Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1144 Zhu Suosuo, you should thank me, right?

Zhu Suosuo looked over, frowned and said, "I don't need your help, Zhang Anren. To be honest, I never thought you were this kind of person. If I knew this, I shouldn't have allowed you to associate with Nansun before."

"Thank you, you should really object, because as a person, she really doesn't deserve to be my girlfriend."

Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo are definitely not good enough for him. In Lin Yue's opinion, they are not even good enough for Zhang Anren.

Because of Zhang Anren's personality, he has been conscientious and conscientious since he stayed in school. He has been cautious in his studies and managed his own relationship. In the future, he will definitely become a teaching assistant, lecturer, associate professor, and professor. , not only has a stable job, but also gains both fame and fortune. His career is a plus for the family and the education of his children.

From the part where Jiang’s mother gave the BMW car, it can be seen that Zhang Anren’s attitude towards this matter was greatly shocked. The subtext was “Your family is rich, and you can buy a car for Jiang Nansun, but I can’t afford it. I’m really useless.”

If he wants to eat nothing, will he have this kind of mental activity?

There is a plot in the play that he showed Jiang's father the letter of appointment that he valued so much and even represented the pride of the whole village in his hometown, but it was treated as a table mat and covered with vegetable soup and grease.

Are you still hungry? The premise of being extinct is that the Jiang family is rich. If the Jiang family is rich, Jiang's father needs to worry about his house and ask him to sell the house to speculate in stocks? And Jiang Nansun also said that her father sold all the extra houses in their family. He is a Ph. D., doesn't he have the ability to reason logically?

If he didn't really like Jiang Nansun, he would have to endure Jiang's father's ridicule and ridicule to curry favor with a dilapidated OLDMONEY who couldn't help him? What about logic?

Now some women, when they mention Phoenix men, they grit their teeth with hatred, as if they ate theirs and used them. Don’t you know that counting up to three generations, their fathers and grandpas are all so-called Phoenix men, just like Ma Baonan. It’s the same thing with straight men and cancer. Some female screenwriters are desperate to make money, and label them desperately. As long as they can make money, they can design any plot without a bottom line. Will it affect the values ​​​​of children who are not deeply involved in the world? , causing social tearing, is not within the scope of their consideration.

Let’s just talk about Zhu Suosuo, if she doesn’t hang up, just because she dresses like that in the workplace, she will definitely be the one who is excluded and suppressed, and in a big company, if she has a bad reputation, she can’t be an executive, so career women and so on Those who dare to play like this in TV dramas, if a real big company wants to gain a foothold in it, they must first abide by the rules, and those who can make it to the top by acting like a baby, acting cute, drinking and drinking, are called professional mistresses.

Even if she marries the rich second generation, this kind of character will get rid of her after playing with her enough, or put her in the cold palace. If she doesn't know how to endure, her relationship with the rich second generation's parents will deteriorate, and she will be tricked into nothing in the end.

For example, in the first episode of the TV series, she went to a dinner party with Luo Jiaming. She had no job and was living under the umbrella of others. She looked at the programmers with undisguised scrutiny, contempt, ridicule and disapproval. What about Jingyan? Facing Yang Ke, facing Ye Jinyan, what is the attitude?

As for Jiang Nansun, if it wasn't for the downfall of his family, his head is full of sunshine and warmth, and the years are quiet, this kind of white lotus plus the Virgin Mary will be very tiring to get along with, not to mention that she is only superficially pure, and she is dealing with Yuan Yuan and Da Luo. On the issue, it can be seen that he is also a calculating person in his bones. To put it bluntly after breaking up with Zhang Anren, he found that Wang Yongzheng is a sentimental idealist, which fits well with the image of a goddess of literature and art created by her, while Zhang Anren is just a personal male nanny. All the original sins are put on Zhang Anren, so that this relationship without passion and freshness can be ended with peace of mind... In fact, she had a mental affair a long time ago, and she flirted with Wang Yongzheng in the TV series. Does anyone think that the two are a pair of CP? In many things, what women are best at is to pretend to be innocent and pitiful, to win moral sympathy with a weak attitude, and to incite public opinion to isolate and attack people they don't like. Just like the movie "The Lost Lover", this phenomenon is interpreted to the extreme. In fact, this is also called specialization in the art industry. Most of the wisdom of men is used in careers, while most of the wisdom of women is used in Get the man on.

A gold-worshiping woman with a sharpened head who goes to the upper class, and a so-called goddess who looks like a white lotus flower and has a green tea scheming heart, who is more disgusting than Zhang Anren?

"You, Zhang Anren, you really make me sick."

"Thank you, being disgusted by a gold-worshiping bitch like you, who is full of dust and dust, can be regarded as a gold medal in my life."

"You... Brother Zhang, how can you say that about Xiaosuo?"

Luo Jiaming couldn't stand it anymore, he was very sad and lost, but he still felt harsh when he heard the words "worship gold and green pool".

Master Ma stood up abruptly: "What are you talking about? Waiter, drive these two people out for me, they are disturbing our meal."

Lin Yue said: "Driver Ma, it's almost enough. The play is over, and the final result is just a slap in the face."

Shouting "horse driver" made Master Ma's face change drastically, and Zhu Suosuo was puzzled.

At this moment, the waiter came over and said politely to Lin Yue and Luo Jiaming: "You two, please don't disturb our guests' meals."

"I'm sorry, let's go now." Lin Yue smiled apologetically, patted Luo Jiaming on the shoulder, turned and left.

"Wait." Zhu Suosuo stopped him: "What did you just say about the horse driver?"

"Ma Youliang, the driver of Ye Jinyan, the president of Jingyan Group." Lin Yue shook his phone, and Mr. Ma on the screen was driving the door for an old man wearing glasses.

Zhu Suosuo looked at his boyfriend with surprise and questioning in his eyes.

Master Ma's current appearance can only be described in one word, and that is "wretched".

"Suosuo, listen to me..."

Lin Yue interrupted him: "Driver Ma, I think you should worry about yourself at this moment, because your affairs are serious, and Ye Jinyan's secretary is already investigating your misappropriation of company funds to buy her luxury goods , Once the police are asked to intervene, they might be sentenced.”

Master Ma's expression is wonderful, and so is Zhu Suosuo.

"Is everything he said true?"

"Suosuo, this... this... you listen to me explain to you."

His bewildered appearance suddenly broke Zhu Suosuo's excellent impression in his mind, his face changed several times, he picked up his bag and went outside.

Luo Jiaming quickly caught up and grabbed Zhu Suosuo's wrist: "Xiao Suo, you saw that he is a liar, do you know that? There is only me in this world, and I am the one who loves you the most."

The emotional scene between two men and one woman attracted the attention of many people in the restaurant. Zhu Suosuo felt uncomfortable and embarrassed, and was extremely irritable.

Luo Jiaming said: "Xiao Suo, come home with me, I will do my best to you."

Zhu Suosuo was held back by him, and when she turned her head, she happened to see Lin Yue's gloating expression, she was so angry that she shook Luo Jiaming's hand, and she stopped calling her cousin: "Luo Jiaming, let me tell you, even if I, Zhu Suosuo, marry Malu A beggar on the street will never marry you in this life."

gada gada~

High heels hit the floor.

She straightened her chest and walked out of the restaurant with a cold face.


Lin Yue pouted, feeling that this thing was not as beautiful as Fan Shengmei in "Ode to Joy".

Zhu Suosuo's mother ran away with someone after she was born. Her father was a sailor and was wandering abroad every day. He couldn't take care of her, so he entrusted her brother-in-law, Zhu Suosuo's uncle and aunt, to take care of her.

Twenty years of care, what have you got in exchange? In exchange for Zhu Suosuo, when he mentioned the past with his friends, he always used the four words "to send someone under the fence" to describe it, as if he had suffered a lot of grievances.

Once, I talked about the Jiang family with Yang Ke, the sales manager of Jingyan Group, and said that the Jiang family gave her the feeling of home when she grew up so big?

Lin Yue was shocked when he saw this scene.

Let me ask a pair of parents who have their own children, who is willing to take care of other people's children for twenty years? What's more, you're still a girl, picking you up and going to school, holding parent-teacher meetings, tutoring with homework, cooking and laundry, caring about growing up... No matter how much money you give, who wants to serve you?

She cheated 80,000 yuan from Ye Jinyan and bought a lot of things for Jiang Nansun's family. Did she ever visit her uncle and aunt? I paid my first salary at work. Have you treated your uncle, aunt, and cousin to dinner?

Look at what he said when he met Yuan Yuan for the first time? The first time a girl from a small place used luxury goods, she put a little more perfume on her body. The adjective "nightclub girl" was full of disdain, but what about her attitude towards the rich?

Therefore, in her eyes, poor people are like rubbish on the road, just like a horse driver. After revealing his real wealth, she is not even interested in looking at him more. You must know that this man is willing to risk going to jail in order to please her. To embezzle public funds.

Heh~ The poor family of the uncle and aunt who has been with her for more than 20 years is not her family, but rich people like the Jiang family are.

What a bitch.

It can be seen that in the current social environment, if you want to win a woman's heart by being moved, the probability is about the same as winning 5 million in a lottery.

"Would you like to have a drink?" Lin Yue walked behind Luo Jiaming and patted him on the shoulder.

Half an hour later, Luo Jiaming swallowed the skewers and bitter wine into his stomach, and the circles of his eyes were red again.

Lin Yue grabbed his hand and said, "Qifen is drunk, stop drinking."

"Why don't you let me get drunk? Xiaosuo..."

"Do you know where your biggest problem is?"

Luo Jiaming raised his head, waiting for his answer.

"The mystique of a woman."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Yue took out Wangqing water and put it on the table: "The things in it can make you forget your love for Zhu Suosuo."

After two breaths, he put the things away again: "But I'm not going to give you this today. What a man like you needs most is not the education of setbacks, but the growth of food and taste."

"Come on, come with me." He pulled Luo Jiaming up from the chair without much explanation, and got into the BMW Z4 after paying the bill.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped in front of a leisure club with a splendid background wall. He threw the key to the doorman and led Luo Jiaming inside.

A young master sitting on the sofa at the front desk stood up: "Mr. Zhang, you're here. Sister Hong has already made arrangements."

Lin Yue winked at Luo Jiaming, and the young master in charge of reception walked over: "Brother, please follow me."

Luo Jiaming was puzzled.

"In the next month, all your spending here will be mine. For these prostitutes, when will you stop thinking about pulling them out of the fire pit, and when will you come to me?" Lin Yue finished speaking and put a card Pass it to the pretty lady standing at the front desk.

After a few more words of care for the young master, Lin Yue left the clubhouse, returned to the car, started the engine and drove away from the berth.

There is an old song that goes like this: "Women love chic, men love beauty, and they will fall in love with you without knowing it." The biggest problem with diaosi and rich second-generation attitudes towards women is that they are not free and easy. Familiar, the less you understand, the less you have tasted, the easier it is to get lost in the bombardment of hormones and romantic love from young princes and princesses.

Just like the rich second Xie Hongzu in the original book, after chasing Zhu Suosuo, didn't he kick him away again? There is also an element of artistic beautification in it.

There is an old saying that "color makes the mind faint". Only when you see more sex can you not be confused and become calm, realistic and utilitarian like Yang Ke.

Interestingly, most women like Yang and hate Luo.

They call it maturity.

And this maturity, one of the most effective ripening agents, is a woman's body.

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