Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1156 You were not born when I built the house


The one that was just made needs to be dismantled?

Jiang Nansun's eyes widened, the drowsiness caused by staying up all night was gone, and he quickly stepped forward to stop the foreman.

"Demolish? Why do you want to demolish? We stayed up all night to change the ceiling. You can demolish it if you say so?"

Wang Yongzheng held Jiang Nansun's arm behind him, and looked at Old Wei coldly: "I am the person in charge of the construction site, and I didn't say anything. Why do you just demolish it as soon as you say it?"

Old Wei said: "This is an order from the owner, I can't tell you."

"The owner's order? Why don't I know?"

"You can contact the owner to verify this point. Please don't hinder our construction now."

Because of yesterday's conflict, Old Wei held his breath in his heart, and now he suddenly seized an opportunity to rectify Wang Yongzheng, so he was naturally full of joy.

"Xiangzi, Xiaobao...why are you still standing there? Take it apart."

When he said "demolish", the people behind immediately took action, those who put up the scaffolding put up the scaffolding, and those who moved the ladder moved the ladder, and began to dismantle the pipelines that Wang Yongzheng and Jiang Nansun had improved not long ago.

The decoration workers don't care how much sweat and energy you put into the design plan. They pay their wages on a daily basis. Don't talk about changing the project temporarily.

"Hey, you... how can you do this!"

Jiang Nansun was in a hurry. You must know that this was her first time staying up late to work. What happened? Just after finishing the work, he gave a sap, it was really uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"Nan Sun, don't worry, I'll call Professor Dong to inquire about the situation." Wang Yongzheng didn't bother to think about whether Dong Wenbin got up now, picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number, connected after ten seconds, and explained what happened here. I said it again.

After hanging up the phone, he handed the water to Jiang Nansun and told her that Professor Dong was already contacting the person in charge of Party A of the boutique hotel project, and would notify them as soon as there was a result.

The wait lasted half an hour, and when Wang Yongzheng was about to call again under the urging of Jiang Nansun, Professor Dong came.

"Old Dong, this...what's going on?"

"Yes, Professor Dong, we have been working all night, so we just dismantle it for them?"

The decoration workers turned a blind eye to the situation below. They had to pick up nails and remove the buckles.

Old Wei and Dong Wenbin had some cooperation, and when he saw him coming, he had to show some face, so he stepped forward and said: "Professor Dong, I am also rectifying according to the owner's request, and the department didn't say anything, I hope you can understand .”

Dong Wenbin nodded: "I understand, this is what you should do."

"That's good."

Old Wei nodded and continued to work.

"Old should say a few words." Wang Yongzheng was very helpless to his reaction, and he still looked unhurried no matter what time it was.

Dong Wenbin said: "What did you say? The department notified me that Party A changed the design drawings and asked to redo the hotel lobby?"

"Lobby? Redo? What are you doing?" Wang Yongzheng said: "The project is already half done and then demolished and redone. Don't they know that doing so will cause great waste?"

Dong Wenbin said: "I have already contacted the person in charge of Party A, and he said that he will come with the revised drawings."

Wang Yongzheng was not satisfied with this explanation. The expression on his face was quite ugly. The whole night's hard work fell short. The main reason was that the design drawing was produced by Dong Wenbin. At that time, it caused a great reaction in the circle. Change, where did they put Professor Dong?

Jiang Nansun also realized the essence of the problem, and whispered: "They are too bullying."

As soon as she finished speaking, a Mercedes-Benz stopped at the door, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes got out of the co-pilot and walked into the construction site with a design drawing under his armpit.

"Professor Dong."

"Boss Yang."

The two greeted each other from afar.

"Sorry, Professor Dong, I wanted to call you later, but who knew you would call first."

"Mr. Yang, I want to know why you suddenly overturned the original plan."

"Professor Dong, regarding this matter, I was also caught off guard. Before going to bed last night, the boss suddenly sent a design drawing and asked to immediately change the decoration plan according to the content on the design drawing. I called to ask And got scolded."

Mr. Yang said while taking out the design drawing, motioning for Wang Yongzheng to help, and the two unfolded the drawing.

In this newly drawn design drawing, the layout of the hotel lobby has undergone drastic changes, including the arrangement of the rest area, the structure of the columns, the construction of the background wall, the treatment of colors and lighting, all of which are quite different from the original plan, and the other The design concept is basically two extremes.

Wang Yongzheng said: "Mr. Yang, this... what is this? This design plan is not as good as that of Old Dong. Our pursuit is the best of the best. The original plan is in terms of color matching, decoration, etc. The choice of materials and the progressive sense of space are all better, why do you change the decoration plan?"

Mr. Yang was a little upset with his tone: "Your name is Wang Yongzheng, right? When we signed the agreement with your college, we had a regulation that if something goes wrong or there is a new need, we can change the decoration plan according to the actual situation. Now the boss asked me to change it. I can only obey orders, as for the considerations behind this decision, I don’t know, even if I know, I have the right not to announce.”

"If you look like this, then we can refuse construction."

"Okay, please."

The speaker was not Mr. Yang, but a newcomer to the scene, walking this way while putting on his helmet.

"It's you? Zhang Anren!"

Wang Yongzheng and Jiang Nansun said in unison, because they never imagined that this matter could be related to him.

Professor Dong's face was also very ugly, and he suddenly remembered the conversation in the office a few days ago, Zhang Anren told him to ride a donkey to read the libretto and wait and see, how many days have passed? This man really caused him a big problem.

"It turns out that you know each other, so it's easy to handle. This Mr. Zhang is personally appointed by the boss to supervise the construction of the hotel lobby. If you encounter problems in the future work, you should communicate more." Mr. Yang smiled. Said, for a person like him, of course it can be seen that Zhang Anren and Dong Wenbin are at odds with each other, but the former is the person in charge of the hotel lobby plan handpicked by the boss, so it is not easy to offend. Dong Wenbin's situation is similar, and his only What can be done is to mix mud in the middle, play sloppy, and turn things over first, and talk about any problems later.

"Old Dong, I can't do this job."

Wang Yongzheng took off his hard hat and rushed outside, Jiang Nansun also gritted his teeth for a while and then followed him away. The two of them worked all night before finishing the rework, and the next day they were dismantled by Lao Wei, and then Party A What do you mean by changing the design drawings and sending Zhang Anren to oversee the work? Even a fool can see what it means.

The two of them can be young and energetic, and leave at the pick. Dong Wenbin can't, he has to consider the interests of the department, and the project of the boutique hotel can't be given up just by giving up.

As soon as Mr. Yang left, he looked at Lin Yue expressionlessly: "How did you do it?"

Zhang Anren's supervisor is Professor Yang. A few days ago, he suggested to the department to let Zhang Anren participate in the project of the boutique hotel. He learned from Wang Yongzheng that this person was not honest, so he deleted Zhang Anren's name. Now the other party does not know What method was used to participate in the project through the channel of Party A, and also changed his design draft, what is this?

Slap in the face!

Hit him hard in the face.

Many people in the circle have seen the decoration design drawings of the boutique hotel and spoke highly of it. Now the key part of the hotel lobby is suddenly changed. After the project is completed, everyone will come and have a look. Hey, the head is someone else’s butt, and it belongs to Lao Dong. , shame...

Lin Yue said, "Do I need to tell you how I did it?"

Dong Wenbin said: "What good will this do for you?"

Lin Yue asked back: "Then you use your privilege to brush off my name, what good will it do you?"

Dong Wenbin replied: "Because you are not capable enough."

"Is that true?" Lin Yue chuckled: "Then you are not capable enough in front of me."

" are not qualified to say such things." From Dong Wenbin's point of view, this is correct, because Zhang Anren is a doctoral student, what is his status? Doctoral tutor, the two are not on the same level.

It's a pity that he doesn't understand that the person in front of him has been a professor of architecture at the University of Hong Kong for half his life. In terms of professional ability, he is really a younger brother.

"Aren't you convinced?" Lin Yue said, "In that case, let's talk about the shortcomings of your work."

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