Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1153 You are right, I just want to mess with your mentality

This situation lasted for about half a minute, and Xie Jiayin stood up and watched him applaud: "That's really well said, I'm even moved by your thoughts."

The others came to their senses one after another, applauding along with the president.

Different from the scene where he pinched Liu Zhao and Wang Dangming to death just now, these rounds of applause came from the heart. This time they knew why Xie Jiayin supported him as the vice president, because the man standing opposite did have real information. It is not a relationship, and it is not Israel's testimony.

The point is that he is still very courageous. Judging from the power of action shown by slapping Liu Zhao and Wang Dangming to death, there is a high probability that the above statement is not a big picture, this guy is serious.

Luo Jiaming clapped until his hands were numb, and he looked excited as if he had said those words.

Lin Yue lowered his hands and signaled everyone to be quiet: "My words are finished, everyone go back and think about it carefully. As for the next work, the focus should be different from the previous ones. I will interview the heads of various departments tomorrow for specific details. It's getting late, today's meeting will end here, let's end the meeting."

The participants got up one after another, packed up their belongings, said goodbye to him and left.

Xie Jiayin was at the end, and after sending Luo Jiaming to familiarize herself with her position, she closed the door and walked up to Lin Yue: "I've tried to overestimate you, but I found that I still underestimated your professional level. I'm very curious about who you are...I warn you, don't prevaricate me as an assistant professor of the School of Architecture."

"Okay." Lin Yue sighed: "I was sent by God to save your Xie Group."

Xie Jiayin gave him a blank look, turned around, leaned her back against the desk and said, "Your grasp of future trends is amazing, but there is a difficulty in the whole plan."

"Are you trying to talk about artificial intelligence?"

"You can guess this?"

Xie Jiayin was very speechless, this guy could always predict her thoughts, his sharp eyes and thoughtful thoughts, just like a human being who has lived for many years.

"Why do you think I want Luo Jiaming to be my assistant? He is a rare IT practitioner. According to my idea, let him get acquainted with the group's business temporarily. When the idea matures, set up an intelligent development team for him. bring."

Indeed, five years later, the technical level of artificial intelligence will not reach what Lin Yue envisioned. However, this is only normal. Humanly speaking, due to hardware limitations, he may not be able to make an intelligent network that meets the technological level of the two worlds, but if it is used to cope with the above concept, there is no problem at all.

As for Luo Jiaming, under the influence of [Hypnotism LV3], give him a little bit of talent pressure and cover him up, isn't that making the best of his talents? Everyone happy?

"So you've already planned it all." Xie Jiayin saw through the blinds that the employees had already started to pack their things and go out: "Do you have time in the evening? Let's have dinner together."

"Not today, I have to go back and study the situation of TEDA, so I can deal with Mr. Liu tomorrow."

This is a business matter, Xie Jiayin can't say anything: "Then what about tomorrow?"

"Not tomorrow, I made an appointment to play tennis."

"Then when are you free?"

"After Sanlin's project is on the right track."

"..." Xie Jiayin sighed, "Okay."


In the afternoon of the next day, after Sanlin's project was settled, Lin Yue declined the invitation of Mr. Liu of TEDA, and drove Xie Jiayin's BMW Z4 back to the School of Architecture.




The sound of tennis rackets constantly resounded in the tennis hall.

Lilian was wearing a white T-shirt and headband, and was playing tennis with Wang Yongzheng profusely. Jiang Nansun was sitting on a chair in the rest area, holding a cup of cappuccino, drinking one after another while waiting A letter from the police station.

In the morning, she had already sent the money to the hospital. She got it from her mother, and when the agreed 150,000 arrived, Zhang Anren contacted the police at the police station to issue a letter of understanding, and Daisy would no longer be held accountable.

However, after waiting for a whole afternoon, the police handling the case have not contacted her until now.

She also tried to call Zhang Anren, but either the phone was turned off or the message "The line is busy, please call later", she was very angry and upset.

I don't know if it was her power of thought that moved the world, but with the flash of a figure at the door, Zhang Anren's face appeared in the field of vision.

"Zhang Anren!"

Before he had time to think about why he came here, Jiang Nansun put down the paper cup and greeted him with a cold face: "I have already sent the money, and the little girl has also collected it. Why doesn't the police station let my aunt out?"

Lin Yue glanced at her casually: "You know, your expression looks like a resentful woman."

This is not a sincere run, Lin Yue really thinks so. Jiang Nansun in the TV series has two faces throughout the whole process, a smiling face when he is in love, and a resentful face when he is not in love, especially after the death of Jiang's father. ……Gone.

Jiang Nansun suppressed his anger and said: "I'm not interested in arguing with people like you, answer my question."

"On this point, I am the same." Lin Yue said as he walked inside: "As for Daisy...don't you know?"

"What do I know?"

"I heard from her ex-husband that her studio in Italy was investigated. At noon today, Italy sent a request for assistance in the investigation. You should know that our country has an extradition agreement with Italy, so this matter It’s no longer something that can be done with a letter of understanding.”

There was a "boom" in Jiang Nansun's mind, and he was stunned.

Italy wants to extradite Daisy back home? What will happen after extradition?

Anyway, it won't be a good thing.

Her face was very white, even whiter than the wall that the workers had just painted.

After passively emptying his brain for about a minute, Jiang Nansun came to his senses, and suddenly rushed to Lin Yue, picked up the paper cup and wanted to splash it on his face.

Fortunately, because of Daisy's lessons learned from the past, she reined in the precipice and stepped on the brakes in time. The coffee just flowed into her hand, and Lin Yue didn't have a chance to make use of the problem again.

"Is it you? Did you cooperate with Feng Jiang to do it?"

She was so excited that her whole body was shaking.

As for Feng Jiang, he was Daisy's ex-husband. In her knowledge, only that scumbag had the ability and channels to report Daisy's studio to the Italian tax authorities.

Lin Yue took out the cigarette case, squeezed it, found that it was empty, and threw it into the trash can: "So what if it is? What if it is not? Isn't the point of the question not whether your aunt's studio helped Italian companies evade taxes?" ?"

Jiang Nansun roared angrily: "Zhang Anren, you are such a despicable villain!"

She has never been so angry as she is now. A group of people are being played around by this guy. Why didn't they recognize his true face before?

"It really is a green tea whore." Lin Yue sneered again and again.

Is Jiang Nansun a principled person?

Some viewers like to find reasons for her double standards. The most mainstream view is that after the death of Jiang's father, he was forced by the great change in reality. In other words, the fault is not their good girl Jiang Nansun, but the world.

However, they all overlooked one thing. Before the Jiang family fell, she was a person whose position was greater than principle.

Jiang Nansun, Zhu Suosuo.

A "goddess of literature and art", a money-worshiping girl, she can accept that Zhu Suosuo sharpened her head to get into the rich man's pile, and she can accept that Zhu Suosuo would not save Master Ma, and went to Ye Jinyan with luxury goods to cheat 80,000 yuan .

She couldn't accept her boyfriend's real-name report to Wang Yongzheng, a competitor who did make mistakes.

The bottom line can be sacrificed for the benefit of best friend Zhu Suosuo, hello is my good, but not for the sake of boyfriend Zhang Anren?

So the balance in her heart has long been tilted towards Wang Yongzheng. It is only because she is reluctant to part with Zhang Anren, a personal male nanny who is at the extremes of her father, that she continues to maintain the relationship between the couple who is about to collapse. Even Zhu Suosuo has said that Jiang Nansun's love for Wang Yongzheng is different from his love for Zhang Anren. Just asking others to do everything they can to treat her well, is it bad to be a scumbag, disgusting, and selfish? If we look at Jiang Nansun's picky plot of Zhang Anren with this kind of cognition, for example, he dislikes Zhang Anren in the cafeteria and goes to greet the department secretary during meal time, or he dislikes Zhang Anren and speculates about the dean's psychology in order to make a good impression and not attend The closing ceremony of the design exhibition, in fact, all of this is because she has someone else in her heart, so she doesn't like Zhang Anren, and finally puts all the responsibility for the breakup on Zhang Anren, so this is a standard green tea bitch.

"Who do you call a green tea whore?"

Jiang Nansun was very excited, his wrists were shaking slightly, as if he couldn't bear to splash him all over.

At this moment, a hand grabbed her wrist: "Nansun, Jiang Nansun... calm down, don't be fooled by him, it's not worth being angry about this kind of person."

It was Wang Yongzheng who came over to persuade her not to do something stupid, the sweat rolled down and wet the side of his face, the T-shirt was tightly pressed to his chest, and then black shorts, bare calves and white sneakers.


Just like the low-grade green tea "brother, brother, can you unscrew the bottle cap for me?" The scumbag Neptune has a sports-loving heart and a sunny and stylish face.

"Having hooked up so soon?" Lin Yue tilted his head and looked at Lilian behind Wang Yongzheng: "Aren't you jealous?"

She smiled reluctantly.

"Zhang Anren, I warn you to be careful with what you say." Wang Yongzheng pointed to his nose and said, "Also, don't harass Jiang Nansun and Lilian in the future."

From Wang Yongzheng's point of view, Zhang Anren appeared here to stimulate Jiang Nansun, while Lilian... Although she never revealed the truth, it was probably the result of Zhang Anren's coercion and lure.

"Harass them? Stop being sentimental." Lin Yue said: "When I was in college, I was also the main force of the school team in the department. Isn't it right to come here to play tennis? How about Lilian, do you want to play with me? game?"

"Oh? You're still the main force of the school team in the department..." Wang Yongzheng said, "That's really disrespectful, how about we play a game? You can also give me advice."

Lin Yue said, "No problem."

Thanks to Garfield Faner for the 1500 starting coins, the tangerines that were released until dawn by Lidou, and the 200 starting coins rewarded by Shadow Night.

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