfinished autumn harvest.

Not only harvesting wheat, some people hurried to the wasteland to cut grass. The wheat ears containing grains were placed separately from the weeds. The villagers, who were afraid that the Russians would leave tomorrow, rushed to deliver these supplies to the dock camp.

They exchanged some good things one after another. Some families just exchanged for one or two strong reindeer. The parents happily took the docile deer home and put their children on the vacant two-wheeled trailer. I got a four-wheeled vehicle, which was pulled by reindeer and walked on the fairly flat dirt road in the fields.

At this time, people began to understand the value of the expensive transaction - because tomorrow these deer carts will not be pulling children, but more bundles containing wheat straw and dry grass handles.

In this way, the supply of food and fodder for the Russian army was relieved, and the soldiers who were on standby to deal with emergencies were left to the officers.

Under the command of Blue Fox Swinder and others, transactions were completed.

The night was still lively.

The Gdansk people lit a large number of bonfires, which caused tension in the Ross military camp. They were relieved to learn that they were harvesting wheat overnight.

After nightfall, Rurik dragged his slightly tired body back to the camp. In his opinion, the experience of the past two days was simply a dream, and it seemed that this dream would continue.

Because right in the Ross camp, a group of local young people gathered around Casimir. They are all the sons and nephews of newly promoted earls. Their fathers' being knighted has raised their status, but none of them have merit to match.

All the young people who came here were young people from nearby villages. They received robes and a steel sword from the Russian army, and they also happily proved to Rurik that they "at least will not fall off the horse easily." They are not cavalry at all, at best they are beginners on horseback, which is actually enough.

They were gathered overnight, led by Casimir, and waited for the instructions of King Rus.

The haze is still there tonight, and the strange thing is that it is not raining. It is said that the weather in Gdansk is always like this.

The bonfire made the young people's faces shine, and the young people from the remote countryside gathered among the majestic Rus, most of whom were shy and cautious.

Rurik changed his clothes to highlight his golden laurel crown. Many warriors who wanted to watch the fun gathered together, eating boiled wheat, talking and laughing while watching the show.

The tall and young Rurik preached in Slavic that they all understood: "You! You will all inherit your father's title. You are all nobles. Your son will be a count, your nephew will be a baron, and your descendants will also be It's expensive

clan. All these are rewards from me.

You must follow our expedition without hesitation, and I will lead you to defeat the strongest enemy in the world. You can all plunder gold, gems, the most beautiful clothes, and beautiful women in Frank.

If you want to get this, you must follow me. If you are a coward, get out immediately. But cowards! You will lose all rights to inherit the title, and you will be cast aside by your people..."

If you follow the expedition, you can get gold and silver treasures, but if you refuse, you will die directly in society. The misery of the latter is indeed fatal.

At least you can get rich by taking a chance. These young people must do it even if they are still reluctant.

On the other hand, the newly promoted Earl of Gdynia has already rushed back to his village with his entourage.

The village of Gdynia, still known as Gdino in this era, is located in a small port, nearly 20 kilometers away from Gdansk. It stands to reason that it is impossible for this old man to meet the Ross Army immediately.

Count Wladyslaw came here to organize people to purchase wheat. The grain purchased was used in the specialty industry of brewing.

Compared with other small nobles, the Gdynia chief family has more business acumen. They mix wheat and wild fruits to brew fruity ale, and even add pine nuts and wormwood leaves into the mixture. The resulting wonderful wine can be used in a large population. The main city of Gdansk has made a lot of profits.

His family owns the largest brewery in the village, and other families also have small businesses in this area. Sometimes the brother tribes from the south came to buy wine in person, so he built another hotel and provided wine service to the occasional travelers.

By chance he was staying in Gdansk, where he tasted Ross's wines.

Red and sweet

Where does wine come from? Is it Nassau from the Frankish world? If I send my sons to participate in the expedition, can I investigate the wine there and find a way to make it in the village?

Wladyslaw bought a deer and paired it with his own cart pony. Suddenly, he returned north along the dirt road along the coastline with a small amount of shopping supplies, even holding a torch.

There is nearly 20 kilometers of dirt road from Gdynia to Gdansk. Thanks to this road, they suddenly returned to the already quiet village with torches.

There was a sudden noise in the family, and all three sons were awakened.

Wladyslaw married early. He was nearly fifty but looked older. The oldest of his sons was thirty and the youngest was twenty.

The eldest son, Sokswav, didn't understand why his father returned so suddenly. The three brothers were all drowsy under the dim oil lamp.

"Father, has something serious happened? You... look very happy. Our wine supply is in short supply again?"

"It's a big deal." So Wladyslaw talked endlessly about his fantastic experience in Gdansk during the past two days...

The three brothers were shocked to hear this. "Unexpectedly, all the Danish rulers suddenly looked up to us." The eldest son, Thok, was still puzzled.

"Let's take a look at this!" The three brothers saw their father calmly displaying a sword from the leather blanket covered by the package. After removing the scabbard, the shining steel sword was surprising.

The most outrageous thing about this sword is that the blade will bend when the force is pressed against the wooden floor, and it will rebound immediately after the force is removed. Its sharpness can easily cut through the wood without worrying about chipping or curling.

"Is this their...baby? Is it yours, father?"

"Attention! They are not Danes, they are Russians

! It's the king of all the blond oarsmen from the north. "Wladyslaw thought a lot along the way, and he decided to take a risk. As long as he succeeds, his family can explode.

Because these three brothers were born to his own wife, but unfortunately his wife passed away first. Wladyslaw's slave girl turned into his wife and gave him a new son, but it was these three brothers who could really inherit the family business.

What if all three of your sons are accidentally killed in battle? The eldest son also has a son, and his eldest grandson will inherit the title of "Count of Gdynia".

Wladyslaw and Rurik talked about this extreme situation, and it was immediately confirmed that only the direct descendants of the eldest son born to the first wife can inherit the earl title, and the remaining descendants have the title of baron boyar.

The incident happened suddenly, but he knew that as soon as the Russians set off tomorrow, they would pass through Gdynia.

The Russians actually launched an expedition guarding a huge treasure chest. As long as they were taken care of well, all the surplus agricultural and sideline products in the village could be sold.

Wladyslaw would talk to other families in the village, but before that he had to convince his three sons to gamble.

He began to talk eloquently, talking about wonderful prospects.

But the eldest son Suoke felt more and more strange: "Father! How can you become so smart that you only follow their lead?"

"Shut up! Now, this is for the benefit of your three brothers. The leader of Gdansk has gained the high trust of King Rus. Although our population is small, we have a great future. I am old, and I hope you will rebuild the northern coastline. A small port, we will trade directly with the Russians in the future..."

Wladyslaw thought about a wonderful way. Maybe one day the village of Gdynia would be transformed by trade.

The business advantage is more advantageous than that of Gdansk. Although this seems unrealistic to the three brothers.

It's not that the sons dare not disobey their father. In fact, the Russian army will cross the border tomorrow. How can they oppose a force that can make the leader of Gdańsk surrender without a fight?

"Let us participate in the expedition to Frank? Are the Russians really trustworthy?"

"Sock. You are the eldest brother, so don't make your younger brother nervous by talking nonsense. I was made an earl, and you should inherit this in the future. You must follow the Ross people! Otherwise, our family's power will be over!"

Sokoslaw still didn't understand. He frowned and scratched his head: "I want to believe in their power. But I want to leave my wife and children immediately to go with them? I have no psychological preparation."

"Why am I not? But!" The old father beat his chest hard: "This is an opportunity to make a fortune. You are going to the Frankish world to grab gold, good horses, beautiful women, and check out the wine there. I When you are old, you will go over there on my behalf to see the world. By the way. Tomorrow the Russians will give you new clothes and a good sword, and each of you three brothers will have one. You will also be able to ride horses, and the Russians will give you better war horses. I I want you to be heroes! Otherwise the title of Sław given to you will become a joke."

Of course the three brothers were reluctant. If they were given a few days to calm down and think carefully, the three smart men would have calculated the pros and cons and happily went.

The three brothers, their father, and the entire Gdynia village have no time!

A new day, the departure day of the Russian army.

Rurik was already aware of the existence of a developing sandbank at the location of the village of Gdynia;

Extending into a long sea wall, this was confirmed by the local chief Wladyslaw.

Rurik liked this man and was looking forward to purchasing supplies while passing through Gdynia, and the "currency" was reindeer.

Just as the Russian army arrived at the Vistula River suddenly, their departure was also extremely quick and sudden.

The weather is still hazy and the air seems to be getting humid. Maybe there will be an autumn rain in the next few days.

"Fortunately, it didn't rain. It's time to leave here." Early in the morning, Rurik splashed cold water on his face and quickly woke up. Then he called the soldiers to finish their meal and immediately left the kitchen.

Just wash the iron pots with sea water and throw them into the rowing longboat one after another. The soldiers abandoned most of the wooden beams for tents, leaving the core ones bundled with cloth and threw them into the longboat. To prevent their boots from getting wet, they Beach pushed the boat into the sea with his bare feet, climbed on board one after another, and paddled away.

The big ship on the waves weighed anchor after hearing the news, and then headed north-east against the north wind. The long ship followed closely behind, bypassing the half-developed sandbar, and preparing to enter the West Pomeranian coastline and move westward.

Meanwhile, Ross's cavalry and the still-large herd of deer moved north along the shoreline windbreaks.

They left as suddenly as they came. This was Ross's arrogance. When they left, a group of Gdansk residents arrived at the old Ross camp in order to find some usable things here. Not to mention, some people actually picked them up. Arrived the missing knife and hand axe.

In the future, these villagers will chat with Count Bernholm who is still stationed here. But after three days of fantastic experiences, the relationship between the two parties has become extremely harmonious, and the people who stopped fishing can finally make peace boldly.

The blond men who occupied the port worked together to develop the Port of Gdansk.

The reindeer carried a large amount of fodder and food, so the cavalry did not need to pay attention to the wasteland for raids and supplies when they marched along the coast. Rurik estimated that as long as he did not stay unnecessarily, he would soon be able to start crossing the Oder River.

Especially since the future march will still be on the territory of the Kashuben clan, that Casimir suddenly became the best guide in the entire army.

Rurik had no intention of staying in Gdynia, so he made an appointment with Wladyslaw to make an exchange immediately upon arrival at his destination. "Maybe the transaction speed is as fast as when I go to the supermarket to buy a bottle of Coke." Rurik silently fantasized on the horse, because he believed that those people who were more business-oriented than other villages were unprofitable and could not afford to be early.

Therefore, the mighty cavalry team had already met the locals before arriving at the village of Gdynia. It is no exaggeration to describe them as welcoming the king's division by eating pots of pulp.

When the eldest son Sok truly saw the powerful strength of the Russian army, all suspicion turned into admiration.

Sok and his two younger brothers stood in front of their father.

"Father, I was wrong. The Russians are powerful and invincible. It seems that I should follow them."

Wladyslaw took a long breath of comfort and looked at his three sons again: "After a while, he saw King Rus kneeling on one knee to salute him, and then immediately followed their team. As a father, I... will watch you leave. "

"As ordered." Suok replied on behalf of his brothers.

More villagers spent the night placing prepared wheat, fodder, dairy products, honey, and ale sealed in wooden barrels on the side of the dirt road.

The opportunity to dump the surplus supplies immediately was only this morning, and all the families were picked up overnight.

They would go to the meeting excited to get up and come back excited and crazy.

Most of the people gathered on both sides of the dirt road had dark circles under their eyes. They had been busy all night in excitement, and moving supplies here made everyone very tired. It can be thought that in exchange for some powerful livestock and a batch of practical iron tools, all these efforts are worth it.

Rurik came and saw the so-called village of Gdynia: "This size, maybe it has five hundred people?"

Fisk said casually: "Their villagers should all be here, there are not many of them."

"But this man Wladyslaw is absolutely powerful in the local area. He came back from running last night, and the whole village was doing business with us overnight."

"It's the king's majesty that makes them surrender." Fisk complimented with a smile.

"When did you say such beautiful words? I like it."

It was easy to spot Rurik in the crowd. He deliberately showed off his golden ponytail to highlight his golden laurels. He wore the most gorgeous clothes and even the horse's head was modified.

Wladyslaw stood in front of the road with his three sons and the whole family, and at the command they all knelt down on one knee.

All the families knelt down one after another as they watched. They had no psychological grudges, just because they learned that as long as they coaxed King Ross well, everyone would get more benefits.

"Hahaha! You are all loyal people! You are all worthy of Rose's protection! All of you, get up."

The words were spoken in Slavic, and the ordinary villagers were shocked. They couldn't help but wonder whether this blond northern man had Kashubian blood and whether he was originally a relative of everyone.

Wladyslaw happily looked at King Rus with a smile on his face. He immediately introduced his three sons and continued to flaunt his

loyalty. "My three sons are given to the king. They are smart and powerful. They can ride horses. I think the king can get three smart warriors."

"You actually took out three sons? You really spent a lot of money." Rurik glanced at the three people again and saw that each of them was indeed stronger, but everyone was lower than the average height of the Ross warriors. "Okay, I'll take them and the supplies you prepared."

Rurik immediately heard the names of these three people, and he was particularly interested in the boss among them.

"Sokosław? Very good. But you shouldn't call yourself Sław just yet." Rurik has become accustomed to it in recent days. All the cats and dogs in this place use "Sław" to refer to themselves, but really Heroes are bound to be rare. "Can you fight? Have you...killed any large beasts?"

"I have killed leopards and wolves with my spear." Suok answered truthfully.

"Have you ever killed anyone?"

"This..." Suoke was surprised: "That's not true."

"But at least you are not afraid of blood. The enemies are like wolves and leopards. I hope you still have such courage on the battlefield. Come! Bring your two brothers to join me. Remember, you are the future Earl of Gdynia .”

The three brothers got three steel swords, and Rurik was willing to jokingly call them the "Three Musketeers." Facts have proved that they can really ride horses, and the postures of putting on the Ross jersey are very similar to other warriors, although they do not know how to fight on horses.

So all the goods in the village were instantly emptied, and they happily took away ten deer. The Russian army replenished a batch of wine for sale in this way. This is really an important and special supply.

The mighty Russian army skipped Gdynia and continued

Running along the coast to the northern coast, Wladyslaw watched his son and the army disappear, returning home with anticipation and unbreakable uneasiness. "I hope my gamble will be successful."

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