The bright moon is high, and the clouds are like brocade.

BJ in 1988 was like a 16-year-old boy, young and immature, but full of vitality and yearning for the future.

Qin Jingru clasped Lin Yue's arm, looking at his face leaning on the backrest that was dimly lit with the embers of the cigarette, feeling a little complicated.

She is 40 years old and he is 42.

If you count the seven or eight years he went to the Northwest, this state has been maintained for 22 years.

"Don't you think I'm old?"

Lin Yue took a puff of cigarette: "I'm two years older than you."

"But others say you look like you are in your early 30s."

"Then you are younger than me."

"Liar, you are the best at deceiving people, just like in 1966, I was so miserably deceived by you."

"Then you regret it?"

"I regret how I didn't make a fool of myself and dumped Xu Damao to let you marry me."

"I heard that you are the head of the family now."

"That's right, my current job is much better than Xu Damao's, and Jing Xing listens to me very well. He...he just plastered the bamboo fence to make the surface smooth."

"It seems that Xu Damao is dying."

"Has he ever done it? How can he compare with you? I wonder. You are in your forties, and you look younger than a thirty-year-old?"

"Am I an ordinary person? If I don't have some diamonds, how can I make you remember."

"Isn't it just for me to never forget? Ran Qiuye, He Yushui, Yu Haitang... Tell me, who else?"

"Huh, did she tell you?"

"She can get me drunk, can't I get her drunk?"

"You really want to know?"

"Want to know."

"Hehe, I want to know... The more you want to know, the less I will tell you."

Qin Jingru glared at him, then reached out and twisted his back: "You scoundrel."

Lin Yue exhaled a puff of cigarette, and twisted the butt of the cigarette into the ashtray of the bedside table, a wisp of green smoke fluttered up along the moonlight that leaked in through the gap in the curtains.

"By the way, Jing Xing...seems to be in a relationship. The woman is an exchange student from HK. This kid is amazing. He quietly made a girlfriend from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan."

Speaking of this matter, Qin Jingru is very proud. Twenty years ago, she earned eight work points for doing farm work all day. A rural woman who did not graduate from elementary school. Now, her son is a Tsinghua undergraduate and master student, and she belongs to the talents. Talent, the pillar of the pillars, now looking for a girlfriend in a developed area, she is in her hometown, in a courtyard, and this tone is brought up all at once.

"I know, his girlfriend's name is Chen Xiaoxiao."

"You know this as well?"

Lin Yue patted her on the shoulder: "Lou Xiao'e's daughter."


Qin Jingru remembered what he said just now, and his expression became very exciting.



In the land of China, Vientiane is renewed.

High-rise buildings rise from the ground, Wangfujing, Chang'an Street, Shichahai, the Forbidden City... Tourists gather, boxes of Coca-Cola are piled up in front of the canteen at the entrance of the alley, and old popsicles wrapped in oil paper are in the freezer under the ice cream sign. At one point, there are cobblers repairing shoes, people on bicycles yelling "sharpen scissors, sharpen kitchen knives", and there are sluts wearing sunglasses and western clothes, whistling at the young daughter-in-law passing by the roadside.

Xu Damao, with gray temples, is holding a case of beer in his left hand, and in his right hand are sauced pig's trotters, braised beef, garlic sausage, and a roast duck bought in Daoxiang Village. smell.

The third mother was washing clothes outside when she saw Xu Damao come back.

"Hey, Da Mao, you're back so early."

"Third Mom, where are you doing the laundry?" Xu Damao stopped and lifted the things in his hands: "Today is Jing Xing's big day, so I'm thinking about coming back a little earlier and ordering something delicious for everyone."

"By the way, what is the name of the university where Jing Xing went to study for a Ph.D.? The sixth boy in the alley asked before. I thought about it for a long time but couldn't remember it. I just remembered that it wasn't from our country."

"Nanyang Technological University is in Singapore."

"Yes, yes, that's it." The third mother clapped her hands: "Look at my brain, I always forget the things that are on my lips, but you said that Jing Xing refused to study in domestic schools, so why did you go abroad? PhD student?"

"After graduating, Xiaoxiao went to work there. He went to Singapore to study for a doctorate, and he heard that Nanyang Technological University is better than domestic universities. Anyway, I don't understand. The child has grown up and has his own ideas."

"Xiaoxiao?" The third mother thought for two seconds and remembered: "That girlfriend that Jing Xing brought back 2 years ago?"

"Yes, that's her."

The third mother still remembers the first time she saw Chen Xiaoxiao, youthful, fashionable, energetic, and kind-hearted... She is not the only one who thinks this way, but who is she like? I can't remember it, so I can only attribute it to the fact that the world is full of wonders.

Xu Damao saw that the third mother had nothing to say, so he said goodbye: "Come early with the third master tonight."

"Definitely, definitely." The three mothers agreed wholeheartedly.


That night, Xu Damao set up a banquet in the backyard, and everyone who was familiar with him in the yard came.

The old Juehu elder brother, the second elder brother and his wife, the third elder brother and his wife, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu.

Xu Damao has held such a banquet three times. The first time was when Jing Xing was admitted to Tsinghua University, and the second time was when he was a graduate student in this school. I got a doctoral student, and I went to a famous foreign university to study, and I was a proper returnee elite after I finished my studies.

Hey~ I feel elated, this guy is so beautiful to Xu Damao.

"Unexpected, sir, how is my son?"

Yi Zhonghai said: "Okay, I really didn't expect that you, Xu Damao, could teach such a son."

Xu Damao said: "Hey, what I said, it doesn't sound right to me."

"Go, go." The second uncle said: "Don't listen to Lao Yi's nonsense, he is jealous because he sees you having such a son."

Yi Zhonghai had nothing to say, because he lived in the temporary building of Liu Haizhong's family, and if he really wanted to quarrel at the banquet, he would not even have a place to live when the house was taken away. It was also because he lived in the backyard, Xu Damao called He was too embarrassed to refuse Jing Xing's school entrance banquet, but in the past, he would never be able to attend.

"The second uncle is fair." Xu Damao raised his wine glass: "Come on, second uncle, let's go together."

"Come on, take one."

With a "chirp", the two drank up the Erguotou in the cup.

"Second Aunt, Third Aunt, Qin don't drink liquor, but beer, Jingru, hurry up...have a drink with you."

Xu Damao said with a smile: "It's a pity, it's a pity that Shazhu is not here. If he is, I have to ask him carefully, who won after all these years of competition."

He pinched silly Zhu for half his life, how he wished that the idiot who once pointed at his nose and said that he had a man, two women and three children could sit across from him and see what else he had to say.

One man and two women, which one is promising? Who cares about him?

Raising children for widows, what do you think, it's useless in the end, let's give it a kick. Or call it a silly column, it really is stupid, so stupid that there is no cure.

Qin Jingru glanced at Qin Huairu, then poked him on the shoulder: "It's almost done."

The third master was quite discerning, so he quickly changed the subject, not letting him talk about the name "Silly Zhu", so as not to disturb the dinner.

"As the saying goes, the bridal chamber wedding night, the time of the gold list, is the two great joys in life, and now Jing Xingdu has been named on the gold list three times, should this wedding wedding night also be arranged?"

Xu Damao raised his head and waved his hands: "Arrangement, arrangement, must be arranged. The woman said that he will get married when he finishes his Ph.D."

While he was talking, a figure loomed from the Moon Cave Gate. The second uncle thought it was Liu Guangfu who had returned, but after a closer look, he found out that it was not.

"Lin Yue?"

The name suddenly woke up the people present, and they all looked over with surprise.

That's right, it was Lin Yue.

Xu Damao was puzzled: "What are you doing here?"

Holding a gift in his hand, Lin Yue said as he walked, "I'm here to attend Jing Xing's school entrance banquet."

"Who invited you here?"

Xu Damao looked unhappy.

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