Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,443 From the Cape of Western Pomerania to Koszalin

During this era, the vast majority of later settlements on the northern coastline of Western Pomerania did not exist at all in 843 AD. There are no more villages directly north of Gdynia all the way to the northern coastline. This is not because the locals do not know how to develop the northern region. It is because it is too far away from the large settlement of Gdansk and is more likely to encounter Danish pirates. sneak attack. For a long time, the Danes and Bornholm people have sometimes been honest businessmen, sometimes fierce pirates. Whether they engage in piracy business mainly depends on whether their lord is short of money and supplies. For Wladyslaw, the leader of the Gdynia village, the old man firmly believed in what Rurik said after a close conversation with King Yuros. He took the opportunity to chat with Count Swinder of Bornholm and Count Blue Fox of Gothenburg. Although the latter did not make any commitments, their attitude was very obvious - we will not launch an attack on the Kashuben family. Any sneak attack. The town of Putsk in the north of Gdynia does not exist, and the town built by the Teutonic Knights and its two affiliated villages do not exist. Located at the eastern end of the northern coastline of West Pomerania, a cluster of narrow sandbars extends out, forming a brand new lagoon. Thanks to these thirty kilometers of sandbars, the port of Gdansk forms a very good navy. Anchorage. The hydrological conditions of the cluster are very good. The sandbar will not be submerged by the daily tide. Although it will be submerged by the occasional high tide, the sandbar also greatly delays the erosion of the tide. This area is Danzig. It not only connects Pomerania and Prussia, making it a battleground for both countries, but its port is also a large enough natural haven, which makes its strategic significance even greater. "I made a duke and a large number of earls here, and they all got honors. These sons who followed me in Frank will have hard work even if they have no military exploits. After being gilded, they will get greater honors. It is difficult for me to directly control them, but a group of them are all It is easier for nobles who have honor and have their own interests to control the balance. What I want after all is the possibility of entering the depths of the Vistula River." These assumptions about the future are of little significance to Ross at the moment, since the strategic opportunities are here , it is natural to plant the Ross flag in a blank area. Looking around, to the left is the sea to the right of the forest, and where the horses' hooves step on is still a flat beach. The long and narrow beach is the thoroughfare for the army to move. Although you can break through the forest and theoretically walk in a straight line, you can reach the Oder River earlier by taking a shortcut. However, if you pass through the endless forest, the larger the army, the more likely it will be destroyed by these damned troops. The woods drag out into long lines, making it easier for people to get lost. It is precisely the beaches on the far coastline that are obviously the highways of this era. In the evening after passing through Gdynia, the Russian land forces camped in today's Putsk town, which was still a coastal wasteland. The soldiers unloaded the cloth, blankets and prepared straight wooden sticks from the backs of the reindeer, and set up personal tents in the wilderness. They became more and more familiar with the road. Today, like the previous ones, there was a sense of humidity in the air but no rainfall. In the evening, the setting sun was submerged under heavy dark clouds. The world was dark and cold, and the entire army had to light bonfires to keep warm. They untied most of the reindeer and war horses. Considering that this area not only has streams and grasslands, it is such a wonderful grazing area, but its scope is very rare for the army. On the one hand, the soldiers unloaded an iron pot and put it on the stove to cook wheat. As usual, they cooked more to prepare a high-energy meal for the war horses. Another group of soldiers led the horses to a lot of grass and let them bury their heads in the grass and gnaw hard. Rurik twisted his big crotch, which was numb from sitting on the saddle, and kicked his legs hard before sitting down. The Ross Army will spend the night in a regular manner, which is a normal thing for them. It is a really uncomfortable experience for the nephews of the nobles in Gdansk who are forced to follow the Ross Army on the expedition. For many sons of village chiefs, their young vision is limited to one-third of an acre of land in Gdansk. Perhaps only on the occasion of their wedding, when they have to go to a distant village to pick up their bride, do they have to leave home to go to school. It was not unknown for Casimir, the son of the Duke, and the three brothers from the village of Gdynia, to go out on a mission and camp for the night in the wild. Especially Sok from Gdynia. Because his family's wine-selling business makes a living, he sometimes takes over his father's job and escorts the family's new wine to Gdansk for sale, and sometimes he has to camp and rest on the way. The campfire was crackling, and Rurik deliberately had dinner with people of value. How much achievements can the so-called fifty people of the Gdansk Military District achieve in future operations? Most of them are people who lack understanding of war and have a great pursuit of wealth and honor. At least this kind of emotion has been mobilized, but when facing a real battle, they are either too excited to live or die, or they wet their pants. Casimir and Sok made it possible to have a meal with the King of Rus and several nobles and generals of Rus. Both Slavic and Norse are lingua franca, and the status of Slavic has become objectively higher - at least for everyone sitting here. And this simply made the two brothers look in a trance. "Can they still be considered a real Varyag army like this?" King Rus can speak Slavic quite fluently, even if the accent sounds a bit strange. The two suddenly had endless daydreams about the distant Eastern world. Under Ross's management, the East had become powerful and wealthy, especially the rare tranquility. Whether you are farming or doing business, what everyone needs most is stability and security. Compared with farming, it is not as fast as doing industry and trading to make money.

Sok of Gdynia was more talkative than Casimir, and this came from his self-promotion as a businessman. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the delicious meal. It's great to be able to eat such wonderful boiled wheat during the journey." The flattery was obviously just to find something to say to open up the situation. Rurik originally intended to take advantage of the opportunity to have a meal to have a good chat with the two people he liked. "Sokoslaw, do you want to introduce the way forward?" "If the king is willing." "That's it." Rurik asked the others to keep their heads down while eating and not to interrupt, and to hold back any desire to say anything. You said: "You do." "Yes. Regarding my father, the Earl of Gdynia whom you named, he wants us three brothers to go to the northern coastline to have a look. I actually know the scene there. The flat beach faces the sea, and there is a The narrow sandbank extends eastward into the sea. It is suitable to build a settlement there, so that we can directly conduct large-scale trade with each other there. We... can also catch better quality fish." "Is it suitable to open a fishing port in the north?" Stay Rick pinched his beard and thought for a while: "It seems that your father's vision is unique. But... why didn't you do it in the past?" "Because you were afraid of pirates." Sock deliberately smiled innocently: "But now everything is fine. The king is the king of the entire ocean. All pirates will be wiped out by you. Trade that was not possible in the past can now be done boldly." "You are very conversational." Rurik curled his lips in amusement, thinking that it was indeed possible. Because of the geographical location described by Sok, Rurik had already thought of it. Even though he had never been there, he just rationally believed that the intersection of the mainland and the sandbar was suitable as a temporary anchorage for the navy. The navy, which has made a large-scale detour all the way north since Gdansk, will arrive on the northern coast of West Pomerania earlier than the army. The navy and accompanying infantry warriors need a suitable anchorage and garrison to wait for the cavalry. Although the destination has no name, its actual location is today's Władysławowo. Rurik strongly agreed with Sokki's proposition and authorized him: "You can open up a new village with confidence and be sure to hang the flag of Rus, so as to avoid all misunderstandings." He must emphasize that the so-called relationship between Rus and the King of Denmark is Alliance does not completely mean that the following lords will abide by the alliance treaty. There is always a possibility that a certain lord will suddenly go crazy and become a pirate, but those lunatics will not theoretically attack Ross's forces openly. But he also felt something strange. Casimir would be the future Duke of Gdańsk. Wouldn't Casimir be wary of and resent the territorial expansion and economic poaching behavior of Suo Ke? The fact is that it really won’t. Casimir knew nothing about business. As the only son of Bogslaw, he received more favor, which made him suddenly domineering and suddenly cowardly. Generally speaking, Casimir wanted to get honors to prove himself. A real man who is good at fighting, not a businessman. …

End of this chapter

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