Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1150 Is it a small goal to bankrupt Jingyan?

Lin Yue looked at the sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl in jeans and a white sweater. It could be seen that she was very reserved, with her hands tightly clutching the front of her skirt, her head slightly lowered, her gaze downward, and her voice was very low, intermittent and nothing. strength.

"What's wrong?"

"You just said that the 80,000 yuan..."

The more the little girl talked, the less confidence she had, because the 80,000 yuan was so unreal, her mother was seriously ill, and she was not good at communicating with others. After the elder brother in bed 65 moved in, he chatted happily with the old grandson in bed 66. She didn't have any contact with her and her mother, so if she had to find out something, she went to buy food at noon and came back to meet her eyes. She smiled with a little anxiety and nervousness.

This should be the meeting by chance in the novel, when they meet by chance, they help pay the surgery fee, she finds that she can't understand, even if he is a rich man, that's not how charity works, and the title "Brother Zhang", isn't it too "selfish It's a bit familiar, but it's not called that, and I don't know how to call him to express gratitude while respecting him.

Lin Yue said with a smile: "This money is for your mother's medical treatment, and the 70,000 yuan is enough for your family's expenses for several months. Tell your father not to drive a taxi for the time being, but to come to the hospital to take good care of you." Mom. As for you, don’t you want to take the college entrance examination? If you can’t study in the ward, you still have to go back to school to review your homework. There are not many opportunities to stand up at the bottom. The college entrance examination is one of the most important ways, so you must take good care of it.”

"But we..."

"No, but, there is no need to thank you. If you really want to repay my kindness, then study hard and get into a better university."

After finishing speaking, he didn't stop, and left the ward directly, and passed by Zhu Suosuo who came back after paying the fee, in exchange for "Hey, why do you..."

The latter words were not spoken, because Xie Jiayin followed his footsteps and walked out, saying, "Wait for me, don't walk so fast."

Zhu Suosuo walked into the ward, looked at the empty 65th bed, the gently shaking dropper, and then at Jiang Nansun, who had a cold face and said nothing: "What's going on? How did he leave?"

"Let's go back."

Her best friend didn't say anything, just twisted her bag and walked outside.

"Hey, Nansun, what happened, you tell me..."

"Nan Sun, Nan Sun..."

"Let me just say, this bastard is simply playing tricks on us."

In the ward, the old grandson touched the indentation of the cigarette pack under the pillow with his head, his eyes were aggrieved and his expression was helpless.

"Little girl, you have met a good person."

"But this money...the two elder sisters..."

"Their grievances are their business. Don't inquire about it, and don't care about right or wrong. If you give you the money, you can take it with peace of mind. Let's talk about everything after this hurdle."


The little girl nodded, walked back to bed 67 and sat down, grasping her mother's hand full of pinholes with both hands, her eyes were red.


When Lin Yue walked out of the ward building, passers-by looked sideways, because he was still wearing a hospital gown, and the coat could cover his upper body but not his lower body.

Xie Jiayin trotted to keep up with him: "Are you sure you can work?"

"Of course." Lin Yue said: "Zhu Suosuo is right, I did this to make Daisy pay the price."

Xie Jiayin was taken aback, until Lin Yue patted the door of the Porsche Panamera and signaled her to unlock the car, then she came back to her senses: "Actually... I've heard of this woman, she used to be Ye Jinyan's right-hand man .”

Lin Yue sat in the cockpit, fastened his seat belt, looked at Xie Jiayin who opened the co-pilot's door, and said, "You want to ask me so I'm not afraid of being retaliated against, right? If I said to set a small goal first—to destroy Jingyan Group, do you believe it?"


Xie Jiayin looked at him in disbelief.

"However, now is not the time. I have to play with those people for a while. When a cat catches a mouse, it will always tease it for a while before eating it, isn't it?"


The car rushed out of the parking lot and drove quickly to the main road.

"Slow down, why are you driving so fast?"

"If you don't hurry up, the afternoon meeting will definitely be timed out."

"Just ask them to work an extra hour."

"Everyone's life should be respected. For this reason, I would rather drive as fast as possible without disturbing the traffic order."

Lin Yue blinked at her and drove even faster.

Xie Jiayin was very speechless, and didn't know how to evaluate his character. As the old saying goes, kindness does not command soldiers. People like him... can really reverse the plight of the Xie Group's decline? After all, she bet her entire fortune on him.


An hour later, the office building on Pu'an Road, the meeting room of Xie Group headquarters.

On the left and right of the conference table are the heads of various departments. Xie Jiayin sat at the top, but she hasn't said anything since she came in, she just sat there, looking at the participants below from time to time, and tapped her fingers with cute diamond armor desktop.

A female employee in the planning department couldn't figure out why. Although women like to dress up, Mr. Xie's image in the past was more business-like and more mature, and he was meticulous in his words and deeds. What about today? Desperately looking young? But she is already in her forties... Who is she looking young for?

Because it was strange, she looked at it a few more times, and then she was stared back fiercely by the boss, and she quickly lowered her head in fright, not daring to worry about what was there or what was not.

boom boom boom~

First there was a low knock on the door, before Xie Jiayin could respond, there was a soft click, the door opened, and two people walked in from the outside.

That's right, it was Lin Yue and Luo Jiaming.

Xie Jiayin stood up, glanced around the people present, and made a recommendation: "This is the new vice president of our group, Zhang Anren, and behind him is his assistant Xiao Luo, everyone welcome."

First there was a silence of three to five seconds, and then there was "warm" applause.

"Enthusiasm" does not mean "enthusiasm".

They have long heard that the group has added a new vice president who is in charge of the project at Sanlin. According to the information from the HR department, this person is not a well-known elite in the industry, but a young man under thirty years old. And the major is not the right one. I heard that he is a doctoral student studying design.

There is nothing to say about this situation.

There are rumors that he is a related family member, some say that he got the position by virtue of color, and some say that he got the position of vice president by his personal ability...Of course, few people think so, after all, based on his life experience That being said, it's child's play to give someone an excellent evaluation.

It was reported a week ago, and they didn't see the real person until today, but no matter how suspicious they were, they didn't dare to say anything in front of Xie Jiayin, instead they had to applaud enthusiastically, so as not to offend Xiao Xianrou , blowing pillow wind with Mr. Xie, the gain outweighs the loss.

Lin Yue knew what these people were thinking, and his expression didn't change a bit. Luo Jiaming couldn't do it. As a programmer, he dealt with computers every day, and he was the one who listened to the lectures in the company's regular meeting. Now he suddenly became the focus of everyone, that's really... Both hands seem to be redundant, and I don't know where to put them.

"Okay, today's regular meeting is chaired by Mr. Zhang. In the days to come, I hope that everyone will support his work as much as I support me." Xie Jiayin said with a smile, and looked at Lin Yue after finishing the work: "The heads of various departments don't Shall I introduce you?"

"No, I've seen their bios."

"Okay, then I'm leaving. If you have anything to do, go to the president's office and find me."

Lin Yue nodded, sent Xie Jiayin away, and sat where she had been sitting just now.

"Before the meeting, let me say something first. I am a person who is easy to get along with, and difficult to get along with. The premise of being easy to get along with is that you don't do the same thing as me. Everything about money is easy to talk about. Difficult. Get along because for someone who pissed me off, I would not only ruin his job, but his life."

While speaking, his eyes swept over everyone's faces: "Okay, Xiao Luo, send the document I asked you to copy to everyone."

Luo Jiaming nodded, and sent the documents in his hand to everyone.

"I'll give you fifteen minutes to browse and digest the above content." Lin Yue looked at his watch: "It's a quarter past four, and I'll come back at half past four to continue the next link."

He got up and left the meeting room, walked to the end of the corridor, and knocked on the door of the CEO's office.

"Please come in."

Following Xie Jiayin's answer, Lin Yue opened the door and entered the room, walked straight to the desk, and handed over a note.

"are you serious?"

She was still smiling at first, but after seeing the note, her complexion became unsightly.

Lin Yue said, "What do you think?"

She stood up and walked back and forth in front of the background wall with many photos and certificates behind the desk.

Stopped after a while: "Okay, I'll talk to the board of directors about this matter, and you just follow your thinking."

"Trust me, this is the most correct choice you made." Lin Yue was about to leave the president's office to make a cup of coffee after saying this Come in.


Lin Yue froze for a moment, thinking something was wrong, Xie Hongzu, a mama boy, actually changed his submissive attitude in front of Xie Jiayin, he looked so angry, as if someone owed him 500 million, why?

Is this... the smell of alcohol? Has Xie Hongzu been drinking?

Although he changed some things about Jiang's family, the line between Zhu Suosuo and Jingyan Group is still advancing. She hasn't met Xie Hongzu at this time, and the scene of the foolish and rich second generation desperate for love has not yet been staged. time.

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