Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,454 The new leader and the legend of “The Lord of Lübeck”

【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

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Rostock on the seaside is the largest settlement of the Kesina tribe, and it is still a small town in Rurik's eyes.

Now he understood what the city meant, just because the locals called it that name, and there was no intention to please Ross.

However, the Russian army is willing to believe that it is composed of the words rus and stock. For Baron Urkenslaw, he does not disagree with this statement.

Rostock is a big city of the Kesina tribe, but they don’t think that the whole tribe must stay here.

The tribe is like the flowing water of the Varno River. People can flow like water. If this place is already in danger, the worst is possible for everyone to live somewhere else.

Now the conditions given by King Rus are very constructive, one of which is: you can all take refuge in the forest, leaving an empty city for us to pass through smoothly.

Now Baron Urken feels that the Russians just have no interest in this city, at least not yet. They were very anxious to cross the river at a low cost through a narrow channel somewhere in the upper reaches of the Varno River. They had to cross the river through the city of Rostock, maybe just because the city was built here.

So Urken disbanded most of his army and ordered them to rush to the villages upriver with weapons as much as possible to take a defensive position in case the Rus suddenly broke their promise.

If an empty city is really placed here, what else can the Russians plunder besides finding some treasures? At least everyone's lives were saved, and they had a chance as long as they were alive.

The militiamen took away some supplies when they evacuated Rostock, and the remaining batch of food was stranded in the city under Urken's order, still nominally used as tribute to buy peace from the King of Rus.

Rurik looks

It turned out that this man was very afraid of him, and the smile on his face was completely covering up his embarrassment.

He deliberately asked the baron carrying the cross to accompany him, and restored his sword to show his new appointment. Of course, the armored guards were keeping an eye on this man and would immediately take him down if he acted disobediently.

It is difficult to buy off these good intentions immediately. The man who calls himself Urken already has an owner. Rurik has no intention of regaining such a dog. Instead, he can use Rostock as a springboard to meet the great noble Oberlidit, who is said to be " Lord Lübeck" to get in touch.

The soldiers marched as neatly as possible on the relatively flat river beach on the right bank of the river. The infantry flag teams walked like a matrix, and the cavalry teams also gathered into a group, and they walked towards the city.

Everything challenged Urken's understanding of the concept of the army. This man was equally surprised that the legendary blond King Ross stood beside him like a little giant. This man didn't seem to be particularly violent, really. It seems that after being quiet, I can have a good conversation with him - King Rus is not the infinitely terrifying existence in the legend, and he can also speak Slavic.

Because of the similarity in language, Urken was a little more close to the northern king, but it was only "a little more".

"You are still too afraid of me." Rurik pretended to be relieved, "You and your people don't have to be cautious. Our army is simply passing through your city. In principle, we will all cross the river today and continue westward. Our army even I will not stay in your city until night.”

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

"Ah?" This was something Urken didn't expect at all. He couldn't hide his joy. In his heart, he had no reservations. In the scene

I still have to say some polite words. "Why is the great king so anxious? I am still willing to pay you some gifts to thank you for not killing."

"The grace of not killing? A joke. It will not benefit me to eliminate you. Your city is so old that it is just a huge village. Maybe in the future I can invite you to my territory to see my big city. That is what is great. exist."

"Huh? Greater than Lübeck?"

Urken was so stupid that he had to direct the topic to his lord, the nobles of Lübeck. Rurik noticed this and did not discuss it for the time being.

The two of them were still chatting. Rurik wore his gloves behind his back and looked relaxed. He stepped on the soft mud with his feet and was about to enter their big city. "What tribute can you provide to our army? Let me guess, it's food and a small amount of cattle and sheep, right?"

"The great Wang Mingzhi..."

"They are all worthless things, but they are essential for survival. It seems that you are poor. If I push you too hard, I may lose the chance of being friends in the future."

"You... think highly of us." Urken was surprised again.

"Haha, your city is called Rostock after all. I don't ask you to betray Lübeck and be loyal to me. I am indeed very interested in the Obertridites over in Lübeck, but..."

At the critical point, Inspector Urken raised his head and said, "Could it be that your Majesty hopes that I will come forward as a matchmaker to facilitate the contact between you and my master?"

"Oh?" Rurik was very satisfied with this man's intelligence and asked slowly: "So, are you willing to be the matchmaker?"

Urken hesitated for a moment.

"Are you worried about something? It doesn't matter, you send a team

I can also give me some excellent guides. The prerequisite is that they must lead the way correctly. "

There was a hint of threat in his calm words, and Urken didn't want to get into this muddy water at all. It seems that I have figured out King Ross's intention. Who is the suitable guide? In the end, it's better to do it yourself.

Urken made up his mind: "It's up to me. If you let others do the work, they will run away because of timidity. That is not my intention. As of now, I am the only one who can be such a guide."

"Very good." Rurik nodded: "Just hurry up and get ready. We won't stay here too long."

Until he actually entered the city of Rostock, Rurik was completely convinced that the locals did not care about the Catholic faith at all. They clearly set up a tall human-shaped target under a large tree that seemed to be specially planted in the city. It must be the god they worship. Idol.

As for Urken carrying a cross flag to show others, in the final analysis it is a cover-up.

When the Russian army began to enter the city, most of the residents fled with their young and old.

Among them were members of Urken's family. His son and some armed cronies did not leave, and their eyes were staring at the part of the city where the neatly marched Russian army arrived on the right bank of the river.

Ryuri ordered his subordinates to plant a large number of flags in the mud of the riverside at the place he personally selected to cross the river. Then one long ship broke away from the large fleet and went deep into the inland river. At the place where the flags fluttered, the work of assembling pontoons began. Operation.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

He looked around and saw that farmland had been opened up near the city, and the woods were still far away. It would be too time-consuming and labor-intensive to cut down wood from there to build bridges.

Rurik's eyes were fixed on the local area.

A nice wooden house.

"Baron Urken, you really left me an empty city. I don't have to plunder you, but you have to pay something special to allow my army to cross the bridge smoothly."

Originally, the Ross Army quickly built a pontoon bridge across the Varno River in the city under the attention of Urken and those who were lingering in the distance to watch the changes. Such a move was refreshing. Urken really didn't know that he had anything other than What else could he do with the tribute of grain? He could only lower his breath and said, "Anything I can do to help, I'm willing to do."

"That's what you said." After saying that, Rurik pointed to some houses: "Those wooden houses will be quickly demolished, and the wood will be used to build bridges. How about that?"

Urken did not hesitate. The loss of individual houses was much smaller than the loss of the city's raging fire. "You can do it," he said.

As a result, the war horses pulled the ropes, and many wooden houses collapsed. The soldiers found a large amount of moss-covered wood in the ruins of the timber haystacks, and could even chop down the quick-release floors and key beams.

Even though there is moss on it, all kinds of straight timbers are laid directly on the long boats that have been quickly tied up.

Under the personal command of Brauririk, the various units of the cavalry began to cross the bridge under the leadership of Fisk, followed closely by the reindeer who had entered the city and were standing everywhere in the winding alleys, peeing and peeing. group.

A large number of deer were carrying some supplies on their backs. The sheer number of deer was already refreshing to Urken.

Rurik was so satisfied that he pinched his waist and still stood on the right bank of the river. While he supervised the army crossing the pontoon bridge, he also asked Urken to observe the military power.

There was no anger or surprise. For a moment, it was clear that he was the landowner.

The human Urken fell into an indescribable sense of strangeness, as if this city was the city of the Rus. Otherwise, why would his ancestors call it Rostock?

"Now it's time to negotiate a deal." Rurik suddenly said, and Urken suddenly woke up from his daze.

"Your Majesty...please give me your orders."

"As for the tribute you gave us, is it really a large amount of food?"

"It's food. As you can see, we are still very poor, maybe..."

"I changed my mind and I will make a deal with you immediately." Rurik interrupted, then pointed to his herd: "How about my deer?"

"Mighty and majestic."

"What do you think about exchanging deer for grain?"

deer? What does Rostock want a deer for? Urken knew he had no choice. He estimated that if he bought the deer, he would have to kill it for food. The skin could be used to make some clothes, but otherwise it would be of little use.

This is a kind of forced buying and selling, but compared to simply handing over tribute to buy peace, Rostock has gained a certain dignity.

"I promise."

"Then start quickly! Where is your granary? I will arrange for people to move the grain now." Rurik urged.

"Let me lead the way."

The land on both sides of the Varno River is more fertile than the farmland opened in the forest area, and the total output is still not optimistic.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

The soldiers carrying the empty sacks moved them wantonly in the granary above the ground, and there was a strong tendency to empty it completely.

The so-called granary was Urken's own warehouse. Faced with the looting, he had to bitterly announce that "the entire granary was given to King Rus."

The only one who suffered heavy losses was the Urken family. There was still some surplus food hidden in the homes of those who fled, and there was even some food left.

Some grains have been dug on the spot, packed in pottery urns and buried in them.

In the end, the Russian army happily looted one hundred sacks of oats at Urken's house, with a theoretical total amount of ten thousand pounds.

It is not surprising that so much food was found from the house of a baron. After all, this man is the leader of the entire Kesina tribe.

How will you live your life after being plundered so much by the Ross army? As long as you are alive, you have a chance.

Facing the cheerful King of Ross, Urken could only suppress his pain and smile: "I hope that the tribute I gave you is satisfactory to you."

"I'm satisfied. Now it's time to give you my reward."

For Rurik, it was time to further reduce the deer herd. He ordered Vahavanen to pick out fifty deer that were not performing well and prepare them. Now is the time to reward them.

"Look." Rurik pointed to the fifty deer that had taken off all their burdens. "They are all yours."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift." Urken could only continue to welcome him now.

Being able to easily find Rostock and plunder 10,000 pounds of wheat there instantly was a dream to have two good things happening at the same time. In this regard, Rurik boasted that he should be grateful to this Baron Urkenslaw, whose intelligence was worthy of the "Slaw" suffix.

It was already afternoon when the remaining deer herds carried a large amount of luggage across the pontoon bridge.

Rurik kept his word and the army would not stay in the city of Rostock. The leading troops arrived on the left bank of the river after crossing the bridge and continued to move along the river beach towards the sea.

When the sun sets, the Russian army once again gathers in the coastal area, while the city of Rostock has been left far in the bay...

Completely different from yesterday

Yes, there is one more guest in the huge army.

The seafront was dotted with bonfires and the bay was crowded with Ross ships.

Urken, his son, and even a group of cronies stationed themselves in the Ross camp. It is clear that Urken is the local master, and he can only continue to be humble until now, but things are by no means that simple.

Urken and his son behaved very cautiously. Rurik excluded many people and left only a few close friends with him. It was clear that he was hosting a high-level banquet to entertain the real local master.

"It's getting dark, and the wheat will have to be cooked for a while. You see." Rurik tilted his head slightly, his eyes sharp in the firelight: "Exchange deer for grain, demolish several of your barns and build a pontoon, other than that I did not kill any of you. Including you! As a noble, I invite you to dine with me."

To be fair, King Rus basically fulfilled his promise, and Urken could only apologize: "Your integrity will be blessed by the gods."

"I don't want to listen to your polite words." Rurik's eyes noticed the man's son: "Is this the only son you have?"

Urken hesitated for a moment and had to tell the truth: "Yes. He is my only son, named Lacord."

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

There was nervousness and restlessness in the boy's eyes, but more of a cowardice. It was said that the boy was already fourteen years old, but unfortunately, like his father, he was destined to be short in stature.

Rurik was not interested in such a boy. If the Kesina tribe was a vassal of Ross, such a noble boy could be taken to New Rossburg to see the colorful world, and he could also be raised as a hostage in Ross.

This son is already the son of the Lübeck nobles, which is regrettable.

"I have no interest in your son."

Rurik decisively gave Urken a reassurance, and then said: "You volunteered to lead us to Wismar, and even walked to Lübeck, the core city of the Oberlitids. You left, and your people and Rostock Nor can we be without a ruler. You follow us, and your son remains where he is."

As long as the son survives, the ruler's family can continue to live and rule.

Urken realized that this was a reward and King Rus's sincerity, everything was unspoken, and he agreed to the request.

When the moon was shining brightly, they ate boiled oats with salt and a small amount of sweet wine on the seashore, facing the cool sea breeze and the roaring fire.

I heard that King Rus has been on the road for two months, and such a long journey still hasn't dampened their fighting spirit?

Under the moonlight, under the influence of alcohol, Urken started to speak words that could be suppressed when his mind was clear, and this was what Rurik was happy to see.

"You...are you really going to fight in the heart of Frankia? You are really bold and want to fight the most powerful army in the world. You must know that my master, the Lord of Lubeck, is also very afraid of them."

"Are you clear-headed now?" Rurik asked deliberately.

"Awake! Very...very awake."

Urken was clearly drunk when he spoke hard. In this situation, it was easier for him to tell the truth. Since this person repeatedly mentioned "Lord Lubeck", Ryurik took this opportunity to seize the opportunity to elicit the information he needed. …

"It's really amazing. Lübeck of Oberlidd is the boss of the entire region, is he the ruler of the Nakonides family?

The Earl of this term is called Mistuy? In other words, isn’t it Msji? Was Naconid of Lübeck the king of many West Slavic tribes? His power has expanded to absorb the local people of Rostock as his vassals. With such a bond, is he still just a count?

I'm afraid it was because of this excuse that when Ludwig and I were fighting, the Slavic troops here in Lübeck made no move. Who knows? Maybe it was this Mistuy who hated the Frank nobles for only letting him inherit the title of earl.

A man named Anadog is a son of that count. He lives in Wismar, which has been rebuilt on the ruins of Relic City. He is also the self-proclaimed baron of that count?

After Rostock was conquered by them, they had to transport about 5,000 Roman pounds of grain as tribute every year by carriage and horse. Can they just take the coastal road and transport it to Wismar?

Now, I do have a different understanding of Obert Liddit and Lübeck..."

Rurik listened attentively to Baron Urken's drunken mantra, and thought a lot in his heart.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

He is not worried at all that this baron is talking nonsense. This person will serve as a guide and prove all his testimony step by step starting from tomorrow. In exchange for successfully leading the way, Rurik promised: "We must go to Lübeck. After you successfully lead the way, you will get Ross's promise not to conquer Rostock and the entire Kesina tribe."

That is an extremely beautiful thing. If the flying boulder can suddenly deflect and hit the Lord of Lubeck on the head, it would not be a bad thing.

Because it seems that King Ross’s search here is just a one-time deal, and the Lord of Lubeck is

Tributes are required every year. If this army fights in Lübeck, can those adults really handle it? If the strength of the Lübeck nobles is greatly weakened, it will still be difficult for the Kesina tribe to compete with them in the future. At least they can negotiate conditions for tribute.

Legend has it that this Russian army also captured alive the heavyweight grandson of Charlemagne, the king of the Eastern Empire, and Duke Ludwig of Bavaria. Even the Lord of Lübeck was a minor player in the eyes of the Russians. The real purpose of the Russian king was to intervene in the Frankish Civil War.

What does all this have to do with the tiny Kesina tribe? It was simply a battle of gods, as long as the small tribe could survive.

Baron Urken, drunk, also had some ideas. For the fastest updated and error-free novel reading, please visit your mobile phone:

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