Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1157 Please call me a bitch expert

"Do you know where the biggest problem with your teaching is? IDEA! Yes, that's it. You like to talk about creativity, feelings, and things that sound very romantic. In your opinion, architecture is a kind of beauty, a kind of Art, Wang Yongzheng is very similar to you, and he is worthy of being your student. But for me, the basic attribute of architecture is service. Yes, it exists to serve human beings. In my understanding, a hotel, first of all To give guests a comfortable, home-like, and well-cared-for experience, and then all kinds of beautiful decorations and pleasing layouts, look at your design plan, all the details are full of ostentation, and every place pursues Luxurious, like a vase girlfriend who is not in use."

Lin Yue said: "Your plan is like you so-called experts, professors, and masters. They don't know what is humanized and what is people-oriented. No matter how high-end a boutique hotel is, it is for people to live in. Put a few sculptures, To install a multimillion-dollar chandelier, it is better to add two more pots of green plants in the guest room, hire a receptionist who understands sign language, a carpet that can remind guests what day it is today, and a mirror that can avoid water mist through heating, like This kind of respectful service that treats customers like God is the soul of a boutique hotel, and the interior decoration should first serve the customer experience, and then consider the exquisiteness."

What he said made Dong Wenbin speechless, and he looked at the design drawing in his hand again.

The lighting of the steps, the exquisite and beautiful hand-painted ceiling, the rest area similar to the living room of a suburban villa, and the 180-degree view of the landscape...

In terms of the creation of the atmosphere and the grasp of humanization, the new decoration plan is indeed above his decoration plan.

Lin Yue said: "Dong Wenbin, you are already old."


Dong Wenbin was silent for a long time: "You made the picture?"

Lin Yue smiled: "What is it, what is it not?"

Dong Wenbin said: "If it is, then I admit that I have underestimated you in terms of business ability. If not, I would like to know who drew this blueprint?"

Lin Yue said: "Is it necessary for me to answer your question? I just want to know whose name will be written in your souvenir book after the renovation is completed."

Dong Wenbin: "..."

Lin Yue looked at him with a sneer smile, and turned to find Lao Wei to discuss the progress of the project.

Dong Wenbin was left on the spot, indescribably embarrassed.


Just like in the TV series, Zhu Suosuo was appreciated by Yang Ke, the sales manager of Jingyan Group, and joined Ye Jinyan's company as a real estate salesman. As for the boutique hotel... Wang Yongzheng and Jiang Nansun came back after almost a week of fiddling, but the focus of work shifted to the decoration of the guest rooms, and they didn't care about the situation in the lobby.

Fortunately, Zhang Anren, the person in charge of Party A, was very unpredictable. He went fishing for three days and posted on the net for two days.

This is good, at least it avoids the embarrassing situation of meeting, but what makes Jiang Nansun unacceptable is that he is obviously a very annoying guy, and the old Wei and the others actually obey what they say, cooperate in every way, change whatever they say, and work hard That is called meticulousness, and that is called diligence, which are completely different things with them.

Of course, it’s no wonder people are like this. Lilian comes to deliver fruits every day, and they are all expensive products such as cherries, dragon fruits, and lychees. She works overtime at night, and there are skewers for supper, and Red Bull refreshes her. This treatment... ...simply.

Jiang Nansun couldn't figure it out, where did the poor country boy who used to pick and search, and now he was completely two extremes from the previous him.

A few days later, Jiang's father, who had no money because of bad stocks, found an excellent blind date for Jiang Nansun - Li Yifan. She was tricked into meeting, but she really didn't like it, so she secretly called Zhu Suosuo and asked her to help out.

As for Zhu Suosuo, he called Wang Yongzheng, so he picked him up under the guise of Jiang Nansun's boyfriend.

Where did I pick it up? I picked it up at the bar where his band sang. As the king of the sea, he sang a very affectionate song, so the goddess of literature and art fell. It can be seen that the two of them have a play.

After returning home, Jiang Nansun lost his temper and blamed Jiang's father for coaxing and tricking her into going on a blind date. Jiang's father said it was for her own good, so he broke up with Zhang Anren, a scumbag who didn't know how to respect his elders, and went on a blind date. Is there a problem with quality men? is that OK.

Jiang Nansun said that he has someone he likes, Jiang's father asked if it was Wang Yongzheng? She didn't say yes, and she didn't say no.

Jiang's father is very happy, because whether it is Li Yifan or Wang Yongzheng, the family has money, as long as it is not a poor boy like Zhang Anren with few copper coins in his pocket, it is OK.

Lin Yue knew about this, but he didn't do anything, because Xie Jiayin entangled him too tightly, and actually bought him a big apartment not far from her home, in the name of being convenient for work , urging him to move there quickly, which made him feel like he was being sexually harassed. If he was talking about mature women... he was not interested.

Secondly, he really doesn't like Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo, and let them fall in love and mess up their love or marriage, will it have an effect on the rating of the main task?

"The green tea whore and the green tea man are a perfect match."

Either Zhang Anren is stupid, knowing that Wang Yong is Daisy's favorite rich second generation, Neptune's skills are not low, and he always discharges Jiang Nansun, but for the future of his girlfriend, he still recommends her to Dong Wenbin's boutique hotel project In the middle, isn't this deliberately creating opportunities for those two people.

Sure enough, Wang Yongzheng made use of the topic to drive away Wei's construction team and created a chance for himself and Jiang Nansun to be alone. Later, he hinted in front of Lilian that he liked Jiang Nansun, a literary goddess like Jiang Nansun, and made an ambiguous joke. The next thing is to highlight that my friends are popular and talented, and the lead singer of the band can write songs, which matches her personality very well, and is willing to change her international flight for her, and implant her own values ​​​​on the way to the airport. , By the way, let me say some bad things about Zhang Anren.

How about a proper Neptune scumbag template?

You think, a guy who is so good at picking up girls at the beginning, might not be able to deal with an honest guy like Zhang Anren's girlfriend? Hehe~

Even the immature women and innocent boys in front of the TV couldn't tell, for a professional like Lin Yue, a master bitch appraiser, he knew what kind of shit these chicks would pout their ass.

"what are you talking about?"

He was awakened by a female voice in his ear, and he looked up at Yuan Yuan who was wiping her mouth with a tissue: "Are you full?"

In the TV series, Yuan Yuan came to Shanghai later. In fact, he contacted Zhang Anren early in the morning, but because of the existence of Jiang Nansun, he always had concerns. After struggling for a long time, he agreed to help Yuan Yuan gain a foothold in Shanghai because he could not keep his promise.

Now that there is no stumbling block like Jiang Nansun, when she said that she wanted to come to Shanghai, Lin Yue naturally had no reason to shirk and agreed directly.

So Yuan Yuan came.

Looking at the face that was once owed... Whether it is from Zhang Anren's standpoint or Lin Yue's standpoint, there is a bit of embarrassment.

"Well, I'm full."

"Is the taste okay?"

"It's okay, but a little sweet."

Lin Yue took a look at Jiang Nansun's favorite Hong Kong-style tea restaurant, and felt more unworthy of Zhang Anren in his heart.

After Zhang Anren and Jiang Nansun broke up, the latter will naturally not pay Yuan Yuan's tuition and living expenses, so who will pay for it? Zhang Anren chant.

However, Yuan Yuan did not stay with Zhang Anren after she finished her studies, but joined Jingyan. From this, it can be seen that Zhang Anren really never thought about rekindling her old relationship, so the TV series concealed the fact that the two had been in love, just In order not to let Jiang Nansun think too much, it is a kind lie. Yuan Yuan is not a green tea whore. As for the operation of chasing after Wang Yongzheng after knowing that Wang Yongzheng has a girlfriend, it can be seen from her calling Jiang Nansun to declare war——Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun have always been superior in front of her. The first time they met, she ordered four expensive dishes to show off her superiority, and Zhu Suosuo satirized her as a nightclub girl. Later, when Jingyan sold the house, she was humiliated by those two together. Those who are motivated and want to live with dignity will not swallow their anger when encountering such a situation, and must want to take revenge back.

"Come on, I'll take you to where you live."

Lin Yue went to the front desk to check out, took her outside, and got into the BMW Z4.

She touched the leather interior next to the door handle: "Brother An Ren, you are indeed the most promising person in our area? You can even afford a BMW."

Thank you for the 3,000 starting coins rewarded by the moldy star.

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