Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,455 Rurik’s ruins in Rurik City

【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

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There is no obstacle to the Russian army's path forward, and there can be no obstacle.

A large number of settlements are still densely forested. Even the Kessina tribe who surrendered to Count Lübeck had to set out from Rostock with tribute and walk on the coastal meadows and beaches to transport food to the nearest city, Wismar.

Now the Russian army is also walking on this "tribute road".

Baron Urken of Rostock decisively followed Rurik's request and left his son in the city. He personally organized fifty cavalry as guides to lead the way for the Russian army, which was advancing by land and sea.

Fifty cavalry was nothing in the eyes of the Russian army, but they could really organize such a cavalry force, and the horsemen looked impressive, which made Rurik think more. "After all, these guys were conquered by stronger ones. Oberlidit should have been Frankized, so they probably trained many cavalry and even raised many horses."

Rurik paid close attention to Urken's horses. They seemed to have higher shoulders and stronger bodies. From the state of the previously captured horses, it can be known that the horses in the hands of the Franks had strong impact. The poor endurance allowed those people to dare to launch a cavalry group charge, and this kind of tank-like tactic was not suitable for the Turkic horses owned by Ross.

"I should have forced the Rostock people to take out their horses if I had known it. Now I'm going to look like a scoundrel by asking Urken for help. Anyway, when I get to Lübeck, I have to talk to the big nobles over there and see if I can exchange deer for some horses." ." Rurik pinched his beard and thought for a while, and came up with such a brilliant idea.

The Kingdom of Rus happens to have the greatest shortage of deer, and tame

Deer can only be used during the winter period to provide a logistical advantage for armies fighting in winter. Because even Turkic horses are not that cold-resistant, and reindeer are at the extreme end.

To expand in Europe, we must rely more on the advantage of cavalry. The impact and explosive power of Frank horses are what Turkic horses lack. We should use various means to obtain these horses as much as possible, and then bring them back to Russia for breeding. Maybe we can breed them in the future. Create a new horse breed that takes into account all aspects.

"Even if I sell all the deer in Lübeck, I won't hesitate, as long as I can get enough horses. I just don't know if the ruler of Lübeck is willing to cooperate with me. If he refuses... I will use force to force him to agree. .”

Rurik had a threatening mentality towards Wismar, which was about to arrive, and Lübeck, which was bound to arrive.

Based on past treaties, Ross signed a peace treaty with Duke Ludwig of Great Bavaria (Rurik preferred to call this person the king of the Eastern Kingdom). Ross even signed a commercial alliance treaty with the Principality of Saxony, and then gave the commercial treaty further The Non-Aggression Pact was implemented.

The "Northern Alliance" was the opportunity that Russia took after the dust of the war settled in the early spring of 841. All parties gathered in Hamburg and were mediated by Rurik's diplomacy. The core clause of the treaty was that the allied countries should not attack each other, and any conflicts should be resolved immediately. Negotiate settlement.

The so-called contradiction is almost the traditional contradiction between the northern forces and the Frankish forces. Ludwig, Duke of Bavaria, announced that he would no longer resort to powerlessness against all northerners, including the Danes. Denmark and Russia also announced that they would not tolerate Ludwig's The forces take action.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

Rurik has an absolute obligation to maintain his

The covenant system he created is very loose no matter how you look at it.

As for those forces that have not joined the treaty, they can theoretically attack them. Among them, the entire Oberliddite has not joined the treaty as an outsider. The point of the hanging rail is that those guys are already Frank's great vassals. Do they support Ludwig or Lothair?

If they were supporting Ludwig, it would be unwise to use force against him.

"You can fight it or not fight it. Forget it, I'll go to Wismar for archeology first to see if the ruins of the legendary Relic City remain."

The beach facing the Baltic Sea is still flat, and the Russian army successfully reached a brand new lagoon system in just one day.

Baron Urken, who was thinking of it, was surprised that today he actually walked the two days' journey to escort the tributes. The speed of the Ross people's movement was evident, but his mount was already out of breath.

Rurik was tall and the Turkic horse he was riding seemed too small. However, Urken admired the strong endurance of such a horse.

Rostock's cavalry needed to rest, and their horses had to not only rest but also eat a lot to ensure they didn't die of exhaustion.

Finally, a new body of water lay in front of him, and Urken made an important judgment: "King Ross, stay! From now on, we should take the road on the inside of the water. The entire army must advance on the grassland on the inside instead of the beach on the outside."

Rurik was a little surprised: "Isn't it a lagoon? We have passed too many lagoons along the way."

"It is a bay, and there is a big island in front of it. Even though the water in the bay can be drank directly." Then Urken said decisively

Mentioning an important point, its explosiveness is really eye-catching: "Great King! You are looking for Relic, the former trading destination of the Chizini tribe. It is actually not in Wismar, but in the bay in front of you. .As long as your army continues to advance, you can see those ruins."

"Oh? Are we almost there?"

"Yes." Urken was very sure: "I have vouched for my honor and am sure that the dark ruins are the city of Ruilik. It's just that the sky is a little dark now. We may be able to camp here and go to Ruilik tomorrow. Ruins, then go to Wismar.”

"No need. Let's go to Rurik! I just want to see the masterpiece of King Godfrey of Denmark!" Under the setting sun, Rurik suddenly lost all tiredness. When he announced this to the entire army, the soldiers They all got excited.

However, due to the obstruction of the lagoon sandbar, the cavalry and navy had to split up again.

Urken sent troops to board the nearby longship as a guide to guide the Rus' navy into the bay through the correct waterway.

He continued to lead the troops to follow the Ross Cavalry. Even under the setting sun and the cool sea breeze, it felt a bit desolate to lead the way.

In fact, he couldn't help but feel a little worried, and he couldn't help but feel unhappy about what he said.

The soldiers clenched the reins happily, everyone wanted to see the masterpiece of the Danish King more than thirty years ago.

Urken had a tense face and was nervous. He held it in for a long time before telling King Rus about his worries: "Your Majesty, it has been a long, long time since the Danish army burned Relic. Even now, there are ghosts wandering there."

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

"Ghost? Is it the wronged person who was killed?" Rurik said perfunctorily.


There are ghosts wailing there every night. I still recommend that you change your major and don't camp in that cursed place. "

"Are you worried that we will be attacked by ghosts? Maybe those wailings are just the sound of wind, it doesn't matter."

"After all, you are also northerners. It seems that... you are not very different from the Danes. You are a more powerful being than the Danish King who caused destruction."

I don’t know whether Urken’s words were in awe or a bit sarcastic. Rurik shrugged his shoulders and looked forward with a slight tilt of his head: "Godfrey has died long ago, and I am not a Dane. If If those ghosts dare to be rude to me, I will set up an altar and invite the power of Odin to calm these ghosts. You should know that I am a hero blessed by the northern gods, and I am invincible."

Urken immediately shut up after hearing this. He still couldn't stand the cursed ruins. Now he believed King Rus's words and continued to lead the way.

Soon, the ships of the Ross fleet that turned into the bay lit torches one after another. The oil-soaked torches originally used for night fishing formed fire dragons on the increasingly dark water surface of the bay. Now the ships were able to move in groups, and they would not be like headless. Collision like flies.

At the same time, mounted scouts sent by the Russian army also reported important discoveries to Rurik.

"It was a strange area. It looked like there were traces of private houses everywhere, but the trees and bushes grew wildly, and countless blackened wooden piles were dotted around. Even in the dim light, it was clear that they had been overheated..."

Rurik nodded: "You can return to the team."

After the scouts left one after another, he told Urken with great interest: "What you said

The method is absolutely correct, and I appreciate your guidance. We finally arrived at Relic City, our army is stationed here! "

"Then, all ghosts will be forced to flee underground due to your majesty." Urken cautiously complimented.

Based on Ross's belief, the souls of the dead will fly up to Asgard in the sky. The body left on the ground is no longer of great significance. It will be buried in the ground and dust will return to dust.

However, the common belief of the Slavs is that the soul of the deceased will escape into the underworld underground, and the body of the deceased will be buried underground. Even if it is burned to ashes, it must be buried underground, otherwise the soul will wander around the earth crying and cannot return to the underworld. .

Because the dead lay their bodies wherever they wanted, with no one to collect them, according to Urken, the evil spirits lingered in the bay and cursed those who stayed.

Rurik dismissed it. Considering that a large proportion of his soldiers were of mixed Russian-Slavic origin, Urken's remarks might have some negative impact on the morale of the military if not dealt with.

Anyway, Rose has a priest system in this battle, and his daughter is the next generation of high priest. It makes sense to conduct a surprise sacrifice at the Relic ruins, which is both reassuring and exciting.

After all, this is legally the territory of Oberliddit. Offering sacrifices to the great northern god Odin in those people's territory will definitely boost their morale.

The real ruins of Rurik City are still very different from what Rurik imagined.

When naval ships filled the bay under darkness, naval soldiers, infantrymen, and non-combatants came ashore one after another. The cavalry had basically set up camp.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

Relic City has been developed on a large scale, so there are large areas of wasteland near the ruins area.

Grassland—that was once a wheat field.

Thirty years is a long time but not long, and it has not grown enough to cover this wasteland with forest. Only the bushes have grown wildly, and the number of new trees in the entire environment is limited and not large.

Each branch of the army found good land to camp and cut down trees on the spot to light the bonfire, so the small trees were immediately smashed to pieces under the big axe.

Some hardened black wood undoubtedly attracted the soldier's attention. A closer look revealed that it was hardwood that had been carbonized!

The magical thing about such carbonized wood is that it is very durable and difficult to be eroded by rainfall and snow. After the sea breeze dries the water, it becomes almost a piece of pure carbon, which is really a good material for making fire.

Gradually, the soldiers realized that the "black wood" they obtained came from the ruins of the ruins. After all, in the process, they found a completed skull with gnawing marks and a large number of broken bones. Moss and weeds could not completely remove it. The tragedy of Ping's past is still happening, even thirty years later.

No one can fully appreciate the scale of the site at night, because "black wood" is everywhere, and you can find a lot of it just by pulling away the weeds, so why bother cutting down trees everywhere.

Even the large bonfire used by Rurik's royal family was burning the last remaining building remains.

After all, it was late, and cooking wheat on a large scale now would test the physical strength and energy of the soldiers.

The soldiers were more willing to eat dry food and drink some water, then cuddle up by the campfire, wrap their blankets around themselves and fall asleep.

As for the legends about ghosts, who cares?

Because some soldiers directly picked up the found bones with wooden sticks. Even though the mutilated skull was covered with mud and broken leaves and stood beside the campfire like a decoration, the bones were also melting in the hot heat.

Breaks quickly.

Most of the young Ross soldiers are veterans. They have already relaxed their minds about killing after seeing the scenes of corpses strewn in the fields, and they will not feel palpitated when they see the hollow eye sockets of the bones.

Rurik decided to perform a sacrifice, and he kept his word.

So, Verika, Blackbird, and the two women, along with a full set of sacrificial teams, suddenly set up a small stone ship altar at the location chosen by Rurik.

Anyway, the size of the deer herd is huge, and killing a few of them to obtain red meat to improve the food for the soldiers is also the meaning of the deer herd's existence.

Twenty deer, said to be in poor health, were taken out and bled one by one in a makeshift altar made of wooden stakes.

The deer's blood turned the altar into scarlet mud, and the bloody water flowed into the bay.

All the executed deer were cut open under the light of torches. Then after the priests chanted the prayers, Verica announced according to the process that "Odin has accepted our tribute", which meant that the gods had given The Rus' army stationed here used divine power.

Then, a group of shirtless men went into battle, skilfully peeling off the deer skin, and then cut off the good meat from the reindeer one after another. As for the many offal and scraps that were usually edible, this time they were wasted and thrown directly into the sea water for feeding. Got fish.

A piece of deer leg in good condition was cleaned to remove as much blood as possible without reducing the fishy smell.

Don’t think too much about it if you still have fresh meat to eat during the march.

Rurik grilled the deer calf himself with great interest, and Baron Urken, who was sitting next to him, also had the honor to taste this.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

Until this time, the identity of the too-young woman who had been extremely close to King Rus in Rostock and whom Urken had noticed was finally revealed—

—She is actually the daughter of King Rus!

She is no ordinary princess, but an important priest of Rus.

The high priest of Rus is actually a princess. Urken knows what this means. Obviously, the power of this king of Rus is astonishing. In terms of power, he is more powerful than his master, the Lord of Lubeck.

Verica boasted that she had accomplished a good thing. As a daughter, she wanted to act coquettishly around her father. After getting tired of it for a while, Rurik sent her away on the grounds that "nobles discuss important matters."

It is also for this reason that Blue Fox, Bayahir, Fisk, Brody, as well as Casimir of Gdansk and Sok of Gdynia, all hugged a deer leg in front of the bonfire in Rurik. Roasting venison happily.

"The meat will need to be roasted for a while, although it can be eaten raw." Using the meat as an excuse to start the conversation, Rurik asked Urken again: "So, was this place once called the Qizini Tribe Ruler? Now they have disappeared Already? All killed?"

Urken, who had regained his energy, had a lot to say about this matter. He said: "I heard that when the Chizini people defended their Relic, they were unfortunately defeated. A group of people were kidnapped and made into slaves. Some people walked deeper into the forest. They have not disappeared, and as far as I know they are still members of the Llutich Alliance."

"Lyutich again." Rurik said thoughtfully, "What about you?"

"We, the Kesina tribe, have long been separated from them. Now I am Oberlidit's vassal, and I am Lord Lübeck's vassal. Moreover, many members of the alliance were also conquered by Lübeck. They call us these Human beings are Pomeras, and they are indeed different from Obert Liddit.


The so-called Obert Liddit is a purely Slavic compound word, which means "people leaving the Oder River", which can also lead to the derogatory name of "homeless people". They are relative to the departure of the Slavs who lived in the entire Oder River basin. These people moved to the area centered on Lübeck and grew rapidly. On the other hand, the Llutich League built by the Slavs who still lived in the Oder River has always been A loose, nominally unified tribal confederation.

The Obertridites call their close relatives who have not left Pomera, which is also a compound word, meaning "farmers who live by the water", and there is some contempt in it.

The Chizini tribe is a large one in the Llutich Alliance. Unfortunately, it is so large that it has not been defeated. The loss of Relic City meant the collapse of trade. They used to be very willing to do business with Danish traveling merchants. There's a little more hatred now.

The Chizini tribe has lost its access to the Baltic Sea, and their territory is occupied by the so-called "homeless people" and the great nobles of Lübeck whose strength cannot be underestimated.

Although it is occupied, the huge area is sparsely populated, and people must gather in very few settlements to survive, otherwise wandering beasts can destroy small villages. The city of Wismar is small, but it is such an extremely important settlement, and it is the only settlement in the local area.

The ruins of Relic City, Urken called it a cursed place is not nonsense. The environmental structure here makes the weak sea breeze whistle slightly. Urken didn't understand. The residents here used to call the whistled sea breeze "Goddess Singing", but now the city in ruins calls the sea breeze "Ghost Crying Wolf".

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

Howling, but the sea breeze is just a sea breeze.

"So, is Wisma City not far away?" Rurik asked about the key point.

"Exactly. We will arrive tomorrow. It is just a small town and is garrisoned by a son of Lord Lübeck. I think..." Urken hesitated: "The arrival of your army will definitely arouse their fear. I think, I will inform the adults there of your arrival early in the morning, and I will try my best to avoid meaningless disputes and persuade the man not to be on guard."

Rurik nodded: "It's best not to be on guard. I don't expect anything from them. Just do your best. Even if something goes wrong, I won't blame you. You just said that the city lord is the son of a nobleman in Lübeck? Remember you? Mentioned it yesterday.”

"Yes. His name is Anadog Mistuevich, and he is the eldest son. He has an army under his command, with at least a hundred cavalry. Although it is nothing compared to your army, if it really starts to fight …”

"No need to say more." Rurik waved his hand: "I'm not afraid of the whole Oberlidit war against me. I have killed tens of thousands of enemy warriors. It doesn't matter if there are more. Just look at Wismar Are the guys smart? Listen! Urken!"

"I'm all ears."

"Tomorrow you take the first step and tell that guy named Anadog! You tell him that the King of Ross does not ask him to surrender, but only asks him to remain calm. Then tell him that the Ross army is just passing through the border and will not carry out destruction. If you dare to stop Ross, Don’t hesitate to fight.”

"As you command." Urken behaved like a vassal of Rus.

"Also." Rurik added: "Tell him that King Ross is in a good mood and is interested in working with him.

He had a peaceful chat and could do some business. "

"As commanded." For the fastest updated and error-free novel reading, please visit:

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