Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1133 Advanced Workers in Chenxi Hall

With the current situation, who needs to be rescued?

The answer is simple, those people in the hunter team.

Dr. Carrie was puzzled by his statement: "Obviously you killed Mark, and those people dying in the ecologically dense area is the best result for you. In this matter, you and Charles have a common Benefit."

Lin Yue said: "You're mistaken, I'm here to push the tower, Mark is to protect the tower, he wants to kill me, of course I have to kill him in advance, it's all for my own benefit, it's meaningless to be right or wrong. Second, killing Mark is doing a good deed in order to save another human being."

Dr. Carrie was confused, but she watched the information of several female wild hunter team members pop up on the monitor array.



Ran Bing.


"The people you want to save are they?"

"How is it? Am I very caring? Even if I am an enemy, I still need to help."

So here comes the problem.

"How to save?"

Lin Yue turned his head. Under Dr. Carrie's increasingly intense gaze, his black hair slowly turned yellow, and there was a scar winding from the corner of his lip to the root of his ear.

"You... who are you?"

Lin Yue didn't answer her question. He took off the Shangmin identification card worn on his chest and threw it into the sky. It disappeared without a trace in an instant. With a flip of his hand, a brand new identification card appeared in his palm, and he clipped it to the edge of his clothes .

"In the lighthouse, which has strict class divisions and believes in central computer resource scheduling, as long as the details are handled properly, whoever I think is whoever it is."

After saying this, he clapped his hands again. Dr. Carrie, who had been deep in thought, shivered, the light in her eyes quickly faded, and she sat back on the sofa, staring blankly ahead.

Lin Yue took out a set of clothes from the portable space and changed into it, and said, "Forget about the conversation just now, can you help me look at the leader of the meeting?"

"no problem."


Lin Yue changed his clothes and walked out of the room, and Dr. Carrie followed him out of the room. Along the way, he met an employee who came to work on time, and she scolded him and drove him away.

Half an hour later, in the room at the top of the lighthouse, Charles frowned and looked solemnly, looking at the content on the PDA in an incomprehensible manner.

Petunia was originally assigned the task of breeding in the Hall of Dawn, so there was no problem.

What happened to Feixue?

What does Ran Bing mean next?

Then there's Erica, that 19-year-old girl with a childlike face?

They are all under Mark.

The key is that the four people are separated by one day.

This is too coincidental, right? Was it a system calculation error, or was someone tampering with it? But how is this possible!

In order to better combine high-quality genes, the breeding tasks in Chenxi Hall are all genetically sequenced by computers, and the males and females of Shangmin are selected through a very special algorithm. Change the content of the plan.

"What? Acting city lord, do you have any objections to the three laws of the lighthouse?"

Jingnan knew what was written on the PDA, and when Penny and the others received the message, they told her the puzzling situation.

Charles raised his head: "You don't know yet, do you?"

Jingnan said, "Know what?"

"That's right, it's not time to send you a notice yet."


When Jingnan heard that, his face changed drastically.

Because the reproductive period of women is much shorter than that of men, the central computer of the lighthouse is based on the physiological value changes of ordinary women as the anchor to screen male subjects. With a certain level of understanding, knowing what Charles said, the central computer must have modified her breeding task process.

"How can I disagree with the three laws? That is the cornerstone of keeping the lighthouse running."

Charles said with a smile: "I hope they contribute their own light and heat to the lighthouse, and enjoy the blessing of the Lord of Light and Shadow forever."

Yes, the change of the central computer disrupted his plan, but it was nothing. Even if people like Feixue, Ran Bing, and Erica did not participate in the death mission, after carrying out the breeding mission, they would not be able to return to the military department for at least one or two years. Completed the change of the main force, allowing him to completely control the city defense army and wild hunter troops.

Jingnan: "..."

"Do you have anything else to do?" Charles looked smug. At this moment, he was very grateful to the central computer, because as long as Jingnan also went to perform the breeding task, wouldn't it mean that he would be able to help his confidant to take the command of the navigation control room? .

The city defense army, the wild hunters, the navigation control room, and the light and shadow club, he can be regarded as the city lord if he has these departments in his hands.

"Dr. Carrie, how about talking about the results of the research on the beast?"

"I don't know what discovery the acting city lord wants me to report?"




Charles enjoys this feeling of being in power very much. He believes that only sitting on the position of city lord is a solid stepping stone for him to save the world as a person chosen by the Lord of Light and Shadow.


that night.

After Penny sent away Mocheng, Jeff, and the hunters who had followed the Red Bandit before, she went to the Hall of Dawn under the leadership of the law priest, and saw a male partner wearing a golden mask.

Interestingly, when he arrived at the scene, he went to light the candles, and his movements were so slow that people wanted to yawn.

But... since the breeding task is for the continuation of the lighthouse, seriousness, piety, gratitude... are all due.

Petunia tried to cheer herself up, but ended up falling headfirst on the bed.

After an unknown amount of time, she was awakened by a voice, and the foreground became clear from blur, and the person opposite took off the mask on her face.

She was slightly absent-minded, because the other party was much more pleasing to the eye than expected, and the longer she stared at it, the more likable she became.

"What's wrong with them?"

She thought that Downey had just died, so she didn't dare to look at the man sitting across from her. She turned her face to look around, and found that the whole hall was brightly lit with candles, and all the law priests of the Light and Shadow Society fell to the ground.

"They fell asleep."

"Fell asleep?"

Lin Yue didn't answer this question, but said instead: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to do this task, they won't remember what happened tonight."

The doubts in Petunia's eyes became more intense.

Lin Yue lied casually: "To tell you the truth, I am Master Lai's disciple."

Petunia was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Dr. Carrie made associations with the names of Master Lai and Bai Yuekui at the court meeting, which made Morgan very angry.

It turns out...Master Lai really exists. Since he is a disciple of Master Lai, it is normal for the priests around him and her to fall asleep uncontrollably.

"Then we now?"

"You can stay in a daze until dawn, or sleep peacefully."

Petunia took off the mask, looked at him and said, "We are here to carry out the breeding mission, the lighthouse needs fresh blood."

Lin Yue frowned. From a man's point of view, he certainly didn't want a good-looking girl to become the ration of the beast. On the one hand, Morgan fell ill, and Charles' acting as the city lord was part of the plan to push the tower. He is immature, and it is not time to collapse the plot, so if he wants to save Penny and the others, he can only use the operation mechanism of the lighthouse itself. The breeding task, the first of the three laws, destroys Charles's little mind.

Petunia lowered her head, as if to comfort herself, and said in a low voice, "In this way... I should be able to forget about Donnie."

Because I knew early in the morning that she would go to the Hall of Dawn to carry out the task of breeding. After I came back, I asked those who had given birth, and I got an answer. A mother will turn all her attention to the matter of her own life.

Lin Yue said, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Penny said, "I'm sure."

Lin Yue: "..."


The next day, the same situation happened in the Hall of Dawn.

The difference is that Lin Yue didn't light a candle this time, but just clapped his hands continuously. After three high-fives, all the priests who supervised the breeding task fell down.

Same rhetoric, different people.

But nothing happened overnight, except that early the next morning, he told Ran Bing not to reveal that he was a disciple of Master Lai.

On the third day it was replaced by Erica.

This little girl is curious about everything, including breeding tasks, and she will not be embarrassed or ashamed at all... And there are many questions, and Lin Yue, who is sensitive to the topic, has a headache, so he took out a chess set, and the two played for a whole night.

I want to ask why Lin Haiwang changed his temper and stayed up with the beautiful red-haired chick, because he always felt that the guy on the opposite side who was bouncing around and chattering, always playing chess and never being able to figure it out was a minor.

It's not good to do this...

As for not saying that he is a disciple of Master Lai, it was directly erased from her mind by hypnotic suggestion.

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