Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1136 It's over, the task is completed

"Go and transfer the city lord."

Victor stopped in front of the wheelchair, directed his men to go to the ICU, and said to Lin Yue, "Get out of here quickly."

Bearer of Light was puzzled: "General Victor, what happened?"

Victor said: "Dustman 3352 is back. Just now, the driver broke the dawn and destroyed the energy pipeline in the D area. Now there is chaos outside. I am here to transfer the Morgan to a safe place under the order of the deputy city lord."

Dust People 3352?

Dustman 3352 is back?

The mask covered the face of the Bearer of Light, but judging from the slightly twitching corners of her mouth, it seemed that she would not be in a calm mood.

Didn't Charles say that Dustman 3352 ran out of fuel when he was driving the White Shark 12 to fight the City Defense Army and fell down with no bones left? Why did it suddenly appear on the lighthouse again?

"What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you take the Bearer of Light out of here quickly?" Victor said in a commanding tone.

"I really hate people yelling in my ears, not to mention the tone of giving orders." Lin Yue turned to look at Victor, and buckled the battle mask that suddenly appeared on his right hand: "General Victor , Does Dustman 3352 look like this?"

Victor was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and the left hand holding the gun aimed at the person in the white coat in front, but Lin Yue moved faster, and his right hand moved all the way out, slashing at Victor's wrist. It fell to the ground with a clatter.

The tingling pain from his wrist did not disintegrate his fighting power, because he still had another hand, that mechanical arm that could knock people out with one punch.


Something unexpected happened.

The left hand of Dust Man 3352 grasped that right arm, which even the most elite soldiers could not fight head-on.

Lin Yue twisted hard, and the amplifying effect of the ghost glove was transmitted to the mechanical arm, which was torn off Victor's shoulder abruptly.

There was only a scream, and blood spilled all over the ground.

At this time, Lin Yue pulled out the obsidian, aimed at Victor's forehead and pulled the trigger.


The gunshot rang out, and the commander of the city defense army fell to the ground on his back.

The battle outside alarmed the people who went in to transfer Morgan City Lord. The two soldiers had just appeared, and before they could understand the situation, bang bang, two shots, and two more corpses at the door.

He Guangzhe lost one leg and one hand, and the other hand was able to move. She went to split Lin Yue's hand holding the gun, not wanting to be caught instead. move your body.

Impatient, Lin Yue took off her mask and slapped her twice.



The hostile woman's mouth was bloodied and her hair was disheveled. Only then did she have a clear understanding of the current situation, she turned her head to one side and said in a hateful voice, "You damn dustman."

"Oh?" Lin Yue grabbed her neck and lifted her from the wheelchair, then turned and walked to the ICU ward.

"You are so pious, the Lord of Light and Shadow should bless you, but why the whole lighthouse has nothing to do with a dustman."


The gunshot rang out, and another City Defense Army soldier who tried to sneak attack him fell to the ground.

The bearer of light felt that this was an excellent opportunity, so he bent his foot to kick Lin Yue's chest, but he didn't expect that he was already prepared, and the muzzle of the gun moved horizontally. onto her lap.

There is no meaning of sympathy.



Blood spurted.

Before the man with the light could exert his strength, his legs were unable to hang down.

This is good, the right leg has not recovered, and the left foot is also useless.

Lin Yue turned a blind eye to her distorted face and continued to walk forward. He had just entered the ICU when he caught sight of a face with a golden mask out of the corner of his eye. At the same time, a pistol was aimed at his face.

The masked man thought he had succeeded, but just before he pulled the trigger, a black shadow flashed in the air, with a meowing sound, the sharp claws were inserted very precisely into the eyes that the mask could not protect.

Gunshots and muffled groans sounded almost simultaneously, followed by the sound of a human body falling.

When the masked man opened one eye, he found that the sound of falling to the ground was made by the Light Bearer. The bullets passed by, only making the hair of the man opposite him sway. Although the combat mask blocked him, he had a strong intuition ——The face of the man behind is neither surprised nor terrified, or in other words, everything is as expected.

Before the disappointment broke out, the force from the wrist pulled the masked man's body, and while moving forward, he was tripped again, and the whole person fell down.

Lin Yue moved his hand back, exerted all his strength on the elbow of his left hand, and pressed forward with all his strength aimed at the joint.


With a scream of ah, the thick arm was broken from it, and the anti-joint was turned backwards, twisting into an L shape.

Lin Yue lifted the man up with the useless arm, stepped on the masked man's chest, and aimed the obsidian at the blind man's head on the sole of his foot.

"Are you the big brother Sharif the dog, or the younger brother? Or, are you a defective product of Mark?"

"Uh, uh...I..."

"But it's meaningless." Lin Yue raised his head, looked at Morgan on the hospital bed, and pulled the trigger at the same time.


The bullet pierced the golden mask and also the head below.

At the same time, the black cat jumped off the platform where the medical equipment was placed, and strolled to the pale bearer leaning against the corner.



It squatted and scratched the itchy flesh of its neck with its bloody paws.

At this time, Lin Yue had already walked up to Morgan, took out an injection from his pocket, and thrust it into the old guy's chest. With a snort, the pressure department pushed the injection into the body.

After almost half a minute.

The person on the hospital bed let out a sigh, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the surrounding environment with a blank face.

"Actually, the potion retrieved by the wild hunter team is fine. The problem is the person who injected the potion."

"Who are you?"

Morgan saw the dead masked man, and also saw the extremely ugly-faced bearer of light, and finally turned his attention to Lin Yue.

"My surname is Lin, but if you use the name Chenmin 3352, you may be more familiar with it."

Sure enough, Morgan heard that his complexion changed drastically, and he said in an old and hoarse voice: "What do you want to do?"

"Please watch a movie, I promise, it's a blockbuster you've never seen before."

Lin Yue took out a PDA, tapped his finger on the touchpad, and a screen popped up on the monitor opposite the hospital bed.

The woman in the picture is twitching, and her chest is constantly rising and falling... It's not like breathing up and down, but it seems that something is pushing out from the inside.

"The lighthouse is so big and the conditions are so difficult. There will always be some young children who encounter accidents when they grow up. Dust people, it is an extravagant hope to get medical help. Those who have a fever and become fools, and those whose arms were accidentally cut off by construction machinery, were accidentally killed. Extensive burns, these are people judged to be worthless by the formula of life, so how should we deal with them? And who will deal with them?"

Morgan squinted his eyes, looked at the suffering woman on the monitor, and knew what he meant by these words.

cluck cluck~



With a bang, the woman's chest split open, and a squid-like alien creature with flexible tentacles drilled out of it.

Lin Yue leaned closer to Morgan's face and said softly, "Master City Master, why didn't you say hello when you saw your grandson? No, it can have children, it should be your granddaughter."

The old man's face was rather ugly.

"Look at your expression, are you worried about your son?" Lin Yue tapped his hand on the PDA again, and the monitor switched screens. The blond man in the city lord's living room knocked over the chair, and the blue texture was on his face Spread, the skin dries up and peels off quickly, and the hair is scattered everywhere like falling snow.

Morgan said excitedly: "Why? Why did you do this?"

Lin Yue said, "Isn't it fair that you treat the lighthouse people as experimental subjects, and I treat you as experimental subjects? Any Shangmin who can enjoy the treatment of red wine and steak is on my list."

"What do you know?"

"A lot, a lot more than you think."

Morgan was silent for a while: "But this is the law of survival in the end."

"Yes, this is the law of survival in the doomsday, so you can use any means to survive, and I don't need to talk about the bottom line for my own benefit, and... I also want to help humans take revenge on Mana."

"What did you say?"

Lin Yue didn't go into details, and his hand was on the PDA again. This time, the screen switched to the Biochemical Institute. Dr. Carrie, who was tied into a rice dumpling, woke up faintly and looked up at the surrounding environment. As the camera lens zoomed in, one could see the hard exoskeleton, sharp teeth, a tail made of countless conical substances, and five or six tentacles that were floating and shining.

Dr. Carrie, who was completely "awakened", looked at the two-meter-high monster in front of her with horror. It took her a while to call for help, but just as she opened her mouth, a tentacle closest to her stabbed into her mouth, and kept It was moving, as if pouring something into her body.

"Doesn't she really like doing human experiments? And children are her favorite. Now, she can be regarded as dedicating herself to science."

Morgan said, "You're the devil."

"You're right, I'm a devil, a devil that's only afraid of devils. Did you see the tentacles floating around that thing? That's something only snakes and dogs have. The most terrifying ability of a polar-devouring beast is not to absorb humans Is it the source of life? Then if there is something that absorbs their high-quality genes, grows in a parasitic manner, and evolves faster and more perfectly than the polar devouring beast, isn't that a very interesting thing?"

"I put the devil in the world."

"Heh, this world is already full of demons dancing wildly, so what does it matter if we let a few more demons in?"

The blood from the wound on the thigh of the Light Bearer had stopped. She stared blankly at the dust... devil who played with everyone in the lighthouse, and felt helpless in her heart. Where did the Lord of Light and Shadow go at this time?

Where did he go?




The floor was shaking, and the sound of explosions and the screams of Shangmin kept coming from outside.

"Finally, what I want to say is..." Lin Yue patted Morgan on the shoulder, and placed a motionless spine gu not far from the hospital bed, which seemed to be dead.

"No matter how powerful Master Lai is, he can observe all the matter in the universe, but there is no way to predict everything, because the more science develops, the closer it is to philosophy, and theology is the most glorious door in the temple of philosophy. So, do you believe in God? Or do you believe in science?"

Lin Yue walked to the door, grabbed Heguangzhe by the collar and lifted him up, turned and left the ICU, while the black cat followed with graceful steps.

At the same time, the leg of the seemingly dead spine Gu kicked, and its body twitched continuously.

An hour later, Lin Yue opened Lixiao's mask, looked at the lighthouse slowly sinking in the sky with thick gunpowder smoke, and whispered, "It's over."

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