Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1128 The Protagonist Never Relents

As soon as the word "execution" came out, two law priests holding whips came out from behind, and walked towards Lin Yue.

Penny on the hanging corridor saw it, and ran down quickly. The wild hunters who were going to teach Lin Yue a lesson just now had their eyes lit up, because someone came to avenge them, and those who dared to resist the lighthouse were enemies of the lighthouse and would be sentenced to death of.

They naturally don't know that the people standing in front of the lighthouse are enemies of everyone.

Those who listen to his words may live, and those who don't listen to him will definitely die. Since it is the end, it must conform to the survival rules of the end, and the theme of the series is not such things as kindness, justice, and redemption.

The two law priests raised their whips, but before they could fall, Lin Yue kicked the head of the person in front fiercely.

With a bang, the man flew out and hit the iron box where the weapon was stored, splashing blood in the form of radiation, and died. When the other law priest watched his companion being kicked away and was still in a state of confusion, Lin Yue The fist has been inserted into his chest.

Yes, it was inserted, and the sternum was broken, so the person was naturally hopeless.

Bearer of Light's face was covered by a mask, and she couldn't see the change in expression, but judging from her stretched right leg, she should be shocked, shocked by the strength of the person opposite, and ready to fight back.

Lin Yue leaned forward, kicked hard with his toes on the ground, and the person flew out with a whoosh, aiming at the arrogant woman opposite.

The bearer of light reacted quickly, sweeping forward with his right foot.

I didn't want Lin Yue to touch the ground with his toes during the run, and his speed was 30% faster. When the woman's legs were close to his body, he poked his elbow.

He heard a muffled grunt, and the woman on the opposite side lost his balance. He hugged her body and turned around in a circle. While retreating inertially, he pressed her to the ground, and hugged one leg with his hands and twisted it forcefully.

There was a crisp creak.

Then there was the woman's miserable scream.

As long as this is not over, he kicked the hand that held the bearer of light to hug his injured leg to his elbow.

Creak, another crisp and howl.

The woman's right arm was also crippled.

"Execution?" He grabbed the Light Bearer by the neck and lifted it up, threw it aside like a dead dog, and looked at Sharif who was running over with the power ax in hand.

"People from the Light and Shadow Society... I will kill one when I see them."

Long before entering "Spiritual Cage", his physical fitness has already touched the limit of human beings. Tyson can punch a bull and get down on the ground. A generation of masters in the world of "Ip Man" can beat people to death with all their strength. what.

I have been doing urban drama missions before, and the fight has always been the most three-point effort. Now in the world of "Spirit Cage", it feels great to be able to fully fire.




The red light kept flickering with the swing of the power axe, sweeping, slashing, and slashing up... Sharif spent a long time but had no effect, and in the end he was caught by the guy who dodged from left to right and was as flexible as a monkey Getting close, he tried to back away, but found that he couldn't shake off the enemy at all. Instead, he was punched twice, and his chest hurt faintly.

He was also a bachelor, and when he saw that the power ax was useless, he threw away the weapon, clenched his hands tightly, and used boxing to fight.

Lin Yue walked in the horoscope with his feet, leaned his hands on Sharif's arms, smacked his hands, slapped his left uppercut, shook his elbows, and raised his right swing. Kick Sharif's crotch.

The person on the opposite side let out a muffled grunt, and his hands froze. Lin Yue touched his knees, and the whole person rushed up, with an old ape hanging seal, his knees pressed against the hard surface of the mask, and the impact went straight to the brain.

Sharif only felt a buzzing sound, his eyes were full of gold stars, and he retreated repeatedly.

But he didn't know when Lin Yue appeared by his side, kicked him hard at the ankle, and when his center of gravity was unstable and fell down, the very powerful Tibetan flower at the bottom of the leaf directly lifted him into the air, turning half a circle in the air, With his back up and his face down, his body weighing more than two hundred kilograms fell heavily.

He struggled to get up, and one knee fell down.

Lin Yue removed the hood of the signature cloak of the Light and Shadow Society, and turned Sharif's face away.

"I've been displeased with you for a long time."

He was looking at Sharif, while Penny and Elon, the instructor who heard the movement, ran over and looked at the things in his hands.

A grenade, pull the grenade off the ring, lift Sharif's head up when it's done, push the grenade down, step on Sharif's back, and say one, two, three.


The explosion was suppressed under the body of the big man, and only the light of the fire and the swelling smoke could be seen, as well as the smell of roasted flesh.

Sharif is dead.

Eat all the damage of a grenade.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene, because no one had ever dared to resist the Light and Shadow Society. To resist the Light and Shadow Society was to declare war on the Lord of Light and Shadow, and to declare war on the lighthouse, and because the Light Bearer was crippled, like a dead dog Collapsed in a corner, and her partner, Sharif, was out of breath.

This is what Mark and Ran Bing saw when they arrived.

The soldiers of the city defense army patrolling nearby heard the sound of fighting in the warehouse and rushed in with guns. They just entered the gate with their front feet. Before they could figure out the situation, the obsidian in Lin Yue's hand rang.



The gunfire flashed, and there were two more corpses on the ground.

"Rebellion", these two words flashed through the minds of the people in the warehouse. Mark was about to draw his gun, but before he could hold the handle, Lin Yue, who was facing the door, suddenly put his right hand to his left armpit, and buckled without hesitation. Pull the trigger.


A little blood bloomed on Mark's forehead.

The person fell backwards, dead.

In Lin Yue's life creed, anyone who tries to shoot at him, he will kill back, and will not be soft because the other party is the protagonist or a beautiful woman, and... since the story of "Spiritual Cage" revolves around Mark spreads out and kills people with one shot. Will there be no subsequent plot? Without the following plot, doesn't it mean that the plot is going to collapse?

After killing 4068, he found that it was useless, and the status of the main task was still "unfinished", so Lin Yue locked his target on the male protagonist.

Seeing this scene, Ran Bing was terrified, Elon was furious, pointed his gun at Lin Yue and pulled the trigger.


The moment the fire flashed, Lin Yue rolled sideways. When the bullet hit the floor and sparked, a silver light shot out from his palm, and plunged into the throat of the shooter with a pop.

Elon fell to his knees on the floor, blood spurting from the wound, scratching his face with both hands, and fell to the ground with a thud, also dead.

Petunia froze there, looking at Ran Bing who was hugging Mark and crying, and Elon whose hands and feet were twitching, feeling like they had let a beast in.

bang~ bang~ bang~

Da da da da da...

The gunshots continued, and anyone who tried to fight back, whether it was a wild hunter or a soldier of the city defense army, fell to the ground one by one, blood was flowing on the ground, and the dust people who had never experienced such battles shouted and ran outside or climb.

The Bearer of Light dragged one leg to the back of the bunker to avoid the stray bullets. Not far away was Sharif whose chest was blown apart. She regretted it, regretted that she provoked that 3352 before investigating clearly.

There's no way this man is a dustman.

He is not!

When Ran Bing suppressed his grief and searched for the enemy with anger and resentment, the heavy body with "12" painted on the shoulder behind him moved, and walked towards her step by step.

"That dustman entered the heavy dimension, and that dustman entered the heavy dimension..."

At the same time as the sound came into the pinna, she saw the scene of White Shark 12 kicking the soldiers of the city defense army away against the rain of bullets from the front. After finishing, she lifted the weapon box and took out a heavy sniper With the gun stuck behind his back, he took a heavy-duty shotgun casually, turned around and aimed at the heavy-duty parked in the warehouse and pulled the trigger.





Every time a shot is fired, heavy bodies are damaged.

A hunter was about to enter White Shark 21, but before he could enter, the top cover fell down, trapping him in the middle.

Lin Yue raised his left hand and smashed it, and with a pop, blood stained the fuselage red.

At this time, Ran Bing was walking towards the equipment box in the corner of the warehouse, which contained his Gauss sniper rifle, but only halfway there, Penny hugged her waist from behind.

"Don't, don't resist, you'll be fine if you don't'll be fine if you don't resist..."

She could see clearly that anyone who tried to draw their guns to resist was dead, and none of the dusty people who ran away with their heads in their hands survived, and the only unlucky ghost who was shot was accidentally injured by a soldier of the city defense army.

"Petunia, let me go, I want to avenge Mark..." Ran Bing struggled with tears.

"You can't beat him."

"Let go, let go, Petunia!"

Ran Bing struggled and struggled, but Petunia clung to her tightly and did not let go. The two of them pushed and shoved for a while before falling to the ground.

Lin Yue saw their reaction, but did nothing. He drove White Shark No. 12 out of the warehouse, and when he went out, he encountered a team of city defense troops. , the undead in the rear were hit by the heavy body, and a bloody path was opened so abruptly.

At the same time, in the room at the top of the lighthouse, Charles was furious, because the front staff had just reported a situation that he could not accept - Sharif was dead, the Light Bearer was seriously injured, and Dustmen 3352 were killing people below. Even... even Mark, whom he was jealous of before, got shot by that lunatic.

He was not the only one who was angry, Morgan, who was sitting on the seat of the castellan, was also the same, even worse.

Because of Mark, Mark is the hope for mankind to return to the ground, but now... just died like this?

Thank you for my reward of 10,000 starting coins, Sha Kefan, Maidong, 500 starting coins, and 300 starting coins from Mr. Deng, an enthusiastic citizen. 100 starting coins for every 2 tips.

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