Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1149 Have you ever seen such a soft meal?

"I'm really hospitalized..."

The woman looked at the interior of the ward, frowned, and walked to Lin Yue.

"I came here after I found out about this, and I didn't have time to buy nutritional supplements. How is the situation? What did the doctor say?"

"It's okay. I have rough skin and thick flesh. I'll be fine after a few days in the hospital."

"Why did you choose a general ward? I know the director of this hospital. I will ask someone to change you to a single room later. If you want to recover as soon as possible, a good living environment is very important. The project in Sanlin I’m still waiting for you to preside over it, I don’t want to keep procrastinating, so as not to have long nights and dreams.” The woman sat down on the bed and glanced at the faces of Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo with unclear eyes: “Who are they?”

She was looking at them, and they were also looking at her. It could be seen that she was a woman full of aura, and she was wearing a famous brand. She was not an ordinary person.

Lin Yue said: "The niece of Daisy who scalded me."

The woman's face became more hostile and unhappy: "Are you here to ask for forgiveness?"

"Forgive me for not seeing it, but I said a lot of threats."

"What's the meaning?"

"Do you know who Daisy is from? A good friend of the CEO of Jingyan Group."

"Ye Jinyan's friend? No wonder you are so arrogant and domineering." The woman raised her head: "Ye Jinyan asked you to come? If yes, go back and tell him that Zhang Anren is my Xie Jiayin's person, and you don't have to do things like coercion and bribery." , if you really ask for forgiveness, then come back with a straight posture.”

Xie Jiayin?

Zhu Suosuo repeated the name, and suddenly realized that she was the air conditioner queen Xie Jiayin, no wonder she had such an aura, and she didn't love Ye Jinyan at all.

Jiang Nansun thought more than Zhu Suosuo.

What happened to Zhang Anren?

What does Professor Dong's daughter Lilian have to do with him? Why do you obey what you say and act like you are flattering?

Now that he is the president of the Xie Group, it seems that Xie Jiayin thinks highly of him...more than leaders and employees.

How on earth did this guy do it?

Lin Yue said: "So you saw it? Is it more than 150,000? Not much."

Zhu Suosuo's face was ugly.

Before entering the ward, she turned on the recording function of her mobile phone, so that she could catch Zhang Anren during the negotiation and sue him for extortion. She was quite proud when she said "150,000". I feel that Zhang Anren will not be far from falling into a stumble if he uses words to provoke him again. What happened? This number is really okay.

Looking at Xie Jiayin's attitude towards him, I'm afraid that the annual salary given is not low, and if the salary is lost, it will naturally be considered in conjunction with the salary.

So this meat is cut off.

For a bowl of vegetable soup, Daisy has to pay hundreds of thousands of yuan for squatting in the house, which is a bit expensive.

Zhu Suosuo didn't know that Daisy's troubles were much more than that. Compared with what happened in Italy, the detention compensation... drizzled.

financial freedom? Maybe he will be beaten back to his original shape in one day.

Jiang Nansun said: "We don't have that much money in our hands."

Lin Yue said, "That's your problem."

Jiang Nansun couldn't figure out how he could be so mean and disregarded his previous friendship. Calling him a scumbag is an understatement for a person like this, he is simply a beast.

Xie Jiayin didn't understand the situation, and thought that Lin Yue was short of money: "You don't have any money, tell me, isn't it just 150,000..."

He waved his hand to interrupt her kindness: "This money is the compensation that Daisy should make, and it is not the same thing as what you said."

Zhu Suosuo pulled Jiang Nansun aside, the two whispered a few words, and the latter stepped forward: "I can give you 80,000 first, and the rest will have to wait until tomorrow."

Lin Yue looked at Zhu Suosuo with a half-smile, she acted just like in the TV series, she was really willing to spend money for Jiang Nansun, although this setting was completely illogical compared to the original and the reality, but someone was willing to give money, and he was too lazy to care about so much, After all, pretending to be sick is enough for a day or two, but it will delay things if it takes a long time.


After receiving an affirmative answer, Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo left the ward, went to a bank opposite the hospital to withdraw the money, and handed it to Lin Yue.

He didn't accept it, and said something that surprised everyone present: "Go to the toll office and pay the operation fee for the 67-bed patient."

The patient in bed 67 was the middle-aged woman who was coughing and wheezing just now. She was already asleep, but her sixteen or seventeen-year-old daughter was not asleep. She stood up slowly and looked at them dully.

"I asked you to go to the toll office to pay the operation fee for the 67-bed patient? Can't you understand people's language?"

Of course Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun understood, but they just couldn't understand the purpose of doing this? Is he related to the patient in bed 67? friend? Or is there something else?

Of course, this is not something they need to think deeply about.

"Okay, I'll pay the bill." Zhu Suosuo took a deep breath, twisted the money bag and left the ward.

Just as Jiang Nansun was about to follow, Lin Yue ordered, "The remaining 70,000 yuan, come tomorrow and give the money to that girl."

It wasn't until then that the little girl over there came back to her senses. She was at a loss for what was happening in front of her. She wanted to wake up her seriously ill mother to deal with it. She couldn't bear it and dealt with it by herself. She didn't know what to say. Do something.

After Lin Yue said this, he tore off the hanging needle, got up from the hospital bed, and took out the coat and a document bag from the cabinet. The former was worn on the body, while the latter unzipped, took out a document and threw it into Xie Jiayin's arms .


Lin Yue straightened his collar and said, "Look for yourself."

"This... This is the plan? You finished it so soon?" Xie Jiayin flipped through the things in her hand, her expression became extremely exciting. She knew that this man was very capable, but she never thought that he was so powerful. , One day, it only took one day to prepare the proposal for the Sanlin project.

"Has Mr. Liu from TEDA got in touch?"

Xie Jiayin hadn't recovered from the shock, she subconsciously said, "We got in touch."

"Ask him to play golf in Sheshan tomorrow, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

He put on his clothes, picked up the watch in the drawer and put it on, unplugged the charging cable of the mobile phone, tied his shoelaces, and picked out the cigarettes that the lecherous old man hid under the pillow and stuffed them into his pockets, ignoring the other party's hell The expression is ready to go outside.

It wasn't until then that Xie Jiayin came to her senses: "What are you doing?"

"Let's go to the company. I heard that Lao Liu's group of people have great opinions on me as the vice president. Although I am a very easy-going and easy-going person in the workplace, sometimes I want to integrate human resources into a company as soon as possible. A proper iron grip is necessary on a large project. It’s okay to complain and ask for a raise, but one of the things I hate the most is being dragged down by my co-workers.”

"Do you have a fever?" Xie Jiayin stretched out her hand to probe his forehead, and found that it wasn't hot at all: "You were burned, are you going to be hospitalized? It won't be too late to talk about the company's affairs in a few days. "

Lin Yue said, "Can't I work with my injuries?"

"How to work with injuries?"

"Money is the best pain reliever."

Lin Yue blinked at her, picked up his mobile phone and dialed Luo Jiaming's number.

"Find me at the Xie Group in an hour,"


"Yes, assistant to the vice president, just report your name."


"I ordered a suit for you at KITON, across from Financial Street. Don't forget to take it when you come, and dress up smartly."

Xie Jiayin did not expect that this young man she fell in love with at first sight, not only his work ability was beyond imagination, but also his aura, courage, wisdom... In short, he did not feel like a 30-year-old teaching assistant at all.

Over there, Jiang Nansun saw that Lin Yue was about to leave, and became anxious.

"Zhang Anren, you really are pretending to be sick."

"Is it meaningful for you to say such a thing now?"

"Zhang Anren, you are a scumbag, you make me sick."

"Okay, let Daisy stay there for fifteen days, and believe me, the compensation I should have will go into my pocket."

Jiang Nansun wilted like a deflated ball. Why did she come here? Why don't you plead for her aunt? Over there, Zhu Suosuo went to pay the hospital bill. If she angered Zhang Anren here, what would be the result? Isn't all the hard work in vain?

Lin Yue curled his lips, and looked at the so-called goddess of literature and art with a sneer on his face: "Send 70,000 yuan here tomorrow, of course, you don't have to do this."

In the TV series, the double-standard girl and the gold-worshiping girl had such a sense of superiority when they met Yuan Yuan for the second time, it was simply...

Jiang Nansun, Zhu Suosuo, Wang Yongzheng... In Lin Yue's opinion, none of the protagonists in this play know how to respect others. To say they are rubbish is better to talk about the gold-plated and silver-embedded chamber pots. Anyway, as long as they are poor people from small places, their default labels are male, shameless phoenix male, wretched and snobbish; Sharpen your head and squeeze into the upper class, that is called daring to love, dare to hate, and live a real life. Yuan Yuan pretends to be a good girl and takes a shortcut to be a shameless bitch. In short, the whole drama is full of the arrogance of the upper class to the poor in other places. Think about it, too. Who told the screenwriter to be a successful local rich man?

To be honest, he was shaken for a moment, and he really wanted to go back to "Eight Hundred" and ask the soldiers of the security regiment in the inland provinces who supported the front line, what would you think if you saw them look down on the poor? Will you be sad and disappointed?

"Brother Zhang...Brother Zhang..." At this moment, a voice with five points of excitement, three points of nervousness and two points of confusion rang in his ears.

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 9725 for the 4500 starting coins, the navy tadpole, XUEWUYA1979, and the book friends with the tail number 4752 for the 1500 starting coins, the tangerines that came out of the pear bucket until dawn, the metal balls, and the invincible Daqin rewards 100 starting coins.

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