Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1152 This time it's Mr. Zhang's turn to talk about the layout

Lin Yue glanced at her and said nothing.

Open the folder in front of you, and throw a few documents in front of the person who just spoke.

"If there is no one to add, then sign the name."

Old Liu looked down at the contents of the document in his hand, and his face became quite ugly.

The title is "Application for Resignation". There is nothing in the middle. The lower right corner is a signature column, and the date has been marked.

Interestingly, the document is not one, but several.

Lin Yue said: "Send the document to your people, let them sign it, and then they can go to the personnel department to resign. Of course, you don't have to leave, and you can choose the cleaning and delivery jobs yourself."

Old Liu suddenly stood up and looked at Xie Jiayin who was sitting in the auditorium.

"Thank you, sir?"

He was greeted with indifferent eyes: "Is there a problem?"

This time, all the participants understood. Why did Xie Jiayin come to listen? She came to support Zhang Anren. Thinking about it, it was right. Without her nodding, how dare Zhang Anren do this? Cheng Jian's persuasion, this is no longer a big deal, but brandishing a sword from the palace.

"Mr. Xie, you have to think about it carefully, if this matter is known by the board of directors..."

Lin Yue didn't let him finish his sentence: "Liu Zhao, on March 6 this year, you used your mobile phone to email Ren Yuan's headhunter. On March 12, the two chatted for half an hour in the cafe opposite IKEA. On the 21st, you anonymously sent an unimportant project feasibility plan of the company to the manager of the public relations department of Midea. On April 2, you provided the quotation and shipment records of the group's main products for the last week .”

Lin Yue glanced at his watch: "At this point, the police should have arrived in the lobby. If I were you, I would call my family members immediately after distributing the resignation application to the sales staff, and get vaccinations or something. .”

One sentence made Liu Zhao's face change suddenly: "Zhang Anren, you framed me!"

"Liu Zhao, I think you should know that the operation of deleting files and records on computers and mobile phones is not thorough, and it can be recovered through technical means. As I said just now, if anyone annoys me at work, I will not only If you fire him, his life will be ruined." After speaking, he looked at the supervisor of the maintenance department: "Wang Dangming, believe me, your life will not be easy, because after a while, there should be a I don’t know if your wife will divorce you, but it’s a pity for your son, and I hope that next year’s college entrance examination will not be affected by this matter.”

Liu Zhao still had the courage to speak, but Wang Dangming was immediately dumbfounded, and because his face was a little baby fat, his dull eyes were very funny.

He sued Liu Zhao for divulging company secrets.

It happened that Wang Dangming took care of Xiaosaner.

Is there any more?

"Of course, if one day you find that there are a few fewer people on the board of directors, please don't make a fuss, just concentrate on doing your job well." Lin Yue clapped his hands: "Five minutes, or sign your name on the resignation application bookmark , or stay and continue the meeting."


Too cruel!

I thought a donkey was coming, but it turned out to be a wolf, which destroyed Liu Zhao and Wang Dangming.

Yes, in a situation like this, the other family would dismiss at most, and he would directly kill him here.

And seeing that the cleansing of the posture is far from over, he actually wants to attack the board of directors?

If a vice president can't do anything, how about adding a real president?

The Xie Group is going to have an earthquake...

The indescribable atmosphere fermented in the venue, until Luo Jiaming notified the security guards to come up and take away Liu Zhao, Wang Dangming and a few employees from the sales department who dared to make small moves. A young vice president who is several years younger than the average age of the participants.

Lin Yue was quite satisfied with this result.

Why did he come here with Xie Jiayin a week after joining the job? During this period, he was not idle.

A week, for ordinary people, except for eating, drinking, and sleeping, there is not much work time left. He is different, and there is no problem with running around the clock for 24 hours.

With his qualifications, the most convenient way to convince the public is to kill those veteran ministers with great achievements, such as Liu Zhao and Wang Dangming. If he doesn't cause trouble, he will find them to blame. Since it is delivered to his door, is there any reason not to make use of it?

"Okay, everything that needs to be done has been done, and what needs to be left is gone. It's time to talk about the theme of the meeting."

Lin Yue and Xie Jiayin looked at each other for three seconds, picked up a signature pen and wrote the word "Pattern" on the blackboard.

"Someone said this word to me two weeks ago, but what he meant was that I have no structure. Today, I will also talk about these two words. It took me a week to get a general understanding of Xie's situation. I think the biggest problem for the group now is in terms of sales thinking. In fact, not only Xie, but also air-conditioning manufacturers such as Mide and Geli, the impression of their products is still on meeting customer needs. With all due respect, this is very LOW, quite LOW , not to say that meeting customer needs is wrong, but that this kind of marketing concept is outdated. The core technology of the air-conditioning industry has long been no secret. Any organization, as long as it has enough funds, can make effective products It looks good, but what is the use? The home appliance market is now in a state of overcapacity and sluggish demand. Major manufacturers can only use cost-effectiveness and a little bit of technological innovation. These two aspects compete for market share, and no one is irreplaceable. , whichever company fails, the daily life of users will not be greatly affected. If Xie still relies on business methods such as building relationships, advertising, and low-price bidding as before, the result will only get worse and worse. It is very difficult to maintain the current body weight."

No one yawned, and no one was distracted, including Xie Jiayin, they were all listening to his explanation seriously, because it was "to the point".

Lin Yue didn't hold back, and continued to talk: "Since e-commerce platforms such as Taobao and have become an important part of the Internet, they have been doing one thing over the years. You think they are pigs on the wind, and it is the Internet that makes them , but in my opinion, this is only an important factor for their success, and another complementary factor is the key, yes, it is to cultivate and guide users’ consumption habits and change their lifestyles.”

Having said that, he wrote two more words "ecology" on the blackboard.

"The reason why the e-commerce platform can do this is inseparable from the Internet. 20 years ago, it was still an entertainment and business unit. 20 years later, it has developed into a huge ecosystem that affects everyone's life. , study, work, and even cognition and three views. The e-commerce platform relies on the Internet’s ecological development and enriches the Internet’s ecological chain, so they are successful. The home appliance industry is still living on its laurels, still standing still, and still developing Mountain-top doctrine. In my opinion, smart home, integrated kitchen, and various convenient small appliances, these concepts can completely build a small family ecology, a collection of multiple small family ecology is a medium-sized community ecology, and Countless community ecological collections have created a huge ecological network. When we connect this system to the Internet and integrate existing resources through big data, cloud computing, and distributed management, what changes will it bring to human life? , or convenience? Imagine that there is only one bottle of beer in your refrigerator. Like this kind of micropayment, the smart housekeeper can help you automatically place an order, and the e-commerce platform assigns a courier to deliver the goods to your door. You like watching videos, based on Big data analysis algorithms can push interesting programs to the TV. What we need to do in the future is to move closer to the direction I mentioned above on the basis of ensuring the market share of air conditioners. The goal of the first stage is to open up The intelligent network of home appliances provides users with home-level solutions. The second stage is to provide venue-level solutions for commercial places such as supermarkets, KTVs, and restaurants. The third stage is to expand ecological content—such as adding cars to the home-level ecology. unit, deepen the brand effect, establish industry standards with cooperative manufacturers, and initially complete the smart home integrated network ecosystem based on the model of data center-node server-smart housekeeper-electrical unit within ten years. By then, Xie It will no longer be just a product provider, but will also take on the roles of customer service follow-up, development, content provider, and comprehensive platform, so as to sink into all aspects of users' lives. By that time, what kind of situation will the Xie Group create? , I should be able to imagine it."

After he finished speaking, there was no nonsense or sensationalism, and the floor was full of dry goods.

The content was so long that it was quiet for a long time after he finished speaking. Some people lowered their eyebrows in thought, some people wrote down the key points in their notebooks, and some people's pupils dimmed, as if they had figured out something.

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