Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1151 I, the intern father taught his son a lesson

Because Lin Yue was puzzled, he walked a little slower. Perhaps Xie Hongzu regarded him as an ordinary employee, as a temporary punching bag. After all, he looked very young, and people wearing glasses would more or less convey a kind of A signal of weakness.

As the saying goes, Jiu Zhuang is cowardly, Xie Hongzu suddenly turned around and pointed at him and said, "Are you lame? A toad with one leg can walk faster than you."

? ? ? ? ?

Lin Yue was awakened by his provocation, and was a little confused about the situation.

This is the first time the two have met, right? Did that kid take gunpowder? With a mouth full of guns and sticks.

Lin Yue looked at Xie Jiayin, wanting her to take care of this uneducated guy, who knew that this guy became even more enthusiastic when he saw him stop: "I tell you to get out, do you hear?"

These words annoyed Lin Yue.

He really wanted to give Xie Jiayin a face, but Xie Hongzu wanted to die, scolding him once didn't count, and he dared to come a second time.

Without any superfluous response, Lin Yue walked over and grabbed the second generation ancestor by the collar, and punched him in the face.


This punch knocked Xie Hongzu into a daze, he shook his head and panted heavily, his eyes blurred as he looked at the man who dared to hit Young Master Xie.

One punch and it's over?

of course not.

Lin Yue tripped with his foot, knocked him to the ground, and then kicked Xie Hongzu in the stomach again.

With a vomit, the kid poured out all the wine he had drunk into his stomach.

Lin Yue didn't pay attention to Xie Jiayin's face, and he kicked Xie Hongzu's face again. Seeing that the dead thing was beaten dizzy and rolled all over the floor, he calmed down and looked at him coldly.

It's not good to be a mother boy, but there must be a degree in everything, and it's too late to sever ties with one's own mother for a woman, what a thing!

In this world, the only people who unconditionally wish you well are parents, and they can only be parents. In order to cater to younger female audiences, film and television dramas on the market love to vilify the image of mothers in their sons' marriages.

In "Golden Years", Xie Jiayin matched Zhao Malin and Xie Hongzu, wasn't it for the Xie family to maintain a decent life? Just like Zhu Suosuo, a gold digger who wears a set of luxury clothes every day without heavy patterns, is she right in line with Xie Hongzu? Shouldn't you object from Xie Jiayin's position?

Some viewers basically followed the heroine's interests. They angrily reprimanded Zhang Fenghuang for not being in the right family with Jiang Nansun. When it comes to Zhu Suosuo, is it true love if she marries into a wealthy family? Not to mention that her heart has always been with Ye Jinyan, and she has a problem with her attitude towards marriage. Can the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of a wealthy family be the same as that of a poor family? Your name is Gao Pan, okay? In the end? Even if it is a divorce, the blame must be thrown to the man.

Poor boys who work hard and make progress cannot be selected, because they are said to be too smart. The rich second generation with a lot of money can't be selected either, because the family relationship is complicated. A rich generation like Li Yifan who is calm and logical is also not an option, because he has no passion in his life. Anyway, the contradiction between women and urban dramas needs to dwarf men to sublimate the theme of "independence, beauty, and self".

"Hongzu, Hongzu... are you okay?"

Only then did Xie Jiayin recover from the shock, and ran to Xie Hongzu's side to try to help her up. Was she not worried about whether it was her son or the only child? Can you not be in a hurry?

"Why did you hit him so hard? He's my son!"

"What's wrong with your son? Don't talk about your son. If you dare to scold me, I will beat you too. The president's office is a place to talk about work, not a place to talk about relationships and deal with personal affairs. You?" Lin Yue said: "Not convinced? You go and open this meeting for them, vice president or something, I really don't care."

This is the truth, the billionaire, public enemy of doomsday, the king of the dynasty would care about the position of a vice president?

" go!"

Without saying a word, Lin Yue turned around and walked outside.

"Wait...stop...Zhang Anren, stop for me..."

Xie Jiayin ignored her even calling Lin Yue three times, and opened the door directly into the corridor.

She looked at Xie Hongzu who was faintly awake, and then at Lin Yue who had no attachment, gritted her teeth, left her son and chased him out.

It's not that Lin Yue is more important than his son, because his son will never run away, but Lin Yue is the master who can leave as soon as he wants.

It's not that she likes him so much that she loses her mind, on the contrary, she is very calm, because the Xie Group is glamorous on the surface, but in fact, it is very unhealthy and has structural problems in terms of business, asset allocation, and capital operation.

After 20 years of working in the mall, she is very clear-headed. The little fresh meat is delicious, but it can't be used. Why does she want Lin Yue to be the vice president? Because his ability and ideas are enough to change the Xie Group. Situation, after finally persuading the board of directors to agree to let him try, the loss is too great for her to bear because of her son's scolding, because she can't imagine how passive the Xie Group will be once Lin Yue enters a rival company.

And Xie Hongzu told the vice president of the group to leave?

Putting aside his emotional standpoint, her silly son really deserved a beating, and he deserved this old punch.

After chasing him close to the staff work area, Xie Jiayin pulled Lin Yue back.

"Don't go. This is all my fault. I didn't educate him well. I apologize to you. I promise you that a similar situation will never happen again next time."

Lin Yue stood there for about half a minute: "Don't let me see him here again."

"Okay, from now on I will prohibit him from entering or leaving the building."

Her own attitude towards Xie Hongzu was that she was free-ranging. He also came to the group to work for a while before, and left within a few days, so not letting him appear here or anything was an easy request to accept.

On the opposite side, a female employee who was about to print documents saw the two people chattering and heard their conversation. She was shocked. Xie Jiayin has always been a strong woman who speaks her mind. Whenever she would give in One side? And to a young subordinate who was a teenager younger than her.

This surprise quickly turned into panic, because Xie Jiayin glared at her with a strong sense of warning in her eyes.

"I'm going to a meeting."

"You go first, I'll be there to listen in later, and hold the line for you."

After reaching a settlement, the two tacitly forgot about the conflict just now, one went to the conference room, and the other went back to the president's office to deal with Xie Hongzu.


Holding the printed document, Lin Yue pushed open the door and walked into the conference room. This time he did not take the first seat, looked at his watch, looked at the people on both sides and said: "It's fifteen minutes, now I want to ask, is there any help?" Do you agree with my idea?"

Wu Lin, the manager of the marketing department, lowered her head and kept silent. Bian Lei from the technical department gently kneaded her forehead, looking very troubled, but I just didn't say anything.

This young Mr. Zhang has a lot of handwriting. If he really wants to do it according to the document, it can be said to be a strategic adjustment for the Xie Group. It is not something that can be done by one department or two departments. To make a change, the project was too big to give them a headache.

In a company, the sales department has always been the top priority. The employees of the sales department are the core assets. As the manager of the sales department, Lao Liu is definitely a leader among the leaders. Originally, he was the most qualified to hit the position of vice president, but Xie Jiayin He tried his best to give the position of vice president to Zhang Anren, and he did not hesitate to offend the board of directors for this.

He is very upset.

His whole team is upset.

"Mr. Zhang... on this matter, should we hold a board meeting and listen to the opinions of Mr. Yang and others before making a decision."

Old Liu's voice fell, Lin Yue did not speak in a hurry.

The head of the maintenance department said: "I think Mr. Liu is right. The workload and time consumption are second. This is related to the future development of our Xie Group, and we need to be cautious."

The others nodded in agreement.

Of course, there are those who add "um", some without "um", those who nod their heads a lot, and those who nod their heads a little.

Standing behind him was Xie Jiayin. If they couldn't be tough in person, they would drag the members of the board of directors into the water. Anyway, recruiting Zhang Anren as the vice president had already caused an uproar at the board level.

Every time Xie Jiayin supports her, it will aggravate the board's distrust of her.

Luo Jiaming, who had no sense of presence in the auditorium, looked at this and that. He was honest and dull, but he was not stupid. He knew that this group of people were not convinced by the newly appointed vice president. My son came to play Tai Chi for him, so that he could trip him up.

"Have you finished? Is there anyone else to add?"

Lin Yue's gaze scanned the faces of everyone present.

No one said anything, they were all waiting.

Just as he was about to speak, the door of the conference room was pushed open. Xie Jiayin walked into the room, glanced at everyone, and said you guys to continue, and then sat down next to Luo Jiaming, as if you are free to listen, and I am here to listen.

Thanks to Garfield Faner for the 1500 starting coins, the cherry-flavored Xiaoyu, Fu News, and Mo Haixuan for the 100 starting coins.

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