Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1115 The King of Siheyuan

That's right, a house.

Liu Haizhong and the second aunt stopped talking.

Lin Yue didn't give them much time to think, and stood up and said, "Then let's do business."

He stood up and walked outside.

When approaching the door, Liu Haizhong shouted: "I...I promise you."

The second aunt showed reluctance: "Old man..."

Liu Haizhong asked her: "Do you have a good solution?"

The second aunt shook her head and sighed heavily.

If Lin Yue was on business and didn't cover Liu Haizhong, he would definitely be sentenced, and the money he earned would be wasted. If he agreed to Lin Yue's request and gave him the house, at least he could use the money he earned to buy a house outside. Set, don't go to jail.

Lin Yue said: "Remembering the love in the past, after the house is notarized to me, you can live there until your death."

The second aunt froze for a moment: "Really?"

Lin Yue said: "I have so many rooms, and I can't live alone. It just so happens that you can help me take care of them."

This is indeed true. The house of the deaf old lady has the east wing in the middle yard, the west wing in the front yard, and the east wing in the back yard where the two of them live. In addition, there is another set at Ran’s house. He is now It's the factory manager, and a cadre of this level must be able to have a decent set of three rooms. Counting on your fingers, this is six sets.

What do you think he wants so many rooms for? Liu Haizhong and the second aunt were puzzled.

Of course, Lin Yue would not answer this question, so he got up and left after making an appointment to transfer the property.

Leaving Liu Haizhong's house, he went to the third master's house, and put the IOU on the table with the handprints of Yan Bugui and the third mother: "Third master, I have nothing else to do today. According to the agreement, May 15 Today is the repayment day. I know that your family is in financial difficulties, so it took more than a month to come here. For the sake of our friendship, I don’t want this month’s interest. You only need to pay according to the amount on the IOU. Give me the money, and we'll settle."

Yan Bugui smiled forcedly: "Lin Yue, can you...give us a few more days?"

Lin Yue replied simply: "No."

Yan Bugui's hands trembled on the table, and his fingertips knocked on the table aggressively.

Two years ago, when they saw their son earning a lot of money by opening a restaurant, but they didn’t even give them the leftovers, the couple hated and anxious. Later, Yu Li proposed to open a bigger branch because they didn’t have enough funds and wanted to expand. It was a good thing for them to work together, without saying anything, Yan Bugui agreed, but halfway through the project, he found that the cost exceeded the budget by a lot, and even if he emptied his family, Yu Li went to ask his sister to borrow it. Haitang didn't have any, but she gave an idea to find a friend with a lot of money to borrow some money. Firstly, the whole family was looking forward to a life of earning money, and secondly, the initial investment was not in vain. The owner of the money --- Lin Yue's head.

He promised to lend money to Yan's family, and the interest was not high, one cent a month.

The funds are in place, and the restaurant is opened, but what is the result? Because of the use of recycled oil and low-quality seasoning, people reported it, fined it, and closed the business. That little pension is enough to eat and drink, and I can't save much money a year.

Lin Yue is very aware of Yan Bugui's personality, wishing that a penny can be broken into eight-petaled flowers to do business? It's okay to sell small and trivial things, but to engage in the service industry is courting death.

"Third Master, if you can't pay back the money today, then according to the agreement, this house will be mine."

The third mother said, "How can I do that?"

Lin Yue smiled: "Then you pay back the money."

The three mothers stopped talking.

"How about it." Lin Yue said: "I have a lot of houses, and I won't use them for at least five or six years. You can go through the notarization procedures first, and you can continue to live here when you come back. I will talk about it later when I use it."

Yan Bugui loves to hear this.

It was written in black and white on the IOU that the house was mortgaged, and it was used to fill in the holes before the money was paid. Murder, life, debt and money are justified, whoever comes here has to admit it, but if you say that the house is returned to them, that is a big advantage, and Yi Zhonghai lives in a broken temporary building, which rises to more than ten yuan a month Well, what about Lin Yue, give them a wing room for free, this matter is done, two words--authentic!

"You see, if you are a leader, your awareness is high."

The third mother patted Yan Bugui's hand: "What does this have to do with being a leader? Our family is closest to Lin Yue. Don't forget, you are still his matchmaker with Ran Qiuye. If there is a problem, he won't help us. help us?"

"Yes, yes, yes, you are right, we are called Qingman Siheyuan."

Yan Bugui burst out a word that made Lin Yue dumbfounded.

"By the way, you and Ran Qiuye...are not separated?"

Lin Yue said with a smile: "How is it possible, the two of us are fine."

"The rain over there..."

"Sent to the United States two years ago, it is not easy for children here to register."

"Have you gone abroad? Tsk tsk, it's terrible, it's terrible." Yan Bugui said: "If you want to talk about our courtyard, the most promising person has to be you, you are really good."

"There is something in your words."

"Think too much, you think too much."

The third mother interrupted the chat between the two: "Old man, isn't there Xu Damao's family business? I heard that she has been admitted to this school as a graduate student. Qin Jingru said that she must confess a doctoral student, so that people in her hometown will be envious."

Yan Bugui gave the third mother a hard look, and the old woman was stunned for a moment before she realized that Lin Yue and Xu Damao had a bad relationship, so if he praised Jing Xing in front of him, wouldn't it be a pleasure?

Unexpectedly, Lin Yue smiled happily: "It's not bad, although the starting point is a little lower than his sister..."

younger sister?

Yan Bugui and the third mother looked puzzled, thinking that the interpersonal relationship around him was too complicated, and confused themselves. Xu Damao was only a child, and Jing Xing's younger sister.

"Okay, third master, I still have something to do here, let's go first, we will go to the notary office on Monday next week to get things done."

"Hey, good."

Yan Bugui is a picky guy, but he did a good job in one thing, and he didn't renege on his debts... He didn't dare to renege on his debts, not to mention Lin Yue's current status, even when he was a worker, he still ate the people in the courtyard to death dead.


After Lin Yue left the courtyard, he did not return to the factory. He drove the Santana to the entrance of an alley near Dewai Bridge. After parking the car, he walked into an alley and turned around to a small dilapidated building. In front of the broken house.

The cramped alley is full of broken cardboard boxes, drink cans and rusty iron bumps on both sides, and there are two deformed sewer covers in the corner.

Lin Yue picked up an iron rod and knocked on the broken three rounds that were very close to the door.

After a few breaths, the door opened, and what he saw was an unkempt face.

Silly column.

22 years ago, Wang Laowu, a quadrangle man with no worries about food and clothing, and a waste picker who picked up rubbish for a living 22 years later, the dilapidated house he lives in now is still a temporary place where a community worker found him because he was pitiful. .

"This is the business card of lawyer Han Chenguang. I have already contacted you. If you want to file a lawsuit with Jia's family, call him. Of course, you can also choose to tear it up. Also, don't go to the factory to find me again, I'm too lazy I know you a lot."

"Where did you get the rainwater and the seedlings?"

When Sha Zhu saw it was him, he immediately became furious and rushed towards him like a crazy stray dog.

Lin Yue staggered forward with his right foot, hooked it obliquely downward, and with a thud, Sha Zhu fell to the ground, grinning his teeth from the fall.

"The three of them are now in Los Angeles, are you satisfied?" Lin Yue took two steps back, then suddenly turned around, pointed at Shazhu and said, "Stay away from me, you really smell like wild dogs. .”

Pat, clack, clack...

The footsteps got farther and farther away, Sha Zhu got up from the ground, looked at the business card that Lin Yue threw in front of him, hesitated again and again, his face changed several times, finally picked it up, moved it into the sunlight and looked at it carefully.


Silly Zhu took Qin Huairu, Huaihua, and Xiaodang to court and demanded that they return the property and pay monthly alimony.

The court did not support his claim, because the North House of the Central Court was given to You Fengxia as a gift, and the agreement was clearly signed. She gave birth to the child, and Sha Zhu gave her the house.

The claim for monthly alimony was also unsupported, because Shazhu and Qin Huairu got married in 1977, Banggen and Xiaodang were adults, and Huaihua was 16 years old. From a legal point of view, Xiaodang and Huaihua do not need to be supported.

In the end, Shazhu lost the lawsuit.

This lawsuit also broke the last trace of the relationship between the Jia family and him. The name Shazhu became the laughing stock of Nanluoguxiang, the wonder of the courtyard house, and the shame of honest people.

Since then, no one has seen him again.

Some people said that he was disheartened and committed suicide, others said that he couldn't bear the stimulation and went crazy, and some people said that he went to seek refuge with He Daqing who abandoned his brother and sister, in short, there were all kinds of things.

Thanks to Ye Wushang for rewarding 20,000 starting coins, moldy stars for rewarding 3,000 starting coins, words that don’t convey meaning, 1,500 starting coins, red cloud, KYLIN, book friends with tail number 9497 for giving 500 starting coins, Ruoshui The 448 starting coins rewarded by Zhimo, and the 200 starting coins rewarded by the mandarin that came out until dawn in Lidou.

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