Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1113 Silly column is over

Of course, this matter also affected Lin Yue, mainly in terms of work, but it was not a big problem.

Yes, as the director of a large workshop in charge of technology, he has a political background like an ordinary person. The factory manager values ​​his academic level, so it is unlikely that he will lose his job... However, there was no Internet in 1985, and the degree of information openness was not high. Gao, and his innovations have won many awards. For this reason, after dismissing a branch factory manager who was jumping up and down, and directly put him at the grassroots level as an ordinary worker, no one dares to chew his tongue anymore.

On the other hand, He Yushui firmly refused to admit that the child belonged to Lin Yue. When he asked who the father was, he said that he had a child with a man he didn't know before. The result of the unit's handling was to transfer her from her post and arrange her to work in a remote area. Interesting What's more, before the transfer order took effect, He Yushui threw the resignation report on the leader's face in front of everyone in the venue, and walked away after finishing the job, which made the leader who took office as a new official who wanted to make an example of others to be an example. No, he became a laughing stock in the unit and applied for transfer within a month.

She is 40 years old, and having a baby is a relatively dangerous thing. Since she insists on having a baby, Lin Yue means that it is okay to have a baby, but she must stay at home and take care of the baby. Now the unit has given her such a punishment, Then there is nothing to hesitate, go home with peace of mind to protect the baby...

Yu Haitang is now the deputy chief of the publicity department of the rolling mill. She told Yu Li about this, and Yu Li told the third mother. As far as the third mother's mouth was concerned, everyone in the courtyard knew about it within two days.

Later, when Xiao Dang went to visit the prison, he told Silly Zhu that he also understood that his brother-sister relationship with He Yushui was completely over.

As far as Lin Yue is concerned, is it over if Shazhu is scrapped and thrown into prison?

Of course not, his principle has always been that if he is offended, he must pay back ten times, and he also wants to make Sha Zhu regret marrying Qin Huairu.

One day in August, seeing that the impact of this incident had faded, Lin Yue blocked Jia Zhang who was back from grocery shopping at the alley, and took her to a place where she could talk quietly.

"When you go back, pack up your things and move out of my house."

When Jia Zhang heard this, he panicked.

"Why, didn't you say it won't be used for at least seven or eight years?"

"Is it the same then as now?" Lin Yue looked into her eyes and said, "I should understand why I came to you."

Can Jia Zhang not understand? She just pretended to be ignorant, but in fact she hated that He Yuzhu who had done more than succeed in his affairs, and asked him to go to Yushui to ask for the right to use the East Wing. Slashing people with a kitchen knife, and in the end, not only became disabled, but also put herself in prison. Hacking someone with a kitchen knife is definitely going to be liquidated and driven away.

You said that He Yushui has long since disowned him as a brother, and she can live as she wants, so why bother.

Now that Lin Yue has closed the house, where will the Jia family live? Huaihua and Xiaodang can go to the north room to squeeze together, but what about her and Qin Huairu? Go live with the uncle?

"Lin Yue, Huai Ru and I really didn't expect him to be so muddy. If we had known that something like this would happen, we wouldn't have asked him to look for rainwater."

"After talking so much, don't you just want to stay in my house?"

Jia Zhang looked embarrassed.

"Okay, it's okay if you don't leave, but you have to do one thing for me."

"What's the matter, tell me."

"Find a way to get Qin Huairu and Shazhu to divorce."


"Didn't he want Yushui to break up with me? For me, I like to treat others in my own way."

Jia Zhang didn't think much about it. After all, this request was reasonable from Lin Yue's point of view, but... It's really difficult for her to break up Qin Huairu and Shazhu.

Lin Yue said: "Didn't you think that at the beginning you thought that Shazhu was an honest man who could help your family and give you pension money, so you let Qin Huairu marry him? Now that he is disabled, he can no longer be in charge of the table, because He has been sentenced and stayed in it, and most people would not hire him. To put it bluntly, he will be a useless person after he comes out. It is a great thing not to drag you down. Do you expect him to provide you with pension and save dowry for the younger generation? "

These words made Jia Zhang's body tremble. Indeed, this is a very real problem. The current silly Zhu is of no value to the Jia family, and it will drag them down. Hostility towards the Jia family is enough to make them homeless. but……

"I know what you're struggling with." Lin Yue squinted his eyes: "Don't you just think that Yi Zhonghai will leave his house to Shazhu? Once Qin Huairu divorces him, the Jia family will get nothing in the end. I have a way to help Jia's family get Yi Zhonghai's house."

Jia Zhang put down those helpless hands and looked at him with uncontrollable excited eyes: "What can I do?"

"Do you still remember the 15 yuan a month that Yi Zhonghai concealed his whereabouts when Big Mom was there?"

Of course she remembered, although the people in the courtyard house hadn't mentioned it in the past two years, it didn't mean everyone had forgotten. Now why does Yi Zhonghai dare not point fingers at other people's affairs, but only dares to take care of the Qin family's affairs, because he is afraid that others will turn over the old account of his pissed off aunt.

Lin Yue continued: "The 15 yuan is in the hands of your daughter-in-law Qin Huairu."

Jia Zhang's expression changed. She had indeed thought about it before, but it was all speculation, and she couldn't ask the person concerned. All she could do was turn a blind eye and pretend not to know. After all, Qin Huairu and Silly pension.

"Last month, Qin Huairu bought a new woolen coat at Dashilan. If you look through its pockets, you should be able to find the passbook of the Agricultural Bank of China. If my friend at the bank is not mistaken, on the 16th of every month, There will be 15 yuan deposited in it, oh, now it has risen to 20."

Lin Yue said: "What silly Zhu gave you is retirement money, what kind of money did Yi Zhonghai give to Qin Huairu, you should be able to figure it out, right? Heh~ the trouble was so unpleasant nine years ago, because Ran Qiuye was present, I gave it to you people Keep your face and don't reveal everything."

Jia Zhang opened her mouth, but she couldn't utter a single word. In the past, she would definitely give Qin Huairu a bad look, and then she would say something about running on her daughter-in-law. Now that she is old, she can see everything. I understand. so what?

"Find the passbook, show it to Yi Zhonghai, and force him to give up the house to Huaihua as a wedding room."

At this point, he has completed the circle.

"Silly Zhu can't provide for him in the old age. The only thing he can rely on now is your daughter-in-law, so he is most afraid that you will tear him apart if you know the truth. At that time, the whole courtyard will not tolerate such a shameless scum with pious appearance. , in order to keep it secret and to compensate you, he will agree. I have told you the method, and it is up to you whether you do it or not."

Lin Yue turned around and left, leaving the bewildered Jia Zhang to suffer in the scorching sun alone.

After standing there for almost a minute, she took a deep breath and entered the front door with a determined look in her eyes.

She has a decision, or she has no choice at all.

Lin Yue holds too many interests in her hands, and Shazhu... If he can't inherit Yi Zhonghai's house, he is nothing.

Lin Yue in the wing room of the west wing smiled coldly.

It's so refreshing to drive away tigers and wolves.

Yi Zhonghai has no children, and his first mother died again. You say he loves Qin Huairu? That's impossible, the most is to rely on the close relationship between Guan and Bao before, and after helping her get the silly pillar, let the two of them take care of him for the elderly. The old extinct households who go down will definitely not submit obediently, but if Jiazhang is a "wicked person", then the situation will be different. First, he will be wronged, second, he will be afraid, and third, the house is for Huaihua to marry, not for outsiders.


Just like what he thought, when Jia Zhang found Yi Zhonghai with his passbook and questioned him about his relationship with Qin Huairu, the old man faltered and begged her not to treat Yi Zhonghai as he had helped the Jia family for so many years. Talking about this matter is because it is not beneficial to anyone.

Mrs. Jia Zhang made a condition --- to give Sophora Huai Hua the East Wing of the middle courtyard for her wedding.

Yi Zhonghai agreed after thinking for a moment.

After the deal was concluded, Mrs. Jia put the passbook back and pretended not to know. Naturally, Yi Zhonghai would not tell Qin Huairu that their relationship had been discovered, so as not to embarrass the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. What he said was that if it wasn't for the foolishness, Huaihua would have been married a long time ago, and he couldn't let the children be wasted all the time. Simply, let him promote his style and give them the East Wing Room.

Qin Huairu declined symbolically, seeing Yi Zhonghai's "resolute attitude", he could only accept it with "ashamedness".

Sophora was very happy and began to paint the house, preparing to get married...

Where did Yi Zhonghai go after losing the East Wing of the middle courtyard? Before he moved to Liu's house, he was facing Jianli. Of course...he had to pay rent every month, part of which was distributed to the residents in the backyard, and part to Liu Haizhong.

Yi Zhonghai never imagined that Linjian, which he used to be uncomfortable with, would now be his home.

Lin Yue quietly watched all this happening in front of his eyes, he knew that Silly Zhu was over, completely over.

A dog that cannot create value for its owner has only one end.

No, dogs that cannot create value will not necessarily be discarded, because dogs are spiritual and know how to please. Cattle cannot create value, so they must be slaughtered for meat.

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