Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1154 Roll over, Wang Yongzheng

Lin Yue took off his suit jacket, glanced at Lilian who didn't say a word, and walked towards the court. Wang Yongzheng was holding a tennis ball, throwing it on the ground, and making small movements unique to the hip-hop group.

"I heard that Mr. Wang usually engages in music?"

Wang Yongzheng said: "What? Does Mr. Zhang do any research on this? I thought you spent all your time writing suggestions for the department and helping the department secretary prepare reports."

"I really don't have time to study this." Lin Yue smiled and didn't say much.

This is the tone, full of a sense of superiority, the efforts made by others to stay in school, to Wang Yongzheng, the aspiring and wealthy second generation who is constantly chasing dreams, it is called no structure, mediocrity, boring, utilitarianism, and LOW. burst.

This is almost the turning point when Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo faced Yuan Yuan.

In the TV series, Zhang Anren has always been polite to Wang Yongzheng. For a competitor who is a stumbling block in the pursuit of a better life, to this extent is already very qualified and polite, right? How did Wang Yongzheng respond to him? In front of his girlfriend and his girlfriend's family, he was told that he had no structure and that he was a waste. Wang Yongzheng refused to teach Lilian to play tennis, and Professor Dong could only pull Zhang Anren's young man. As a result, Wang Yongzheng satirized Zhang Anren for not being self-aware, and a mediocre person who actually taught tennis to a national second-level athlete who started playing tennis at the age of four.

Later, in the part where Zhang Anren moved out of the staff apartment, it can be seen that Wang Yongzheng will take the band members back to the dormitory to write songs and party or something.

You must know that it is a staff apartment with a high population density. If you have a party in this kind of place and sing and play, will it not affect the study and rest of the neighbors?

For such an uneducated, arrogant and unruly guy, why should Zhang Anren feel guilty for reporting him to change the paint secretly? Why are you crying?

Lin Yue couldn't figure it out, this kind of bitch, if not killed, would have to be mutilated in order to conform to the **** core values ​​of equality, humility and friendliness, right? I really don't know whether Zhang Anren is kind or cowardly.

In his opinion, if Zhang Anren is shrewd and hypocritical enough for people like Wang Yongzheng, he should punish them to death. For Jiang Nansun, he should make her suffer. Let Professor Dong secretly give money to the green tea whore? Falling in love spent a lot of money on her, and after the breakup, the responsibility was pushed on top of her head, and she still offered help in obscurity?

Is the screenwriter trying to tell the audience that honest people should use it as a chamber pot?

"You serve."

Wang Yongzheng caught the ball bouncing off the ground and threw it to Lin Yue. He took the tennis racket and walked to the other side of the court.

Lin Yue squinted his eyes, threw the tennis ball up, raised his toes slightly, and buckled the racket hard.



The turquoise tennis ball turned into a flash of lightning and crossed the midfield. Wang Yongzheng was caught off guard before he could get into a good posture, and the tennis ball hit his chest heavily.


cough cough cough~

Pain flashed across Wang Yongzheng's face, and he knelt down with his hands on his chest.

"Wang Yongzheng, are you okay?" Jiang Nansun ran over with a worried face.

"It's okay, I just didn't guard against it, so I gave him a chance." Wang Yongzheng took a few breaths, and got up from the ground enduring the pain.

Jiang Nansun turned to look at Lin Yue, and said angrily, "Zhang Anren, you are shameless!"

"He picks up girls on the court, but it makes me shameless? A bitch like you can always find a reason to blame someone he doesn't like. Why, don't you agree? If you don't accept it, come and fight me." He looked Glancing at Lilian who was standing next to her, "How about... how about we play a mixed doubles match?"

Wang Yongzheng hurriedly pulled Jiang Nansun behind him: "She doesn't know how to play tennis, I was careless just now, come again."

"Okay, this time you serve." Lin Yue made a "please" gesture.

Wang Yongzheng asked Jiang Nansun to step back a little. He took the ball and took a few steps forward, trying to get as close to Lin Yue's position as possible. He dropped the ball, put his feet on the ground, and quickly jumped up to make a snap. Xiaoming hit the tennis ball.


The ball shot out.

Wang Yong was swinging the racket with all his strength, thinking that he would retaliate against Lin Yue, but he didn't expect that almost at the moment he swung the racket, the person on the opposite side would have a corresponding movement. He was hit by the racket from the opposite direction within a meter, and flew back with more force than before, and hit him hard in the face with a puff.


Everyone around saw this scene. The rich second generation who was a frequent visitor to the tennis court, who had good skills and was so attractive to women, screamed in mid-air, and fell backwards, hitting the plastic court heavily.

"Wang Yongzheng!"

Jiang Nansun was in a hurry, and hurried forward a few steps, ran to his side to have a look, and found that the entire right side of his face was blue, and there were bloodstains near the mouth. It was obvious that the injury was serious.

She pushed him a few times but there was no response, her hatred turned to Lin Yue: "Zhang Anren!"

Lin Yue lifted the net, walked to the other side, and picked up the bloodshot tennis ball on the ground: "Wang Yongzheng, I didn't expect your skills to be so poor. I knew you liked to catch the ball with your face more than with a racket. I won't fight you anymore."

The surrounding audience was speechless and hurt.

Is there such a run on people? It's not my fault that Wang Yongzheng acted like that, it's your attitude of not being beaten, this mouth is too poisonous.

The point is, there is no reason to tell him that such things like playing balls on the face rarely happen, but it is not uncommon. He insisted that it was not intentional, and there was nothing he could do when the police came. At most, he persuaded Zhang Anren to pay a symbolic compensation for medical expenses based on moral principles. After all, it is normal for various ball games to bump into each other. Willing to take the risks that come with it.

"Hey, are you awake?" Lin Yue ignored the faces of the audience with different emotions, leaned into the ear of Wang Yongzheng who had just woken up and hadn't fully recovered, and whispered: "I really didn't come to harass Jiang Nansun and Lilian. I'm here to harass you." After that, he patted him on the shoulder: "Thank you for giving me this opportunity, let me recover from my injuries, and let's compete again after a while."

Others didn't hear what he said, but Jiang Nansun did.

"Zhang Anren, I'm really blind. How could I fall in love with something like you?"

"I should be the one who said that." Lin Yue clapped his hands and stood up, threw the tennis ball to Lilian, and walked outside with his arms around her waist: "I heard that your father has already paid for the project of the boutique hotel." The department asked to revise the list of participants and brushed me off."

Lilian looked bewildered.

"You don't even give me the face of my mentor. Your father must have adopted someone's opinion. Is this person you or Wang Yongzheng, a green tea man?" Lin Yue paused and said, "In this case, I don't need to Save face for your father."

"No, please... No, I really don't know about this." Lilian looked at him pleadingly.

Of course Lilian knew what he was thinking.

If her father fucks him, he will fuck her father's daughter, or the fish will die and the net will be broken, the whole big news.

Yes, it's all Wang Yongzheng's fault. If this guy hadn't blown the wind in her father's ear, the matter wouldn't have come to this point.

Of course, she is also responsible. She thinks that according to the agreement between the two of them, acting in a scene in the school cafeteria will keep the water in the future. To put it bluntly, the relationship between father and daughter will be awkward, and it is best to have a smooth transition. But God knows where Wang Yongzheng made a mistake, Zhang Anren and Daisy were clearly in trouble, so he insisted on getting in the middle and dragging her father into trouble.

Pig teammate, what a pig teammate who will die if you don't hold back...

The already sweltering tennis court has become even more sweltering.

Several students from the School of Architecture looked at Wang Yongzheng, and then at the two people who disappeared over there, thinking that handsome Wang lost his wife and lost his army today. It's a bit embarrassing for an honest man who always pleases this and that to please him.

"Where's my cell phone?" As a rich second generation, Wang Yongzheng had never experienced this, so he endured the pain to find the cell phone.

"Why are you looking for a mobile phone? I think you should go to the doctor."

"No, I have to tell Professor Dong what happened here."

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