Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,453 Rurik and Baron Ulkenslaw of Rostock

【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

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For the Kesina tribe, Rostock is their largest settlement, the only coastal city, and the first window for external communication.

The entire tribe lives along the Varno River, with the furthest villages reaching the lake at the source of the river.

Centered around Rostock, villages become increasingly rare from near to far.

The entire tribe must live close to the water source. Their villages are built along the Varno River like a long snake array. To conquer them, just cut off the snake's head.

Rostock is the smuggler.

Times have changed, and we know that the peaceful pastoral time has ended. If we want to continue to survive, we must succumb to the strong.

The Kessina tribe was already a vassal of Oberlidd, and paid tribute to the count who lived in Lübeck, so the safety of the local people was nominally taken care of by the count.

But in the past few years, the Kesina tribe has never been invaded by foreign enemies. Now it is really facing the dilemma of having troops approaching the city. It is too late to ask for reinforcements. Besides, even if they ask for reinforcements, will the nobles of Oberlidit be willing to reinforce them?

As night fell completely, Ben panicked that the powerful "Danish army" would launch a brutal attack in the evening, but the war did not happen.

The channel of the Varno River suddenly widened and formed a bell mouth, and a large number of light spots gradually appeared in this large mouth.

On the right bank of the waterway, the light spots there gradually formed a string of tongues of fire.

The weird look is totally un-Danish.

Originally thinking of having a bloody battle with the invaders, and maybe today would be his day of death, Baron Urkenslaw of Kessina felt that he was being ignored.

What are the Danes doing? Is it just setting up camp? Or,

Are they waiting for the sun to rise tomorrow before launching an invasion?

"Are they going to wait for our militia to gather? Will they have a bloody battle with them tomorrow? Is this what they call a blood sacrifice to Odin?"

Knowing only so much about the Danes, Urken naturally speculated on the Danes with the most sinister thoughts.

Of course, he always believed that the invaders were Danes.

"Father, are you really... going to fight them to the death?" Urken's son was trembling with fear, and the hand holding the iron sword was trembling.

"Are you scared?"


"Don't be afraid!" Urken made up his mind and said harshly: "This is your fate, we have to fight those barbarians."

"Yes. But..." The young man in the night asked in a daze: "Why don't we go find reinforcements? Didn't the adults in Lübeck promise to help us in case of crisis?"

"He? You are stupid." Urken did not trust the noble Oberlidit, "My son, the only one who can protect us is ourselves. Let's just stick here and see what happens tomorrow."

More than two hundred people, most of whom held spears, gathered at the small dock in Rostock to await their unknown fate, while the majority of the people were evacuating upriver.

Among them, some messengers passed through various villages as quickly as possible to inform the village chiefs to recruit militiamen.

On this night, things were developing according to Urken's statement.

"The only one who can protect us is ourselves!" He firmly believed that brothers of the same race would rally to Rostock for the common interests.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

Even Oberlidd's conquerors never aimed at destroying Rostock. They just treated the people as big fat sheep and "sheared them" every autumn.

"Mao". The determination of the Danes is uncertain. If their goal is to destroy the port, the Kesina family will not be willing to flee without a fight.

Even if you want to escape, you have to evacuate when you are defeated and there is no hope of victory.

On the other side of the city, the Russian soldiers at all levels maintained restraint under Rurik's order. All the soldiers believed that they were already standing on the direct periphery of the settlement called Rostock. They were ordered to build a basic defensive posture and conduct a defensive operation. After eating, I fell asleep.

Although the past day was uneventful, the entire army marched desperately. In order for the fleet to sail faster, a large number of soldiers had to act as rowers and tow a group of armed cargo ships as quickly as possible, at the cost of exhaustion.

Due to the fatigue of traveling and traveling, everyone carried out frequent military operations without respecting the military strength, which would inevitably cause unexpected losses to the Russian army. Rurik chose to exercise restraint and took the opportunity to summon many flag captains and those who seemed to have some knowledge of this area. Blue Fox, everyone gathered in front of the campfire to discuss the prospects.

The eyes of those unruly warriors were spitting fire, and more than one person claimed that the army could easily take them.

Rurik had already conceived what he thought was a reasonable response, and declared: "No, I still hope not to cause trouble. If they are really the Oberliddite force, it will not be beneficial to me to attack rashly. I have already thought about it, tomorrow Our army formed a majestic formation to face this settlement. Our army rushed forward in battle formation, intimidating them with absolute military power and forcing them to take the initiative to negotiate peace with us."

After Rurik finished speaking, he deliberately remained silent for a while. Everyone was silent and only the bonfire was crackling.

"How? Do you agree? Who

Have questions? "he asks.

"There is one." Fisk, who is very senior, led everyone to ask urgently: "What if our armed warriors arouse the fighting spirit of those people and make them insist on fighting us?"

"Hehe, then let's start a war." Rurik shrugged, "Our kindness is limited. If the entire Oberlidit dares to attack us, then we must take these guys first before attacking the Frankish hinterland. Take action."

"Say more!" Rurik emphasized in particular: "If this Rostock is a servant of Oberlidit, theoretically we are already in the Frankish world now, and of course we can launch an attack on them, whether it is peace or war. Look at my attitude. Now my attitude is clear! Give the residents of Rostock a chance to sue for peace.”

This night, it was so quiet that I took refuge.

It was also this night that the Ross soldiers at the night watch noticed some moving firelights appearing in the settlement not far away, but they did not know what they were.

In fact, they were reinforcements from the villages on the upper reaches of the Varno River from the Kesina clan.

The embarrassed Ulkenslaw suddenly became energetic. He estimated that with the emergency mobilization of reinforcements arriving one after another, he was waiting for dawn to mobilize a thousand militiamen!

A thousand warriors, mainly spear-wielding, was enough to handle most conflicts.

However, when the sun rose, Urken's fighting spirit was defeated by the sad reality.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

How can a thousand militiamen shake down a powerful enemy?

"Look, sir." The guard pointed in one direction in particular.

The somewhat embarrassed Urken was already overwhelmed by the "Danish Army".

Shake, looking in the direction of the guard's finger, he noticed a large number of flags moving, and a large number of neatly dressed people heading towards the city - they were walking in an orderly manner.

"Damn it, it looks like there's going to be a battle." Urken didn't dare to hope, so he personally led the army on the right bank of the river to advance tentatively.

The spears moved forward in unison, and the men on horseback followed the flanks of the spear team, waiting for Urken, who was already in the spear formation, to issue a battle signal.

These militiamen wore different clothes and were generally gray and black. They did not have any flags to show their identity and honor, so that the Russian army could not judge the identity of the locals from a distance.

The Russian army was at the other extreme. They were more thorough in uniforming uniforms than the Frankish regular army in the past.

Four flag corps and four cavalry corps marched to the front line in a mighty manner. Seeing that the local militiamen were bold enough to build a spear wall, and seeing that the locals also had cavalry, everyone had to estimate that today's battle was unavoidable.

Rurik was in the formation, with his beloved cavalry.

The naval ships also went further into the river mouth, and when they felt the location was suitable, they anchored and stood on the river. The slides of the torsion slingshots proudly pointed toward the sky, and they could launch long-range launches at any time at the enemy on the shore according to the signal.

The crossbowmen of each standard unit of the Russian army are in front, and behind them are the armored sword and shieldmen who can build rows of shield walls at a single command.

When the two sides gradually approached a stone's throw, Rurik gave the order and the whole army stood still.

Seeing this, the militia's spear wall also stopped thrusting, and the rhythmic chants of those people stopped abruptly.

Baron Urken didn't know who the "Danish" was.

He thought about it carefully, maybe the other party would give him a chance for peace talks.

Urken did not expect peace talks at all, and peace talks at the gates of the city would definitely be a humiliating alliance.

But...what if it's an opportunity?

Urken stepped forward and faced the tribesmen behind him and announced solemnly and tragically: "I! I may die! If I am murdered by them, my son will inherit the position of baron. You are all warriors of each village, But protect our future leader! And I! I will try to negotiate with the Danes. Gods willing, I can convince them to go away."

"Sir, are you going to take risks alone?" A warrior couldn't stand it anymore and asked loudly.

The warrior's question represented everyone's intention, and Urken responded in a concentrated manner: "Someone must do it. They are likely to kill the messenger. As your leader, I have an obligation to meet them."

"Then, let me go with you! I will keep you safe."

"And I!"

"Yes! And me."

At one time, more than a dozen warriors were willing to work with Urken as personal guards to form envoys to negotiate with the enemy. If they became aggressive, the brothers would risk their lives to protect the adults from evacuating.

In this area, before the war begins, the leaders of both sides have a conversation in front of the battle. If they can't reach an agreement, they will fight. If one party commits evil during the conversation, they will be ridiculed as a coward. Generally speaking, all parties need to be ashamed. Urken I hope the Danes will follow suit.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

After all, these enemies looked respectable and would not reject a nobleman who came to negotiate in good faith.

Naturally, Urken is not only protected by some guards. After all, legally the Kesina family has

After surrendering to Obert Liddit, the count who lived in Lübeck gave him a cross flag, even though the entire Caisina tribe was not willing to take the initiative to convert to God.

In this era, they did not use the gryphon as their totem and the white cloth as their flag.

Flags are such a new thing that the cross flag with black stripes on a white background has become a common object.

As Urken showed this flag, Rurik on the other side of the battlefield was shocked. "Ouch! Did I see it wrong? Do these guys believe in God?"

The Ross army was in an uproar, and General Fisk was also undecided: "Your Majesty, you are surprised. They...maybe you were right, they are Frank's forces."

"Incredible. But my order to exercise restraint was indeed correct, and no one can deny it."

"You are full of wisdom." Fisk flattered, his face as calm as a piece of iron.

"Then let's see what happens next?"

"Why not, let me go and meet them. If they are really Slavs as you said, I can communicate with them." Fisk volunteered.

Rurik nodded: "Go ahead. Remember, don't make yourself self-defeating."

As a result, the Ross army was on high alert. Fisk called to the left and right, and took ten Jianyong to follow him on horseback to find out.

On one side, the cavalry held the Ross flag high, and on the other side, Baron Urken personally held a cross flag. The two sides finally made their first contact on the wasteland by the river.

"You? Are you Slavs? Or Franks?" Fisk tightened his grip on the reins, and the horse walked back and forth in front of Urken.

Urken was also surprised because of what the other party said.

Although the sound is strange, I can understand it.

"We are Slavs."

"Of course." Fisk showed a smile: "If you can understand my question, of course you are a Slav. Tell me! Who are you!"

Although it was uncomfortable to be asked like this, he was too powerful, and Urken could only maintain his respect for his identity.

"The Kesina tribe? We in Ross have never heard of it."

"So...mighty Danes, you..."

"Shut up." Fisk suddenly stopped him: "What Danes? Listen up! We are the army of the Kingdom of Rus, and the powerful Rus is passing through your territory. Continue, who are you? What is this city called? Can you Is it Rostock?”

"Ah?!" Urken was so shocked that he stepped back one after another: "You clearly know our identities."

"Ah! It really is Rostock?"

"This is Rostock!" Although he still found it absurd, at this moment Urken believed that the army claiming to be the Kingdom of Rus recognized his city.

Urken further informed himself of his identity, so although the adults in Lübeck were incompetent at all and most likely would not want to send troops to support them even if they knew the situation, they could at least use the name of a big shot to build momentum for themselves.

He did not hesitate to mention the county of Aubert Liddit and the count who lived in Lübeck.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

In addition, Urken continued to provide more detailed information. The so-called Oberlidit has two neighboring countries, one is the Principality of Saxony and the other is the border county of Thuringia. There is no direct war between the three parties, and they are all Frankish. Northern vassal.

The little Kesina clan is indeed weak. No matter how weak it is, it is still mysterious.

Vassal of Bethel Dieter.

The implication is that attacking the city of Rostock in Kesina would mean going to war with Oberlidit. Of course, Urken did not threaten with such words.

Fisk listened with only half-understanding, and simply said: "I negotiate with you in the name of King Ross. It seems that you are also a noble, and you seem to believe in the gods of the Franks. Now I will give you a safe opportunity, and I will take you to see Ross. King. Perhaps the merciful King can pardon your armed resistance and return safety to all of you."

"Is there such a good thing?" Realizing that there was a peaceful way to solve the problem, Urken won the fight without thinking too much.

Therefore, the baron disarmed all his weapons as required. He was already gambling with his life, but now he could go to see the legendary King of Ross openly.

Although the Kesina clan lived in isolation, they passively learned some outside news after being forced to surrender to Oberliddite. Urken knew about the existence of the Rus Kingdom and the Rus King. It was just hearsay, but now he actually faced the Rus army and the Rus King.

A young man with blond hair and a golden beard, is he King Rus?

Wearing a gold laurel crown, pure gold ponytail-shaped hair, well-dressed, and a sword on his waist inlaid with many gems, he is gorgeous, neat and heroic. Even his army is dressed in this way, making himself and the militiamen extremely humble.

Fisk leaned close to Rurik and whispered a few words. The explosive information was so shocking that Rurik subconsciously treated this man who refused to kneel in a different light.

"You call yourself Urkenslaw, but you are actually a baron?" Rurik explained this clearly in Slavic.

From the Frankish title - Baron.

"I am a baron, and I am loyal to the Lord of Lübeck, that's all. To be honest, I am not a vassal of the Franks."

"You are very honest. So, is this place really called Rostock?" Rurik asked happily.

"Exactly." Anyway, he didn't even have a meat cleaver on his body. Urken, who had no regard for life and death, could face King Ross very calmly. "I heard that you are the King of Rus. Even we who live in the isolated land have heard of your name a little bit. We once thought that you were Danes, bad guys who wanted to destroy our Rostock. I think, you He’s a good person.”

"Haha, do you think I am a good person?"

"I think... he is a good person."

Rurik looked around, then looked at Urken and smiled scornfully: "Absurd. I have heavy troops, and every soldier has armor. Our army can easily defeat you, and Rostock will also become my city. Just like the name of this city, isn’t it the spelling of the words rus and stock?”

"This... I still hope you will be noble. We don't want to fight." Urken hurriedly lowered his head. He felt that the Russians were just like the adults in Lübeck. As long as they got benefits, they would let the people live: "If you want some Grain, some cattle and sheep, and even... the service of some young women. I..." Urken gritted his teeth, "I can provide it."

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

"You're rushing to pay tribute before I even asked? That's fine!" Rurik stretched out his hand to signal all the armed and ready warriors to put down their bucklers, and all the crossbows they were carrying were also unloaded with arrows. This scene was completely destroyed by Urken

See it in your eyes.

"Look, I don't actually have to fight you. Since you are vassals of the Oberliddites, I have no need to fight you. Does your lord live in Lübeck? I have some interest in that city. I must understand, and I also know something about you. I have no intention of fighting with you."

Urken could not easily believe that a huge army was entrenched in the bay. If the King of Rus didn't have some agenda, why would he mobilize such an army? He was not stupid enough to ask what was going on. He thought for a while and said politely: "We can serve you and your army, and we can provide a batch of tributes. As long as... you promise not to target this place..."

"I know your concerns." Rurik planned to explain, then waved his hand, and then the horn sounded loudly, and the Ross ships approaching the dock also retreated. "Actually, we can become friends, we can make some transactions, and even continue to make transactions in the future. I don't want your tribute, I can exchange some finances with you, so that you will be decent. My request is simple."

The flattered Urken hurriedly asked: "What do you want? As long as I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy you."

"It doesn't matter." Rurik shrugged, pointing to the city as far as the eye could see: "What a Rostock. The river there suddenly narrowed, which is just suitable for our army to cross the river at a low cost. I want to transit through your city, I can Promise not to plunder or kill, and I can restrain my troops from passing harmlessly. What do you think? Do you want to welcome me wholeheartedly? Or..."

Urken still did not kneel down. He bowed and nodded: "Welcome! Absolutely welcome! You! You are my best guest.

people. "

"That's fine. Just let your militiamen disperse! If you are still worried, let them flee as far as they can. After all, we are just passers-by in your city."

"Okay, I will try my best to cooperate..." For the fastest update and error-free novel reading, please visit the mobile phone:

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