Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1124 Against the Heavens [Animal Friends LV3]

4079 looked at 4068 who died quickly, his eyes were stared straight, and he even crawled to 4068's side: "4068! 4068! Take heart, take heart."

The carotid artery has been cut open, have you cheered up?

After confirming that 4068 was hopeless, 4079 rushed towards Lin Yue with a loud roar: "3352, what have you done!"

Lin Yue kicked out directly, kicking the person near the cabin door.

"Damn him."

Leaving these words lightly, he walked towards the entrance, when a ridge gu sprang out from the head of a kneeling fleshy man at the side, he waved his hand, and flew out with a snapping sound. into a dark corner.

Seeing this scene, Petunia was stunned. How could an untrained Dustman calmly face the spine group? And...he killed 4068?

This... what the hell is going on.

"If you don't want to die, get out." This sentence was said to 4079, and also to the two people in the cabin.

Lin Yue came to the outside aisle, and didn't rush to escape to the location of Mark and Ran Bing. He chose to pull down the system menu to confirm the task content.

Main task: collapse the plot.

Side quest: Make the lighthouse fall.

Special task: kill the beast to get technology points.

Basic Rewards: ?

Mission Difficulty: Dangerous.

Failure Penalty: None.

Whether to give up the task: at any time.

Time limit: 51 years for the lighthouse.

After confirming the content of the mission, he expressed his incomprehension, what the hell is the Honkai plot? To what extent can we talk about collapse? Does killing the key character 4068 at the beginning count as breaking the plot?

The side mission to make the lighthouse fall is clearly stated.

Throughout the whole play, the person in charge of the lighthouse keeps shouting that they will work hard to continue human civilization. The lighthouse is the last home of the people on earth, but the actual practice is to use the banner of utopia as a dystopia. From the perspective of Bai Yuekui and others, the lighthouse The essence of this floating city has not changed. It used to be a prison for prisoners, but now it is also a cage. One group of people enslaves another group of people in order to continue the pie of human civilization. The only difference may be that they used to control people with handcuffs and shackles The body is now using the "light and shadow society" and the law of survival to restrain the human spirit.

To put it bluntly, the people above are a group of walking dead who do anything to survive.

Disillusioned, conflicting ideas, presumably this is why Bai Yuekui left the lighthouse.

Let’s talk about special missions. It’s quite difficult for him to act alone. “Spiritual Cage” is not an anti-Japanese film and television drama. Pole-eating beasts usually appear in groups. Individual heroism is easy to be besieged to death. . Although he has black technology such as all-seeing eyes, obsidian, white crystal, ghost gloves, and Gemini, but in all fairness, he can deal with humans, but it is very difficult to deal with extreme beasts. The heavy body is the first-class harvesting weapon.

You have to build a heavy three-dimensional body first to feel safe!

"Ah, ah, ah..."

He was awakened by the shouting going away quickly, turned his face to see that 4079 was running out from the inside, ran forward with all the strength of his mistress, and broke a fleshy arm on the way.

Now that the task content has been confirmed, Lin Yue also wants to leave this right and wrong place, but he just took a step forward, and when he saw Donny and Petunia in the cabin who kept shooting spine Gu, he turned his head and walked in again.

"3352, what are you doing back here, go, go."

Penny shot and exploded the spines that climbed up Donny's shoulders, and shouted at him. More and more spines entered the cabin through the hole in the ceiling. Donny was already hallucinating because of inhaling scarlet. Such a dangerous situation He went back and forth, not looking for death.

Lin Yue didn't answer her question, and he didn't leave as promised. The reason why he came back was to make sure whether [Animal Friend] had any effect on spinal gu.

He was almost shot in the head by Donnie as soon as he crossed, and he didn't have time to do the experiment. This time he came in and turned on [Animal Friends LV2], and looked at the ridge gu that was swimming around and approaching quickly.

Then, he saw that the thing paused for a moment, as if he had lost his aim, but after only three or five breaths, he suddenly poked out an ugly face like a newborn baby, and let out a sharp growl at him, speeding up rushed over.

The function of [Animal Friend] is to stare at any animal with a lower level than him to have a soothing effect. Now it seems that this skill has little effect on the Pole Devourer, it can only have a confusing effect.

Since even the lowest-level spine Gu has no effect, wouldn't it be even more useless to encounter advanced beasts such as snake dogs, spiny eels, and calyx beasts?

Lin Yue gritted his teeth, pulled down the system menu to the skill list, clicked the "+" behind [Animal Friend LV2], the skill strengthening point -3, [Animal Friend LV2] flashed twice, and changed to [Animal Friend LV3] .

[Animal Friends LV3] (Note: When you defeat low-intelligence creatures with a higher level than you, you can enslave them.)

Huh? The system is intentional, right?

The effect of [Animal Friends LV3] is especially suitable for the beast in "Spiritual Cage", mainly because the beast can be reborn after being killed by conventional weapons. He can't directly drive the small animals to achieve his goal like he did in the city dungeon, but if he kills them first, can they be used by him after they are revived? Although he can't compare with Bai Yuekui's Xia Dou who can mentally connect with the Extreme Beast, but in terms of numbers, he should have an advantage.

Um, right?

Thinking about it carefully, he thought that he was thinking too much. The system should not optimize the effect of skills for the world elements of a single film and television drama, because there are so many film and television dramas with monsters, such as Godzilla, Jurassic Park, and Legend of the Demon Cat. , there are a lot of monsters that are higher than humans in level, is it possible that [Animal Friends] will be offline and useless after entering such a world? Isn't that smashing the golden signboard that the system's products must be high-quality goods, so it is probably a coincidence that [Animal Friends LV3] is especially suitable for the world view of "Soul Cage".

Da da da……

"Hey, what about you! 3352, are you looking for death?"

Petunia shot the spinal voodoo in front of him and pushed him, "Hurry up, or you won't be able to leave if you don't."

Lin Yue: "..."

He knew that Petunia had good intentions, but she did bad things with good intentions. According to his plan, he was going to kill a spine Gu to try the effect of [Animal Friends LV3]. Now it's good, let her go first.

Seeing that he was motionless in shock, Petunia was about to speak, but found that Downey was deep in the fleshy soil dense area, and there were a lot of spines lurking in the shadows. Before she had time to control Lin Yue, she said "Hurry up", and rushed over. Hugging Donnie's body from behind and pulling back, trying to save the person she likes.

Lin Yue sighed and raised his right hand holding the obsidian.

He doesn't like the lighthouse, he doesn't like the pampered Shangmin, he doesn't like the dust people who are content with the status quo and don't want to resist, and he hates the brainwashed congregation of light and shadow, even Mark, Ran Bing those people who dare to stand in his way will kill without a second thought—since they are soldiers, since they agree that it is their bounden duty to obey orders instead of fighting selectively based on the right and wrong of things, then they must do He had the awareness not to die for right or wrong, but when he came to Petunia, thinking about the kind reminder just now, he found that he could not bear the result of her being beaten to death by Donnie.

So he picked up the gun and pulled the trigger the moment the man in front turned around.


The bullet exploded Downey's right eye.

That's right, how he blew 3522's head off in the episode, that's how Lin Yue blew his head off.

"A mere high-ranking citizen..."

"You... what have you done!"

Penny looked at her sweetheart who was already dead on the ground, she turned her gun to aim at Lin Yue, and was slapped by him with his hand, Obsidian shot the ground twice, killing the ridge gu who took the opportunity to pounce.

"He was contaminated with scarlet and has no rescue value."

"But...then you can't..."

"What nonsense, hurry up and go."

After watching so many movies and TV series, if you want to say what is the most crooked plot of Lin Yue, it must be having sex during the battle. It feels super bloody and hypocritical. It quickly rose to the level of "diaphragm response".

Seeing Penny standing there stupidly, it was his turn to be upset this time, he directly grabbed her tactical vest and pulled it out, firing several shots at the same time, shooting the flying spine gu into a cloud of blood mist.

"Donnie, Donnie..."

"Call, call a fart, he's dead."

"It was you, you killed him."

"If I don't kill him, the spine Gu will kill him."

Penny wanted to hold on to the cabin door, but Lin Yue slammed her harder and threw her directly into the corridor. After she finished, she turned and fired three times, and stepped back to the door. "WTF!" The face with three English characters printed on the forehead.

Ps: Readers who read version d, before I opened this copy, I knew that subscriptions would decline to a certain extent. If you like this animation, I hope I will write it longer, please come to the starting point to subscribe to the original version, thank you.

Thank you for the 10,000 starting coins rewarded by Dream Back to Reality, Nicholas Xiuer, the book friend with the tail number 9536 for the 1,000 starting coins, the enthusiastic citizen Mr. Deng for the 500 starting coins, and Liu Haidao and Mingmo for the 200 starting coins Coins, 100 starting coins rewarded by a book friend with the tail number 8720, which was released until dawn in Lidou.

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