Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1155 You Trick Me, I Trick Your Daughter

Two days later, in the office of the complex building.

It rained a lot in the morning, and there was still moisture in the air. The sunlight that broke through the haze was not harsh, but soft.

Dong Wenbin sat behind the desk, looking at Lin Yue on the sofa expressionlessly.

"Zhang Anren, you should know why I called you here this time."

"You... what did you say, tell me again."

"There's nothing embarrassing about it. She's an adult, she can tell right from wrong and be responsible for her own choices. We are in love with each other. Is there a problem with doing what I like? Could it be that she has to call ahead to tell who she sleeps with at night?" Do you ask for instructions?"

bang bang~

Dong Wenbin slapped the table continuously.

"I don't agree with you two dating."

"Are you kidding? Who said I'm going to date Lilian?"

Dong Wenbin's expression froze: "Then you..."

Lin Yue explained seriously: "Yes, I slept with her, and she slept with me too. If you love what I want, why do you act like your daughter is suffering a lot. Modern society pays attention to equality between men and women. , do you still think I married her?"

Professor Dong said: "You are dreaming!"

"Then our current state is not what you want? Sleep if you need it, and live your own life if you don't. One day, if she follows your wish and marries Wang Yongzheng, I will definitely give her a big red envelope. Is not it good?"

"Zhang Anren, why didn't I know you were such a person before."

Lin Yue said: "Then I didn't know you were such a person before. You are really Wang Yongzheng's good teacher and helpful friend."

Professor Dong said: "I am in charge of that project, I can use whoever I want, and I don't think you are capable enough to participate in this project."

"Then your daughter, as an adult, can sleep with whoever she wants."

"You..." Dong Wenbin was so angry that he couldn't speak: "What method did you use to force her to be with you..."

"Regarding this matter, you can go to Lilian for verification and ask her if she has sex with me voluntarily."

Lin Yue looked at the panting old man on the opposite side, feeling nothing in his heart, not to mention that the old man listened to Wang Yongzheng's one-sided words, decided that he was not a good person, and disqualified him from participating in the boutique hotel project, just talking about his performance in the TV series, Nor is he a man of absolute fairness and integrity.

Wang Yongzheng was invited back by Dong Wenbin from abroad. He tried his best to create opportunities. It is human nature to help Wang Yongzheng stay in school, just like the project of a boutique hotel. , is this considered a relationship account?

What about Zhang Anren? Working hard, pleasing this and pleasing that, I got a place in charge of the graduation design exhibition, which is no match for Wang Yongzheng, who got soft resources. It was still the project of Songjiang Boutique Hotel, which had a great response in the circle, and many people said While paying attention to its construction progress, the person in charge of the graduation design exhibition is more interested in organizing and planning school activities. It is definitely the kind of administrative miscellaneous project that has been done a lot of work and has inconspicuous achievements.

The project of the boutique hotel over there was completed, and the instructor here called and told Zhang Anren that no matter whether he could stay in school or not, he would let him finish the graduation design exhibition. Organize and plan the graduation design exhibition and the person in charge of the construction of the boutique hotel project. Which of these two resumes is more valuable? Which one is more useful in society?

Who wouldn't think too much when normal people hear such suggestive words? Who is not sad? Who is not wronged?

Wang Yongzheng is favored by Professor Dong and is in charge of the decoration of the boutique hotel. After finishing the work, he gets the admission ticket. What about Zhang Anren, who is not on the same starting line? Disappointed out, isn't this bullying honest people?

He knew that Wang Yongzheng used paints that were not on the purchase list without the approval of the department, guessed that there was a money transaction behind it, and used this to reverse the situation and defeat his competitors, no problem, right? How come so many people can't stand it? Lilian also came to accuse him of zero-sum thinking, and Professor Dong wanted to keep both of them.

You just want to have a fart, go to negotiate with the department, procrastinate to the end, Zhang Anren's mentor hints that he is out, and after the fact, you know Wang Yongzheng's real-name report on the illegal paint change, the story turns around, come again Saying this kind of thing, isn't your sister's sincerity to make people mentality?

"Zhang Anren, how did you become like this now?"

Professor Dong is at this age, is he ashamed to talk to his daughter about sleeping with a man?

Of course I'm sorry, so there's nothing I can do other than sulking.

"Is it different from the me in your impression?" Lin Yue said, "Because honest people are always the one who gets bullied the worst. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

" will definitely let you...let you..."

"Is there a price to pay?"

Lin Yue got up from the sofa: "Then let's wait and see who will be more unlucky."

Leaving behind this sentence, which was similar to a "declaration of war", he left Dong Wenbin's office.

Coming down from the third floor, when approaching the corner of the escalator, a person suddenly rushed out from the second floor, and he couldn't help but raise his hand and hit him.

With a swipe of Lin Yueyang's hand, he grabbed Lilian's two hands with one hand.

"This is what you promised me, but now..."

"Who said I'm going to poke things out?"

"Then why did you tell my dad just now to see who will be more unlucky?"

Of course, Lin Yue knew that she was eavesdropping outside the door, and he also expected her reaction: "I said look at who is unlucky, and it doesn't have to be the operation of reporting him for defrauding scientific research funds."

Lilian said: "Then you can' can't talk to my dad like this?"

Lin Yue's face changed: "Don't think that if I sleep with you, you can ask me to do this and that like a girlfriend. I don't think you have forgotten the day you tore up the report letter I wrote. What."

Lilian said, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Lin Yue said: "Since you rely on Dong Wenbin's greedy money to obtain a better life than ordinary people, and since you are unwilling to give up everything you have obtained, and you are unwilling to see your father ruined, then you must be mentally prepared to endure humiliation. There are so many fairy tales of forgiveness, and I am not a kind person with greatness engraved on my forehead."

He continued on to the first floor.

Lilian looked at the bumpy back on the stairs, feeling very complicated.

There was anger at him for disrespecting Dong Wenbin, frustration about not being able to change the current situation, confusion about the future, and a tinge of... She didn't want to admit it, but there was a real feeling of being attracted.

That's right, it's not like Wang Yongzheng's flamboyant and playful attraction at all, it's kind of... cold? mystery? overbearing? Free and unrestrained?

how to say? She couldn't describe it.

"Hey, Lilian, are you waiting for Professor Dong?" Song Hua walked up from the first floor with a stack of blueprints in her arms, and asked casually when she saw her in a daze.

"Oh, hehe, yes."

Song Hua is Dong Wenbin's student, and the two of them are very close. She hurriedly hid her shameful thoughts: "Let me help you."

"I saw Zhang Anren just now, what is he doing here?"

"I don't know, maybe I went to the archives to check the information?"

Song Hua glanced slightly sideways and glanced at her, but didn't say anything.

This morning, the department is going crazy, saying that Zhang Anren and Professor Dong's daughter Lilian are together. The evidence is that someone saw him leaving with her arms around her waist in the tennis court yesterday, and Wang Yongzheng has been walking very close to Jiang Nansun recently. , how do you describe the relationship between these four's weird.


A week later, the construction site of Songjiang Boutique Hotel.

The weather is sweltering, and the indoor humidity is not low. Even a little exercise will cause you to sweat, not to mention wearing a hard hat, and you will get a rash on your forehead.

Wang Yongzheng wiped the sweat from his brow, and fixed the last rivet. After finishing the work, he relaxed and sat down on the scaffolding: "It's finally finished."

Jiang Nansun gave him a hard look, and there was undisguised blame in his eyes.

"I think you have a brain problem because you were beaten by tennis balls."

If this guy hadn't been so serious and insisted that the construction team redo the ceiling, she wouldn't have worked here for a whole night.

The point is that she had already convinced Lao Wei and his people yesterday noon, and they agreed to come back and work together, but Wang Yongzheng refused to speak softly, and even threatened the other party. This is good, Lao Wei became angry, and pulled the brigade away again. , so she was miserable.

A rich lady who was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, in such a sultry weather and a dirty environment, she worked from the afternoon until the next morning to finish the work, how can she not be angry, can she not blame Wang Yongzheng?

Of course, apart from anger and blame, there was also a tinge of goodwill, because the two cooperated well and completed it faster than expected.

"What's your expression? You insisted on following this project."

Can Wang Yongzheng say that I did this just to be alone with you? He can't, not yet.

Just as he jumped off the scaffolding and was about to throw the mineral water in his hand, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps outside, and Old Wei led his men in a file.

"Hey, Old Wei, you guys came early today."

Old Wei ignored him, pointed to the ceiling that the two of them had just finished and said, "I dismantled it all."

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