Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1168 I am a good boy who guards his body like jade

"Yes, I am a shameless person, the shameless person you are begging to borrow money from." Lin Yue stretched out his hand: "Do you have any objections? Return the agreement to me if you have any objections, and you can go to someone else to borrow money."

Jiang's father hated him so much that his gums hurt, but what can he do? He has borrowed everything he could borrow, and in his current situation, to say he has nowhere to go is an understatement.

"You... don't be angry, what I said just now was angry."

"What? I didn't hear it." Lin Yue shook his head, indicating that he didn't hear clearly.

"I said, what I just said was out of anger." Jiang's father repeated again, even the owner of the coffee shop who was talking to regular customers in the corner was startled, and glanced at where they were sitting.

Lin Yue said, "The voice is too low to hear."

Jiang's father took a few deep breaths, lowered his eyebrows and said pleasantly: "I'm sorry, I talk nonsense, I am shameless, I am a villain."

"Hey, that's right." Lin Yue said, "For the sake of your self-knowledge, I accept your apology."

The debt collector looked at the young man sitting next to him, his face was full of admiration and fear, the Jiang family was really unlucky to have provoked such a guy who would take revenge.

Jiang's father didn't dare to say anything, so he quickly picked up the pen on the table and wrote his name in the lower right corner of the document.

"Again, after one month, when the money is repaid, I'll earn some interest." Lin Yue pressed the document and stared into Jiang's father's eyes: "One month later, if the money is not repaid, the house on Fuxing Road in your family is my house." It's gone."

"Then you have to give me the money first."

"Little Luo."

Following Lin Yue's call, Luo Jiaming walked in with the company's financial personnel: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Li, let's go. I'll take you to the bank."

The debt collector nodded at Lin Yue, and followed Jiang's father outside.

Lin Yue looked out the window and watched them leave.


Yes, stocks go up and down, and if they are locked in this month, they may rise back next month. However, this year is different from the past. In 2015, the market peaked at 5,000 points, and then collapsed thousands of miles. It stayed at 2,800 points for two years. 3000 points sideways for two years, then 3200 points, 3500 points, Jiang's father wants to spread the cost by buying bottoms, does he have that much money? What's more, most of them are loans, and the interest can crush him to death.


a week later.

After the sunset, the last ray of sunlight wiped across the curtain wall on the top floor of the Shanghai Tower, and the night quietly engulfed the sky and the earth.

The sirens of ships came from the river, some were melodious, some were dull, some were hasty, the roads along the riverside were full of traffic, and colorful lights, large and small, dispelled the increasingly dense darkness, filling the steel forest with Icy warm tones.

In an apartment in Block B of COFCO Haijing No. 1, Xie Jiayin, who was wearing a dark purple suspender pajamas, opened the door. Accompanied by the smell of alcohol, was Xie Hongzu's unhappy face.

"It's so late, why are you here?"

"Is it late?" Xie Hongzu looked outside at the night that overwhelmingly squeezed out the light, and asked his mother back. Yes, he drank alcohol, but his perception of time was not wrong. It was only a little past eight o'clock now, and compared with spring and autumn nights in summer, it would always be a little later.

He walked into the room, took a look around, and threw the BMW car keys on the sofa.

"Mom, it's okay if you don't let me buy Dongli's house. Why did you give the money to that Zhang? Do you know what he used it for? Loan lending. I asked. That man is a professional gambler. He lost money playing stocks. A lot of money, except for the body, is a debt, can such a person have the ability to pay back the money? Impossible!"

"You came here for this matter?" Xie Jiayin frowned: "Did you drink?"

"Mom, my drinking is not the point." Xie Hongzu said: "I am your son, and the surname Zhang is just an outsider. If you don't give me the money, go and spend it for him. Do you know how hard it was for me to come to Taiwan in Dongli that day? ? Do you know what people outside talk about our family?"

Xie Jiayin walked into the kitchen, took a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator and threw it to him: "I let you see Dongli's house not for you to spend money, but to invest. Now there is a better investment than buying a house." Channel, why throw money there?"

"A better investment channel?" Xie Hongzu stopped when he was about to unscrew the lid, and said with red eyes, "Lending money?"

"Watch your tone of voice!"

Xie Jiayin's expression was a bit ugly, even a fool could hear the sarcasm in Xie Hongzu's words.

"Mom, how far do you have to be fooled by that little boy before you wake up. He has a girlfriend. I saw it with my own eyes in Dongli that day. I remember his name, Yuan Yuan."

"The money Zhang Anren used for lending is his own and has nothing to do with me."

"What?" Xie Hongzu thought he had heard it wrong: "He is a person from a small place, and his mortgage has not been paid off. How could he spend tens of millions. Mom, even if you want to lie to me, please think of a logical reason." OK?"

"I don't need to lie to you about this matter. I did lend him 20 million for stock trading before, but I returned it to me a week ago."

"20 million investment, more than doubled in less than a month, don't think I don't know what's going on outside now, the market has fallen like that, he can make money against the trend? Do you think he is a stock god? Buffett is not like that Are you capable?"

"Who told you that Zhang Anren invested in the mainland stock market, but he bought Hong Kong stocks and US stocks."

Xie Jiayin didn't believe it at first, a teaching assistant in the School of Architecture, drawing drawings is okay, playing stocks and futures? Don’t talk about cutting leeks, it’s still not enough to be shaved off by someone, but the world is so strange, this guy can always buy low and sell high, and he only chooses stocks that have skyrocketed day after day, short-term play My son's is a slippery one, and the leverage in the futures is even more frustrating. Even if she is used to the storm, she still has a feeling that she can't hold it.

But after thinking about it seriously, this guy already has a lot of secrets, adding the title of "stock god" is not unacceptable, not to mention the stronger his ability, the more help he will be to her. For a man like this, it is natural that he will try his best to hold it in his hands.

Xie Hongzu didn't believe it at all. From his point of view, Xie Jiayin was already obsessed with ghosts, and she would even talk about farting with the surname Zhang.

"But...but, since he is so good at making money, why does he still want to lend money? The target is still a person who is full of debts. Mom, don't be fooled by his appearance. I suspect that all of this is due to his collusion with foreign forces All right, in order to defraud our family of all our property."


Xie Jiayin glanced at him coldly, she was very dissatisfied with this son who was always trying to provoke her to conflict with Zhang Anren in her ear, she knew what he thought, no one who had a child hoped that their parents would find someone for themselves Stepfather/mother, but for so many years, she has not remarried. She has worked hard to pull Xie Hongzu into adulthood, and laid a foundation, in order not to let her son be wronged. Now she has finally met someone she likes very much, and Xie Hongzu has also grown up. Let alone understanding her, but also pointing fingers at her emotional life, this is really too much.

The outside world thought that Zhang Anren was next to her, but the truth was that not only did he not eat a soft meal, but he also helped her a lot, but no one believed her when he said it, and everyone thought she was protecting her little boyfriend, which made her very helpless. If there is a similar situation, I will not explain it at all, and those people can think whatever they want.

It's fine if people you don't know don't believe what she says, and it doesn't make sense to your own son. It's no wonder that she, who is always strict, doesn't get angry.

Xie Hongzu shivered in fright, his lips moved several times: "Mom..."

Before the words were spoken from behind, footsteps came from the stairs leading to the upper floor, and a man with wet hair came down from above.

"I think you mother and son need to have a serious communication. I won't bother you at night. Goodbye."

Lin Yue tidied up his suit, and threw a document over: "It contains the materials needed for tomorrow's meeting, don't forget to read it several times, so as not to forget the words and get stuck halfway through the speech."

After saying this, he didn't give Xie Jiayin a chance to stay, opened the door and left.

It's hard, it's hard, it's very hard.

Saying important things three times is not enough to describe Xie Jiayin's unhappiness, is it easy for her? In order to keep him, in order to eat the ginseng fruit, how much thought and time she spent, she finally went from making lewd jokes to entering the stage of actual combat. After the candlelight dinner, the sweetheart over there went to the second floor to take a bath Xie Hongzu knocked on the door, and Barabara uttered a bunch of useless nonsense after entering the room.

She was almost dying of anxiety, so she patiently explained to here, what happened? After explaining and explaining, it's okay for Xie Hongzu not to listen, and he scared away the Tang monk's meat that was in his mouth.

"Mom, what's going on? You and him..."

Xie Hongzu stood up with the strength of alcohol, walked up to Xie Jiayin, pointed to the door that was not closed and questioned.

"What's the situation? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Xie Hongzu said at the top of his voice, "Why has nothing to do with me! It has more to do with me."


A crisp sound filled the big house.

The glass reflected Xie Hongzu's astonished face.

She beat him for Zhang Anren, but she actually beat him for an outsider?

"You hit hit me for him?"

Xie Jiayin said coldly, "Get out."

Xie Hongzu stared blankly at her.

"I tell you to get out!"

"Let me go, okay, okay, don't regret it." He nodded continuously, and then walked outside angrily.

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