The stick itself is a thing that employs people forward, not backwards. I have been in love with Tang Yanling for a while. You must know that around 1985 was the tide of liberation. Even if the two of them didn't have sex, they must have understood enough After getting married, you will still be fascinated by your daughter-in-law, and you don't even care about Lou Xiaoe and Qin Huairu robbing men?

Or say that only women understand women. What did the sticks manage here after they got married?

Don't care about anything, first Qin Huairu acquiesces, and second, the couple know that the affairs in this courtyard house are a hot potato, don't care about anything, it's best not to ask, once mixed in, it will be endless Show off.

Silly Zhu really wants to go to HK with Lou Xiaoe, who cares? Who cares about the second uncle? After all, Qin Huairu was a woman, and the Jia family had only one man at that time—Bang Jing.

If Sha Zhu hadn’t gone to HK with Lou Xiao’e, everyone saw that he was very enthusiastic about the affairs of the courtyard, and his ability was good. If there was any situation in the future, he would be called Sha Zhu’s successor. .

Live in a stable house, eat the food of the silly dad, drive for the agency, enjoy better and better welfare benefits, and take care of such crap as the courtyard? Does it make sense?

So this stick and Tang Yanling... are not just a pair of simple white-eyed wolves, or they are the sons and daughters of Qin Lvcha. Their calculations and scheming are definitely true.

In the next period of time, Lin Yue didn't live in the courtyard house much, because he went abroad for inspection, to accumulate energy for promotion, and to improve the level of managers and drive the development of the company. If you don't accept it, the best way is to go abroad for gilding, and then get a good-looking diploma... Although these so-called "studies" don't have much practical significance for Lin Yue.

In 1984, You Fengxia's belly grew bigger day by day.

Silly Zhu became the chef of Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li's restaurants, and brought Fatty there, but unlike the plot, he didn't dare to ask for too high a salary, only 1,500.

This is normal. He hasn't worked in a rolling mill for almost ten years. He cooks well, but he doesn't have a good reputation.

Lin Yue turned to HK to watch his family, and as soon as the plane landed, he amused this development.

Okay, let him earn some money with peace of mind, after all, more than half of the money will be spent on You Fengxia.

Another thing is that because Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu moved, the second aunt took away her gas stove, she suffered a stroke and was admitted to the hospital.

Two months later, You Fengxia gave birth to a pair of twin boys, and the Qin family was overjoyed, because the Jia family not only did not have an endless succession, but also had a double hit.

In the same year, Jing Xing was admitted to Tsinghua University, and Xu Damao was so arrogant, entertaining the neighbors today, and burning incense and worshiping Buddha the next day, wishing he could sacrifice that little ancestor.

Not long after autumn, Sha Zhu's job was sapped.

Just like in the TV series, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li didn't want to give Shazhu a thousand and five, and Fatty agreed to do it at eight hundred.

They thought they could do it this way, but the fat man made something wrong. When they asked about the seasoning, Sha Zhu kept a hand. As a result, the business of the restaurant plummeted, and Yan Xiecheng and his wife were so anxious that they couldn't bear it.

Yan Jiecheng went to look for Sha Zhu, convinced him to go back, but was rejected.

What did Silly Zhu say to Qin Huairu? Stretch Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li first, let them learn a lesson, and when he goes back, his goal is 2000 monthly salary.

This idea is very good, both Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai think he is worth so much money, but a week has passed, half a month has passed, and a month has passed, there is no movement from Yan Jiecheng's side, he went quietly The restaurant area gathered together and found that the business was up again.

Yes, not as good as when he was around, but not bad.

Silly Zhu couldn't figure out why, thinking that the cook had changed, he stayed up until midnight, only to find that the chef hadn't changed, and it was Xiaopang, the apprentice he had taken in when he cooked wedding banquets for others.

This anti-bone boy actually did it, silly Zhu couldn't figure it out, he obviously didn't tell Fatty the recipe of the seasoning.

Anyway, this time he was really unemployed, and Yan Xiecheng had a lot of trouble during the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th, asking if he thought the earth wouldn't turn without him, but it turns out that the earth is turning well .

Now that there is no play here, Shazhu had to find a job again, but no one wanted him to be a cook. When he stayed in the state-owned canteen, the ingredients were used. The meat had a little smell and could be thrown away, and the cabbage could be peeled in half. It's almost the same as making a wedding banquet for people. Is it a happy event? Who wants to quarrel with the cook over three melons and two dates? It's different when it comes to private restaurants. He doesn't like those bosses who pick and search. A cook who loves to commit no respect for others. In short, there is no place where he can grow. It is as short as a week and as long as two months. In more than half a year, he has changed five jobs.

Qin Huairu was helpless and angry, so let's say a few more words, even stinging, saying that he is just a child, he pays attention to clear thinking, and doesn't do unpleasant jobs.

Jiazhang was annoyed, and blamed him for bringing what he did in the state-run canteen to the current environment, without any self-awareness, the child is still young, You Fengxia can't go to work, Qin Huairu's salary is not high, and he has to take care of the uncle, The second uncle, the second aunt, and the boyfriend that Huaihua made are all talking about marriage. There will be more places to spend money in the future. If he doesn't make money, will the family wait to drink the northwest wind?

In Lin Yue's opinion, Jia Zhang's words are right. Lou Xiao'e is the only one who spoils him so much in TV dramas, plus a group of apprentices brought out from the state-owned cafeteria can make him be praised by others. I am The boss feels that as soon as Lou Xiaoe returns to HK, he immediately reveals his true colors here. Has he had any serious work in two years? Such a skilled cook was so poor that he had to borrow money from his apprentice to live, and had to rely on Haitang for food when he was done.

To put it bluntly, only relatives and friends can tolerate this kind of person.


The turn of spring and summer in 1985.

On this day, he got off work early and rode a bicycle to the gate of Fresh Hutong Primary School, waiting for Miao Miao to leave school.

Not long after, as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the beasts with double ponytails, single ponytails, schoolbags on their shoulders, and red scarves rushed out.

In this era, there are fewer cars and fewer people on the road. After several years of rectification, the social order has improved. Moreover, the students in the school are all children who live nearby. The better ones are picked up by grandma and grandpa, and the family members are not free. If not, some students go home alone.

Most of the students in the school had dispersed before Lin Yue found Miao Miao, who was carrying a blue schoolbag, with a ponytail behind her head, and was walking around without a shape.

"Miao Miao, here." Lin Yue waved his hand.

Seeing his face, the little girl tightened the straps of her schoolbag with both hands, leaned slightly and ran out faster. The little schoolbag trembled, her ponytail dangled, and she plunged into Lin Yue's arms with a bit of wind and dust.

"Why did you come out so late?"

"Today I am on duty."

"No wonder." Lin Yue patted off the dust on the corner of her clothes: "Today, a western restaurant opened at Chongwenmen, and the cakes in it are pretty good. When your mother is off work, I'll take you there to eat, okay?"

The little girl said "yes" crisply.

If this scene is seen by a stranger, they will definitely think it is a sweet interaction between the father and the little lover in the previous life.

However, standing not far away was an acquaintance --- Silly Zhu.

"Lin Yue! You bastard! Let her go."

Before Banggen was taken away, he went to He Yushui's ex-husband to find out the news. Only then did he know that they were divorced. Fengxia had an abortion, and after she was appeased, she caught up with Yan Jiecheng's restaurant opening and asked him to be the chef. In short, she had no chance to meet He Yushui and ask her what happened and why she wanted a divorce.

Until last week, Huaihua was going to marry her boyfriend whom she had been talking about for half a year, but there was no house. Qin Huairu urged him to find Yushui to see if he could borrow the east wing room for two years. Idle, the two sides have been living in peace for ten years, even if there is any hatred in the past, it has faded a lot, why don't you try with the idea of ​​doing your best to obey the destiny, just in case it succeeds.

He doesn't know where He Yushui lives, and his position in the railway department has also been adjusted, but it doesn't matter, he has his own way to find his sister.

who? Lele——his nephew. Even if he is divorced, He Yushui can't ignore his son, can he?

Next, I found my nephew to inquire, and was told that I didn't know where my mother lived, but I knew which school my younger sister was studying in. Sha Zhu found a suitable time to come here, trying to stop the rain, and the result? He Yushui was not blocked, but he met that hateful guy.

Thanks to William Carloing for the 6,600 starting coins, Wojende for the 1,600 starting coins, Dream Bubble SLF for the 1,500 starting coins, Mengna Lisha 88 for the 500 starting coins, Wuwuwuji, GENIAL, A cat who watches the sea, listens to the waves, and watches chess without speaking, a book friend with the tail number 9091, and a book friend with the tail number 9995 who donated 100 starting coins.

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