Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1117 Xu Damao's Despair

He didn't invite this person, he hated Lin Yue more than Sha Zhu.

The main thing is, compared to the stupid Zhu, Lin Yue is too powerful. He manages a large factory with thousands of people, and after nearly 20 years of operation, the relationship is intricate. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as "supernatural powers", he is incomparable Well, Jing Xing...he just beat this person in terms of academic qualifications.

Lin Yue didn't answer, Qin Jingru stood up and said, "I invited him here."

"You asked?"

"do you have any opinion?"

Xu Damao was stunned speechless.

At this time, Lin Yue handed the things in his hand to Qin Jingru: "This is a gift for Jing Xing."

Qin Jingru took it over and put it away.

The second aunt over there touched Xu Damao from below: "He is the director of the factory now, don't make too much noise, it won't do you any good."

Of course she had to talk to Lin Yue, after all, the house she lived in now belonged to him.

The second uncle glared at Yi Zhonghai, and said with a smile: "Yes, harmony is the most important thing, and harmony is the most important thing. We are already old, so let the previous grievances go away."

Jia Zhang said: "What the second uncle said is true."

Yi Zhonghai felt annoyed after seeing Lin Yue give up a seat, but he didn't want to leave the table decisively.

Lin Yue went to sit next to Qin Jingru, and let her pour a glass of wine, which made Qin Huairu raise his eyebrows.

The third master hurriedly raised his glass to save the situation: "Green Ant's new fermented wine, red clay small stove, it's snowing in the evening, so I can drink a cup. It's a banquet, let's just talk about wine, come, drink, drink."

The third mother slapped him: "You dragged the words again."

But he still picked up the glass with a smile, took a sip of the beer, and smacked his mouth so hot.

"By the way, Damao, I thought of a problem when I came here just now." Putting down the cup, the three moms moved forward, looked at Xu Damao and said, "Jing Xing needs a lot of money to study abroad, right?"

"Third Mom, don't worry about this, I won't borrow money from you."

People who can say a word are embarrassed and relaxed. In general, who doesn't contribute some money to the entrance banquet.

Holding the wine glass, Xu Damao said triumphantly: "We, Jing Xing, are the ones who get the full scholarship. Do you know about the full scholarship? That is, tuition, books, board and lodging are all free, and as for the rest, I'm not afraid of your jokes." , Xiaoxiao's mother said she was willing to help... I said, what kind of eyes are you looking at? She is a female entrepreneur in HK, and she is not short of money. I heard that she has invested in our BJ."

The third master stared straight: "So powerful?"

"Of course." Xu Damao said: "Either it is my son, smart and handsome, which woman would not be tempted?"

He was so beautiful in his heart and so proud of himself, he even handed Lin Yue a provocative look, with an obvious meaning - don't be a bully, I can't compare to you, my son is much better than you.

Lin Yue couldn't help laughing.

Yi Zhonghai snorted coldly, a bit displeased with Xu Damao's despicable demeanor.

At this time, Qin Huairu said: "Since she has invested in BJ, you and Jingru didn't think about meeting her? Old BJ people like us should show some kindness as landlords."

"Hey, I've said it. He's a big boss. He's busy. He doesn't come to BJ once a year. It's not like us."

"When Jing Xing finishes his Ph.D. and gets married, you will have an extra family of rich relatives."

Xu Damao said: "Third Mom, look at what you said, it seems that Xu Damao has taken advantage of me."

The third master said: "Then...they took advantage of your Jingxing?"

Xu Damao said with a smile: "Hey, third master, I love to hear that."

Da da da……

The sound of fingers tapping on the table came from the opposite side, Xu Damao frowned and said, "What are you knocking on?"

Lin Yue said, "Do you know what Chen Xiaoxiao's mother's name is?"

Xu Damao didn't speak, but looked at him puzzled.

"I know." Lin Yue said: "And coincidentally, you know this person."

"Me? Know?" Xu Damao told him in a daze, thinking that you are a fucking liar, she is from HK, and someone who has never had a BJ in most of my life would know her?

"Don't believe me?" Lin Yue clapped his hands, and said to the moon cave door, "Come in, and meet our old acquaintance."

There was a soft rustling sound from the front, followed by the slightly muffled sound of high heels hitting the blue bricks.

A woman came in from the outside, wearing a long black dress and a milky white handbag on her wrist. The round eyes on the bridge of her nose were particularly eye-catching. Wearing it like this made her look quite young.

The first uncle, the second uncle, the third uncle, and Qin Huairu can all watch with enthusiasm, and so can Xu Damao, because Lin Yue said he knew her, and he wanted to see why Director Lin said that.




Soon, the second uncle's eyes changed, the third uncle's eyes changed, and Qin Huairu's eyes also changed.

Xu Damao stood up abruptly and knocked down the chair behind him.

"You... you... Lou... Lou Xiao'e?"

Yes, he never thought that it would be her who walked out of the Moon Cave Gate. After 25 years, she actually returned to the courtyard. And look at this outfit, it's a proper honor to return home.

"That's right, it's me." Lou Xiao'e walked to the dining table and looked at the people who stood up while Wuxin was eating.

Xu Damao, Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, Yan Bugui, Qin Jingru...

Only Lin Yue sat alone, picked up the cigarette case in front of him, took out a cigarette and lit it in his mouth.

Lou Xiao'e's eyes moved to Xu Damao's face: "Xu Damao, you never thought that I would come back here after 25 years."

"you you you……"

Xu Damao even said the word "you" three times, but he didn't even know what he wanted to express.

Lou Xiao'e said, "Are you trying to say, how could I be Chen Xiaoxiao's mother?"

This sentence reminded the third mother, and she slapped her thigh fiercely: "No wonder I felt like a person when she came here last time. It turns out...she is your daughter."

"That's right." Lou Xiao'e said, "Chen Xiaoxiao is my daughter. Back then, my parents and I fled to Hong Kong. I didn't know if I would have a chance to come to the mainland again in this life, so I married a businessman surnamed Chen and had children with him." I have a daughter, I think you have seen it, what do you think of her? Is it okay?"

The second aunt is smiling, but the smile is very awkward, not only okay, it is really beautiful, this yard is full of people... no, it should be said that the alley is full of people, which one is not boastful? Kua Jing Xing is very lucky to have found a beautiful and smart girlfriend.

Of course, he is better, otherwise Chen Xiaoxiao wouldn't have taken a fancy to him.

"Lou Xiao'e, what are you doing in BJ this time?" It wasn't until then that Xu Damao regained his composure and didn't stop talking.

"Talk about an investment, and come over to see old acquaintances from the past, the second uncle or something..."

The flesh on Liu Haizhong's body trembled.

"Second uncle, I really want to thank you for what happened back then. If it weren't for you, our Lou family would not be where it is today." Lou Xiao'e put the bag on the table: "I remember, you also took things from our house. Bar?"

Liu Haizhong pointed at Xu Damao: "'s him, it's all his idea, and he's the one who wants to divorce you, and I'm the executor."

"Liu Haizhong, you are not so responsible."

Lou Xiao'e said again: "Xu Damao, how are your parents doing recently? I heard from Xiaoxiao that they like your son very much, just like their heart and soul. He is very precious."

Everyone can hear the yin and yang in this sentence, and Xu Damao is no exception: "Lou Xiao'e, what do you mean by saying this? Want to take revenge on me? Don't forget, it was your daughter who chased after our family Jingxing. Back then you I was divorced, and now my daughter took the initiative to post it again, you... what face do you have to show off in front of me?"

Director Lin, who had been smoking and watching the theater at the dinner table, smiled.

Lou Xiaoe also laughed.

The two of them laughed so that Xu Damao's scalp was numb, and the back of his spine felt cold.

Thanks to Garfield Faner for the 1500 starting point coins, the name of the fallen angel is almost there, and the 100 starting point coins rewarded by the tangerine that came out of the pear bucket until dawn.

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