Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1158 Don't understand, this is manly fragrance

While driving, Lin Yue said, "This car, this car is not mine."

"It's not yours, it's your girlfriend, that girl Jiang?" Yuan Yuan heard him mention Jiang Nansun's name more than once, and knew that it was a rich lady who lived in a large house on Fuxing Road, and wanted to come to their house You can afford this kind of car.

"No." Lin Yue said, "This is the car that the company provided me."

"Company?" Yuan Yuan withdrew her gaze from looking at the night view of the magic city, looked at his profile and said, "Didn't you always want to stay in school and become a teacher?"

Lin Yue said, "Can I change my mind?"

"Then... your company treats you really well." She is a girl from a small place, but that doesn't mean she is a fool. The employees who can let the company distribute cars are definitely not ordinary employees: "Brother... ..."

"Do you want to ask if I can help you find a job?"

Yuan Yuan looked at him silently for three seconds, then nodded. There was nothing embarrassing about it, not to mention that they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Never refuse to help.

Lin Yue said, "Then what kind of job are you looking for?"

She looked at the Universal Financial Building in the distance that was about to pierce the night, and said with a hint of longing: "Do the people who work there walk with aura?"

White-collar, petty bourgeoisie, refined, independent, glamorous...

This is the beauty that capital has been instilling downwards. How many exquisite and poor people join forces with others for a pair of Hermès stockings. Isn't this kind of satisfaction what they want.

Of course, there are also people who regard this as a business, and how much money they spend on the bill can be recouped from licking the dog and leek.

Lin Yue shook his head, remembering seeing a chain of contempt for consumption, women\u003echildren\u003eold people\u003edogs\u003emen. Yes, men are worth less than dogs in the eyes of businessmen.

"If you want to work in that kind of place, with your current conditions, it's quite difficult."

Yuan Yuan clasped her hands and said, "I will work hard."

Lin Yue turned his head to look at her, and smiled slightly. The TV series has been talking about how hard Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo are, but under what circumstances did they work hard? Yes, Jiang Nansun's family is in decline, and he is burdened with huge debts, but with Li Yifan's help, Professor Dong's appreciation, and Yang Ke's kindness to her, no matter how bad she is, she can take a step back and go to Jingyan to work with Wang Yongzheng. Not tired of living, or pull down your face and ask Daisy for help;

Where is Zhu Suosuo? Ye Jinyan regards her as a daughter, Fan Jingang regards her as a younger sister, Yang Ke calls her family, and Xie Hongzu breaks ties with Xie Jiayin for her sake.

The so-called suffering of these two people is nothing but self-righteous hypocrisy.

Looking at Yuan Yuan again, has anyone helped her? Not only was there no one to help her, but she would also be made things difficult for her at work, discriminated against, used by Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo to feel superior, and had to endure abuse from the audience.

There are many women who are obviously the fate of the supporting role, but have the heart of the protagonist. This is a disease that can be cured.

Lin Yue took out a few documents from the storage box and threw them over.

"what is this?"

"You can tell at a glance."

Yuan Yuan took a closer look in front of her eyes, and found that there were materials from some skill training institutions, some taught baking, some taught computers, some taught accounting, and some taught business English...

Lin Yue said: "Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou don't believe in tears. If you don't have professional skills, you may only be able to do the lowest job in your life. Take a look at them tonight and choose a school you like. You don't have to worry about the cost. , I'll help you get it done."

Yuan Yuan looked at him excitedly: "Brother An Ren, you are so kind to me."

Lin Yue said: "I should treat you well, not to mention our relationship. As a junior high school classmate, if you encounter difficulties, I should do my best to help."

He felt that Yuan Yuan was right. Zhang Anren was a good person. He had broken up with his ex-girlfriend for several years. He still remembered the promise he made at the beginning, and risked his current girlfriend's displeasure to help someone who was not helpful to him. The key was that he really didn't I thought about getting back together with Yuan Yuan.

What does this mean?

Is he selfish? Not selfish.

Does he keep his word? certainly.

Does he have a bottom line? have!

How could such a person be called a scumbag? Is Jiang Nansun blind or Zhang Anren blind? There is also a group of people who say that Zhang Anren has always abandoned Yuan Yuan? The relationship between the two of them can still be so good after they broke up. What kind of logic came to the conclusion that he abandoned her from beginning to end?

On how important and rare it is to have a calm, rational and logical brain...

Soon, the car drove into a very new community in Sanlin. After Lin Yue parked the car, the two got out of the car and walked into the nearby residential building one after the other.

Zhang Anren's house has a layout of two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom. It is not big, only seventy to eighty square meters, but even so, the housing price in Sanlin is at least three to four million.

For a house like this, even if it is only a 30% down payment, plus the decoration costs, it will cost 120W+. He is a doctoral student who has just graduated, and he is just a small teaching assistant in the department. There will be no chance of corruption. The money is all done for his tutor For engineering, I usually provide design drawings to people, get various scholarships, and spend ten years saving money on food and expenses. Let alone ordinary people can't do it, if you put it in the doctoral circle, people with such abilities are also among the best. upstream.

Yuan Yuan was very excited: "Brother Anren, is this your house? It's so beautiful."

She turned around in the room and moved her nose a few times: "It just has a little smell."

Lin Yue said: "Not long after the renovation, if you think the smell is too strong, you can sleep with the windows open at night."

"It doesn't matter." She walked to Lin Yue and sniffed gently: "What kind of perfume do you use? It smells better than the Gucci I use, seems to have a magical power to relax people."

Lin Yue smiled and said, "This is manly fragrance."

Yuan Yuan froze for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Brother An Ren, you are really interesting."

"Okay, it's getting late, you must be tired from the train ride for a long time, go to bed early, and I'll come see you tomorrow." Lin Yue threw the key to her, turned and walked to the door.

"Brother An Ren, don't you live here?"

"The company has arranged a place for me. I'll sleep there tonight."

"Yes, if your girlfriend finds out, she will be angry."

"You mean Jiang Nansun?" Lin Yue said, "We broke up."

"Break up? Why?"

"I'll tell you when I have time, go to bed early."

He closed the door, walked out of the residential building, got into the BMW car with a cigarette in his mouth, started the engine and left, and went to the apartment Xie Jiayin bought for him in the city center.


three days later.

Sheshan Golf Course.

Jingyan Group sales manager Yang Ke and Zhu Suosuo got off the shuttle bus and walked to the front tee.

"This Mr. Wang is the vice president of Qihoo Group. He heard that he is going to buy a house. A few days ago, he asked us about the Dongli project. How can I win him?"

"So sure?"

"Of course, let me tell you, people like this who used to work in a branch company and are suddenly transferred to Shanghai have a period of adaptation, just like women's... oh, like relatives, as long as this time If you have a good relationship with him, then you are his good teacher and helpful friend, anyway, whoever buys the house will buy it, of course, whoever makes him feel safe will buy it."


Zhu Suosuo looked taught. After finishing the work, he raised his head and looked at the target. He missed the human body and saw the person wearing a white sun hat next to him. His expression changed.

"Why him?"

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