Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1135 Death of the God Stick

a week later.

A few days ago, the wild hunter team came back, went to dozens of them, only less than a quarter came back, and there were two seriously injured, but the mission was completed, and they brought back the medicine that could renew Morgan's life , but because so many years have passed, it is still unknown whether the effect of the medicine is still there, and if so, how much is left.

Dr. Carrie conducted a pharmacological analysis, and after confirming that it was available, he injected Morgan with the drug, but the effect was mediocre. Although his condition improved, he was still in a coma with no signs of waking up. Charles presided over the convening of the court meeting to report to the heads of various departments the encounters and losses of the Wild Hunter team on the ground, and to solicit their opinions on whether to use this batch of drugs, and what to do if there is any risk.

There is a saying that no one is responsible, and anyone with a discerning eye knows that once the treatment plan is approved by the court, if Morgan cannot wake up, it is not Charles' responsibility, but the responsibility of all the participants. If everyone is responsible, no one is responsible.

"Everyone knows what happened to the Wild Hunter team. If it wasn't for the conflict between the Pole Devourer because of the territorial dispute, it would be absolutely impossible for our people to come back, let alone bring back the medicine."

After listening to the report from the representatives of the wild hunter team, Dr. Carrie rested her right elbow on her left hand and pinched her chin with her right hand and said, "Oh? A group of polar-devouring beasts will sneak in when another group of polar-devouring beasts are attacked, and they also learn to Instead of lying in ambush, wait for the hunter team to go deep into the underground facilities and break them one by one, it seems that they have been evolving, it seems... We also need to deepen our understanding of them as much as possible, and working behind closed doors is not enough."


Charles sat on the throne of the city lord, tilted his head, and looked boredly at the people below who expressed their thoughts on the hunter's mission. Some missed Mark, some lamented the rapid evolution of the extreme beast, and prayed for Morgan to get better as soon as possible. of.

"My lord, I heard that you are going to the Hall of Dawn to perform breeding tasks?"

This sentence was said by Jing Nan, and all the people present changed their expressions, thinking that she is really... Which pot is not open and which pot is to be carried.

Of course, Jingnan has a reason to do this, because in the previous court meeting, Charles embarrassed her by saying that she would go to the Hall of Dawn to perform breeding tasks. She had a relationship with a man who was very relaxed. After that, Charles began to make small moves behind the scenes, win over the people in the navigation control room, and put his confidant inside.

This made her very unhappy, and there was a feeling of humiliation.

Two days ago, someone leaked the news, saying that Charles, the acting lord of the city, had also received a breeding task and would go to the Hall of Dawn in a week. The central computer also "kindly" reminded him to control his diet during this period so that he could use the best status to perform tasks.

The person chosen by the Lord of Light and Shadow, the head of the Light and Shadow Society also had a day when he was driven out by the three laws, or the teachings. It feels so good that this kind of gunman died under the gun.

Charles said angrily: "Jingnan, I am now the acting city lord!"

Jingnan said: "The task of breeding is the first of the three rules. Is the acting city lord going to take the lead in violating it? What's more, inheriting excellent genes is the teaching of the Lord of Light and Shadow. Is the acting city lord planning to disobey the teaching of the Lord of Light and Shadow?" Or is this not the teaching of the Lord of Light and Shadow at all, but..."

But what she didn't say clearly, but everyone knew that there was nothing good about it.

Charles said: "Jingnan, how dare you question the Lord of Light and Shadow?"

Jingnan said: "Did I say anything? I didn't say anything."

Charles was so angry that she couldn't speak, and waved his hand below: "Let's hold the court meeting here, and the meeting will be over."

He flicked his cloak, left the throne of the city lord, and walked to the room on the right.

Engineer Jessica tugged on Jingnan's sleeve: "You said that just now, aren't you afraid that he will give you small shoes in the future?"

"In three months, I will suspend the front-line work. The main purpose is to maintain the fetus. I may not be able to return to the navigation control room in the next year. What kind of shoes can he wear for me? Will he not let me have a baby?"

There was unconcealable resentment in Jingnan's words. She always felt that if it wasn't for this headstrong, shameless villain who played tricks all day long, Mark wouldn't have been blown out of his head by the dust people 3352 who came back from a dead end.

Jessica looked at her profile and sighed. Yes, it was indeed difficult for Charles to catch Jingnan, but what if the child she gave birth to was not Shangmin, but Dustmin?


Why is Charles so bored?

Of course it's the damn central computer, which doesn't assign breeding tasks early or late, and assigns breeding tasks at this time.

As for getting angry from embarrassment, only a small part is due to Jingnan's sarcastic remarks and attitude, and more is from inner anxiety.

Yes, he is very anxious, sitting on the throne of the city lord with one buttock, he is very anxious when he is above ten thousand people.

The majestic city lord, go to perform the breeding task. If the child born is defined as a dustman after gene sequencing, where will his face be put?

The key is that you have to go, you must know that he is the acting city lord, the leader of the light and shadow, everyone is watching him.

After much deliberation, there was only one person who could help.

Five minutes later, when the staff of the Biochemical Institute were going to the cafeteria to eat, he knocked on the door of Dr. Carrie's laboratory.

As he expected, that woman was a super loner. Everyone else was eating in the cafeteria, but she was buried behind the computer, carefully sorting out the experimental data, trying to find something out of it.

"Dr. Carrie."

"My lord, I don't know why you condescend to come here."

Charles said, "It's the acting castellan."

"Is there a difference?" In the eyes of people like her, it doesn't matter who is the city lord, as long as she can provide the experimental materials and scientific research equipment she wants, that's enough.

Charles didn't want to argue with her about this kind of thing, he hesitated for a while, and staggered his hands and tugged at the hem of the cloak to hide the unnaturalness on his face: "It's like this, Dr. Carrie, I believe you've heard it too, three Days later, I will go to the Dawn Hall to perform breeding tasks, but as the acting city lord, I am worried..."

"I know what you're worried about." Dr. Carrie didn't let him finish his sentence: "Don't worry, the Lord of Light and Shadow will protect you, Mr. Deputy City Lord."

These words are very congregational, and these words are very Charles, but when they come out of the mouth of the director of ecology and medical treatment, they are very awkward, especially awkward.

Charles wanted to be angry but didn't dare to be angry. He knew that this was a satire from a scientist, because she had never been interested in light and shadow.

"Dr. Carrie, I think you should understand that what you are doing is treating the physical pain of the lighthouse people, and the mission of the Light and Shadow Society is to comfort their spirits and redeem their souls, so whether it is you or me, we are doing it for you." The stability of the lighthouse, and the future of mankind contribute their own strength."

Dr. Carrie thought for a while, stood up and walked to him, and handed over a brown vial containing medicine: "This is a major achievement of human genetic engineering in the old days, it can improve your human body environment, and help excellent dominant gene expression."

Charles was overjoyed: "Dr. Carrie, I will definitely support your work better in the future. Don't you always want more samples of extreme devouring beasts? I will give you what the city lord can't give you."

After the two exchanged some polite words, Charles left the biochemical laboratory.

At this time, Lin Yue came out from the lounge at the back: "No, you will soon be able to support her work very well."

Dr. Carrie stood silently behind him.


three days later.

Medical center.

Lin Yue walked into a ward and put his hand on the wheelchair by the window.

Sensing his approach, the woman sitting in front turned around: "I remember you, you are... Dr. Carrie's assistant."

"That's right." Lin Yue said: "I also remember you, Charles's right and left hand, Lord Bearer of Light."

As he spoke, he pushed the wheelchair outside.

Bearer of Light said, "Where are you taking me?"

"Take you to meet the old city lord?"

"He's awake?"


The bearer of light was puzzled, because the man's tone was strange, and what he said was also strange. She is Charles' right and left hand, why did she go to see the old city lord?

"Who told you to do this?"

Lin Yue continued to push the wheelchair forward as if he had never heard of it.

She found that today's medical center is very different from the past. There are no nurses shuttling in the corridors, and there are scattered documents and medical equipment scattered on the ground. It seems that an accident happened, and those people were evacuated urgently.

The ICU was at the end of the corridor, but the wheelchair suddenly stopped in the middle, because the door of the medical center was knocked open, and a man walked in with three soldiers.

It was Victor, the commander of the city defense army.

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