Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1112 I am willing to bear a child for him

Of course, meeting is not the key point, the key point is the relationship between Miao Miao and Lin Yue, which is so good that Shazhu can hardly accept it, and it is so good that he suddenly wonders if Lin Yue instigated it, which caused He Yushui to divorce her ex-husband.

Lin Yue turned his head and looked at Silly Zhu with a displeased face, his good mood was completely ruined by this guy.

"Uncle Lin, who is he?"

Miao Miao knew that she had an uncle, but she had never seen her since she was a child. She instinctively rejected this person who yelled at him whenever he appeared.

"He, he is your uncle."


Miao Miao looked at the man with a ferocious face opposite, and hid behind Lin Yue.

Sha Zhu was dominated by anger, and suddenly lost his mind, and grabbed Lin Yue's collar as soon as he came up, but he slapped it away as soon as he stretched out his hand.

Lin Yuehan said in a cold voice: "I don't care about you in front of the child."

After saying that, he took Miao Miao's hand and prepared to take a detour to leave.

Unexpectedly, Sha Zhu turned sideways and grabbed Miao Miao's wrist, trying to separate her from Lin Yue: "Let her go."


The roar scared the child to tears. He shrank back and threw himself into Lin Yue's arms, looking at the stranger called "Uncle" with fear on his face.

Lin Yue frowned, and his anger welled up. He hasn't beaten this guy for almost ten years, right? Fifty years old, itchy skin again.

"He Yuzhu!"

At this moment, there was a shout from the street behind, it was a woman.

Silly Zhu looked back, He Yushui put his bicycle towards the telephone pole, and walked towards him with a sullen face.

"younger sister……"

"I don't have a brother like you, don't call me sister." I was in a good mood today, because I agreed to take the child to a restaurant and eat foreign food in the evening, but when I came here, I saw Shazhu robbing the child. Can she not be angry? ? Can you not be annoyed?

Silly Zhu's old face was flushed by this sentence, he looked at the scattered passers-by, and then at the porter at the school gate with a vigilant face, he was a little bit embarrassed.

"Why do you want a divorce?"

He Yushui said: "I can't live on anymore, why make do with it."

Silly Zhu asked: "Yes, you can't do it anymore, have you ever thought about your child?"

"You are becoming more and more like a grandpa now." He Yushui walked up to Lin Yue, covering the other half of Miao Miao's face behind him: "I am not as enlightened as you, nor as responsible, nor as noble. I just want to be a little woman who lives in peace and stability."

"Why were you insecure before?" Silly Zhu pointed at Lin Yue: "Is it because of him? He has a wife and children."

He Yushui stopped talking. Yes, Lin Yue has a wife and children, but Ran's family members are all in Hong Kong. For three years, he has been working here alone, and he sends money to the other side when he earns it. Why does such a good man She can't have someone to accompany and take care of her. She is already 40. Does a person of this age need a status? It's just a bargaining chip used to divide property and profit in the future. She doesn't need this kind of thing. She just wants to live with one person. The two of them are happy together. That's enough. As for the young people What she said, "I only love you in this life", "I will not marry/marry unless you are in this life", to her who had a failed marriage, are all childish and ridiculous nonsense - even if it is the truth, there are some things that are not applicable Circumstances, not to mention the so-called love criterion.

Just like her brother, everyone can see why Qin Huairu married him, but he enjoys it.

Silly Zhu noticed a detail. Although she didn't speak, her right hand slowly slid down and finally stopped on the slightly raised belly.

With a bang, the loud noise echoed in my mind.

He Yushui is pregnant?

So... whose child is it?

Silly Zhu saw the hand she was holding, then went up along the arm and landed on the face of the enemy.

This guy kicked and broke his ribs, knocked out his teeth, and smashed the bridge of his nose. Now his sister is almost 40 and willing to give birth to him when she knows that the other party has a wife and daughter. He couldn't accept this reality.

He thought he was offended, humiliated, mocked.


A cold light came into the eyes of the gatekeeper.

Silly Zhu pulled out the kitchen knife that the candidate chef was carrying, and desperately chopped at the top of Lin Yue's head.

"Today I will definitely kill you bastard."

? ? ? ? ?

Lin Yue is very puzzled, what kind of person is this? 20 years ago, you were a diamond king who was willing to raise three children and a mother-in-law for a widow. Here is your sister, she is willing to give birth to a child for herself without asking for a name, and is willing to live with her, is this unacceptable? Is there any normal logic at this time? Can I have some face?

He froze here for a moment, the rain beside him moved abruptly, and the whole person opened his arms to block in front of him.

Miao Miao burst into tears from behind, and the concierge tremblingly reached for the phone's receiver.

"Don't be stupid." Lin Yue pulled her back and leaned forward, facing the kitchen knife falling from the sky.

The child in He Yushui's stomach is not the cheap son of Xu Damao's family. He is going to treat this little guy with the same mentality as Lin Lin.

Silly Zhu's behavior completely irritated Lin Yue. In the TV series, this guy used a kitchen knife to scare Xu Damao more than once. Yes, everyone in the courtyard was afraid that he would make a fool of himself, but this time he chose the wrong time and even the wrong person.

The concierge didn't see it clearly, he just felt a flash in front of his eyes, the man with elegant appearance and leadership temperament moved like a rabbit, he was faster than a falling knife, and suddenly turned over the opposite side, making him feel unscrupulous The number of middle-aged people.

The two fell to the ground and kept fighting for the kitchen knife.

In just three to five seconds, there was only a shrill cry, and the kitchen knife fell to the ground with a clang.

Only then did he wake up, and hurriedly opened the door and walked over.

When he looked over the woman's shoulders and landed in front of him, he saw a man standing up, blood dripping from his fingers, and the other fell to the ground, crying and rolling with his hands in his hands, the upper part was completely broken and deformed His ten fingers, anyone who sees it, will get the result of being disabled.

He Yushui was startled, and it took him a while to react. He took Lin Yue's hand and said, "Are you okay? Where did you hurt?"

"It's nothing serious, it was scratched when I took the knife just now."

He Yushui turned over the back of his hand to have a look, and sure enough, he saw a gash nearly 3 centimeters long, from which blood kept flowing out.

Miao Miao cried in fright at the back.

The concierge hurriedly pulled her behind him, looked at the security guard who called, and said, "Someone is injured, please go to the school doctor, quickly go to the school doctor..."

He Yushui took off the silk scarf around his neck and wrapped it around Lin Yue, trying to stop the bleeding, while looking at the people on the ground, he cursed: "How can I have a brother like you!"


Silly Zhu went to the hospital, and Lin Yue also went to the hospital. The difference was that one went to the orthopedics department and the other to the emergency department.

When Qin Huairu arrived at the hospital, the police were taking a statement. After they left, she got bad news from the doctor.

Shazhu's ten fingers were severely fractured. Even if the operation was performed in time, he could only perform some simple operations in the future, and he would no longer be able to cut vegetables with a spoon.

Qin Huairu scolded for a long time, they have lived peacefully with Lin Yue for ten years, this is good, not only did he not have the right to use the east wing, but he also used a knife with someone and was beaten like this.

In the past, those who were injured and recuperated for a period of time could recover, but now they are almost 50, where can they recover? What is even more unacceptable is that with a level 6 disability, let alone taking care of others, living alone is a bit difficult.

Silly Zhu also plausibly said that it was because of the good rain. He couldn't accept that his sister gave birth to that bastard, and he also said that he wanted to expose Lin Yue's messy relationship with men and women to the rolling mill. This kind of thing is just a matter of morality, but as a deputy factory manager doing this, it will damage the corporate image and will definitely be slapped to the end.

Qin Huairu's answer was to slap him twice, Sha Zhu was so dizzy from the slap, he didn't know what he did wrong. After the incident, Qin Huairu left and never went to the hospital again, so he arranged for Xiaodang and Huaihua to come and deliver the meals.

The matter didn't end there. One month later, Shazhu's injury healed a little, and the police took him away because Lin Yue didn't intend to have an affair with him.

One party's life is threatened, taking a knife to cause disability, and being scratched himself is justifiable self-defense. One party used a knife because of an altercation, intending to kill someone. Although there were no serious consequences, he had a strong subjective consciousness and did not obtain the other party's understanding afterwards. He was finally sentenced to one year in prison.

This is good, Bang Geng was sentenced to life imprisonment for robbery, Sha Zhu was sentenced to 12 months in prison for intentional wounding, and the Qin family suddenly became the focus of Nanluoguxiang.

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