Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1145 Since you call me a scumbag, I will teach you a lesson

five days later.

School of Architecture canteen.

Jiang Nansun lost his appetite after two mouthfuls of food, so he threw away his chopsticks.

Zhu Suosuo who was sitting opposite looked up at her: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Nansun said: "I'm full."

"Are you full? Then you don't want to eat, I'll eat..." She took a piece of eggplant from Jiang Nansun's dinner plate and put it in her mouth. Seeing that her best friend didn't respond: "A Zhang Anren, as for it. Let me tell you, go early It's good to know his true face, no woman would like a man like this. After doing so many immoral things, do you think he will go out and be hit by a car?"

Jiang Nansun said: "My aunt called me yesterday and asked me for Zhang Anren's contact information."

Zhu Suosuo suddenly lost her appetite. Yes, Zhang Anren helped her expose Mr. Ma's details, but she didn't appreciate this behavior at all. On the contrary, she hated it. Moreover, Luo Jiaming has not been home for five consecutive days. He told his uncle and aunt that he is on a business trip and will not be back for a short time, but she knows very well that Luo Jiaming left with Zhang Anren, probably because of a distraction. Where did he go? Yes, she didn't know, and she didn't dare to ask, because Luo Jiaming disappeared after she was sternly rejected.

"Why does your aunt want his contact information?"

"Didn't my aunt open a studio in Italy?"

Zhu Suosuo nodded, meaning he knew about it.

"Her partner called the day before yesterday, saying that she was going to withdraw, and two backbones in the team also tactfully expressed to her their intention to leave."

"What do you mean?" After saying this, Zhu Suosuo frowned: "Do you think... Zhang Anren did this? How is it possible! He is just a poor scholar from a small place with such long hands? To Italy?"

"I think so too." Jiang Nansun fiddled with the rice grains on the dinner plate with chopsticks: "But my former uncle really hired a lawyer to divide the property with my aunt. I remember when my aunt just came back, she said that my former uncle I gave her a string of diamond necklaces as a parting gift. At dinner that day, Zhang Anren said that he would mess up her life and let her have a taste of being cornered."

"A joke." Zhu Suosuo really felt like he was listening to a joke, and said with a snort, "Your aunt has such a good relationship with Ye Jinyan, the president of Jingyan Group, and no one can get her turn if she is desperate. You listen to Zhang Anren's nonsense, It is said that biting dogs don’t show their teeth, and those who bark like him are just bluffing.”

"Is that so? I hope so."

After Jiang Nansun finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that the expression on Zhu Suosuo's face had changed. Following her gaze, he turned his head and saw two people walking into the cafeteria door.

A man and a woman, the man is Zhang Anren, the woman is... the girl who just passed by in the corridor of the complex last time.

"Go and help me order two dishes, one meat and one vegetarian, and a bowl of soup."

Lin Yue sat down by the window, put the magazine in his hand on the table, flipped through it and gave instructions casually.

"Water-packed meat and hot and sour potato shreds?"


The woman turned and walked to the dining window.

Zhu Suosuo was stunned, because it wasn't Zhang Anren who served her and Jiang Nansun at dinner before. He was more caring than a nanny and more thoughtful than a servant. It's only been a few days since I saw him. It's like a different person.

Look at that girl, she looks good too. Although she doesn't have Jiang Nansun's artistic style, she looks very energetic.

No, the point is that he has a new love in just a few days? Or such a well-behaved, obedient new love?

Who is this!

Zhu Suosuo was so angry that he wanted to go to Zhang Anren for a theory, but was held down by Jiang Nansun.

"do not go."

"Why? Such a scumbag should expose his true colors and let him be despised and cast aside."

"I have already broken up with him. If you do this, it will only appear that I am stalking."

"Nan Sun, you can't think like this. A scumbag like this cannot be allowed to live a comfortable life."

When the two were talking, the girl who was going to cook came back with a plate in one hand, put it away, and then went to serve the soup. Zhang Anren was fine, he didn't say a word, didn't even say thank you, and just concentrated on reading there.

Zhu Suosuo was furious: "Do you know who this girl is?"

Jiang Nansun shook his head, meaning he didn't know.

"It's embarrassing to us girls, rushing to serve a meal and soup for a scumbag, what if it's a hundred years ago?"

The more Zhu Suosuo watched, the angrier he became, and the fire in his heart surged up.

"Hey, Zhang An Renxing, isn't that Professor Dong's daughter Lilian? She just broke up with Jiang Nansun and got married? The speed is fast enough."

"Seamless connection, no window period."

"Look at their relationship. Zhang Anren and Jiang Nansun are not like this when they are together. The attitude is completely reversed. That is Professor Dong's daughter. She must be able to help him more than Jiang Nansun. Why do you turn around to curry favor with him?"

"Amazing, really amazing."

The discussion quickly subsided, because one person noticed that Jiang Nansun was looking at them, so he pointed over there, and the people in front of and behind the dining table fell silent.

Zhu Suosuo said: "He just dumped you after finding someone to marry. He's really a scumbag!"

At the same time, Lin Yue closed the book, took a sip from the soup bowl first: "Do you know how women define the word 'scumbag'?"

Lilian pursed her lips and shook her head.

"Any man who does not meet women's 'expectation' is a scumbag in their mouths. Let me give you an example. If you like a person, you will constantly hypnotize yourself and magnify his advantages. In your character expectations, he is gentle, Kind, handsome, rich, mature, and super capable, but the fact is that he will curse people after drinking, never give money to beggars on the overpass, he will throw socks and underwear for you to wash, and after confirming the relationship Stop trying to buy you gifts and make surprises for you. He looks like a warm man, but he can't cook, he doesn't give you his salary for safekeeping, and sometimes he even loses his temper with you like a child. Yes, As long as he is different from the image in your heart, then he is a 'scumbag'."

"..." Lilian was silent for a long time: "I did everything you asked me to do, the report letter..."

"I'm talking about your performance."

"You...why is this person like this?"

"Are you trying to call me a scumbag?" Lin Yue said, "I didn't force you, did I? You were the one who cried and begged to be my follower, so don't act like a victim, that will only make you I think your face is disgusting. And you grew up with taxpayers' money from greedy ink, and you have original sin yourself."

Lilian was about to speak when the scene at the door suppressed her thoughts.

Wang Yongzheng walked into the cafeteria with four or five foreign female students talking and laughing, and even glanced at her during the process.

Lilian's complexion was very ugly, as if there was a pot of charcoal under her buttocks.

Wang Yongzheng's face is also not good-looking, yes, he is a king of the sea, the women chasing him can line up from the teacher's dormitory to the school gate, even if he doesn't like Lilian very much, when he sees the woman who admires him so much and swears that he will not marry Becoming Zhang Anren's follower, serving tea, pouring water, washing clothes and stacking quilts, will certainly not feel good.

Find a place to sit down first, he asked Dabo Korean girl to order food, apologized to the rest of the people, moved to Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun's dining table, and sat down casually.

"Who are you?"

"Wang Yongzheng, the one I told you about, my aunt's friend."


Zhu Suosuo turned back and smiled at Wang Yongzheng: "Are you the foreign teaching assistant who helped Aunt Nansun decorate her house?"


Zhu Suosuo gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay to mess with flowers."

She looked at the foreign students chatting Korean not far away, with a smirk on her lips.

Wang Yongzheng looked at Jiang Nansun and said, "Is it because of him that your aunt asked me to suspend the renovation plan of the homestay?"

"He" is certainly not someone else.

Jiang Nansun glanced at Lin Yue who was reading while eating.

"My aunt asked you to suspend the renovation plan of the homestay? Why didn't I know about this?"

"Didn't she tell you?"

"I didn't say anything."

Jiang Nansun actually didn't care about the renovation plan of the homestay, because she hadn't adjusted her emotions well yet, and she couldn't figure out what happened to Zhang Anren? Just because her father, Wang Yongzheng, and Aunt Daisy joined forces to ridicule him, they did everything right? In the past, he always accepted everything he ordered. When he was ridiculed, run on, or disgusted, he would listen to it with a smile, and even comfort her in private, telling her not to take it seriously. recognized.

Wang Yongzheng frowned: "At that time, I heard her call someone, um, it was a quarrel, and there should be a problem with the property rights of the house."


Jiang Nansun couldn't figure it out, the house was obviously owned by her aunt, why would there be a dispute over property rights?

This question turned around in her mind, and she suddenly understood.

Thanks to Garfield Faner, the so-called inverted triangle reward of 1500 starting coins, the book has exploded, and Mo Haixuan, a book friend with the tail number 1107, rewarded 100 starting coins.

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