Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1123: Anti-Bone Boy Must Die

Lin Yue had heard of this name before. It premiered last summer, and there was a lot of hype on anime sites, official accounts, and self-media, but he never watched it because the update speed was very slow, and because he was busy with all kinds of news released by the system. film and television tasks.

I didn't expect the spirit cage to appear in the task list. You must know that the system selected either movies or TV dramas in the past. This is the first time for animation works. Thinking about those cartoon shapes, I always feel a little uncomfortable.

After making complaints about the drama selection, Lin Yue carefully read the mission settings again.

[Doomsday Requiem] Detected "Ling Cage", the complaint of the lucky user with the number 2021617: In all fairness, among the shoddy Chinese comics (the best one is the story of **), "Ling Cage" can be called The production is excellent, but the promotion of the main line can't escape the bloody routine of love and love. To be honest, it's quite embarrassing, but this is not the point I want to complain about... The point is, the guy under Boss Bai in the special chapter What are people? Are you playing but true - Doomsday Warriors? Although the crew has tried hard to make science fiction, trying to explain their abilities from the scientific side, but to be honest, this is very fantasy, which is a failure. Even if it is an online article, not many people have read the subject of doomsday cultivation, so what is the point of frying cold rice?

Main task: (Enter the movie world to activate)

Side mission: (Enter the movie world to activate)

Special mission: (Enter the movie world to activate)

Basic Rewards: ?

Mission Difficulty: Dangerous.

Failure Penalty: None.

Whether to give up the task: at any time.

Time limit: 51 years for the lighthouse.

Whether to accept? (Y/N).

Paradise, Normal, and Difficult, this is the first time Lin Yue has encountered a task rated as dangerous.

Since he hadn't watched the feature film yet, he glanced at the promotional film passively when the series started, so he was full of anxiety about the word "dangerous". Could it be that the world of "Ling Cage" is dangerous?

Also, generally speaking, missions of difficult difficulty already have failure penalties, but there are no missions of this dangerous level? Is it the special care of the system?

There are many questions, but what are the answers?

The answer can only be obtained after watching the feature film.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, got out of bed, turned on his laptop, logged in to his Xiaopozhan account, searched for "Ling Cage" and played it.

The Spirit Cage tells the story of an air prison that has become the last lighthouse of human civilization in the doomsday environment of the earth, and the people on it are trying to survive through various means. The plot revolves around Mark, the commander of the hunter team. With his perspective and footprints, he uncovers the cruel truth behind the time bit by bit.

There are 12 main episodes in the whole drama, plus the final chapter and a special chapter. It doesn’t seem long, but this is only the first season of the whole story, and there will be a second season, a third season, and a fourth season after that...

Since the future connected by the notebook has only completed the first season, he can only conceive the world view in his mind in the way of "blind man touching the elephant".

It is worth mentioning that after watching the first episode, Tan Xiaoguang came back with breakfast. He looked at the screen on the computer screen and asked him the name of the cartoon, because it was much better than Pig Man, Bear Haunted, and Fight Break Sphere. .

You must know that Xiaopozhan is only on the sixth episode at present. His playlist not only contains the content of the second half of the season, but also the final chapter and special chapters. If Tan Xiaoguang notices and asks, he has to find excuses. Yue had no choice but to turn off the video, finished his breakfast as quickly as possible, told him that the alcohol was still there, and that he was going to sleep again, so he locked the door, put on his earphones, and sat in front of his laptop to continue playing the episode.

Until 1:00 noon, he memorized the key points, looked at the settings on the Internet for a while, and then opened the door, pretending to have just woken up and went out.

Tan Xiaoguang went to bed after lunch. Lin Yue said he was going to Shangwu Boxing Gym to practice boxing, but the real operation was to pick up Xiahou from the pet hospital, drive back to the community, check the surrounding environment, and pull down the system menu...

He didn't choose to accept the task right away. After pondering for a moment, he switched to the skill column, and tapped the "+" sign behind [Hacker LV2].

Skill enhancement point -3, [Hacker LV2] flashes for a while and then becomes [Hacker LV3].

[Hacker LV3] (Note: Now you can easily hack into any computer network with the nature of an integrated circuit.)

The spirit cage is a doomsday themed work. Although human civilization is in decline and lighthouses rely on supplies on the ground to survive, the basic technology products in 2048, such as tablet computers and intelligent robots, are still in use. Looking at most sci-fi movies and TV shows, they are super awesome. Advanced hacking skills have always been synonymous with shortcuts, so upgrading [Hacking] skills will definitely not be in vain.

He glanced at the "4" behind "Current Skill Enhancement Point Balance".

He swiped the interface to the property bar again.

Strength 36.

Constitution 24.

Agility 22.

Intelligence 21.

Spirit 20.

Attribute point 8 is currently unassigned.

After thinking for a while, he added 2 points to strength, 2 points to agility, 2 points to constitution, and 2 points to intelligence, and spent all the unallocated attribute points accumulated during the two tasks in one go.

In the series, Feixue, Ran Bing, and Mocheng are all Shangmin with excellent genes, and their physique must be much stronger than ordinary people. Mark's combat endurance should be close to the level of breaking through the limits of human beings. Force suppression, attributes must keep up.

The strength of 38, at least 250 kg of muscle strength, is higher than that of Tyson in his peak period. Thinking about it, even if it is a panbiotic type I (the snake dog that appeared in the first episode), a punch to a weak part is not enough. It won't be unscathed, you know Tyson is a man who claims to be able to kill a bull with one punch.

A physique of 26 represents faster healing ability and combat endurance. The agility of 24 is combined with the footwork he honed in "Ip Man", plus the magic skill of [compound eyes], which can deal with ridge Gu groups and a small amount of panacea in complex terrain. It shouldn’t be a big problem for the type-devouring beast to save its life. As for why it improves its intelligence—it helps him deduce something from the scattered information that is enough to recognize the nature of the doomsday. It belongs to the improvement of strategic level capabilities, not to mention that higher intelligence represents He can master the heavy-duty driving skills more quickly, although he doesn't think there will be practical difficulties. In the world of "Prometheus", he not only drove similar things, but also carried out modification operations, and "Love in the Courtyard" A fitter who has worked here for nearly 30 years, once he masters the use of various tools on the lighthouse, his value is not comparable to those of the Shangmin mechanics.

Finally, Lin Yue sorted out the timeline of "The Spirit Cage" again.

Before 2039, with the explosion of biotechnology, human beings initially mastered the technology of interstellar colonization, and carried out wide-area mining activities on the moon, which caused the moon phase to change.

From 2039 to 2048, geological disasters occurred frequently and desertification intensified. Huge vines began to appear on the earth, which continued to eat away at the living space of human beings. The flowers of mana and the vassal creatures ridge and soil appeared, and the mana ecology began to occupy the earth. By 2049, the more powerful beasts bred by the flowers of mana appeared.

In the first year of the Lighthouse, an air prison named Tartarus was renamed the Lighthouse. Prison guards and prisoners seek cooperation to fight against the apocalypse, rebuild the survival supply chain, and explore the ground to search and rescue survivors.

Three years after the lighthouse, the warden passed away, and the population of the lighthouse began to multiply rapidly, and the living quarters were overwhelmed, so a suspension area was built around the lighthouse for personnel accommodation.

Five years after the lighthouse, the lighthouse was invaded by survivors on the ground, and a pole-eating beast was found in the tower, causing heavy casualties.

In the eleventh year of the lighthouse, the polar devouring beasts multiplied on a large scale and invaded the ground strongholds until the last stronghold was destroyed. The connection between the lighthouse and the ground was cut off. In the same year, a wild hunter team was established and began to collect ground materials to ensure the energy supply of the lighthouse.

In the twelfth year of the lighthouse, Morgan, the first captain of the wild hunter team, was severely injured by the polar beast. The mysterious woman Bai Yuekui rescued one of them and came to the lighthouse. Differences go away.

Twenty-four years after the lighthouse, Mark came to the lighthouse.

Thirty years since the lighthouse, research has found that human emotions will attract polar devouring beasts, and three laws have been promulgated-severing the old family relationship, classifying members (Shangmin and Dustmin), and genetic optimization (reproduction task in the Hall of Dawn).

In the thirty-sixth year of the lighthouse, Mark's sister, Hong Kou, was executed by burning for resisting emotionally.

In the 51st year of the lighthouse, Mark has become the captain of the wild hunter team, which is also the time when the plot begins.

After completing the preparations for skills, attributes, and timeline, and checking the surrounding environment again, Lin Yue held Xiahou in his arms, took a deep breath, and said "I choose to accept" facing the task bar.


A white light flashed in the cab of the Cadillac XT5, and one person and one cat disappeared, and Zhou Lin's lucky cat ornament hanging in the SUV cab shook slightly.


The muffled sound of the wind filled his ears.

Unlike before, the system did not directly send him into the world of "Soul Cage", and an emotionless voice sounded.

"The ghost glove upgrade function is now open, please go to the All-Seeing Eye interface to confirm the content."

"The special shape and unique upgrade options of the All-Seeing Eye's Spirit Cage are now available. Please go to the All-Seeing Eye interface to confirm the content."

"The obsidian upgrade component has been opened for exchange with technology points. Please go to the All-Seeing Eye interface to confirm the content."

After the all-seeing eye and obsidian, the ghost gloves also have an upgrade function?

As expected of a task with "dangerous" difficulty, the system has opened up so many support settings before the adventure begins.

This idea flickered in my mind, and the unique dizziness of traveling through the world of film and television struck, but fortunately, it came and went quickly, and then there were screams in my ears.

"3352? 3352!"

3352? Dust People 3352? Are you calling him?

Accompanied by this ID is the plot direction of the first episode. The hard touch is transmitted on the facial skin, and it seems that something is crawling up.

That's right, he crossed over to the unlucky Dustman 3352 who accompanied the hunter team to the R-49 starship wreckage to collect supplies - 4068's taboo operation on the ground did not kill him, but 3352 was killed.

Screaming in his ears, jigu (an exoskeleton organism with multiple legs the size of a human head) was on his face, Lin Yue didn't panic, he heard footsteps behind him, he suddenly turned his head and fell to the left.

da da da ~

Three bullets scraped against the scalp, and through the gaps in the ridge exoskeleton, one could see Dustman 4068 and Dustman 4079 moving to the right, and on the opposite side were Donnie and Petunia from the Wild Hunter team.

The moment his body touched the ground, Lin Yue stretched out his left hand, grabbed the ridge gu lying on top of his head trying to inject scarlet, retracted his five fingers, and pulled it hard, getting it off his face and throwing it to the flesh next to him. A pile of soil (human body suffering from scarlet disease or carbonized after being sucked away by the polar beast).

The light from the rifle in Downey's hand swept across his face, but he didn't find a ridge gu. After being stunned for a moment, he turned to the side where there was a soft rattling sound. He didn't have time to think about why a lowly dustman was able to deal with the problem very calmly when facing the spine gu, and the muzzle of the gun was swept away by the fast-moving spine gu.

da da da ~

da da da ~

After some pursuit, the bullet hit the spine Gu's abdomen, the thing turned over, pressed its slender legs and feet to the bleeding point, and there was no movement.

Just as Donny and Petunia were about to relax, they suddenly heard a crackling sound from the opening in the ceiling, and more spines followed the gunshots.

After a brief moment of astonishment, the two quickly raised their guns to fight back.

da da da ~

da da da ~

The bullets scurry in the confined space, making the flesh and soil crackling.

Sensing the danger, the spine gu began to release scarlet, adding a trace of red mist to the air.

Lin Yue didn't care about the gunfight between the hunters and the ridge gu. He rolled several times on the ground and left the dangerous area. He stood up and walked towards Dust Man 4068 and Dust Man 4079, who were pale with fright.

"3352, are you okay?"

4079 wanted to help Lin Yue, but he pushed him away, and then grabbed 4068 by the collar and lifted him up.

"The thing I hate the most in my life is the anti-bone boy."

As soon as the words fell, a crystal-clear dagger was added to his right hand, and it was inserted into 4068's throat with a puff, and the blood continued to flow out along the wound. With a ho-ho gasp, the whole person writhed on the ground a few times before becoming silent.

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