Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1118 Love is full of courtyards (two in one)

From the perspective of Qin Huairu and others, it is indeed difficult to understand Lou Xiaoe's operation.

Xu Damao dumped her back then, and 20 years later she sent her daughter to Tsinghua University as an exchange student, and encouraged her to get to know Jing Xing. Generally speaking, girls are a little weaker after the relationship is established. Taking revenge on Xu Damao, isn't that pushing his daughter into the pit of fire?

After a short silence, Lou Xiaoe gave the answer.

"If this is called an upside-down post, then it's not your Xu family who posted it."

Xu Damao was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple, Xu Damao, to tell you the truth, Xu Jingxing is not your son."

Lou Xiaoe's words caused an uproar in everyone's hearts.

Isn't Jing Xing Xu Damao's son? Whose son is that?

Several eyes fell on Qin Jingru's face.

Xu Damao said: "Jingru, you tell her, tell her if Jing Xing is my son."

Qin Jingru didn't speak, just sat there expressionless.

"Xu Damao, back then you said I couldn't have children and kicked me. Facts have proved that I can have children, and I even gave birth to a son and a daughter. Since I have no problem, who is the problem?"

Lou Xiao'e looked at him coldly: "I won't hide it from you now, Jing Xing's biological father is there."

She pointed to the opposite side with her hand, and the person sitting in that seat was Lin Yue.

Xu Damao's body swayed, with a hint of indignation in his confusion, he roared loudly: "Qin Jingru, talk, talk..."

"What did you ask me to say?" Qin Jingru said, "She is right, Jing Xing is my child and Lin Yue, and you, are you a barren waste?"

Xu Damao's face turned red all of a sudden, he turned the table to the side, and pinched Qin Jingru's neck with both hands, but before he could get close, he was kicked over by Lin Yue, fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

The second uncle and the others felt that their outlook on life had been refreshed. Looking at this and that, they didn't know what to do.

Is Jing Xing the child of Lin Yue and Qin Jingru?

Co-author Xu Damao raised his son for more than 20 years? This... It's not just a little green on the head, it's like a Green Lantern standing on the Hulunbuir Grassland.

"Why did you lie to me?" Xu Damao endured the pain and turned over, looking at Qin Jingru.

"Back when you fell in love with Yu Haitang and dumped me, did you ask your conscience?"

Qin Jingru got up from the chair and stared coldly at the people on the ground: "Xu Damao, you didn't expect that, did you? The son who has been raised for more than 20 years is actually the enemy's."

"" He looked at Lou Xiao'e, Qin Jingru, and Lin Yue: " guys work together to punish me?"

The wife and son belonged to Lin Yue, and the daughter-in-law belonged to Lou Xiaoe. Only he had been kept in the dark for more than 20 years. Is there anything more tragic than this?

He laughed silly? He still has the face to laugh at Silly Zhu? Does he have a better ending than Shazhu?

Shazhu said that he has three children, Banggen, Xiaodang, and Sophora, but it turns out that this is a joke.

He said Shazhu was a machine for widows to raise children, and it turned out to be true.

He said that Jing Xing was his precious son, and now it seems ridiculous. And Shazhu said that his son was nothing like him, God knows what kind of rock it was drilled out of, and the prophecy came true, it was Lin Yue's seed.

Both of them were right in what they said to each other, and they were all wrong in what they said to themselves.

Lou Xiao'e looked happy: "Xu Damao, I will send you a word. Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that there will be no retribution, and the time has not yet come... Now, the time has come."

Only now did the second aunt know what Qin Jingru meant when she always said "Jing Xing is as smart as his father".

It turns out that this father is not that father, poor Xu Damao...

"Beast, beast, you are such a beast, how can you be so unreasonable, lawless, lawless!" The old man was speaking fair words again, the people he scolded were not Lou Xiao'e and Qin Jingru, but Lin Yue.

"Beast?" Lin Yue said: "No matter how vicious I am, I am not as mean and shameless as an old dog like you. 20 years ago, you hooked up with Qin Huairu, who had a dead man. One is lustful and the other is rich. You also know that Qin Huairu To take care of three children and a mother-in-law, her family is a bottomless pit, so I do everything possible to arrange Sha Zhu to be her man...or every time there is a problem with the relationship between the two, you will appear as a peacemaker or a moral model Well. First, you have a aunt behind you, and you are a moral emperor, so you can't behave too much, so you can only ask Sha Zhu to take care of your concubine for you; second, you want him to give Qin Huairu three children after raising them. You took care of yourself, and then Shazhu became a useless person, why don’t you continue to be the moral emperor? You should take care of him, instead of ignoring Huaihua’s husband and beating him all over the place.”

"You are still embarrassing your character even now? Aren't you a model of morality and love as a husband and wife? After the first mother found out that you had an affair with Qin Huairu, you pissed her off to death. Why didn't you see you die together? Actress After a few days, I won't act anymore, and I'll stay at Jia's house after I'm done, and I'll get involved in everything, making things difficult for Qin Huai, and I still think of myself as an elder every day."

"Lin Yue, you... you spout blood." Qin Huairu was annoyed. Although the silly Zhu failed to sue the Jia family, many people re-examined the so-called "you see how kind Qin Huairu is, she is a living Bodhisattva", but After all, he is not disfigured, and his lotus flower is quite white—after all, no one can stand the cowardly image of Sha Zhu after he became a cripple.

"Spitting blood?" Lin Yue said, "I happen to have a friend who works in the Agricultural Bank of China. She told me that you have a passbook, and you deposit a sum of money in it on the 16th of every month. It was 15 yuan in the 1970s and 20 yuan in the early 80s. In 1990, it rose to 50 yuan, I would like to ask, where did you get this money from?"

"I...that's all my pension."

"Retirement? How much pension do you think I don't know?" Lin Yuehan said in a cold voice, "You *husband* and wife, are you worthy of the big mother who was pissed off by you?"

"Heh, heh, heh..."

Yi Zhonghai swears at him like a machine gun, rolling his eyes white and gasping for breath.

"Master, master..." Qin Huairu hurried over to help Shunqi.

Jia Zhang also gave him desperate winks, meaning that he agreed to keep it secret? Why did you pour it all out?

Lin Yue turned a blind eye and continued to say: "Yi Zhonghai, what a pity, you haven't recognized the fact that you have to pay a price for provoking me for so many years. Let me tell you another secret, Huaihua's husband is from our rolling mill. You don’t know about this, do you? There is a word in the world called holding property on behalf of others, so do you think there is such a thing as holding a lover’s illegitimate child? Do you think you will end up better than Sha Zhu? Fifty steps and a hundred steps, help me When Qin Huairu went to occupy Shazhu's real estate, he never thought that he would have this day, right? Also, did you see the temporary construction over there? There is also the east wing of the second uncle, to tell you the truth, those are all my things, From now on, I'll give you an hour to pack up your personal belongings and get out."

What's the meaning?

What do you mean by that?

Huaihua is his lover, and Xiaojia is his illegitimate child? All Yi Zhonghai's people live in his house?

The second uncle, the second aunt, the third uncle, and the third mother were all in a daze, feeling as if they had eaten a super big melon that could support people to death.

How old is Lin Yue this year? Forty to five, how big is the Sophora japonica? He's in his early thirties, almost a generation away, yet he is willing to be a child for him?

Qin Huairu pointed at him and said, " lied."

Jia Zhang also muttered behind: "No, it's impossible, you are lying."

Lin Yue smiled coldly: "Don't rush to sigh, it's not over yet."

He paused, then looked at Qin Huairu: "Do you know why you asked Xiaodang where she worked and why she hesitated and couldn't tell? Because it was Lou Xiao'e's company, and she was my secretary. What kind of secretary? The caring kind. Qin Huairu, Xiao Dang is 34 this year, don’t you wonder why she has never been married? Speaking of it, she is really too stubborn, not as realistic as Sophora japonica, or not like Sophora japonica, hereditary I have changed your character. I used your method of treating Shazhu to drive away the men who wanted to have something with her. It took seven or eight years to drive away the breath in her heart and she was willing to give birth to me. , if there are no accidents, you should be able to see her physical changes in another three months, as an advanced mother, you must treat her better."


"What me? Qin Huairu, you have committed adultery with Yi Zhonghai and Li Changming in order to raise your three children by all means. Afterwards, PUA Stupid Zhu... used his love for children, kindness without bottom line, and ridiculously flattering personality to serve you. Your Jia family brought an old scalper, squeezed him until he couldn't do the work, and then chopped him up and ate the meat. You didn't expect that, you and Yi Zhonghai did all the tricks, but in the end you were helping me raise a woman, just like As Lou Xiaoe said just now, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil, it’s not that there is no retribution, the time has not yet come.”

"You bastard..." Mrs. Jia Zhang rushed towards Lin Yue, but for some reason there was an extra teacup on the sole of her foot, she slipped and sat on the ground with her butt hurting her back, and couldn't get up.

"Jia Zhang, I heard that you have a good relationship with You Fengxia, right? Because she gave birth to a pair of twins for the Jia family, let me ask you, they are all seven years old this year, do they look like the stick when they were young? Not like it .”

One sentence made the old man paralyzed, beads of sweat on his face fell to the ground one by one.

Isn't You Fengxia's child a stickler?

If it's not sticky? Whose is that?

Jia Zhang's gaze shifted to Lin Yue's face little by little.

His too?

She and Qin Huairu put in so much effort, holding them in their hands for fear of falling, and holding them in their mouths for fear of melting, the twin grandsons are not from the Jia family?

How old are the sticks when they come out? what does that mean? Never!

Lin Yue continued: "Ms. Jia Zhang, I haven't told Qin Huairu that you transferred the ownership of the West Wing of the middle courtyard to me, have you?"


All of a sudden, Mrs. Jia Zhang fell to the ground, his old face turned blue and white, his body trembled, he was blowing like a cow, and his eyes kept turning up, which was a sign of a stroke.

Can she not get sick? It is impossible for anyone to maintain a normal mind when encountering such a thing.

"Qin Huairu, you and Yi Zhonghai have racked your brains to turn Shazhu into the Jia family, and what should belong to him into the Jia family. Is it my thing? Does it mean that evil will be rewarded with evil? Or... Evil people will be tortured by evil people? By the way, don’t try to report me with the crime of moral corruption. Just a month ago, I submitted my resignation application. Isn’t it popular to do business now? It’s time to catch the last train, right?”


Before Qin Huairu could speak, the old man didn't bring it up in one breath, kicked his legs, and died.

Lin Yue curled his lips into a smile, raised his head, and glanced at the midsummer night sky: "Big Mom, I will avenge your revenge."

"Master? Master!"


Qin Huairu was in a dilemma, and didn't know which side to take. Thinking of the results of so many years, her body trembled slightly, her shoulders shrugged, and she kept tearing her hair with her hands.

The second uncle and the second aunt were frightened and stupid. They wanted to leave this right and wrong place and hide as far away as possible.

"Stop." Lin Yue stopped the two of them: "Do you know how Yu Haitang betrayed me?"

Yan Bugui dragged the third mom back, but he also stopped him.

"Yan Bugui, back then your eldest son's restaurant was set up by Shazhu, do you know how the business got better? Fatty doesn't know where Shazhu got the seasoning, I know, but I can't give it for free, money, I don't know It’s rare, so I asked Yu Li for the same thing. Sister flowers are very good, really... You haven’t tried it, have you? But don’t worry, I’m very measured in such things as using evil to cure evil, and I won’t treat you like the Jia family It’s just as cruel, and if there are too many children, I don’t have that much property to distribute to them, do I?”

Xu Damao was completely stupid, his stomach no longer hurt, but he was still sitting there paralyzed with his lower abdomen in his arms.

He thought he was already miserable, but compared with Yi Zhonghai and the Jia family, the situation was better, at least...his successor was born, the stupid Zhu asked for it, and the Jia family was completely cheated by Lin Yue .


Three hours later, at the parking lot of Xiehe Hospital.

Lou Xiaoe met Ran Qiuye.

"It's a good thing you didn't go. According to your temper, I'm afraid it will be difficult to harden your heart to face that loathsome man in the courtyard."

Ran Qiuye said: "After so many years, your revenge is finally avenged."


Lou Xiao'e let out a long, long sigh when she remembered what happened tonight.

Xu Damao paid the price for his evil deeds. The first uncle died, Jia Zhang had a stroke, the second uncle and the third uncle had their own scandals, the police came to question just now, what did they say? Lin Yue, Jia Zhang's family, and Da Ye quarreled at the dinner party because of the house. One had a heart attack and Ga Beng'er died, and the other was terrified and paralyzed by a stroke.

In a situation like this, the first thing to do is to see whether the family members sue. Even if someone sues, the lawsuit will win, and the maximum compensation will be two dollars. The uncle is an extinct family, who would offend Lin Yue with this thunder? On Jia Zhang's side, Xiaodang and Huaihua are both Lin Yue's women. Will they support her mother in suing? Did Lin Yue spend the money on them and their children? Or pay their mothers? This is a multiple-choice question worth exploring.

Ran Qiuye said: "Don't you think he is very bad?"

Lou Xiaoe asked back, "What about you?"

"In the year when my father passed away, my mother took me to burn incense in the temple. An old monk gave me a book, which said that the Buddha has three phases, the evil phase, the good phase, and the free phase. I didn't realize until today that he passed away. If he enters that gate, he is an evil person, but if he steps out of that gate, he is a bodhisattva, and I believe his actions are justified."

Lou Xiaoe said: "If I could not leave back then..."

Ran Qiuye said: "You mean, if you don't leave, there will be nothing wrong with me, right?"

"No, compared to my failed marriage in HK, it's better to be like Rainwater and give him a child without asking for fame."

"Having a baby, giving birth again, I get dizzy when I hear about having a baby now." A voice came from the direction of the ward building.

It's Lin Yue.

"Is your future society the same as the previous years? One person can support three or four. In the next twenty years, poor people are not eligible to have children."


At the same time, there was also a conversation in the courtyard.

Qin Jingru pushed a divorce agreement in front of Xu Damao: "Either sign him and leave with the house money, or let today's matter rot in your stomach."

"Qin Jingru, don't force me." Xu Damao looked at her fiercely.

"Forcing you? Xu Damao, I will force you. What can you do? Hit me? Hitting me is even better. As long as I sue you for domestic violence, you won't get a penny. Or chop me with a knife? It's up to you Rat guts, in the next life and the next life, there will be no way to kill people."

"Qin Jingru, let me tell you..."

"What are you telling me? If you pretend you don't know, you can still have a wife and children. It's really embarrassing. You don't have a wife and children. From now on, you can live alone."

"Then you let me live with such a green hat?"

"Yes, you have been wearing it for more than 20 years. Is there any problem if you wear it for more than 20 years?"

" deceive people too much."

"Xu Damao, this is all your retribution. I advise you to take it as soon as you see it. If I hadn't interceded for you? Let him let you go for Jing Xing's sake. Seeing the fate of the uncle and Sha Zhu, Even if you don't die, you will become a beggar."

When Xu Damao heard this, he was like a deflated ball, speechless, not to mention that the kid was able to set up a game for more than 20 years today, how many people in the world can achieve this kind of forbearance and resourcefulness? Speaking of the past, he did many tricks behind his back, but which calculation didn't end in a miserable end?

"You really didn't tell Jing Xing the truth?"

"What Lin Yue means is that Jing Xing is developing well now. It's best not to let this kind of thing affect his life trajectory. As for him, he has many children, and it doesn't matter if he has one or two less filial piety. For the sake of the children's future, he has some good intentions. It's good to conceal it, but as the biological father, he should give a lot. I saw how many rooms there are in the backyard. After the death of the second uncle and the old couple, they are all Jing Xing. The middle courtyard belongs to You Fengxia's twins. The front yard belongs to Xiaodang and Huaihua's children."

The three words "many children" were stuck in Xu Damao's throat like a fishbone, and he couldn't get it out or swallow it.

"Do you want me to wear a cuckold forever?"

Qin Jingru nodded to the divorce agreement: "You can also choose not to wear it."


What happened that night, no matter who asked, the second uncle, the second aunt, the third uncle, and the third mother were all silent. They could not say anything, and they dared not say anything.

It can't be said that it's because the family ugliness can't be publicized, but it can't be said that Lin Yue is too insidious. He can make Da Ye, Xu Damao, Qin Huairu and others like this, and if he wants to pinch them to death, wouldn't it be easy? What's more... the house he lives in now belongs to someone else, and he didn't add a foreign surname to the two families. This is already a face-saving, what else do you want?

The people in Nanluoguxiang were very curious about what happened that night, but the stories circulating in the market were all untrue and bizarre.

Mrs. Jia Zhang lived in the hospital for a month. After returning home, she lay on the kang for a few days and died of cerebral hemorrhage.

Xiao Dang's belly grew visibly with the naked eye. One day, Qin Huairu discovered that Huaihua and Xiao Dang were wearing the same style of watch.

The next day, she disappeared. The old lady who was enjoying the shade at the alley said she saw her running away with disheveled hair, and told her not to answer, but just giggled.

Some people also said that they saw her in the Chaoyang vegetable market, holding a dirty and torn quilt in their arms, and asked her what she was doing, and said to find Banggen, who was so angry when she heard that she was going to marry Shazhu. If I didn't go home for a day, it would be freezing cold if I slept outside overnight.

Those who heard it were puzzled, it is obviously summer now, and the heat wave hits people, so where does winter come from?


1993, the Lunar New Year.

The elderly are silent, the children are beautiful, and the adults are busy.

In the grass outside Ditan Park, a homeless man wearing a tattered military overcoat and huddled in a cardboard box was awakened by a white and tender hand.

On the opposite side was a fashionable woman in a black windbreaker and boots, and behind her was a little girl in her teens who was looking at him curiously without blinking.

There was a small car further away, and a middle-aged man was holding a little boy in his arms, giggling from time to time.

Familiar, all very familiar.

"So far, have you regretted it?"

Only one person would ask him that.

Thank you for the 6,000 starting coins rewarded by the commander of Debang, the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by the East African attack, Haotian VS God of War, the mandarin orange that was taken out of the pear fight until dawn, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by Yaya Yaya.

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