
Sophora japonica.

Jia Zhang.

These three people each have their own concerns, each have their own secrets, each have their own worries, no one said anything about making a deal with Lin Yue, Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu were kept in the dark, running here and there every day, He begged his grandpa to tell his grandma to pray for Banggen's escape. For this reason, he even went to Fayuan Temple to worship Buddha, but Yi Zhonghai pointed his nose at them and scolded them for asking for help.

Residents of the Liu family, Yan family, Zheng family and other courtyard houses shook their heads when they talked about sticks behind their backs. Well, I can't blame anyone for this kind of thing, I can only say that he committed suicide and encountered such an unlucky year.

However, I don't know if it is useful to pray to gods and worship Buddha, or if I should die, the verdict after one month is life imprisonment.

Although it was an accomplice, the punishment was heavier than in previous years, but compared to criminals who were dealt with more severely, this was already a very good result.

Qin Huairu was very happy, and Sha Zhu was very happy.

Xiaodang, Huaihua, and Jiazhang were also very happy, and they all thought it was their own credit.

After Banggan was transferred to the second prison, Jia Zhang followed Lin Yue to go through the procedure of changing the ownership of the property without telling Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu.

Strictly speaking, there is no house belonging to Qin Huairu in the courtyard. The owner of the west wing of the courtyard was originally Jia Zhang’s husband, that is, the grandfather of the stick. Later, he disappeared, and the real estate ownership certificate fell to Jia Zhang’s Therefore, the consent of Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu is not required to transfer the property.

Regardless of the loss of a flat, Mrs. Jia Zhang was quite happy. Before saying goodbye to Lin Yue, she asked him if he knew the leader of the Second Prison. After getting an affirmative answer, he asked him to pass on a message so that the prison guards could take care of him more. , don't get beaten and suffer in there.

Lin Yue agreed with his lips. As for whether to do it or not, what to do, that is his business.

Jia Zhang also knew that whether the stick can live well or not depends entirely on his likes and dislikes. At least from now on, she has become an old licking dog.

Half an hour later, Mrs. Jia Zhang returned to the courtyard by bus, and realized that the situation was not good as soon as she entered the door.

Yi Zhonghai was sitting near the door, next to Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu, Xiao Dang and Huai Hua stood behind them, and on the opposite chair was You Fengxia wearing a red coat.

"Oh, grandma, what did you do?" Xiao Dang looked impatiently and glanced at the opposite side.

"Oh, isn't your brother safe? I went to Fayuan Temple to fulfill my vow."

Jia Zhang looked at You Fengxia, then at Yi Zhonghai with a sullen face: "What's the matter?"

"Grandma, sister-in-law, she... sister-in-law, she..."

You Fengxia didn't let Huaihua finish her sentence: "I'm going to have an abortion."

It's really a wave of peace and another wave.

"What?" Jiazhang heard that Hun'er was about to be squeezed out of Tianling Gai'er: "Abortion? No!"

She was very excited, her lips parted quickly, and she tremblingly walked in front of You Fengxia, Qin Huairu hurriedly supported her to prevent her from irritating her daughter-in-law again.

"Oh, mom, don't get excited, what should you do if you get angry, sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

You Fengxia didn't change her mind because of Jia Zhang's return home, and her attitude was very firm: "Now that Jia Geng is sentenced to life imprisonment, I don't want to be a widow for him, and I don't want my child to have a father who is serving a sentence in prison. This child must be beaten. Lose."

When Jia Zhang heard this, she put her hands on her chest and said weakly: "You...why are you so cruel! Do you want to hit the child when you say it? Do you want it?"

You Fengxia stared at the table expressionlessly, and didn't answer her words at all. The meaning was obvious. I had already expressed my attitude, and I wasn't going to say it again.

Yi Zhonghai frowned and didn't say a word, just sulked there.

Qin Huairu said: "Feng Xia, don't rush to make a decision, let's talk if we have something to say, okay? Aren't you just afraid that no one will take care of the children in the future? Don't worry, there is me, and you stupid uncle, we They can help take care of the kids.”

You Fengxia had only been pregnant for more than a month, and the stick went in. Although her life was saved, she was sentenced to life imprisonment. Yi Zhonghai asked the people at the police station, and said that if she performed well inside, she would get a chance to reduce her sentence. It becomes fixed-term imprisonment, but no matter how hard you try, ordinary people with no background will have to stay for more than 20 years. Stick is 26 years old this year, and he is 50 years younger when he comes out. Can he still have children? If he wants it, someone has to be willing to give birth to him.

So if You Fengxia really aborts the child, there will be no future for the sticks and Jia's family. Of course she can't see this kind of thing happening.

Silly Zhu also said: "Yes, yes, Huairu is right, your mother-in-law, Xiaodang and Huaihua, we will take care of it, you don't need to worry about it, and you don't need to spend money."

You Fengxia said: "You are right now, when the child is born, God knows what will happen. Now that the reform and opening up have been implemented, I am only 25 years old this year, and I am still young. I don't want to be dragged down by the child."

Yi Zhonghai said: "Nonsense! You only think about yourself. Have you ever thought about what will happen if the child is aborted and he is released from prison?"

You Fengxia glared: "You want to think about others all day long, you want to think about others, you are full of benevolence and morality, and you are full of pension business, you are not even as good as the third master in the front yard. Old people, to tell the truth, I I have endured you for a long time. You have to meddle in the big and small matters of the Jia family. Are you from the Jia family? Do you have a place to speak here? With a dog like you, I will leave the conversation here today, and I am determined to the child , and the marriage is divorced." After speaking, he pointed at Qin Huairu: "I can't do it if I want to do whatever it takes to support my children like her, let alone I might not be able to find a man as stupid as a fool."

In one sentence, Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, and Sha Zhu were all scolded.

When Jia Zhang heard it, he was so angry that he fainted.

After You Fengxia said this, she slammed the door and left. Yi Zhonghai stood up from his seat, pointed to the door and said, "Listen, this... what are you talking about? Is there anyone talking to elders like this?"

"Master, please don't say a few words." Qin Huairu hurriedly asked Xiaodang and Huaihua to take Jiazhang into the room, and she turned and walked out the door.

Silly Zhu said: "What are you doing?"

"I'll go and say good things to You Fengxia."

"Is there such a daughter-in-law? You have to be a mother-in-law to coax her."

Qin Huairu said: "Daughter-in-law? She is really going to leave in a fit of anger. You can't get any of your daughter-in-law or grandson."

Silly Zhu said: "I don't have a grandson, I still have a grandson."

Qin Huairu was very angry: "Can it be the same?"

"Why is it different?" Silly Zhu said, "My daughter is also a descendant."

Qin Huairu didn't bother to pay attention to him, opened the door and walked to the north room.

Yi Zhonghai didn't speak, just sat there sullen.

When Qin Huairu arrived at the North House, You Fengxia was packing her personal belongings and preparing to go back to her mother's house.

"Fengxia, wait a minute." Qin Huairu walked over and held her hand: "Banggen committed such a serious crime, and he won't be able to get out for a while. Now it's not like before. You are still young, so I understand if you want to remarry." , but this child... can he be born?"

You Fengxia said: "Isn't it enough that I have been hurt by you? If the stick gets in, the marriage will be ruined, and if others mention me as the robber's woman, my reputation will also be ruined. Don't think about moving within five years, and if you find a boyfriend, what will the other party think if they know that I have given birth? They are all women, I have schemes, and I believe you have too."


Qin Huairu was silent for a moment and said, "Then tell me, what should you do to give birth to the child?"

You Fengxia put her hands on her clothes, bowed her body and thought for a moment: "What we women want is nothing more than a sense of security."

She looked at the house where she had lived for more than a year: "I want this room."

"Success." Qin Huairu agreed without thinking.

When You Fengxia saw that she agreed so simply, she seemed hesitant to speak.

"Let's just make a deal, the house will be transferred to you after the baby is born." After speaking, he took You Fengxia's hand and said, "Don't worry about it, take good care of your health."

"This is Uncle Silly's house, can he agree?"

"Don't worry, I'll go tell him."


Qin Huairu comforted You Fengxia, returned to the West Chamber, found Shazhu and recounted the conversation just now.

"Okay, no problem, as long as she gives birth to the baby."

Sha Zhu gritted his teeth and agreed.

Qin Huairu said with a smile: "That's why you men don't understand women's hearts."

"What's the meaning?"

"When the child is born, hugged in her arms, and nursed, she will not be as determined as she is now. Don't think that the house is for her now. When the child grows up, won't it be left to the child? The Jia family The roots are here, You Fengxia can find another one, can someone come and live here with her?"

Shazhu said: "Hey, you are really smart."

"Of course." Qin Huairu glanced at him: "How can I tie you down if you're not smart."

Silly Zhu was quite happy to hear this.

At the same time, deputy factory director Lin, who was inspecting the production situation in the workshop, sneered again and again.

It's really a little clever ghost to tie You Fengxia with the relationship between the child, the house, and the courtyard.

But... If you want to talk about a bitch who is playing dirty, who was Lin Haiwang afraid of?

There is a small detail in the TV series. After Banggen and Tang Yanling got married, Xiaodang and Huaihua complained that their elder brother married his wife and Wangniang. They were fascinated by Tang Yanling, and they didn't care about the affairs of the courtyard anymore.

Is that true? I'm afraid not.

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