Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1148 Come and beg me...

The leading policeman glanced at the phone.

"Ms. Daisy?"

Daisy nodded: "Yes, I am."

"Yesterday you poured soup on a teaching assistant named Zhang Anren in the cafeteria of the School of Architecture, didn't you?"

"That's what happened."

"He was hospitalized, and the result of the diagnosis was second-degree burns. He is currently receiving treatment at the Ninth People's Hospital. Please cooperate with us to take a trip and accept the investigation."

Is Zhang Anren hospitalized?

Jiang's mother didn't understand the situation at the time, but Jiang Nansun knew, the bowl of soup was not hot at all, how could he be injured so badly?

"Comrade policeman, did you make a mistake? That bowl of soup is cold, it is impossible to cause second-degree burns."

"Ms. Daisy, this is an official business, please cooperate. As for the cause of the burn, experts will issue an appraisal result."

The leading policeman didn't intend to tangle with them, so he turned his back and looked at Daisy with obvious meaning... Come with us.

Daisy patted Jiang's mother's hand, followed the two policemen into the car and left.

"How could this happen!" Jiang Nansun said angrily: "Zhang Anren is too much, wouldn't my aunt just pour a bowl of soup on him? Then call the police and arrest him?"

She couldn't understand such behavior, because her impression of Zhang Anren's humiliation was still the same as when she swallowed her anger, carried the burden, and didn't blush with anyone.

"Nan Sun, is your aunt okay?"

Jiang's mother was very worried, after all, she was her younger sister, but she really had no idea how to solve the problem.

"Mom, don't worry, I'll go find Dad right away and ask him to accompany me to the police station."

"Yes, yes, go to the police station."

"Mom, my aunt will be fine. If Ye Jinyan knew about this, he would definitely not stand by and watch."

"Look how I forgot him when I was in a hurry."

Jiang's mother's nervousness eased, and her daughter was right, as long as Ye Jinyan stepped forward, it would not be difficult to settle this matter.

As for Jiang Nansun, she hated Zhang Anren and was pitiful. If she just scolded her father, her mother, and made trouble with the Jiang family, there is a high probability that nothing will happen. But now the person he provokes is Daisy. As a good friend Can Ye Jinyan stand by and watch? can't...

Wouldn't it be very easy for such a tycoon to crush a small teaching assistant like Zhang Anren to death?


That afternoon.

Ninth People's Hospital.

The atmosphere in the corridor was a bit depressing. There were women dozing off from the countryside on the chairs, young people who were browsing with their mobile phones and didn’t know what to browse, and there were children snoring lightly in the arms of their parents.

The sun shines in through the windows of the ward, which is the biggest light source in the corridor.

The visitors who came to visit the patient chatted with the family members of the patient in a low voice, repeatedly telling about the condition and the treatment plan. Although there is no nutrition, this is already regarded as very sincere care and attention.

"Zhang Anren!"

A yell woke up the old man who was taking a morning break in the middle ward, and the people farther away all frowned and looked at the woman who disrupted the order of the ward with displeasure.

Zhu Suosuo couldn't suppress the anger in his heart at all.

"I've never seen anyone as shameless as you."

Jiang Nansun stood behind her, but said nothing with a cold face.

Lin Yue was not even interested in looking at her. He put the book on the bedside table, turned his face and pressed the call button next to him: "Is there a nurse station? Someone is making trouble in ward 8025, please call the security guard."

This is not the meaning of negotiation at all.

Zhu Suosuo was so angry that he pulled Lin Yue's hospital gown: "Who are you kidding, that soup is not hot at all!"

She heard about it when she called Jiang Nansun at noon today. Zhang Anren pretended to be scalded by vegetable soup.

I don't know how the doctor identified it. In short, the report given by the police station is a second-degree burn. Although the problem is not serious, as long as the care is taken properly, it will recover soon. However, according to relevant regulations, if the victim refuses to issue an understanding Daisy will be detained for at least ten and a half months.

Jiang Nansun could bear such a situation, but she, Zhu Suosuo, could not.

"Hey, who are you, don't you know this is a ward? Get out, get out..."

A pretty nurse without makeup came in, and seeing the two women standing in front of Lin Yue's bed suddenly became angry, she scolded at first, then walked to the bedside, looked at the medicine in the hanging bottle, and said softly: "They Nothing wrong with you, right?"

Lin Yue said: "It's okay, this woman pulled my hospital gown and accidentally rubbed against the wound, it hurts a bit."

"Let me take a look." The little nurse gently unbuttoned the hospital gown, carefully uncovered a corner of the gauze and took a look: "Don't worry, there's nothing serious."

"thank you."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

She glanced at Lin Yue with peach blossoms, then turned her head to look at Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo, her face sank suddenly: "Go out, leave the ward immediately, or I will call the security immediately."

Zhu Suosuo was stunned, what happened to this little nurse? As for working so hard? like him?

"Little sister, let me tell you that his burns are fake. I was there yesterday."

"I don't have eyes to see if the burn is real or not? You tell me? I'll say it again, get out, this is the ward, and the patient needs to be quiet."

Zhu Suosuo still wanted to speak, but was dragged out of the room by Jiang Nansun.

"No quality." The little nurse glared at the backs of the two, looked at Lin Yue and said, "You have a good rest, and call me if you need something."


The little nurse helped him fasten the buttons very intimately, turned around and left the room.

Lin Yue withdrew his gaze. Just as he was going to get a book from the bedside table, he found that the old man on the opposite bed who had had a fight with his son because of smoking was looking straight at him.

"If I'm not mistaken, the little nurse has taken a fancy to you, and she will never button me up, and she will call at least two or three times before she comes over when she doesn't need an injection."

Lin Yue said, "Old Sun, if you have a better temper, you won't be treated differently."

"It's different, it's different..."

What he meant was that the little nurse treated Lin Yue differently from him.

It must be different. The little nurse didn’t forget to sniff her fingers when she returned to the nurse’s station. It feels more comfortable than all the colognes I’ve ever smelled. It’s that faint, refreshing, addictive scent. , This is the secret she discovered when she changed the dressing on the 65th bed, and no one else knew it.

Lin Yue picked up the book, and before he had even glanced at it, a figure flashed at the door of the ward.

Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo left and returned.

He frowned: "Why are you back again?"

Zhu Suosuo didn't speak, and it was Jiang Nansun who spoke: "Zhang Anren, what exactly do you want?"

Lin Yue said: "As I said, the price of pouring my vegetable soup is very high, and she can't afford it."

"What will you do to let Auntie go?"

"Call her here and beg me to let her go."

Called to live so clearly, so sassy Daisy came to beg him to let her go? This is simply the funniest joke in the world.

Zhu Suosuo said in a cold voice: "Do you know who Daisy knows? She is the best friend of Ye Jinyan, the president of Jingyan Group, Zhang Anren. If you offend him, you will have no foothold in the architecture school or in the construction industry." Pay the are the one who can't pay the price."


Lin Yue was too lazy to take care of these two coquettish bitches, and was about to call the nurse station again, when the middle-aged woman on the hospital bed next to the lecherous old man coughed twice, and then began to pant heavily. Helped her into a side-lying position, and kept rubbing her chest with her hands to help her smooth her breath.

Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun were a little cowardly, worried that the patient's daughter would blame them for the debt, and when they were about to leave the ward, Lin Yue suddenly called them back.

"If you pay the lost wages as soon as possible, I can consider contacting the police at the police station and ask them to reduce the punishment, so that she can get out of it earlier. After all, the property and debts in the marriage still need to be divided. I don't want to waste too much time on on this matter."

"Zhang Anren, you really dare to ask for it!" Zhu Suosuo became angry when this matter was mentioned. This guy is too daring to ask for it. When the medical expenses, lost work expenses, and mental damage expenses are added together, the claimed amount is as high as 150,000 yuan RMB.

Even if it was really a second-degree burn, staying in the Banyue Hospital for ten days would be almost as good, 150,000 yuan, more than 10,000 a day? He is now a teaching assistant, and no matter how much lost wages are calculated, he can't reach this figure. The lion opened his mouth wide, and the proper lion opened his mouth wide.

"I have consulted a lawyer, 150,000, this figure is very fair."

"Fair? How can it be fair!"

Just as Zhu Suosuo was "struggling with reason", there was a knock on the door of the ward.

boom boom boom~

Several people looked back, and saw a forty-two or three-year-old woman standing at the door, carrying a purple crocodile leather Hermes bag.

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