Everyone went back to the pet hospital and talked for a while. Qiao Qiao and Tang Ning said goodbye and left. Then Xiao Rui was chased by the serial call. Wang Heng drank and couldn't see her off. Take it to Fenglin Road.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a person who vaccinated pet dogs came. Seeing that Su Han and Zhou Lin could handle it, Lin Yue summoned a driver and drove him and Yuan Shanshan back to the community.

The two came downstairs to her house, searched all around and found no debt collectors, Lin Yue was a little relieved: "If they harass you again, remember to call me."

Yuan Shanshan nodded: "Brother Lin, then I'll go up."

"Let's go."

She opened the door of the unit building with a key, stepped up the stairs step by step, and quickly disappeared from sight.

Call up? For such a sensible child, it's strange to call him when he encounters difficulties.

Lin Yue shook his head, sighed, and walked towards his apartment building.

Badun, Xiahou, and the big villain were all left at the pet hospital. He slept soundly all afternoon, and felt that the smell of alcohol was almost gone. He drove back to Furong Street, had a meal for two with Su Han at night, and chatted with him after he left. What happened, send people home when they are done.

In the early morning of the next day, he was sleeping soundly, and the phone under his pillow started to vibrate.




The low buzzing came to his ears through the pillow. He thought it was Su Han or Zhou Lin, so he picked it up and put it to his ear.


"Is it Lin Yue?"

No, it wasn't Su Han, it was the voice of a strange man.

"who are you?"

"I, Xue Chao."

Xue Chao? After repeating the name, Lin Yue remembered that it was the leader of the group he used to follow when he was playing tricks in the film and television city.

The threshold for being a group performer is very low, but there are many unspoken rules. Not to mention the assistant director being the groom every night, the director sleeping with celebrities, the director sleeping with assistants, etc., the group leaders can play with women in different ways, who makes most people Everyone has a star dream. In order to have a better role, even if it is just a scene, the people in the group will fight over their heads.

Of course, there are also the kind of salted fish group performances that only pay for a ten-yuan box lunch and seventy yuan a day, and don’t care about everything.

If male group performers want to get along well, they generally have to pay tribute to the head of the group, and even if they don't pay tribute, they have to flatter and flatter, just like Qiao Feng who met at the Westin Hotel a few days ago. The leader of the group, the leader of the group, the leader of the extras, it sounds low, but he knows a little bit about everything in the film and television city.

Xue Chao is better than the average group leader, mainly because he doesn't have so much shit. Lin Yue has a good impression of him.

"Boss Xue, why did you remember to call me?"

"It's been a long time since I saw you take a show, and I miss you."

"Come on, let's talk about something, if it's nothing, I'll hang up."

A group leader with hundreds of people under him will take the initiative to call to greet an extra who has only worked with him three times? Is it possible?

"Don't hang up." Xue Chao smiled on the phone: "It's like this. I recently came into contact with an online drama crew. The director asked to find a few group actors with good performance foundation, good image and good temperament to go to the filming and choose from them. It was only two days away, and I thought of you all of a sudden, and I happened to have your number stored in my phone, so I dialed it."

"Filming?" Lin Yue said, "No time, I haven't taken a job for half a year."

He really doesn't have time, and he won't go there if he is free. He is 70 yuan a day for playing tricks, and 10 yuan for pretending to be dead. When he is busy, he can't even drink his saliva.

Yes, he has [I am an acting school LV3], he really needs to concentrate on it for a while, maybe he can enter the circle of special actors, if he digs deeper into the potential of [Teacher Killer LV3] and [Bargaining LV4], The possibility of becoming a well-known actor is very high.

But... what he needs to have a system is to be unassuming. If he really wants to become a star, he will be under the spotlight every day, followed by the paparazzi, and the attention of passers-by. There is no such thing as secrecy.

"Don't be so decisive, you know? Your opponent is Gu Ying. I remember you and her are in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship."

Gu Ying.

These two words set off a wave that could not be ignored in Lin Yue's heart. When he came to Jianghai City after graduation, because he had no money in his hands, he usually paid for group performances on a daily basis. I plunged into the small rivers and lakes of the film and television city, and spent almost a year in it. The water did not splash, and the gulls and herons were not shocked. It can be called a harvest. After all, I got together with a girl named Gu Ying less than half a year friends.

There is no lingering love, and no moving stories. She had no money to pay the tuition, so she took a year off from school to earn money. When she earned enough money, she went back to Xi'an to continue her studies. When she separated, the relationship was broken.

"Gu Ying is back as an extra performer?"

"No, it's not an extra, she's playing a character with several shots in the play."

Not a group performer, but a character actor? What happened to her in the past six months? Or...she was just lucky to be picked by the casting director?

"Sorry, not interested."

Lin Yue thought for a while, and rejected Xue Chao's proposal. He and Su Han are making good progress, and they cherish each other. If Gu Ying encounters difficulties, as an ex-boyfriend, it's okay to help him within his ability. Do you want to go out to play tricks in order to meet her? That would be boring.

"Don't rush to refuse, you can think about it carefully."

"What's there to think about." Lin Yuexin said that Xue Chao is really interesting. He and Gu Ying are inseparable. Whether he gets along or not has nothing to do with him. It's hard to find celebrities, and there are so many extras, why should it be on him? Take the effort.

"Xiaolin, if you..."


Lin Yue didn't want to talk to him, so he hung up the phone.

bang bang bang~

There was a knock on the door outside, Lin Yue shouted "Come in", Tan Xiaoguang walked in with two boxes of Jindian high-calcium milk, threw the one in his left hand to him, and drank the one in his right.

"Where did it come from?"

"I went home last night to catch up with the supermarket for an event. I bought two boxes of premature milk at a 50% discount. Who were you calling just now?"

"The group leader I met when I was playing tricks in the film and television city."

"Ask you to go to work? What are you going to pretend this time? Japanese soldiers? Dead people? Or eunuchs with horses?"

"You won't wish for me to be better?"

Tan Xiaoguang was happy: "It's okay, I hope you are doing well, for a character like you, no matter what you want to film, you have to be the protagonist."

"That's about the same."

"Seeing that you were very excited just now, I'm curious what he said to you."

Lin Yue didn't hide it from him, and told about Gu Ying's return to Jianghai City.

Tan Xiaoguang said: "You are right, not to bother after breaking up is the last decency."

Lin Yue said: "You, who don't even have a girlfriend, actually educated me."

Tan Xiaoguang was so choked by him that he couldn't speak, and squeaked the straw.

"Don't you have to go to work today?"

"There are two days off on New Year's Day, and there is no one in the company, so who will you show me when you go to work?"

"Then you said yesterday that you would go back to report on your work."

"I did it to avoid alcohol, don't care about Wuliangye or Moutai, if I drink too much, I should vomit or vomit."

"That's true."

Tan Xiaoguang stood up after drinking the milk: "I'll go downstairs to buy breakfast, do you have anything to eat?"

Lin Yue said: "Sister Liu's fried dough sticks and tofu nao."

"Okay." With a promise, Tan Xiaoguang turned and left.

Watching him close the door and go downstairs, Lin Yue turned his attention to his mind, and pulled down the system menu to the task list.

I hung up Xue Chao's phone just now because I thought he was annoying, and secondly, it was the system's notification tone.

Yes, just take a day off, and the task comes again.

But this time was different from before, Lin Yue looked at the mission content in a daze.

Soul cage?

Ps: If you haven't read it, you can wait for the next volume. The original film is only 12 episodes, so it won't be too long.

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 9536 for the 500 starting coins, the other side of the flower, and the book friends with the tail number 3396 for the 100 starting coins.

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