Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1159 Yang Ke, are you sure you want to teach me how to play golf?

Yang Ke looked at the front, then at Zhu Suosuo, seeing that her expression was a little unnatural: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." She frowned and thought about it, seeing that she was close to the conversation distance: "I'll talk about it later."

Yang Ke couldn't understand the situation, but since he had already entered the venue, Qihu's President Wang noticed the two of them, so he could only press his puzzlement and walked forward with a smile.

"Boss Wang."

"Here we come." Mr. Wang tilted his head and glanced at Zhu Suosuo: "Hey, I brought a beautiful woman with me."

"Isn't this a new employee recruited by the company? I haven't seen the world, so I'll bring her over to have a look and learn."

"Learn to learn?"

Yang Ke laughed and said, instead of continuing this nutritious joke, he took a look at the caller behind Mr. Wang: "Mr. Wang, who is that?"

"Oh, I met when I was playing just now. You are a young man with a good personality, but your skills are average."

When Mr. Wang finished stating how the two met, the young man also hung up the phone and turned to look at them. Who is Yang Ke, the sales manager? Wearing a pair of square-frame glasses, he doesn't look like a businessman at all. He has a holiday, and he has to do superficial work.

"Jingyan Group, Yang Ke, sales department, hello, I haven't asked for advice."

Lin Yue reached out to shake his hand, squinted his eyes and said, "Zhang Anren."

It was just a simple name, and there were no other movements or changes in expression, but when it was placed on Yang Ke, he felt an indescribable chill, as if he was being targeted by an invisible poisonous snake.

But this kid in front of him is really ordinary, without any edges and corners at all.

"May I ask, where is Mr. Zhang employed?"

"Me? I'm a teacher at the School of Architecture."

"Disrespect, disrespect, speaking... we can be regarded as colleagues."

"Oh? Mr. Yang is also engaged in architectural design?"

"No, I'm selling a house. The Dongli project of our Jingyan Group is about to open. Are you interested in buying a house?"

Yang Ke asked a seemingly casual question, but his eyes kept focusing on Lin Yue's face.

It's all about temptation inside and out.

"Dongli's project, if Mr. Yang can give me a discount, I can consider one or two."

"Mr. Zhang was joking."

Yang Ke couldn't figure it out. Sheshan Golf Club is a well-known high-end golf course in the circle. The membership alone costs 500,000 yuan a year. Seeing that his age is at the level of teaching assistant and lecturer, how could he be willing to spend a lot of money to come here? play golf?

"Old Yang, you are obsessed with your old profession, and you sell houses to everyone you meet." President Wang smoothed things over for Lin Yue.

"That's not a big deal, pointing to this thing to eat, and speaking of it, Mr. Wang needs to take care of it."

"It's easy to say, easy to say."

Mr. Wang took the new club handed by the caddy, walked to the side of the bunker in the fairway ahead, looked at the small white ball under his feet, and looked at the hole on the green. He felt that it was not a big problem to hit the green with two shots at this distance. .

Yang Ke purposely stayed behind and approached Zhu Suosuo and asked in a low voice, "What's the origin of this Zhang Anren, did you have a feud with him before?"

"He's my best friend's ex-boyfriend, a scumbag among scumbags."

Zhu Suosuo didn't hesitate to slander, and his eyes were full of resentment: "If Mr. Wang wasn't there, I might not be able to resist giving him a slap."

"Oh, did this kid do something reckless? Do you hate her so much?"

"It's even worse than this. After the two broke up, in order to get revenge on my best friend, he actually made a trip and sent her aunt to the detention center."

"It's quite scum." Yang Ke still wanted to know more about Mr. Wang's swing over there. Although his swing was not very standard, he still hit the green smoothly.

He quickly put Zhang Anren's matter aside and walked to Mr. Wang who continued to swing.

"Mr. Wang, wait a minute, look at this putter, you have to find the right rhythm, you can't take it up too fast, many people are too anxious, you have to find the shoulder to send it up, the pendulum It feels like getting up slowly, sending it slowly, hey...let it be at a constant speed...understand?"

Yang Ke explained while doing demonstration actions.

Mr. Wang followed his instructions, practiced a little bit, and after finding the feeling, pushed lightly with the rod, and the little white ball rolled into the hole.

"Old Yang, your skills are really good."

"That's right, without twos and threes, how dare you play with President Wang?"

"You said you were fat and you were out of breath." Mr. Wang joked with a smile, looked back at Lin Yue and said, "Xiao Zhang, do you want to learn from Lao Yang as well?"

"I don't need it." Lin Yue said, "No matter how much he teaches me, he can't afford Jingyan's house."

Mr. Wang said with a smile: "This is the truth."

Jingyan Group has always focused on the development of high-end real estate. For example, the location of Dongli’s house is not very good. It can be said that it is rare.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have money, we just play ball here, don't you, Lao Yang?"

"What Mr. Wang said is true." Yang Ke walked behind Mr. Wang to the next tee table, and walked side by side with Lin Yue, seemingly casually said: "It seems that being a teacher in the college is very rewarding, and the membership fee here Not cheap."

"So-so." Lin Yue also answered his question very casually, and when he was done, he walked to the tee table under the direction of Mr. Wang, held the club and tried to swing it: "Manager Yang, what do you think of my movement? "

Yang Ke swept behind him and saw Mr. Wang looking at him with a smile that was not a smile. He thought to himself, who told him to ask for others, teaching a poor rookie to play is better than those female salesmen who have sex with clients in order to sell houses.

"Mr. Zhang, with your swing, the center of gravity is far behind, that is, the strength of the swing must be concentrated on the left foot. Otherwise, it will be a joke if you hit a big piece of turf when you go down. And you This habit of looking around is not good. When swinging, don’t raise your head too early. As for your chin, try to be as flat as possible with the ball, so as to ensure the sweet spot. In fact, this is a mistake that every novice will make. I recommend it. , you should find a coach and let him guide you for a week and a half, which will save you a lot of detours than playing around by yourself."

This is said politely and not politely.

He was indeed giving advice to Lin Yue, but the subtext was that Lin Yue's foundation was too weak, and he had better start from scratch if he wanted to play golf.

In fact, it was more or less ironic that Lin Yue was not worthy of this land and this sport.

A small teaching assistant from the School of Architecture came here to learn how to play golf.

"is that so?"

Lin Yue smiled at Yang Ke, completely did not swing according to the points he taught, and did not even look at the ball.


There was no turf flying around, the little white ball drew a smooth parabola in the sky, landed on the ground, rolled for a while, and fell into the hole on the green with a thud.

Yang Ke thought he was wrong, squeezed his small eyes, rubbed his hands again, and found that this was indeed the case, and the expressions of the two caddy and Mr. Wang also proved this point from the side.

The eighth hole of Sheshan Golf Course is one of the most dramatic holes in the game. There is a ten-meter drop between the tee box and the fairway. There are streams and bunkers in front of it. It is a par-five hole.

Scoring a par-3 hole at once is called an eagle, scoring a par-4 hole at once is called an albatross, and what is it called a par-5 hole?

If you want to ask if there is anyone in the world who scored a par-five hole with one stroke, yes! But it is extremely rare, enough to be called a miracle in the history of golf.

Now the miracle is happening right in front of your eyes. Yang Ke, Mr. Wang, and the two caddies look confused. Only Zhu Suosuo looks calm. If you want to ask why, the answer is simple. She doesn't know how to play golf. She doesn't know what a hole in one means. What.

"Wow, my luck is really good." Lin Yue said: "This is thanks to Manager Yang's guidance, thank you."

He said "thank you", but Yang Ke was not happy at all, but felt offended. Even if he is a senior sales manager, he would inevitably blush when he encountered this situation.

Coincidence, it must be a coincidence, he remembered that Zhang Anren was looking at this side when he swung his golf club, and he didn't pay attention to the ball at all, could he hit the hole with one shot without seeing the ball? Impossible, absolutely impossible, unless he is not human.

Zhu Suosuo pulled Yang Ke's sleeve from behind: "What's wrong with you?"

In her impression, Manager Yang is mature and shrewd, with the calmness of not changing his face when a mountain collapses in front of him. She feels something is wrong with his current performance.

"Xiao Zhang, how do you... how do you play this ball?" At this time, Mr. Wang also came back to his memory, feeling like he treated others like monkeys until the end and found out that he was the one being played.

Lin Yue said, "You can hit it with a golf club."

"I'm not asking what you use to beat it, I'm asking you..."

Before Mr. Wang could finish his sentence, a shuttle bus drove up ahead, stopped not far from the few people, and a person got off from it.

Thanks to the old cat brother 6, codenamed shadow 0, for the 200 starting point coins.

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