Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1134 Bai Yuekui: Master Lai is not wrong, but he will be slapped in the face

On the fourth day, the person changed again.

Feixue is the most arrogant baby in that movie, but she always wears a battle mask in the plot, no one knows what she looks like.

This time was different, after she listened to an old world fairy tale told by Lin Yue, her eyelids became heavier and her spirits became weaker and weaker, and she fell headlong on the bed within a short time.

While her consciousness was blurred, she heard three high-fives, and the law priests wearing golden masks fell to the ground one after another.

Then, that person came over and took off the combat mask she was wearing.

"Well, she looks pretty, but this mouth, this nose, and these eyebrows don't match your indifference and poisonous tongue."

Feixue wanted to say something, but she just opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

"I've always been a man of revenge. Back then, you shot me badly. Fortunately, you dodged in time. You only scratched your shoulder armor. This matter can't be ignored. Just like Mark, if you dare to shoot me, I dare to kill him. As for you, if you shoot me, I'll pay you back, that's only fair. Besides... I saved your life."

The sound is erratic, sometimes near and sometimes far away.

Feixue forced herself to wake up, but it was of no use at all, and she fell into a deep sleep with suppressed horror.

Because there is only one person who has been blackened by her recently, and that is Dustman 3352. The official report said that the machine he was driving fell from the lighthouse and died due to exhaustion of fuel. How could it be...

The thoughts are frozen, and when the eyes are dark, there is no consciousness.

The next day, when Feixue woke up, people from the Light and Shadow Society brought clothes and meals to replenish energy.

She shook her head and found that she couldn't remember what happened yesterday: "Where is that person?"

"Already left early."

One answered her question.

"What's his name? Who is it?"

Subconsciously, she is very concerned about this matter, but she doesn't know why she cares. Obviously, the task of breeding is a very simple task, and there is no need to know who the other party is. All she can do is pray that the child will be named Shangmin after birth .

Nobody answered her question because that's the way the rules are... old time family ties are not used anymore.

"The light conceives all living beings, all living beings follow the shadow, the light washes away my soul, the shadow protects all beings..."

Twenty minutes later, Feixue left the Chenxi hall amid the slogans that this group of outsiders sounded super stupid, but they were used to.

That person... who is it?

She just simply felt that it was important to figure this out, important to her, and important to the lighthouse.


When Lin Haiwang plunged into the crowd of women, an unprecedented confrontation was going on in the T60 ecologically dense area. In order to prove that they had nothing to do with the polar-eating beasts that appeared in the lighthouse, and to help Mark get rid of the charges, the hunter team did not hesitate to go deep into a group of NIRVANA. They went to the medical center to search for a good medicine that could save Morgan's life. There, they encountered the calyx beast and were almost wiped out.

To ask if anyone survived, yes.

Mocheng survived, but suffered serious injuries, and was rescued.

"Boss, something is wrong. There doesn't seem to be the person you mentioned here, but even if there is, the people below are labeled like that, so it's hopeless." Fatty Shanda looked at the disabled boy Xu Tong who was holding on to the shoulders of the masked man. The man said in a low voice: "This time, Master Lai not only got the situation of the lighthouse wrong, but also missed the following things."

"..." Bai Yuekui remained silent.

The lovely girl Xia Dou said: "How is it possible, Master Lai has always been exhaustive."

The archer girl Broken Star said, "Look below."

"What's the point?" Xia Dou said, "The Pole Devourer will fight for territory, and the higher the level of the Pole Devourer, the more territorial it is."

Bai Yuekui interjected: "You're right, the higher-level polar-devouring beasts are more territorial, and the most powerful polar-devouring beast here is the calyx beast (an advanced polar-devouring beast with a petal-shaped tail, the ability is Made a bromine fog shield), those spiny eels (a small polar-eating beast, a bit like a lizard, but more agile, can shoot living bone spurs to absorb human life substances) are its younger brothers, but have you found out, the following Things are getting worse."

Shanda said: "When this guy was still conscious, he said that they were ambushed by calyx beasts and spiny eels, but later a group of snake dogs and ground roars (by agitating their jaws to store energy, and then spraying high-temperature spheres to attack the target's small pole eaters) Beast) joined the battle group, but their target is the big guy below, when did they know how to take advantage of it?"

"Ah..." At this time, Xia Dou pointed to the place where the calyx beast had ravaged: "Alive...alive...alive..."

"There's no need to make a fuss if you're alive." The mask covered Xu Tong's face, and no change in expression could be seen.

"No... it is helping those snake dogs and ground roars to attack the calyx beast!"

Xia Dou's words attracted the attention of Shan Da, Xu Tong, and Sui Xing, who all looked over with curiosity.

Bai Yuekui's expression was normal, she had noticed this abnormality as early as just now.

The younger brothers of the vassal calyx beasts will rebel, and then join the camp of snake dogs + ground roars, and turn to attack their original big brothers.

This thing can condense bromine mist to form a protective layer on the body surface. Unless it is a heavy sniper weapon, it is difficult for human firearms to penetrate. Balls of fire sprayed out.

It's okay to suffer one shot and two shots, the key is not one shot and two shots, the quantifier should be "round".

If it goes on like this for one round or two rounds, no matter how strong the Calyx Beast is, it can't stand it.

It also knew that the Snake Dog was less threatening, and that the Snake Dog's attack focus was also on encircling and suppressing the eel, so it took the counter-roaring roar as its primary target.

But within the area of ​​influence of the Flower of Mana, the resurrection speed of the small Pole Devourer was very fast, and the ground roar was flexible enough, so this battle for territory became an endless dog-eat-dog.

Over time, the calyx became a loner - its younger brothers (the eels) were reversed.

After another period of time, the calyx beast's shell was finally broken, and those little things that were looked down upon in the past swarmed up, tearing off pieces of flesh and blood from it, and finally died of exhaustion.

Bai Yuekui and his team watched it for a long time, until the Calyx Beast regained its basic mobility and stood up again with the help of the flower of Mana.

Then, the battle was over.

The basilisk and the ground howler walked outside, and the calyx and the eel went down.

The two groups of Pole Devouring Beasts made an appointment to fight, and after a battle, they each went back to their respective houses, and each went to find his own mother?

Including Bai Yuekui, the few people watching the battle above all looked confused. What does this mean?

Unlike the walking corpses in the lighthouse, they have seen all kinds of extreme devouring beasts and their lifestyles. It is the first time they have seen the scene just staged.


This is an excellent question.

But the person who can answer this question is not here.

The person who can answer this question is sitting on a chair in the Lighthouse Institute of Biochemistry and molesting the old aunt, and asking a scientific researcher to wear a thong and a leather jacket to dance pole dance. This contrast is really interesting.

However, Dr. Carrie didn't twist well. After a while, he saw enough, and turned his attention to the system space to retrieve the balance of technology points.


He carefully calculated that the level of the Calyx Beast can provide 1000 technology points.

The big guy who almost wiped out the Wild Hunter team in the episode is worth 1000 technology points?

Lin Yue was speechless, all he could say was that the system was too picky.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's easy to get some technology points, and a little less is acceptable.

Speaking of it, the group of extreme devouring beasts enslaved by him are like a cancerous tumor in the Mana ecology, absorbing the nutrients of the Mana ecology and devouring the "normal cells" of the Mana ecology

Constantly growing, expanding, eroding the entire system bit by bit.


He was referring to the effect of [Animal Friends LV3].

After complaining, he closed the system menu, switched the window to the component upgrade interface of the all-seeing eye, tapped on the "strength boost" component of the ghost glove, the technology point was reduced by 10,000, and the effect was activated.

Strength increased by 50%.

Most people are right-handed than left-handed, only left-handed is an exception, but when it comes to him...

In fact, this is very good. In addition to increasing combat effectiveness, it can also paralyze the enemy and create unexpected effects.

"Okay, stop jumping."

Lin Yue stopped Dr. Carrie's inappropriate and frivolous behavior, and turned to look at the director of the Light and Shadow Society who was left in the observation room. It was the guy who was beaten into a pig's head by Mocheng when Mark rebelled.

"It's time to work, don't you like doing human experiments the most?"

He smiled at her.

Dr. Carrie's cloudy eyes lit up for a moment, as if remembering something, but she quickly returned to the hypnotized state.

At this time, Lin Yue stretched out his right hand, lightly grasped it with five fingers, and took a breath, and there was something extra in his palm.

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