Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1127 Meet Death, Lighthouse

"Eh? It really is White Shark No. 19."

Ran Bing picked up the binoculars and looked carefully, and found the number "19" on the shoulder armor.

Penny, who had been silent since withdrawing from the R-49 starship, also turned her head and glanced at the exit of the rift valley.

"Hey, I can come back alive." Mo Cheng glanced at Mark who was negotiating with the people who came down from the lighthouse: "Captain, do you know who the pilot of White Shark 19 is?"

The wild hunters who can drive heavy stereos are all in the car. He really can't think of anyone else who can play with this thing, although he has always thought highly of himself, thinking that if he didn't lose his right leg, he would be a He is an excellent heavy-duty driver, but the scene that happened today taught him a good lesson. People are really different. After searching all the wild hunter teams, the only person who can do this is probably Mark.

"I don't know." Mark came from behind.

In fact, he has some ideas, but the ideas are outrageous, or shocking. Judging from the current situation, it is better not to undermine the confidence of his companions and shake the sense of superiority of the upper class.


With the sound of the wind from the heavy plane, Huang Sha squinted the eyes of many people. White Shark 19 stopped in front of the lifting platform. Wilderness Hunter Jeff walked over and pointed to the cockpit and said, "Who is driving White Shark 19?" ?”

"Dust People 3352."

The slightly murky sound covered by the armor attracted countless eyes, and the crowd was in an uproar. Dustman 4079, who was carrying supplies, straightened up, walked to the front of Baisha No. 19, and loudly accused Lin Yue of his crimes: "He...he killed 4068, he killed 4068!"

No matter whether it was Shangmin or Dustmin, their faces changed, and Mark couldn't help frowning.

"4068 tried to recover the gold watch from Routu and disturbed the spine gu group, he deserves to die." Lin Yue said as he walked towards the lifting platform, his tone calm as if he was describing an insignificant matter.

4079 paused when he heard the words, and the momentum of raising the teacher to ask the crime was lost by half.

Jeff suddenly rushed to the front of White Shark 19 and blocked the way: "Dustman 3352, get off the heavy body immediately!"

This sentence shouted out the aspirations of all the Shangmin present. Things like heavy cubes are the exclusive equipment of Shangmin. The lowly dustmen like dogs just do some rough work. How can they be worthy of them? .

Jeff's performance somewhat represents justice, representing the gesture of a lighthouse.

Yet the next breath, the shotgun enough to sieve a snake dog, was pointed at his head.

"Believe me, if you say one more nonsense, you, your head, and the nuclear fusion energy core that many of you died will turn into a ball of fireworks."

While Lin Yue retracted the gun, he swung his forearm to the side, and Jeff was thrown out and hit the tire of the transport vehicle hard, his expression distorted in pain.


A wild hunter raised his gun. It was the first time he had seen such an arrogant dustman. After all, Mark was soft-hearted, and he had a good face every time he came down. A dustman who dared to talk to Shangmin like that, even if he was a dustman who had made a lot of contributions, would still be caught and whipped.

"Put it down." Ran Bing pressed the hunter's gun down.

Others thought that she was afraid of angering that unbelievable guy, because there was going to be a conflict. During the period when Mark started Daybreak, the White Shark 19 was enough to blow up the nuclear fusion energy battery, but the fact is that she believed that more than anyone else. Guy will do what he says because Downey is the one who killed him and also because R-49 starship looks like he has more combat experience than Mark when it comes to dealing with snake dogs.

Although there are many puzzles and many things I want to ask, but now is not the time, and it will not be too late to talk about all the questions when I return to the lighthouse.

The wild hunter put down his gun, and several people went to care about Jeff's situation, while Lin Yue went directly to the lifting platform.

Mark's teacher Elon watched White Shark 19 walk to the corner of the elevator step by step. He pushed off the top cover to reveal half of his body. He looked up at the lighthouse hovering above, frowned and did not speak.

Two people from the city defense army chirped and accused Lin Yue of not only driving a heavy vehicle illegally, but also wearing a tactical mask that only combatants are qualified to use.

Soon they stopped talking nonsense. Over there, Mocheng and Mark guided the transport vehicle into the lifting platform. As the axle rotated, the cables rattled and the lifting platform slowly rose, getting closer and closer to the lighthouse.


Fifteen minutes later, the vehicles transporting materials drove to the warehouse along the outer ring platform. The lighthouse staff behind the fence and around the pipeline kept waving and cheering, calling Mark's name or discussing how long the materials brought back could support the operation of the lighthouse.

On the balcony of the hall of the lighthouse high-rise light and shadow club, Charles, the head of the light and shadow club, looked at the slow-moving convoy below with a look of indifference.

Lin Yue has been observing, observing the environment of the outer ring of the lighthouse and the suspension area. He also released two Type II blackfly drones, one scanning the overall structure of the lighthouse from a higher place, and the other recording along the passage. The situation of the internal division of the lighthouse.

It will take some time to build a complete lighthouse model in the All-Seeing Eye, don't rush it.

Yes, he can't be in a hurry, someone is in a hurry.

The Dustmen here just started to move supplies, and Jeff, who had suffered a great loss down here, brought two wild hunters to the stationary White Shark No. 19: "Dustmen 3352, come out!"


The top cover of the heavy body was opened, and Lin Yue held the handles on both sides and sprinted out, turning over and landing. The whole process was very smooth, like a battle-tested driver.

Mark, Ran Bing, and Mocheng were not there. It could be seen that Jeff came to settle accounts with him behind their backs. As for the two people next to him...well, there should be quite a few people in the hunter who are hostile to him, not to mention He also blew off the head of a Shangmin, but Corey was still in a coma and had no chance to tell those people the story before he entered White Shark 19.

"Step aside."

The three people surrounding him on the opposite side were indifferent. Corey looked around and punched Lin Yue in the face.

What he didn't expect was that Lin Yue was faster, lowered his head slightly and rubbed his body, and punched Corey's chin with an uppercut. He flew up more than one meter high, drawing a parabola in the air, Plop, fell to the ground without any movement, life and death could not be seen, but the mandible was broken and the concussion did not run away.

The two people next to him were stunned, yes, Jeff was not strong enough, and he was also small, but no matter how he punched him, a dustman who was usually not enough to eat, a dustman who was synonymous with malnutrition, unexpectedly did this kind of thing!

"What do you want to do!"

Of course, he couldn't tolerate Lin Yue's behavior when he touched the pistol stuck in his waist alone. This was not only a provocation, but also a violation of the three principles.

He was not slow to draw the gun, but Lin Yue was even faster. Before he could raise the gun, his wrist was already grabbed, twisted back, the muzzle of the gun turned around, and hit his chin.

"court death!"

Lin Yue didn't even think about pulling the trigger directly.

"3352, don't be impulsive!"

A female voice came from the hanging corridor on the left. He looked up and saw that it was Penny who had been rescued in the R-49 starship. It seemed that she had recovered from the blow of the death of her sweetheart, and had a semblance of reason and thinking.

Compared to Ran Bing and Mark, she knew Lin Yue better. Judging from how cleanly he killed 4069, this guy really dared to shoot, even if it was a lighthouse.

In fact, on the way to the lighthouse, in addition to recalling the past between Downey and her, she also thought about the changes in Dustman 3352. Before exploring the R-49 starship, this person still looked wretched. As soon as the thing lay on his body, he seemed to be a different person.

Could it be... besides giving people hallucinations, scarletin can also act as a stimulant? But that thing is time-sensitive, once the time passes, the body will become very weak. But what about 3352? There is not much difference from before.

After being called out by her, Lin Yue let go of the trigger, and the hunter in front was already covered in cold sweat.

Yes, he was wearing a mask, but the piercing killing intent was so clear that no one doubted his determination to shoot.

Pat, clack, clack~

Boom, boom, boom~

"Dust People 3352!"

Lin Yue turned his head, looked past Jeff lying on the ground, and landed on the two figures walking in the door.

One is tall, one is short, one is muscular, one is slender, one is a man, one is a woman, the man is holding a power axe, the woman is holding a PDA.

That's right, the Light and Shadow will lead Charles' right-hand man, Vatican the Light Bearer, and Sharif the Big Dog.

Lin Yue loosened his hold on the Hunter soldier's hand, pushed him aside, and turned to face the two unfriendly visitors.

Vatican the Blessed One handed the PDA in his hand to the law priest standing at the right rear, looked at Lin Yue and said, "Execution."

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