Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1169 Don't mess with that man


There was a loud slam of the door behind him.

Xie Jiayin looked at the night scene outside the window and the human face cut by the light and dark lights, sighed heavily, went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of beer from it, opened the tab and gurgled several mouthfuls.

She knew that there was no future with Zhang Anren. If it was like what Xie Hongzu said, he is a boy who loves to eat soft food. It is possible to be together if all parties compromise. Unfortunately, he is not... Outsiders don't know their relationship is actually It is a state of strong men and weak women.

But think about it seriously, if he is not superhumanly strong, how could a person like her fall in love with him in an incomprehensible way. You must know that there is a difference of twelve years between the two.

Young people have nothing to worry about and can never turn back. People of her age can't, because there are too many things to consider, and the pressure to bear is too heavy.


After drinking a bottle of beer quickly, she threw the empty can on the coffee table, picked up the documents lying beside her, walked to the sofa and sat down, flipped through them casually, and found a picture of a one-eyed man with a blindfold on the last page The black cat couldn't help grinning, and the melancholy in his heart disappeared a lot.

"This guy……"


Lin Yue came down from the stairs and met Xiaohe who was leaning on the BMW door and waiting for Xie Hongzu in the parking lot.

When he was looking at Fatty, Fatty was also looking at him.

I don't know why after the incident, a look of horror rather than fear flashed across this guy's face, he opened the car door and jumped in.


Lin Yue complained, got into his BMW Z4, and drove away from COFCO Haijing No. 1.

Aquaman, scumbag?

When it comes to green tea technique, Jiang Nansun is not worthy to lift his shoes, and the domineering president adds a moment of tenderness, romance and innocence. Even a woman like Xie Jiayin is still unavoidable. Xie Hongzu wants to fight him, the gap is as big as Buddha and Sun Monkey big.

If it's a good girl like Su Han who is knowledgeable and sensible, it's fine. Since Xie Hongzu is willing to sever ties with his mother for a money-worshiping girl, then I will help him, and do it cleanly. thing?

Of course, it's not time to use the trump card yet, because Xie Hongzu and Zhu Suosuo haven't hooked up yet.

Not long after Lin Yue drove away, Xie Hongzu also came down from upstairs, opened the car door and sat down to the co-pilot: "Let's go."

Xiaohe glanced at him: "Where are you going?"

"drink wine."

"Drinking? Haven't you just drank?"

"Didn't drink enough, okay?"

Xiaohe tapped ten fingers on the steering wheel: "Was that little boy named Zhang you mentioned just now at your mother's place?"

Xie Hongzu, who was originally looking out the window, looked back at him: "Did you see him?"

"I recognize the BMW Z4 your mother used to drive." Xiaohe said, "Hongzu, tell me something you don't like to hear, don't mess with that person, it won't do you any good."

"What do you mean?"

Xie Hongzu really didn't want to hear these words, he called Xiaohe to cheer him up, but it turned out that the kid turned his elbows out and spoke for Zhang.

"You know what our family does, what does that person say...the evil spirit is very strong, this kind of person is afraid of even ghosts."

Xie Hongzu thought he would say something amazing: "I think you have read too many ghost stories, and you are still angry. It's just nonsense."

"Hongzu, our family is in the casual business. There are some things that you can't believe completely or not. You..."

Before Xiaohe finished speaking, Xie Hongzu's cell phone rang over there. He picked it up and listened for a while, then said hello a few times, then hung up the phone: "Go to Hengshan Road."

"What are you doing there?"

"Zhu Suosuo invited me over for a drink."

"The woman who helped you sell your house last time?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? If you are told to drive, you will drive."

Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, Xiaohe could only suppress his doubts and drive away from the parking lot.


In the TV series, Xie Hongzu helped Zhu Suosuo introduce clients, Zhu Suosuo accompanied Xie Hongzu to drink, the rich second generation just fell in love with her, kept courting her, and even broke up with his mother, and even moved to Zhu Suosuo's house to gain a sense of existence.

Here, the catalyst for Xie Hongzu's warming up of Zhu Suosuo's feelings is not because Ye Jinyan gave 12C to Mr. Chen, which triggered a series of apologies and turned into a dating plot, but a complaint against Zhang Anren.

Jiang Nansun hates a person, and he may not speak too harshly to strangers. Zhu Suosuo is different. He wishes to reveal the black history of the eighteen generations of that person's ancestors. How did Zhang Anren scum Jiang Nansun... For example, Phoenix Man, shrewd and snobbish, hypocritical and cunning. A lecture on how An Ren seduced his own mother... like a little white-faced sycophant, with a smooth tongue and a deep scheming mind.

In short, they both pissed into a jug.

Having a common topic, they drank more and more, and the relationship became closer and closer. Xie Hongzu fell in love with her just like that.

A month passed quickly.

After the market index plummeted, it was followed by low volatility. Those stockholders who were waiting for the rescue of the central government did not wait to cut interest rates and reserve requirements. On the contrary, in order to prevent possible systemic risks, the banking system actively shrunk its balance sheet, and the financial market There was a wail.

The Jiang family didn't know about this matter, the old lady should eat bird's nest, Jiang's mother should play cards, Jiang Nansun should talk to Wang Yongzheng on the phone, all in all, life is very peaceful.

"Dai Yin, Nansun's father has been gone for three days."

"Yes, it's been three days."

Jiang's mother counted the days. Three days ago, Jiang's father said that he learned that there was a piece of land in the north of Kunshan that was going to be sold out.

The family members are very happy, because he finally stopped trading in stocks, regardless of whether he can make money or not, at least he has taken a very important step.

Mrs. Jiang put down her tea cup: "Call him and ask when he will be back."

"Mom, he said before he left, don't look for him if you have nothing to do, it's impolite to answer the phone when you're negotiating business with someone."

"What do you mean don't look for him if you have nothing to do? I want to know when he will come back. Is it not important?"

"Okay, I'll call him right now." Jiang's mother took out her mobile phone, found Jiang's father's number and dialed it.

A "beep...beep...beep" sound came from the speaker.

"No one answered, maybe I'm busy? I'll make another call during lunch."

Mrs. Jiang nodded.

boom boom boom~

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Maybe Aunt Wang is here, I'll go and have a look." Mother Jiang got up from the sofa, went to pull the door, and was stunned when she saw two people standing outside.

"Why are you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to find your husband, I have something to talk about."

"He's not here, you can come back another day."

Jiang's mother clearly expressed her disapproval in her heart. If anyone in the Jiang family hates Zhang Anren the most, it must be her. If it weren't for him, her younger sister Daisy wouldn't cause trouble, and it hasn't been dealt with yet. Finish the Italian side.

"Dai Yin, Dai Yin..." Mrs. Jiang turned her head to that side when she heard the voice at the door: "Who is standing outside the door?"

Mother Jiang said, "Mom, it's Zhang Anren."

"Zhang Anren, Zhang Anren..."

Mrs. Jiang muttered a few words and remembered that this person was Jiang Nansun's ex-boyfriend.

At this time, there was another conversation between two people outside the door.

"Your husband is not here, so I can find his mother."

"You looking for the old lady? Why are you looking for the old lady? Nansun has already broken up with you. Don't blame me for calling the police if you dare to stalk me."

"Joke, whoever said that you came to your house just to find Jiang Nansun to get back together, you think highly of yourself too much, today, I'm here for business."


Mrs. Jiang couldn't hear the conversation between the two, except for the word "official".

"Dai Yin, let him come into the room and talk, it's not good for you to do this."

Jiang's mother knew what her mother-in-law meant. The Jiang family was considered a big family on Fuxing Road. If they were seen by people living nearby, they would have to chew their ears, which would affect Jiang Nansun's reputation.

"Then come in and talk."

As Mother Jiang stepped aside, Lin Yue led Luo Jiaming into the living room.

Mrs. Jiang sat on the sofa facing the balcony and looked at the two people entering the room. She didn't move her buttocks or give up her seat. She folded her hands on her knees, looking like a lady from a wealthy family.

"You want to find me? Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lin Yue looked at Jiang's mother who looked disgusted, and then at the domineering old lady Jiang, thinking that grandma has a leg. Sincerely, now that the two of them have broken up, it's great that they won't even give up a seat when they come here.

"Zhang Anren?!"

The voice came from the stairs, and following the sound of footsteps, Jiang Nansun got down angrily, pointing to the door without saying a word: "Get out, let me out, we don't welcome you at home."

While talking, he even gave Lin Yue a push.

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