Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1143 I'm actually very good at soft food and hard food

"What are you talking about? I have nothing to talk to you about?"

"Do you have to do this? It's not good for anyone? Not to mention whether your evidence is true, are you so sure that the school will stand by you?"

"You want to say that your father has been running the school for many years, and the principal should give him some face, right? And I am breaking the rules, and I will definitely be suppressed by all the school staff."


"Miss Dong, do you know how people from Jiang Nansun's family and Wang Yongzheng you like described me last night? They said that I am small in size. As for me, I did two things this morning. First, I wrote A report on some university professors defrauding scientific research funds, fabricating transactions, accepting kickbacks, squeezing students and other bad practices. Second, I contacted several Chinese scholars who are concerned about the atmosphere of domestic academia, and one of them is a UNESCO They expressed their interest in this report and the materials in my hand. I think... When our school’s name appears in international influential publications, when the school’s rankings are greatly affected by the relationship between the school’s improper style of study When it falls, I don’t know how many Professor Dong will be ruined and lose their jobs.”

"You... you're not doing anyone any good."

"But I am willing, so that no one will say that I am small. Isn't it just a job? Use a job to force the school to clean up those black apples. From the standpoint of ordinary taxpayers, stand on the side of those who are From the standpoint of the students who are being squeezed into dogs by the instructor, do I do something that they want to do but cannot or dare not do, don't you think this is very meaningful?"

"You're going to kill yourself."

"Are you trying to say that your father's 'Party A' has hands and eyes?" Lin Yue shook his phone again: "The information on these people is in my hands, family relationship, circle of friends, property composition, who dares to follow I'm playing dirty, their wives and children abroad will die without a place to bury, I will do what I say. If I guess correctly, your mother will appear in via Plauto, No. 33, at 3:15 in the afternoon. 'MAKASAR' tea shop, drink afternoon tea with your aunt, well, the mixed tea in this shop is very good, I like the spicy one, if you have a chance to go to your uncle's house this summer, you can try it .”

"You... I beg you, can you not do these things?"



"Because I like to see how miserable you rich people are when you fall from the clouds."

"Zhang Anren, I beg you, really..."

Lin Yue turned around and walked forward, ignoring her.

"How do you want me not to report my dad? Ask for money? Stay in school? Or something about the thesis?"

"I have had the fame and wealth that ordinary people yearn for, so I have no interest in these. My favorite thing to do now is to let evil be rewarded with evil."

" broke up with Jiang Nansun?"

"I know what you're thinking, I really don't mean to say otherwise. You don't deserve to be my girlfriend. In my opinion, any woman who has an affair with Wang Yongzheng is only worthy of being my *slave. He will feel good about it. I don't mind you in front of him."

"You... shameless beast!"

"You know that he is the kind of person who messes with women everywhere, but you still go up to him, which means that you are a bunch of sluts. You don't love or respect yourself. Is it necessary for me to respect you?"

Lin Yue smiled and left without looking back.

Lilian opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word.


A week later, in the evening.

Lin Yue waited for Zhu Suosuo's cousin Luo Jiaming at the gluten stall at the entrance of the alley.

Luo Jiaming is the cousin of Zhu Suosuo, another heroine of "Golden Years", and his job is in IT. His personal image is said to be gentle, but it is better to say that he is an honest person.

Zhu Suosuo's mother left her and ran away with others when she was a child. Her father was a sailor and rarely returned to China, so she grew up under the care of her uncle and aunt. Generally, in such an environment, it is rare for a cousin to take a fancy to a cousin. , but here... Luo Jiaming's liking for Zhu Suosuo is really humble to the bone, or "dog licking" to the extreme.

But Zhu Suosuo is not interested in him, and his eyes are fixed on those elites and rich people. Recently, he took the opportunity of helping his best friend Jiang Nansun's aunt Daisy to deliver materials, and met Master Ma, the driver of President Ye Jinyan in the office of Jingyan Group. Master Ma is also very good. In order to catch up with her, he pretended to be an executive of Jingyan Group.

She drives a BMW 7-series, has money and ability, and is especially good at taking care of others. She is willing to spend money for her...

Zhu Suosuo immediately decided that Master Ma was her true son, and Luo Jiaming's... Anyway, it was a typical reaction to licking a dog. He was concerned about Zhu Suosuo's failure to answer his phone calls, leaving early and returning late, and collecting a lot of luxury goods. The sense of crisis multiplied, and then developed to the point of stalking and giving up on oneself.

Lin Yue didn't like this kind of person, but for the sake of the main task, it was necessary to give him a hand.

"Boss, remember to put more chili."

After giving instructions to the owner of the gluten stall, Lin Yue turned his back on the person walking forward and shouted: "Luo Jiaming."

Luo Jiaming stopped and turned back, looking at the stranger in front of the gluten stall who called his name with surprised eyes.

"This is six dollars, boss, take it well." Lin Yue took the roasted gluten from the middle-aged man with a smoldering face on the opposite side, and walked towards Luo Jiaming.

"Who are you……"

"My name is Zhang Anren."

"Zhang Anren?" Luo Jiaming thought the name sounded familiar.

"Jiang Nansun's ex-boyfriend."

Upon hearing the words "Jiang Nansun", Luo Jiaming suddenly recalled that Zhu Suosuo once mentioned this name, saying that he was the boyfriend of his best friend Jiang Nansun, a person who knew both cold and hot.

But what about the "ex-boyfriend".

"You broke up with...Jiang Nansun?"

"Well, just a few days ago." Lin Yue handed over a piece of gluten: "Do you want to eat it?"

Luo Jiaming said: "My mother won't let me eat this, saying it's unhealthy."

Luo Jiaming is even more useless than that precious boy Xie Hongzu. How could a money-worshiping girl like Zhu Suosuo, who wholeheartedly wants to live an upper-class life, fall in love with him?

Even if she doesn't even have a place to live, if she really wants to make a couple with Luo Jiaming, it is also a marriage according to her definition.

A man like this will always be labeled "immature" in the eyes of women.

Lin Yue didn't force it, and took a bite in front of it. To be honest, the roasted gluten was not very good, and it didn't have that kind of Q-bomb feeling, but the seasoning was very good, moderately salty and spicy, and the taste of spices would not cover up the unique malt of roasted gluten. sweet.

"I came to you not because of my affairs with Jiang Nansun, I just asked you, do you want to know where Zhu Suosuo went?"

These words immediately aroused Luo Jiaming's thoughts. Zhu Suosuo has been very mysterious these days. He leaves early and returns late, and often brings back a bunch of delicious food. He was very injured, he didn't think about food and drink all day long, and he was completely out of work.

"Think, think..."

He nodded hastily.

Lin Yue handed out another stick of gluten: "Do you want to eat it?"

"Eat, eat." This time he didn't say that this thing was unhealthy, he took it and gnawed it clean, and threw the bamboo stick into the trash can next to it.

"Let's go." Lin Yue also threw away the bamboo stick, and when he passed the gluten-roasted stall, he asked the boss very politely for two napkins, handed one to Luo Jiaming, and used the other for himself.

A BMW Z4 is parked on the street opposite the entrance of the alley.

Lin Yue opened the car door and got in. Luo Jiaming hesitated before getting in the car. It wasn't because he was worried about his own safety, but mainly because the car... didn't fit Zhang Anren's personality.

"I'm good at eating soft rice."

Luo Jiaming smiled embarrassingly when he teased his mind.

"I am not kidding."

Lin Yue kicked the oil on the floor, and the car rushed out, making Luo Jiaming tremble with fright, wanting to grab the handrail and fasten the seat belt, with a pitiful expression on his face.

Fortunately, this situation did not last for too long. Lin Yue slowed down the speed of the car when he got on the road and drove very smoothly.

Soon, the car stopped outside a very romantic western restaurant, and the two got out of the car and walked towards the gate.

Luo Jiaming glanced at the word "Yi Lu" flashing silver light above his head, and then looked at the small garden opposite, knowing that the consumption here must not be low.

Entering the restaurant, Lin Yue retreated from the receptionist and went straight to a dining table by the window.

There sat Zhu Suosuo and Master Ma who pretended to be an executive of Jingyan Group.

At that time, she had just finished drinking the red wine in the goblet, when she saw Lin Yuejin's eyes change, she had an undisguised disgust: "It's you?"

It can be seen that Jiang Nansun told her about the breakup between the two, and even told her about the scene that happened in Caifenglou that day. Girlfriend, the three views are different? Heh, when it comes to discrimination against foreigners and the poor, the two women behave exactly the same.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing his girlfriend's unhappy face, Master Ma immediately became angry, looked at Lin Yue and said, "I don't care who you are or what relationship you have with Suosuo, please leave now, otherwise, I will call security immediately."

Lin Yue smiled playfully: "Okay, I'll leave right away."

He took a few steps back to get out of Luo Jiaming's face.

Zhu Suosuo's eyes changed, and he got up from the chair: "Jia Ming, why is it you?"

Luo Jiaming looked at Master Ma, his eyes were full of sadness that couldn't be resolved: "Is he your boyfriend?"

"Yes, it's him, Mr. Ma, my boyfriend." Zhu Suosuo hated the person who brought Luo Jiaming here: "Zhang Anren, I didn't expect you to be so despicable."

Lin Yue shrugged: "I'm helping you."

"Help me?" Zhu Suosuo looked puzzled.

Luo Jiaming obviously didn't pay attention to Lin Yue's meaningful speech. He looked at Master Ma and said, "Are you the one who drives the BMW Seven Series and buys bald butter and crab powder gift boxes for my parents?"

Zhu Suosuo sees that things are like this, so let’s admit it openly. Anyway, I have had enough of this cousin who is pestering me like a dog’s skin plaster. Why don’t you give him a knife and let him die? Heart.

"That's right, it's him."

Luo Jiaming's body shook, his face ashen ashes: "Xiao Suo...Xiao Suo..."

Mouth obsessively shouting her name.

bang bang~

At this moment, Lin Yue applauded and said, "Zhu Suosuo, let me tell you why I said I came to help you."

Thanks to Garfield Faner, Mr. Ying 002, book friends with the tail number 6740 for the 1500 starting coins, Zhu Haochen 2018 for the 300 starting coins, and the mandarin that was taken out of the pear bucket until dawn, I am so afraid of the reward 100 starting coins.

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